Attachment submission





This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050321-00068 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     STEPTOE &JOHNSONw                                      OHIGINAL
                                            atroraners at law

 Pantels Michlopoutos                                       Recen' red              1330 Connectiut AreNW
 anamean                                                                            Washingon. DC 20036795
                                                            APK 2 7 2005                        Tncuamame

April 26, 2005
                                                                       APR 2 6 2005
                                                                  Fedenl Conmuncaton Conniann
                                                                        Oficeo Secminy

Mariene H. Dortch
        Communications Com iesion
445 1 2th Strect, S.W.
Wastington, D.C. 20554

Rec—    EchoStars             &
        Application for Spectal TemporaryAuth   to Conduct Telemetry. Tracking end
        Command Operatious Ourh ‘ic Relocation of EchoStar 4 to 770 W.L.
        ile No. SAT—S7A—20050321—00068

                                                           i requested additional inform:
                                                cetion with the above—referenced application. SzeLetter
                                   lze Division, Intemational Bureau to Pantelis Micha
Counsel for Echostor Satellite L.L.C. (Apr. 13. 2005) ("dpril 13 Letter®).

                       oStar hercbysubmits as partil response to the Bureau‘s information request an
government dated Pebr                      ate at the 77° W.L. orbital position. EchoSte: will fully
respondto the Bureau‘s request by the due dare set forth in the April 73 Letter — i.e., May 13, 2005

wasiincton         +      new vork     +   rnornix     +.    tos anorits      +/   tonpon       +   srusstis

                                                                                 STEPTOE &JOHNSON«

Marlene H. Dortch
April 26, 2005

                 Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions about this filing.
                                                       Yours sincerely,

                                                       Pantelis Michalopoulos
                                                       Counselfor EchoStar Satellite L.LC.


ce: (by hand)
Thomas S. Tyez, Intemnational Bureau
Karl Kensinger, Interational Bureau
Jay Whaley, Intemational Bureau
ce: (by mail)
Karis A. Hastings, Hogan & HartsonL L.P., Counselfor SES Americom, Inc.


Concession to occupythe geostationary orbital positin 77° West assigned to the
country and to develop its corresponding frequency bands 12.2 —12.7 GHz. and 17.3 —
17.8 GH., as well asthe rightsto broadcast and receive signals granted by the Federal
Government through the Ministry of Communications and Transportation hercinafter
referred t as "the Ministry"®, in favor ofQUETZAT, 5. DE RL. DE C.V., pursuant to
the following antecedents and conditions:
          Dated March 2, 1995, the Offiial Gazette published the amendment to
          Article 28, paragraph 4 ofthe Political Constitution of the United Mexican
          States,in order to replace the exclusive participation reaime ofthe State
          regarding rendering communications services via stelltefor another mean
          allowing private companies participation. As part oftabove, on June 7
          year the Federal Telecommunications Law was issued, which, among other
          issued, sets out the ruling framework for this activity.
          On August 1, 1997, the Oficial Gazette published the Rulesand Regulations
          for the Satelite Communications. This ordinance is intended to gover the
          Federal Telecommunications Law regarding Satelite Communications.
   u.     Appendix 30 ofthe International Telecommunications Union‘s Radio
          communications Rules and Regulations includes the Region 2 Satelite
          Radicbroadeast Service Plan for the American continent on frequency bands
          12.2—12.7 GHz. Also, Appendix 30A ofthe sid Rules and Regulations
          includes the Plan associated t the links for the Satelite Radiobroadcast
          Servicefor the same Region 2, on frequency bands 17.3—17.8 GHtz
          Hereinafte referred to as "The Plans". Both documents were issued by the
          International Telecommunications Union, which resulted from the "Regional
          Radio communications Adminisrative Conference for Planning the Region
          2 Satellte Radiobroadcast Service" summoned in 1983. The final minutes
          were approved by the "World Radio communications Administrative
          Conference to Use ofGeostationary Satelltes® Orbits and Planning the
          Associate Spatil Services using it" (CAMR—ORBSS)of 1985. By virtueof
          the said Plans, each Member State ofthe International Telccommunications
          Union was awarded the use ofa certain number ofgeostationary orbital
          positions for permanent rights on same. For Mexico, one of the orbital
          positions assigned is the orbital position located at 78 Degrees West
          Longitude (78° West, which coverage is defined on its own territory.
   1v.    Usingthe procedure established in Section 4.2, Article 4 ofthe above
          Appendixes, the Interational Telecommunications Union allows a member
          country to request amendment to the Plans. For that purpose, it i set forth
          that the International Telecommunications Union publishing the notification
          that such Member State may file, in such a way as to other Member States
          considering the requested amendment may afect them, have the opportunity

