Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by IB, FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050321-00068 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                             Federal Communications Commission
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

Innatoel trems
                                             June 15, 2005

In the Materot
EchoSir Satelite LL.C
ApplcationforSpecial Temporary Authoriy               File No.SAT—STA—200s0521—00068
1o Condact Telemety, Trackingand Command
Opentions during he Relocaton of EchoStar4
to the 77" WLOrbial Location
Apolcationfor Modifieaionof                           File No. SAT—MOD—2msost3—a0103
Diret Broadcast Stelite Authoriation                  CallSign: Smz
‘To Permi Lang—Term Cessation ofOpertions
atthe 157° WL. Orbial Location
Appleation for Modifeationof Earth Sution             File No. Ses ns20050527—00662
Authoriztion t add the Echosi 4 Stelteat              CallSign: Eoat06
77" W.L.asa PointofCommunication

On June 14, 2005, 1, along with Roderick Porter, Thomas Tyez, Jennifer Gilsenan, and Gardner
Foster, members of my stal, participated in a teleconference with a representative ofthe
Mexican telecommunications regulatory body, Mr. Eugenio Gamboa Hirales, Coordinator de
Desarrollo Teenologico, Secretaria de Communicaciones y Transportes (°SCT") regarding
matters related to the above referenced filings by Echostar. Specifically, we noted the pendency
ofall publicly filed documents in the referenced subject matter. We also discussed the need for
an exchange of etters which is customaryin these types of requeststo use foreign orbital

                                               //                b/\'\
                                                      Donald Abelson,
                                                      International Bureau

Document Created: 2005-07-13 14:14:22
Document Modified: 2005-07-13 14:14:22

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