Attachment ORDER


ORDER submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050408-00082 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                           Federal Communications Commission                             ba os—1061

                                                 Before the
                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                          Washington, D.C. 20554
 In the matter of                                         )
 Intelsat North America, LLC                              )
 Request for Extension of                                 )   File No. SAT—STA—20050408—00082
 Special Temporary Authority                              )


 Adopted:. April 13, 2008                                         Released: April 13, 2005

 By the Chief, Satelfite Division, Iternational Bureau:
         1       In this Order, we grant, pursuant to Section 25.120(b)(4) of the Commission‘s rules a
request filed by Intelsat North America, LLC ("Intelsa") for a 30—day extension of a grant of Special
Temporary Authority (*STA")" that permit Intlsatto provide "additonal services," as defined in the
Open—Market Reorganization for the Beterment oInternationa! Telecommunications Act (‘ORBIT
Act")." Grant f the extension request will maintain the status quo of ervice to certain Intelsat customers
while the Commission considers pending matters directly relted to Intelst‘s provision ofadditional
         2.       The original STA was granted to Intelsat in the LoralAntelsat Order;‘ and allows Intelsat
to continue providing "additional services" to former customers of Loral Satellite, Ic. (Debtor—in—
Possession) and Loral SpaceCom Corporation (Debtor—in—Possession) (collectively "Loral"),acquired by
Intelsat as a resultof the LoralZntelsa assignment transaction" The Commission found that requiring
Intelsat to terminate provision of "addtional services" o customers it had acquired from Loral would
cause costly disruption of service, and would ikely eave customers in remore locations without an
altermative provider for these services. Thus,the Bureau granted Intlsatan STA for 180 days, to
September 13, 2004, to permitIntelsat tocontinue providing *additionalservices" to the former Loral
customers. The Bureau‘s STA grant did not extend to additionalservices that were not previously

Aar on pas. 200@
 * inelsat North America,LLC, Request for Extension of Temporary Authority (‘STA Extersion Request®) ie No
sar—sra—2008040800082 (hled April 8, 2005)
* Congress amended he Satelite Communications Actof196247 U.SC.§ 701 et seq. (Satelite Acg by adoping
the ORBIT Act, Pub.L. No. 106—180, 114 Sta. 48 (2000)codffed ar 47 U.S.C.§ 761 er seq.(hrein, ORBTT Act,
withreference to the sttutry section numbers of the Satlite Act,asamended by the ORBI Acd..‘Uner the
ORBIT Act, additional services,for Intelt, are defind as directto—home or direct broadeast satlite video
services,or services in the a or V requency bands. See ORBTT Act,as amended. § 6812)(12)(@)
* Loral Satelte, Inc. (Debror—n—Possssion) and Loral SpaceCom Corporation (Debtorin—Possession), and
Jntelsor North America, LLC, Applicationsor Consent t Assignments ofSace Station Auhorizatons and Pettion
for Decluratory Ruling Under Section 310(6¥4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, Order and
Authorization, 19 FCC Red 2404 (2004)(*LoralIelsat Order")
* LoralIitelst Order,1 FCC Red at 2430.