       to negotiate a Coordination Agreement with the requesting country. By those
       Coordination Agreements, member countries may setle any difficulty or
       technical incompatibilty that may arise by the requested Plans amendment
       Upon the requesting country had entered into the appropriate Coordination
       Agreements, the Interational Telecommunications Union shall record the
       new characteristics ofthe orbial position subject matter ofthe coordination
       agreements and will seta term to startthe satellite network operations,
       which is to occupy the orbital position under such characteristies.
       in April 1996, the Federal Govermment requested from the International
       Telecommunications Union an amendment o the Plans for the orbitl
       position 78° West, including the intention ofhe using geostationary orbitl
       position 77 Degrees Longitude West (77° West, instead ofthatlocated at
       78° West. The International Telecommunications Union published said
       modification in Special Sections APS30TE/129 and APS30A/E/129 ofthe
       Interational Telecommunications Union‘s Weekly bulletin ssue 2409 dated
       December 21, 1999,and associated corrections in Special Sections
       APS30/!E120 Corr—1 and APS30A/E/129 Corr—1, published in the
       Internationalinformative bulleting about Spatial Services Frequencies,IFIC
       No. 2449, dated July 24, 2001
       These Special Sections all technicalloperational parametersfor the satellte
       network to be located in the above position were se. Also, all countries
       potentilly getting harmfulinterference ~ both to their satelite networks and
       to theirland systems!services were identifed.
vi     Pursuant to proceduzes set forth in the Radio communications Rules and
       Regulations,all technicalioperational parameters of the satellite network to
       be located the gcostationary orbital position 77° West,resulting from the
       corresponding coordination agreements, would remain n forceuntilJuly 10,
       2005 — date on which the satelite network must stat its operation.
vit    In spite of tabove, on November 4, 2003, the Federal Goverment
       submitted a new request before thIntemational Telecommunications Union
       including the same technicaVoperational information regarding the
       amendment to the Plans for the geostationary orbital position 77° West,
       considering identical coverage zones asthe ones published
in the Intermational Telecommu      ions Union‘s Weekly bulltin issue 2409 dated
December 21, 1999, with the purpose of obtaining a new term to initate the
corresponding satelite network operations.

vi. QUETZAT, S. DE RL. DE C.V. it was organized pursuant to the Mexican
       laws, as appears in public decd number 15,622, dated December 10, 2004,
       before Notary Public number 122 at Mexico City, Mexico Mr. Arturo
       Talavera Autrique

x       On July 31, 2001, the Official Gazette published the call for bids to award a
        concession to occupy the gcostationary orbital position 77° West and,
        develop frequency bands 12.2—12.7 GHz. and 17.3—17.8 GHe, and the rights
        to broadeast and receive signals. Such bid declared as desert
        QUETZAT, S. DE RL. DE C.V.filed his appliation to the Federal
        Telecommunications Commission dated September 30, 2004, in order to
        take part in the bid for a concession to occupy the geostationary orbital
        position 77°West and develop frequency bands 12.2—12.7 GHz. and 17.3—
        17.8 GHz and thrights to broadeast and receive signals,in accordance to
        the SECOND Summon published in the Official gazette on September 0,
        2004, and the Concessionaire appointed as the domicile to receive
        notification the one located at Avenida de los Insurgentes SuNo. 1605, piso
        12, Col. San José Insurgentes, C.P. 03900, Mexico, D.F..
x      The Plenum ofthe Federal Competence Commission resolved, during a
       session held on November 11, 2004, issuing a favorable opinion to the
       participation of QUETZAT, S. DE RL. DE C.V. for thaforementioned bid
       Said order was notified under official notice No. SE—10—096—2004—806 dated
       November 12, 2004.
xu.    The Ministry, through the Federal Telecommunications Commission,
       analyzed and issued an opinion on the QUETZAT, S. DE R.L. DE C.V
       application documentation, and in accordance to the bidding procedure
       stages provided for in the Bidding Boses and in Article 29 and, other
       associated ofthe Federal Telecommunications Law, resolved through
       officil communication PEXT/171104/54 dated November 17, 2004,
       granting o the QUETZAT, S. DE R.L. DC.V. the Partcipation
       Certification as said application was duly filed out and having metall
       requirements set forth for that purpose
xin. Provided that QUETZAT, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. by the end oftbidding
     submitted the highest valid bid for the concession subject matter ofte said
     bid. in accordance tothe Bidder‘s Manual handed outto the concessionaire.
     The Plenum ofthe Federal Telecommunications Commission, dated
     P/EXT/241 104/59 date November 24, 2004, issued the awarded in favor of
     QUETZAT,S. DE RL. DE C.V. declaring him as the winner.
xiv.    On November 14, 2004, QUETZAT, S. DE RL. DE C.V. made the
       payment fo the corresponding consideration tothe Federal Govemnment in
       the amount of $153,013,050.00 (One hundred and fity three millions
       thirteen thousand and fifty pesos 00/100)
For the above, and based on Article 36 ofthe Organic Law ofFederal Public
Administration; 11, section II, 12, 29 and other associated of the Federal
Telecommunications Law; 4 and 5, Section XL ofthe Ministry of Communications
and Transportation‘s Internal Regulations; 4,5, 12, and other applicable ofthe
Satellite Communication Regulation; QUETZAT, S. DE R.L. DE C.V., hereinafter
"The Concessionaire, is awarded the concession to oecupy the gcostationary orbital
position 77° West assigned to the country, and develop ts corresponding frequency

