Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by FCC, IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050321-00068 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                               Enmatapa be México


Mrs. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

                                               Washington, DC, July11, 2005

Dear Mrs. Dortch,

      Enclosed please find a letter addressed to you by Mr. Leonel Lopez
Celaya,     Director   of Telecommunications    Policy   at   the:   Secretary.   of
Communications and Transports and Mr. Femando Carrillo Valderrabano,
Directorof International Regulation at the Federal Telecommunications
Commission in Mexico.

      I avail myselfofthis opportunity to renew the assurances of my highest
and distinguished consideration.


                                                                                                 toma C. G.t—A

  seonemin oe comumcacionts
                                                                     México, D.F. a 24 de junio de 2008.

     Sr. Donald Abslson
     Chis, International Bureau
     Federal Communications Commission
     445 Cale 12, .0.
     Washington, D.C. 20554
     Estados Unidos de América

     Rel.: EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. ~— Posicion Orbital Mexicana 77° Oeste
           Expediente FCC Nos. SAT—STA—20050321—00068 y SES—MFS—20050527—00662

    En alcance a l carte suscrte por los sefores Jorge Alvarez Hoth, Subsecretario de
    Comunicaciones y Jorge Arredondo Martinez, Presidente de la Comision Federal. de
    Telecomunicaciones de fecha 9 de junio de 2005 dirigida al senor Kevin J. Martin, Presidente de la
    Federal Communications Commission y con relacion a la reubicacion del satéite EchoStar—4 on la
    posicién orbital 77° 0 asignada a México, nos permitimos informar a Usted lo siguiente a efecto de
    lograr un acuerdo comin de manera informal relacionado con ciertos aspectos técnicos
    involucrados en la operacion del satéite conocido como EchoStar—4 para Ia provision del Servicio
    de Rediodifusion por Satélte (°‘SRS) y del Servicio Fjo por Satéite (‘SFS") por el concesionario
    mexicano Quetzsat, S. de .L. de C.V. (‘Quetzsat), de conformidad con el tiulo de concesion
    otorgado por esta Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes (°SCT")de fecha 2 de febrero de
    2005 (el Thtuo de Concesidn), as! como con los acuerdos comerciales entre las empresas
    involucradas EchoStar Satelite, LLG (‘EchoStar) y SES Glopal Latin America, SA. (‘SES‘) de
    fechas 17 de noviembre de 2004 y 13 de mayo de 2005.
    De conformidad con nuestra regulacion, el To de Concesion otorgado a Quetzsat Ie permite
    ccupar, operar y explotar la posicion orbital 77° O y consecuentemente ie permite hacer disponible
    su capacidad sateltel a cualquier persona fisica 0 moral que esté debidamente autorizada para
    recibir servicios, ya sean publicos 0 privados. El Titulo de Concesion aplica a la ocupacion de la
    posicion orbital y al uso de las bandas de frecuencias asociadas, sin hacer una referencia
    especifica a l estacion espacial que se cologue en la respectiva posicion orbitl. Esto aplica tanto
    pare el SRS como pare el SFS, en el entendido que tal concesidn no estd vinculada a un satdiite en
    particular en la posicion orbital 77° 0, lo cual permite a Quetzsat reemplazar el satélte asignado de
    tiempo en tiempo segin sus necesidades tanto comerciales como tecnologicas.
 Tal y como queds establecido en el Titulo de Concesidn, y de conformidad con Io establecido en las
 disposiciones aplcables del Reglamento de Rediocomunicaciones de la UIT (RR), una estacion
 espacial ubicada en la posicién 77° 0 operando de conformidad con el Plan de Radidifusion para
 la Region 2, podré ser utlizada también para transmisiones del Servicio Fjo por Satélte. En este
Ku io, el Tiulo de Consesion, asi como la regulaci¢n mexicana aplicable, le permiten a Quetzsat

                                                                            Mexico, D.F. June 24, 200

Sr. Donald Abelson
Chief International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12 St, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554
United States of America

Ref:—   EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. ~— Mexican Orbital Position 77° West
        File FCC Nos. SAT—$TA—20050321—00068and SES—MFS—20050527—00662

Following up the letter signed by Mr. Jorge Alvarez Hoth, Subsecretario de Comunicaciones and Mr.
Yorge Arredondo Martinez, Presidente de la Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones dated June 9,
2005 addressed to Mr. Kevin J. Martin, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission and
related to the relocation of the EchoStar—4 satelite at the 77° W orbital position assigned to Mexico,
we would like to inform the following in order to reach an informal common understanding conceming
certain technical issues involved in the operation of the satelite known as EchoStar—4 for the provision
of Broadcast Satelite Services (BSS‘) and Fixed Satelite Services (FSS) by the Mexican
concessionaire Quetzsat, S. de R.Lde C.V. (‘Quetzsat®) in accordance with the tite of concession
granted by this Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes (‘SCT")issued on February 2, 2005 (the
Te of Concession), as well as with the commercial agreements between the parties involved
EchoStar Satelite, LLC (‘EchoStar‘) and SES Global Latin America, SA. (‘SES*) dated November
17, 2004 and May 13, 2008.
According to our regulation, the Title of Concession granted to Quetzsat allows them to occupy,
operate and exploit the 77° W orbital postion and consequently allows them to make available their
satelite capacity to any person or company who is duly authorized to receive the services, either
public or private. The Title of Concession applies to the orbital postion and to the use of the
associated frequency bands, without making a specific reference to the space station that is located in
such orbital position. All this apples to both, the BSS and the FSS, in the understanding that this
concession is not attached to a particular satelite at the 77° W orbital position, which allows Quetzsat
to replace the satelite being used from time to time according to their commercial and technological
As it is establshed in the Title of Concession, and according to the applicable provisions of the ITY
Radio Regulations (‘RR‘), any space station located at the 77° W position operating in conformity with
the Broadcasting Plan for Region 2, may also be used for transmissions in the FSS. Therefore, the
Tite of Concession, as well as the applicable Mexican regulation, allows Quetzsat to offer ts satelite


