Attachment request


REQUEST submitted by DIRECTV



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050321-00068 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                May 4, 2005               Re~

       BV HAND DELIVERY                                 H      :          MAr uo       305
  reoremees                                                 eceived
   Thomas Tyez                                      may           in
   Chief, Satellite Division                             0 6 2005
   Interational Bureau                              Roley Bran:
       Federal Communications Commission           lémationaiSureay
  445 12" Street,SW
   Washington, D.C. 20554
             Re: EchoStar‘s Proposed Use ofMexican BSS Slot at 77°W.L

   Dear Mr. Tyez:
          As you know, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV") currently provides
  local—into—local programming to 25 markets in the United States from the DIRECTV 5
  satellte operating pursuant to a Canadian license at the 72.5° W.L. orbital location
  assigned to Canada under the Region 2 Broadcast Satelite Service Plan. Recently,
  EchoStar Satellite LLC. ("EchoStar®) filedthe above referenced application for special
  temporary authority ("STA") to relocate the EchoStar 4 satelltefor operations atthe 77°
  W.L. orbitallocation assigned to Mexico under the Region 2 Plan. That application is
  currently on public notice, and comments are due on May 23."
          As discussed below, however, the record of this proceeding does not contain
  sufficient information to allow the Commission or any interested party to perform the
  kind of technical analysis necessary to an informed public interest determination.
  Accordingly, DIRECTV requests that the Commission (1) direct EchoStar to provide a
  technical description ofhow the EchoStar 4 satellite would operate at this slot (including

  1\       See DIRECTY Entrpries LLC, 19 FCC Red. 15529 (Inl Bur. 2006)(wuthorizing elocationof
           DIRECTV 5 and receipt ofsignls from that Canadian orbitl loction by smallreceiv dishesin the
           See Rep. No. SAT—00286(rl. April 22, 2005)

 Hamis, Wiursume & Granus uur
Thomas Tyc
May 4, 2008
Page 2 of4
EIRP contours over the U.S.)," and (2) allow interested parties (including DIRECTV)
sufficient time to comment upon the data submitted.
        According to EchoStar‘s STA Application, EchoStar 4 would operate under a
Mexican license issued to QuetzSat,S. de R.L. de C.V. ("QuetzSat") at 77° W.L.The
satellte will not be used to provide service in the U.S., and EchoStar has not sought
market access from this foreign slot.* While we therefore know what the satellte will nor
be doing, EchoStar has given no indication of what it will be doing. ‘The lone indication
in the STA Application is EchoStar‘s assertion that "EchoStar will operate within the
parameters of the existing coordination agreements between the administrations of
Mexico and Canada for the 77° W.L. orbital location and the adjacent BSS slots (72.5°
W.L. and 82° W.L.), which are assigned to Canada."" But all EchoStar proposes to do
with the satellite is perform TT&C during itsrelocation. The application is totally silent
with respect to the manner in which QuerzSar would operate the communications payload
on EchoStar 4 once it reaches 77° W.L.

       This is no small matter. EchoStar 4 would be positioned just 4.5¢ from
DIRECTV‘s operations at 72.5° W.L. — Le., only halfthe 9° or greater spacing
maintained by every DBS satellitethat serves the U.S. market. In other proceedings,
DIRECTV has demonstrated the potentialfor harmful interference arising from such
short—spaced operations." Indeed, EchoStar has recently raised similar concems.*
        There have been four recent applications involving the proposed operation ofa
U;S. DBS satellite at a non—U.S. slot. In three ofthose cases — including one filed by
EchoStar — technical information on the satellite‘s proposed operations was provided
with the related application for market access to serve the U.8." In the fourth such case—
     Althoughthe Commission has requested additionaliformation rom EchoStar in this proceeding,
     thatinformation docs not elte t th operational data discussed hrein. See Ler from Thomns
     Tyeto Panels Michalopoulos (dted April 13, 2005)
     STA Applcation at 2
5o   uis
*    id at3 (emphasisadded). DIRECTV would note hat here is no coordination apreement between
     the Canadian and Mexican adininstations with respect o the 72.5° W.L.and 77° W.L. sto.
*    See, eg, DIRECTV flings in SAT—PDR—20020425.—00071
*    See eg, Lettr from Pantlis Michalopoulasto Marlene . DortchECC Docket No.SPB—196
     (dated March 25, 2005)short spacing"rises cetin technical diffculies")
*    SeeSES—MFS—20050427:00499 (echnical information on proposed opertion ofDIRECTV 1 at
     72.5° WL. Canadian BSS sag; SES—LFS—20050203—00132 (echnicainformation on proposed
     operation ofEchoStar 5 at129" W.L. Canadian BSS slod; SES—L.FS—200401 12—00023(echnical
     information on proposed opentions of DIRECTV 5 at 72.5° W.L. Canadian BSS stod

Hamnis, Wicrsime & Grnys tur
Thomas Tyez
May 4, 2008
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where, as here, no U.S. service was contemplated — DIRECTV did not submit technical
information. However, unlike this proceeding, that case involved proposed operations at
orbital positions that were atleast 10° away from any BSS slot serving the U.S..° Not
surprisingly, no one in that proceeding raised any technical issues related to potential
interference concerns. The proposed operations of EchoStar 4, by contrast, contemplate
only 4.5° oforbital separation:
        Without technical information on how EchoStar 4 would operate, DIRECTV has
no way of knowing what impact that satellte would have on the hundreds of thousands of
subscribers who currently receive DIRECTV service from 72.5° W.L. To be sure, it is
possible that there may be litle or no such impact. For example, given that no service in
the U.S. is contemplated at this time, it is possible that the satellite‘s beam will be aimed
primarily or even exclusively at Mexico. Or, if QueteSat plans to provide something
other than a mass market service to small receive dishes, perhapsit will operate the
satellite at power levels far below the maximums included in the Mexican ITU filing. If
this were the case, the proposed operation of EchoStar 4 at 77° W.L.. might have minimal
impact on DIRECTV‘s service from 72.5° W.L. On the other hand, QuetzSat might
intend to operate EchoStar 4 in a manner that would cause the maximum possible
interference to DIRECTV‘s U.S. subscribers even though there is no service to U.S
customers from that satellite. Such an outcome would plainly be at odds with the public

         The point here is not that EchoStar‘s application necessarily disserves the public
interest. Rather, given the total lck of data available, there is no way for DIRECTV or
any other interested party to perform the technical analysis necessary to make this
determination, and therefore no way to comment meaningfully upon EchoStar‘s STA
Application. More importantly, there is no way for the Commission to make a fully
informed public interest determination without assessing such information.
       Accordingly, DIRECTV requests that the Commission (1) direct EchoStar to
provide a technical description ofhow the EchoStar 4 satellite would operate at this slot
(including EIRP contours over the U.S.), and (2) allow interested parties (including
DIRECTV) sufficient time to comment upon the data submitted.
                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                William M. Wiltshire
                                                Counselfor DIRECTVEnterprises, LLC

©=—   See DIRECTY, Inc, 19 FCC Red. 1103$ (In] Bur, 2004)authorizing use ofDIRECTV 3 sutlite
      for servic to Canada from either $2° WL o 31° W.L)

Hamus, Wiursmge & Grans uie
Thomas Tyez
May 4, 2008
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cc:    Marlene H. Dortch, Secrctary
       Pantelis Michalopoulos (counsel for EchoStar)

Document Created: 2005-05-10 15:10:55
Document Modified: 2005-05-10 15:10:55

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