    bands 12.2—12.7 GHiz. and 17.3—17.8 GHtz, plus the rightsto broadcast and receive
    signals. This concession shall be subject to the fllowing:
                            Chapter One — General provisions
1.1..— Terms definitions. For his Concession Title and the Technical Exhibits which
are itegral part ofthe same, plus the definitions mentioned in Article 3 of the Federal
Telecommunications Law and, 2 ofthe Satelite Communication Rules and Regulations,
the following definitions apply:
        1.1.1.. Affilates:those companies with common sharcholders/parmers who
        shall hold shares or equity allowing them to exercise control in both companies.
        1.1.2. Law: the Federal Telecommunications Law as published in the Oficial
        Gazette on June 7,1995.
        1.1.3. Commission: the Federal Telecommunications Commission:
       1.1.4. Coneession: The stated in this til to occupy the geostationary orbital
       position 77° West assigned to the country and, develop ts corresponding
       frequency bands 12.2—12.7 GHe. and 17.3—17.8 GHe, and therights to broadeast
       and receive signals.
       1.1.5, Rules and Regulations: the Satelite Communication Rules and
       Regulations as published in the Offcial Gazette on August 1, 1997.
       1.1.6. Satelite System: one or more satelltes with associated frequencies and
       their control centers operating in an ntegral manner to make satelte capacity
       availsble forthe rendering ofsatellte services, and
       1.1.7.     Users:Individuals or companies having a public networks
       telecommunications concession or permitsas provided for in the Law, as well as
       those having a concession or permit granted under the Federal Radio and TV
       Law, who acquired the right to temporarily use ofany portion ofthe satelite
       capacity referred to in the Technical Exhibit ofhe Concession
 1.2__ Purpose and Service.     This Concession is awarded to occupy the eostationary
orbital position 77° West assizned to the country and. develop its coresponding
frequency bands 12.2—12.7 GHe. and 17.3—17.8 GH, as well as th rights to broadcast
and receive signals, as described in the Technical ExhibitI ofthe Concession, in order
to provide satellite capacity for Satelite Radiobroadcast Services (*SRS"), and Satellte
Fixed Services (‘SFS")
1.3 Rendering of Services. Concessionaire may make satelite capacity available to
individuals or companies having a concession oftelecommunications public networks
or,a permit as provided for in Article 31 ofthe Law
Should the Concessionaire intends rendering services to other persons than those
mentioned sbove, sameshallbe done through its affiliates, subsidiaries, or branches

