Attachment ex parte

ex parte


ex parte


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050325-00076 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                EX PARTE OR LATE FILED

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 Marlene H. Dontch                                                     &
                                               APR j 3 2005
 Federal Communications Commission                            +3
 445 12th Street, NW
 Washington, D.C. 20554
               File No. SAT—STA—20050325—00076
               Application of SES Americom, Inc. for Special Temporary Authority
               To Repoint Satcom SN.—4
 Dear Ms. Dortch:
        "The Bosing Company ("Bocing") submitsthisleter to frther supplement the record in the
above:eaptioned application proceeding. On March 25, 2005, SES Americom, Inc. filed an application
for Special Temporary Authority(‘STA") requesting authoriy to repoint the Satcom SN—4 satelite and
provide Ku—band service over water reas of Itermational Telecommunication Union (*TTU®)
Region 1.\ Grantof the STA application will ensble SES Americom to provide Bocing with Ku—band
satelte capacity for the Connexion by Boeing®" system to provide interim Pacific Ocean region (‘T~
POR") coverage pending launch of the AMC—23 satelite lterthis yea.
       On March 29, 2005, Bocing filed an ex parte letein support of SES Americom‘s STA
appliction and related modification application." On March 31, 2005, Boeing submitted additional
       ‘ See Application of SES Americom, Inc. for Special Temporary Authority to Repoint Satcom
SN—4, File No. SAT—STA—20050325—00076 (filed March 25, 2005). SES Americom also filed an
accompanying modification application secking, among other things, permanent authoriy for
operationalchanges requested in the STA application. See Application of SES Americom, Inc. for
Modification of Satcom SN—4 Fixed Satelite Space Station License, File No. SAT—MOD—20050325—
00075 (Filed March 25, 2005)
       " See Letter to Marlene H. Dortch from Carlos M. Nalda, File Nos. SAT—STA—20050325—00076
and SAT—MOD—20050325—00075 (dated March 29, 2005).

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 Marlene H. Dortch
 April 6, 2005
 Page 2

 information regarding the pressing need for STA authority and the extraordinary circumstances
 justifying grant of SES Americom‘s STA application.® This letter provides further publicinterest
 reasons for granting the requested STA.
          Setion 302(f ofthe Communications Act provides the Commission with authority to grant
 temporary authorizations where such temporary operations are in the public interest and delay in
 operation would prefudice the public interest* Section 25.120 of the Commission‘s Rules goverms
 temporary suthority to operate satellite communications faciities such as the Satcom SN—4 satelite
 An STA request must contain the full particulars ofthe proposed operations, including factssuffcient to
 justify the temporary suthorization sought and the publicinterest therein* "Convenience tothe
 applicant, such as marketing considerations or meeting scheduled customer in—service dates, will not be
 deemed sufficient" for purposes of granting an STA request
        In applying the STA standard in the contextof satelite facilies, the Commission has looked to
the publc interest benefts associated with the proposed service generally and to the specific public
benefits of the proposed temporary operations. For example, in granting Satelite Digital Audio Radio
Service (‘SDARS®)lcensees temporary authorityto operateterestrial epeaters, the Commission
acknowledged the many public interest benefits that SDARS can provide and the need for
complementary terrestrial repeaters to help implement the service.® In addition, the Commission granted
Iridium temporary authority to operate in additional "Big LEO® MSS spectrum to provide
communications services to support U.S. government operations in the Middle East region."
        SES Americom has provided the full paticulars o ts proposed temporary operations in ts STA
application. In addition to the public interest information already in the record, Bosing would highlight

        " See Lette to Marlene H. Dortch from Carlos M. Nalda, File Nos. SAT—STA—20050325—00076
(dated March 31, 2005)
       ta7 0.8.C. § 3020
       bar ceR §25.120,

       t7 CRR, § 25.1200)
       * See XM Radio, Inc. and Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Requestsfor Special Temporary Authority,
Order and Authorization, 19 FCC Red 18140 (Sat. Div., InI Bur. 2004)at 16.
       * See Iridium Constellation, LLC and Iridium, US LP Request for Temporary Authorization,
Order, 18 FCC Red 11564 (Sat. Div., In‘I Bur, 2003) atf 10.