capacity to any person authorized by the SCT, for both BSS and FSS, including Direct—to—Home
Services (DTH)
For the case of BSS and DTH, the company Quetzsat Directo 5. de RL. de C.V. (Quetzsat Directo‘),
an affliate of Quetzsat, has requested to the SCT the corresponding concession to install operate
and exploit a public telecommunications network for the provision of such services. At this time, the
applcation submitted by Quetzsat Directo is going through the analysis process at the Federal
Telecommunications Commission, which once concluded wil allow the SCT to grant the
corresponding concession
Notwihstanding, for the case of FSS Quetzsat could at any time now, offer its satelite capacity to a
considerable number of entiies in Mexico, either that they have a concession for a public
telecommunications network to offer FSS to the publc, or that they have a permit to install and
operate transmiting earth stations of the FSS for private use. Hence, Quetzsat could now provide its
services for satelite capacity to a number of potential customers who are already authorized by the
SCT to receive such services.
Additionally, as you know, the 77° W orbital posiion concession granted to Quetzsat was at its proper
time coordinated by the Mexican Government before the International Telecommunications Union
("TTU‘) including the national administrations that were identffed as affected, according with the valld
procedures established by the RR. This procedure, once concluded, allows the operation of the
satelite network to provide radiocommunication services free from harmful interference to other
systems and networks.
It is worth mentioning. that the Mexican Administration started the procedure for modifieation of the
Broadcasting Plan for Region 2 concerning the 76° W orbital positin infially assigned to Mexico,
such that this positin would be relocated to the current positin at 77" W and that its coverage would
be extended to the whole Mexican terntory, as well as the continental United States terrtory. Such
modifcation fling was identfied as the MEX—TDH1 satelite network. Aferwards, and with the aim to
give continuity to the process, the Mexican Administration submited before the ITU a new
modifcation fling which was identfied as the MEX—TVD satelite network, having the same
characteristics as the intial fling MEX—TDH1
Being Mexico the "Notfying Administration® for the MEX—TOH1 network (MEX—TOH1A and MEX~
TDH1B) according to the coordination and notfication procedures as per Articles 9 and 11 of the RR,
the Mexican Administration takes full responsiblity for the operation of such network at such orbital
position using the allocated frequency bands for such use, those characterstics in our case reflect the
broadcasting plan established in the Appendices 30 and 30A of the ITU RR. Notwithstanding the
above mentioned,in conformity with the commercial contracts between the parties and referred in the
first paragraph of this setter, in a preliminary stage, the tracking, telemetry and control (TT&C‘)
operations will be done under common agreement between EchoStar and Quetzsat.
The conditions defined in the ttle of concession granted to Quetzsat are strt with non decinable
obligations for the concessionaire. This means, that by means of this concession the Mexican
Government obliges Quetzsat to operate a satelite at the 77° W orbital position, in conformity with the
agreements taken before the ITU, as well as before the govenments of other counties. This legal

document is the specifc one that Inks the Mexican Government with a private entiy such as Quetzsat
and allows the government totake the responsibilty of the Mexican Government for the operation of a
satelite in an orbital position assigned to Mexico.
Additionaly, our administration will notify in an informal way to the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of
Outer Space (COPUOS), specialized organization of the United Nations —UN:, by means of what is
known as ‘nota verbale" about the operation of the EchoStar—4 satelite from a Mexican positon, in the
same way we made with other satelites occupying Mexican positions. The formal registration process
for space objects willnot be carried out before COPOUS given that it is of our knowledge that the US
Administration will keep the registry of such satelte before COPUOS.
Finaly, we express our appreciation for the support your administration is giving to the referred topic
for its timely solution, we reiterate our distinguished considerations.
Yours sincerely,

Ing. Leone! Lopez Celaya                       Ing. Femando Carilo Valderrabano
Director General de Poltica de                 Director General de Organismos de
Telecomunicaciones de la                       Regulacidn Internacional dela
Secretaria de Comunicaciones y                 Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones

en      Sr. DavidGros—US Department of Sate, Bureau ofEconamic and Business Afairs (EBICP)
       §¢Kevin J. Marin—Chaiman FCC
       Sra. Kathieen 0. Abemathy—Commissionar FCC
       5r MchaelJ. Coops—Commissioner FCO
       5t Jonathan 5. Adelstain—Commissioner CC
       Sra. Maene H. Dortch—Secretay FCC
        Sr. Tom Tyez—Chief Satalite Disioninormatonal Bureau ECC
        Sr Jorge Alvares Hoth—Subsecretaro de Comunieaciones SCT
        Sr Jorge Arredondo Martnes—Presidente COFETEL


Document Created: 2005-09-16 12:03:48
Document Modified: 2005-09-16 12:03:48

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