having a concession for a telecommunications public networks or,with a permit to
operate as a telecommunications services marketer
As for SRS, the Concessionaire may make available is capacity to those individuals or
companies having a concession or permit granted under the Federal Radio and TV Law.
14 Technical Specifications and Coverage Area. The technical specifications for
the Satellite System shall comply with the provisions set forth in the Law, the Rules and
Regulations, the International Telecommunications Union‘s Radio communications
Rules and Regulations (UIT), the Official Mexican Standards, all applicable
administrative provisions, and to the tchnical specifications, operation characteristics
and coverage area mentioned in the Technical ExhibitI ofthe Concession
1.5..— Satellite System Infrastructure. The infrastructure comprising the Satelite
System is described in the Technical Exhibit II ofthe Concession.
116. Modification to the technical specifications and coverage area. When the
Concessionaire requires modifying the technical characteristicsor the coverage area
described in the Technical ExhibitI ofthe Concession, he shall previously get
authorization by the Commission.
1.7_ Capacity Reserve.In accordance to Article 29 ofthe Rules and Regulations,
satellite operators shall reserve a portion oftheir capacity in every frequency band,
which willbe used by the state at no cost, for national security networks exclusively and
for social services. The portion ofstellte capacity intended for the reserve in favor of
the State for the geostationary orbital position 77° West, as wellas the specific criteria
on the Satelite Capacity Reserved for the State (°CSRE"), is mentioned below:
        1.7.1. Satelite capacity equal to $7.48 MHz. with its frequency pairing, or 3
       channels ofusable 24—Mhe. bandwidth per channel for SRS, but feasible for
       SFS, or for Restricted Satellte TV/Audio Services (°STVARVS®)in
       accordance with UIT‘s Radio communications Rules and Regulations, as well as
       with Antecedents HIand IV. Said satelite capacity shall cover all ofthe national
       tervitory. The satelite capacity previously mentioned,is calculated from the total
       channels of the Satellite System as per the Canalization Plan as defined in the
       technical exhibitI ofthe Concession, so, in any case, CSRE will be proportional
       to the installed capscity and available for operations in the Satelite System
       1.72. The CSRE‘s use and operation shall be subjectto the technicaVoperational
       set forth for SRS Plan on frequency bands 12.2—12.7/17.3—17.8 GHz. For Region
       2 (Appendix 30 and 30A of UIT°S Radio communications Rules and
       Regulations, and Antecedent V, for SRS, SFS, and STVARVS.
       1.7.3. The transmission quality that the Concessionaire provides for services
       rendered using CSRE shall be equal to that offered forhis other services
       1.7.4.CSRE shall not be used by the Concessionaire, except for duly justification
       and provided Minisry so expressly authorizes in writing.

        1.7.5. CSRE shall be supplied and distrbuted in accordance with determination
        by the Ministr, once the satellit is in commercial operation
        1.7.6. CSRE may be used for SRS, SFS and STVARVS. The Ministry and the
        Concessionaire could agree thatthe CSRE reserved in a band offrequencies,
        may be reassigned to other bands, ori ts case, in any other authorized satelite
        system to operate in Mexico, they cost will be assumed by the Concessionaire
        and with the same guaranteesofservice of the CSRE in its own system.
        1.7.7. Should any assumptions come up resuling in permanent reduction of the
       total satellite capacity occupying the gcostationary orbitalposition 77° West,
       CSRE will reduce it in the same rati.
       1.7.8. Should the transmissions under the CSRE take place, the Concessionary
       shall relocate said trismissions asto secure the services continuity and, if
       necessary, he shall give them priority even above any other transmission. The
       relocation shall be immediate made, except when thatis not technically feasible

       1.7.9. For the CSRE access, the Ministry and the Concessionary shall establish
       an operative agreement seting the technicaVadminisrative/operative trms and
       conditions to manage and operate same.
        1.7.10. The CSRE provided in this condition shall be managed by the Ministry
       through the General Direction in charge of he telecommunications policy or by
       the managing unit that substitutes it
       For fature satelites, the Ministry is to definethe capacityto be reserved forthe
       state under the same criteria and principlescontained in the Rules and
       Regulations and in this concession.
1.8. Term in effect. The concession term in effectshall be for 20 years started to be
computed form ts award date, and could be extended per the law, the rules and
regulations and other applicable ruling and administrative legal provisions.
1.9 Term to place in orbit thsatelite system. The Concessionaize shall put the
satelite system in orbitat the 77 degrees west geostationary satelite position, within a
term not exceeding 5 five years from the date of ts award.
           1.9.1      Should the placement in orbit and in operations ofa satelite of
           the satelite system, before July 10, 2005, the Concessionaire shall comply
           with the satelite coordination conditions in effect on the date the concession
           is awarded for the 77 degrees west geostationary satellite position, and carry
           out atits own cost and through the Minisry, before July 10, 2005, the
           approprite administrative diligence before the UIT.
           1.9.2       in case the placement in orbit and operation of said satelite takes
           place affeJuly 10, 2005, the Concessionaire shall cary out atis own cost,
           through the Ministry, the necessary satelite coordination procedures to
           operate the satelite system on the 77 degrees west geostationary satelite
           position, onlater dates to July 10, 2005, and the Concessionaire shall honor