 Marlene H. Dortch
 April 6, 2005

 additional factors justfying grant of te requested STA. Firs, in granting numerous earthstation
 Hicenses and experimental authorizations to operate the Connexion by Boeing®"" Acronautical Mobile—
 Satellite Service ("AMSS®)system in Ku—band frequencies, the Commission has recognized the public
 interest benefits of Bocing‘s AMSS service."" Moreover,in adopting the global secondary Ku—band
 AMSS allocation domestically, the Commission recognized that AMSS represents and important new
 use ofthe 14.0—14.5 GHz band."" The Commission also recently released a notice of proposed
 rulemaking to adopt AMSS service rules thatrecognizes the important public benefits of AMSS services
generally and that AMSS is a global communications service."" Grant of SES Americom‘s STA
appliation will allow Bocing to expand its AMSS service offering to customers operating in the Paciic
Ocean region as quickly as possible.
         Second,the Commission has authorized Bocing to provide AMSS service to U.S. govermment
aireraft operating in U.S. teritry and intemational waters."" Various U.S. government VIP/Special Air
Mission ("VIP/SAM®) aireraft have been equipped with the Connexion by Bosing®" service, including
aireraft that operate in the Pacific Ocean region. In this connection, Bocing provides cntical
aeronaitical communications services to these aireraftin support of U.S. miliry, homeland security
and other important government communications needs. Grunt of SES Americom‘s STA application
will enable Bocing to support important U.S. government communications needs in the Pacific Ocean
region and ensure that U.S. military and government users have access to crtical acronautical
communications services in the region at thearliet possible time.

        ° See, .   The Bocing Company, Order and Authorization, 16 ECC Red. 22645 (Int‘|
Bur/OET 2001);Radio Station Authorization, Call Sign E000723, File No. SES—MOD—20030512—
00639; see also The Bosing Company, Experimental Radio Sttion Construction Permit and License,
Call Sign WC2XVE (various file numbers).
       " See Amendment of Parts 2, 25, and 87 of the Commission‘s Rules to Implement Decisions
from the World Radiocommunication Conferences Concerning Frequency Bunds Between 28 MHe and
36 GHand to Otherwise Updatethe Rulesin this Frequency Range, ET Docket No. 02—305, Report and
Order, 18 FCC Red 23426 (2003) at176.
          "" See n the Mater of Service Rulesand Procedures to Govem the Use of Acronautical Mobile
SatelliteService Earth Stations in Frequency Bands Allocated to the Fixed Satellite Service, Norice of
Proposed Rule Making, TB Docket No..05—20 (rel. Fb. 9,2005).
       " See generally The Bosing Company, Experimental Radio Station Construction Permit and
License, Call Sign WC2XVE, File No. 0002—EX—ML—2004 (e.Jan. 13, 2004).

Marlene H. Dortch
April 6, 2005

      For the reasons setforth herein and in its other filings in this proceeding, Bocing urges the
Commission grant SES Americom‘s STA application as soon as possible.
        Please feelfree to contact the undersigned with any questions regarding this submission.
                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                    Carlos MNalda
                                                    Counselfor The Bocing Company
ce      NaneyJ. Eskenazi
        Vice President and
         Associate General Counsel
        SES Americom,Inc.
        Four Research Way
        Princeton, NJ 08540
        Peter A. Robrbach
        Karis A. Hastings
        Hogan & Hortson LL P
        555 Thincenth St.NW
        Washington, DC 20004—1109
        Counselfor SES Americom, Inc.

Document Created: 2005-04-13 16:14:37
Document Modified: 2005-04-13 16:14:37

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