                                  Federal Communications Commission                             paos—1061

provided by Loral, and did not authorize Intelsat to provide additionalservicestoany new customers*
‘We subsequently eranted Intlsat‘s request forextension of the STA for an additional 180 days, until
March 14, 2005." We found that an extension was warranted to maintain thstarus quo of service to
customers while the Commission reviewed the Application for Review of the LoralAntelsar Orderfiled
by SES AMERICOM, Inc., which raised objectionstothe grant of the STA as well as the approval othe
transaction as a whole." On March 14, we granted Inelsa‘s requestfor a further 30—day extension of the
STA, until April 13, 2005 Again, we found that the extension was warranted to preserve the status quo
of service to customers whil the Commission reviewed pending items relating to Intelsat‘s provision of
         3.      We ind that granting Itelsat an additional 30—day extension is warranted. Under the
ORBIT Act, Itelsat may not provide additional services untl it meets certain privatization requirements
under provisions of Section 621, as amended." Section 621 requires that the Commission fnd that
Imelsathas achieved full privatization by (1)conducting an TPO to substantall dilute the aggregste
ownership of ts former Signatories" orin thealtemative,(2) certfying tothe Commission that (a) it has
achieved substantaldilition of the aggregate amount of financialinterest by former Signatories;(b)no
intergovernmentalorganization has any ownership interest in Intelsat; and (c) any former Signatoris that
retain a financial interesin Intlsatdo not possess together,or ndividually, effective control of the
companies." On December 23, 2004 n light of the Commission‘s approval othe tansferof control of
Intelsat to Zeus Holdings Limited,a private equity group," ntelsatfiled a Certifation and Petiion for
Declaratory Ruling requestingthat the Commissionfind it has complied with Section 621 of he ORBIT
         4.      Both the Application for Review of the LoralZntelsarOrder and Intelsa‘s Centifiction
and related Petition for Declaratory Ruling pursuant to Section 621(5)(F) ofthe ORBTT Act are pending
beforethe Commission. These pending maters ar direcly related to the ssue of Inelsat‘s status with
respect to provision of "additional services" under the ORBT Act. We find that good cause exists to
extend the STA in order to ensure thatcustomers are not adversely impacted during the regulatory review
process on mattersrelated to these pending matters. Thus, we find thatit is reasonable to maintain the
status quo,pending the Commission‘s ruling on the matters related to Intelsat‘ lgal status under the
* LoralMntelsaOrder, 19 FCC Red at 2430
* See Inelat North America, LLC Requestfor Etension ofSpecial Tenporary Authoriy, Order, DA O4—2445, rel.
July 30, 2004
" SES Americom, In, Applicationfor Review, Fil Nos. SAT—ASG—20030728—001 3800139 (March 12, 2000
* See Inelat North America, LLC Requestfor Extension ofSpecal Tenporary Authoriy, Order, DA O4—2445, re
uy 20, 2004
° ORBIT Act, as amended, 5 621
"" ORBTT Act,as amended, 5§ 621Cand 621@(
"*See ORBTT Actas amended § @216
°. See Itesa, Lad., Transfror, and Zeus Hotdings Limited, Transfere, Consolidated Applcaton for Consent to
Transfer Coniol of Holders of Tite 1 and Tile Ill Auborizarons and Pettion for Declaratory Ruling under
Sections 310 ofthe Communiations Actof1934, as amended, Orderand Authorization, 1B Docket No. 0+:306, DA
044034 (In‘l Bur. rel. Dec. 22, 2004Ematum, rel.Jan 28, 2005. See als, Satelite Communicatons Servies
Information, Actions Taken, Public Note, Report No. SES—006%2, Fob.2, 2005.
"* See Inclsat, L1d. Files Pettion for Declaatory Ruling and Certifcation Parsuant to Section 621(®(®) of the
Over—Market Reorganization for the Beterment of InermationalTelecommunications Act, as amended (‘ORBIT
Act), Public Notce, DA 05—88,January 14, 2005. The pleadingeyele has closed an the Commission i currenty
reviewingthe record in that proceeding.

                                Federal Communications Commission                          pa os:1061

ORBIT Act to provide "additionalservices." Our decisionto extend the STA is subject to and
conditioned upon, the Commission‘s resolution of related issues pending in the Application for Review of
the LoraUIntelsat Order, n Intelsat‘s Peition for Declaratory Ruling and ORBTT Act Centifiation.
Accordingly, we grant Intelsat‘s STA Extension Requestfor an additional 30 days, from April 13, 2008 to
May 13, 2005, or as othervisedirected by the Commission.

         s       Accordingly, T 18 ORDERED, pursuant to Sections 4(), 303() and 309 (Do the
Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. §§ 154(, 303(and 309() and Section 25.120(b)4)of the Commission
rules, 47 CR     § 25.120(b)(4), that the Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority fled by
Intelsat North America, LLC on April8, 2008 is GRANTED to thextent specified herein.

                                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                     %m/w@ $
                                       Thomas S. Tycz             fi
                                       Chiet, Satelite Division
                                       International Bureau

Document Created: 2005-04-13 10:10:56
Document Modified: 2005-04-13 10:10:56

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