            said Coordination agreements, including the procedure to amend the plans
            mentioned in item VIL. Should this occurs, the Concessionaire acknowledges
            that the coordination terms mentioned in the condition number 1.9.1 could
            change due to the new plan‘s amendment procedure; therefore he commits to
            occupy the 77 degrees west geostationary satellte position, and develop the
            associated frequency bands pursuant to the terms resulting from the
            procedure mentioned in tem VIL, and within the term set in the frst
            paragraph of tem 1.9
1.10 Term to start rendering services. The Concessionaire shall starendering
services mentioned in item 1.2, at the latest 180 (one hundred cighty) calendar days
from the satelite system orbit placement date, stated in item 1.9 above, for that purpose
he shall inform the     Minisry and the Commission the initation ofservices rendering
within 15 (fiteen) calendar days afteri takes place.
1.11    Applieable legistation. The operation and development of the satelite system
covered by the concession, including ts services, shall be subject in the applicable to
the stated in the Political Constittion of the Estados Unidos Mexicanos, the law, the
radio communications UIT‘s rules and regulation,the rules and regulations and to the
International treaties, laws, rulesand regulations, decrees, Offcial Mexican standards,
orders, agreements, buletins, and other legal adminisrative provisions that for such
purpose may be issued by the Ministry or the Commission, and to the conditions set
forth in the concession and in the technical exhibits
"The Concessionaire acceptsthatif the legal and administrative provisions mentioned in
above paragraph, were abolished, amended or modifed, the Concessionaireshall be
subject to the new applicable egislation and administrative provisions, from the ime
those enter into effect
1.12 Other concessions, The Concession does not grant any exclusive rights to the
concessionaie; therefore, the Ministry i entiled to award concessions to other entities
to occupy and develop gcosttionary positions or satelite orbit assigned to the country,
with their corresponding associated frequency bands and the rights to broadcast and
receive signalsto render identicalosimilar services as those under this concession.
 1.13 Other satellits in the geostationary position. Pursuant tothe radio
communications rules and regulations,the SRS plans are based on an orbitalseparation
of 04 degrees between satelites with contra polar adjacent channels, this meaning,
every satellite network would operate with two satellites placed at +. 0.2 degreesin
regards to the center ofthe cluster
‘The same plans contemplate and allow the possibiity to include in one same spatial
station the two channels lusters, both even as odd and, occupying any orbital postion
within the cluster
For th last case, single satelite could be located at a position within the orbitalarch
that uns from 76. degrees o 77.2 degrees west,using all the channels. For tabove,
a maintenance tolerance in position of+/~0.1 degreesshall be used:
1.14 Capacity provision through affiiates, filial or subsidiaries. Previous
authorization by the Ministry, the concessionaire could render services as stated i item
1.2 hereunder, through affiiates, filial or subsidiaries. In spite ofthis, the concessionaite

shall b atall times the single lible before the Minisry, the Commission and before
any competent authority regarding the strict compliance with the concession
1.15.— Assignment of Rights. The Concessionaite could assizn previous authorization
by the Ministry, ither total or part ofthe rights and obligations set forth in the
concession, pursuant to article 35 ofthe law, and other applicable legal/ruling and
administrative provisions.
1116 Powers or mandates. In no case,the concessionaire could grant powers or
general mandates for aets ofownership,irevocable in natureintended or that may make
possible that the empowered or mandating party to excute rights or obligations
regarding the concession.
117. Liens. When the concessionaire constitites a lien on the concession or rights
thereunder, he shall record the applicable documents in the Registration Office
mentioned in article 64 oftlaw, within 30 (thiry) calendar days from the date it is
constitted. The Commission will qualify the documents submitted for it regisration
and shall proceed to record them in the tclecommunications registration, when those
comply with the stated in this concession,the law and other applicable legal,
administrative or ruling provisions.
The document thatstates the warranty granted shall expressly set that is exccution,in
no case will grant the concessionaire nature to the ereditor orto any third party, it shall
also expressly setthat in order for the concession be awarded to the creditor o toa third
party, it will be necessary that the Minisry authorizes suchrights assignation pursuant
to the terms oFarticle 35 ofthe law, or that such ereditor othird party getsa concession
pursuantto articles11, section III of the law, and 4 oftrulesand regulations
In no case the concessionary could assizn cause a lin,give as pledge, mortgage or
transfer the concession,th rights granted thereunder and the goods related to same to
any forcign government o state.
1.18 Nationality. The Concessionaire shall not have in regards to this concession any
other right except s the ones granted to the Mexicans;therefore, the concessionaire and
his foreign partmers,if any, commit not to request and not to accept the diplomatic
intervention from any foreign country, under the penalty of loosing in the benefit ofhe
Mexican country, allthe property and rightsthey might had obtained due to the
1.19 Nentral investment, Pursuantto tite 5 ofthe forcign investment laws the
neutral investment shall not be computed in the concessionaire‘s stack capital to define
the forcign investment
120 Companies with state parti              n of foreign countries. It wll not be
deemed as a share participation ofa foreign country orstate,the one made by
companies that have state participation offoreign countries, which are not deemed as
authoriies underthintermal egislation ofthe country oforigin and, which have legal
standabiliy and own patrimony.

1.21.— Shares underwriting or transference. The Concessionary commits to make
available to the Minitry and the Commission, he shares or stock capital distribution
with theiapplicable partcipation percentages, whenever so required by any ofthem,
when the later exercise their corresponding facultesto verify and require information.
Should any assumption regarding underriting or transference ofshares o stock
capital, n one action or severalactions representing 10% (ten percent) or more ofthe
company‘s stock capital, the Concessionaire shall comply with the fllowing regime.
            1.21.1 The Concessionaire shallnotify the Ministry about the interested
           parties intention to assign the shares or pat ofstock capital either directly
           or indizectly and, such notification shall include detailed information
           regarding the interested parties in acquiring such shares orcapital stock
           1.21.2 The Ministry within a 90 (ninety) calendar days started to be
           computed from the notification, to object in wrting and due tojustified
           cause any such transaction, and
           1.21.3 Upon that term had elapsed without any objection from the Ministry,
           it willbe deemed as approved.
Only the transactions that had not been objected by the Ministry could,if any, be
recorded in the sharcholders record, withoutthis limiting the fact ogettinall other
authorization that may be required from otherauthoritie,this pursuantt the applicable
Tegal, rling and adminisrative provisions
It willnot be requized to file the notification mentioned in item 1.21.1 under the
following cases: a) When the underwriting ortransference is for shares o stock capital
representing neutrl investment pursuanttforeign investment terms; b) forcapital
increase underritten by the same sharcholders, providing their participation proportion
in the stock capital is not modified forany ofthem; c) in cases when such transference
or underriting be related to shares with limited vote on matters mentioned in article
113 of the General Law for Mereantle Associations, and d) when acquisitons are made
by Managers of Funds for Retirement, orthrough the stock market by investment
Should the partyinterested in undernriting or acquiring shares orstock capital is a
company, the notification cite in item 1.21.1 above, he shall submit the necessary
information disclosing the identity ofthe individuals who may hold patrimonial
interests above 10% (ten percen)ofsuch company‘s capital.
"This condition shallbe expressly reflected in the Concessionary‘s by—laws, and in the
tites or certificates issued by same concessionaite.
The Concessionary commits to notify the Ministry about any modification on the shares
distribation orto the right enabling the control on the concessionaire‘s sharcholders
part, and of the afflited,ifany.

The limits for foreign participation stated by the law, could not be execeded, ither
directly or through trust, tiles (incorporation documents), or by the by laws, pyramidal
frameworks, not by any other mechanisms that might grant the control or a participation
reater than the one permitted by the law.
122 Legal representative appointment. Atalltimes, during the concession term in
effect, the concessionaire shal have atleasta legal representative with general powers
for lawsuits and collection and for managing acts, pursuantt article 2554 of the
Federal Civil Code, aceredited before the Minisry and the Commission, without this
limitingthe fact that the he can appoint other egal representatives, who may represent
the concessionaite before the Ministry and the Commission, previous the payment of
the applicable rights.
1.23 Registration in the Telecommunications Registry. The Concessionaire must
comply with theregistration obligations citein article 64 ofthe law, and with the terms
of the section I, ofabove mentioned articl. The concessionaire shall record this
concession and ts technical exhibits and, when applicable,is amendments, within the
following 30 (thiry)calendar days after its award date.
1.24 Coneession extracts Publication. The Concessionaire shall make the
arrangements athis own cost,the publication in the Offcial Gazette ofthe Federation of
an extract ofthis concession, within a 60 (sixty)calendar day term from the date itis
awarded. The extract content hereunder shall be coorinated with the Ministry before
publishing it
The Concessionaires shall send to the Ministry and the Commission a sample ofsuch
publication within the following 10 (ten) working days from its publication.

                                   Second Chapter
        Provisions that apply to the satellie system operation and services.
2.1 Satelite system operation. The Concessionaire is obliged to:
          2.1.1 The Concessionary shall provide the Ministry with the recourses and
          information that may be required to conclude any intemational coordination
          process as well asfor any other process that may be required to operate the
          2.1.2 Assurning the labilty for the satellte system control and operation;  for
          that purpose, he shall establish and maintain the main and alternate satelite
          system control and operation centers,within the domesti teritory, pursuant
          to article 57 ofthe law.
          2.1.3 Thatthe operation of the above mentioned control entersare carried
          out preferably by Mexicans;
          2.1 4 Make the necessary installtions in order for the contral centers be
          capable to limit or interupt,atall times, the satellte or satelites emissions
          whatever they are, upon the Commission‘s request and.


           2.1.5 Secure that the service be provided with good quality and continuity,
           even when replacing the satellt or satlltes
2.2 About the international eoordination. In order for the Ministry be n the position
to conclude the international coordination process for the orbital postion hereunder, the
Concessionaire is obliged before the Ministry to:
           2.2.1 Not exceeding the technical and operation parameters set forth in the
           special sections mentioned in item V, and in the technical exhibit , o of any
           Jater modification to said parameters that may derive from the amendment
           mentioned in item VI
           2.2 2 Help to conclude the intermational coordination process for he orbital
           positon and ts associated frequencies, especilly with those countries which
           coordination agreementis pending.
           2.2.3 Comply with the technical requirements that may become demandable
           derived from the coordination agreements that may be entered with the

          2.24 Should thsatelite in position project requires modifying the technical
          and operation parametersincluded in the specialsections mentioned in item
          V, and in th technical Exhibit 1 the concessionaire shall be iable to cary
          out all the necessary actions and provide all the recourses that may be
          required to conclude a new international coordination process.
          2.2.5 The Concessionaire shall deliver the Ministry the definite technical
          project,including the spatial and terrestralsegments, upon he had agreed
          upon h finaldesign with the manufacturer of. Said project must comply
          with the condition and agreements resulting from the international
          coordination process,and whichare part ofthe technical Attachment I of the
          2.2.6 Certain portions ofhe associated bandstothe orbial position are
          curently occupied by pointto point and point to multpoint microwave
          links. The concessionaire shall comply with the clearance conditions that
          may be set, iany, in order to avoid damaging interferences to and from
          other radio communication systems
          "The Commission wl publish, ait propertime, if such is the case, he
          guidelines under which he shall carry out tassociated frequency bands
          clearance ofthe orbital positon hereunder, which may be then used by
          concessionaries ofthe microwave links, properlyaceredited.
          2.2.7 The Ministry could, at any ime, grant the concession ofone or more
          additional satelite systems within te orbital arch to +2 degrecs (plus/
          minus 2 degrecs) ofthe 77 degrees west geostationary orbial position (Le.
          between 75° and 79° west), but in bands       other frequencies;therefore,
          the concessionaire commits to cary out on his own account and risk, all the
          necessary operations to enable the co—location ofother satelite systems, for


           other or the same services i radio electric frequencies segments other than
            the ones awarded hereunder.
           "The above, providing the coverage and frequencies usage characteristics, and
           the satelliin position technical parameters and, of the other systems
           projected so permit.
2.3 Frequency bands usage coordination in case of damaging interferences. Should
any damaging interference arises, the Concessionaire shall coordinate the bands usage
associated to the 77 degrees west geostationary orbitalposition, with other
concessionaires or operators,which are authorized to operate in Mexico, frequency
bands associated to foreign satelitesor o other domestic satelites, as well as the other
concessionaries beneficiaries o concessionaries of radio communication networks,
authorized to the date the concession is awarded. The Concessionaire shallfile a
coordination application before the Commission, and the later will resoive accordingly,
pursuantt the procedures set by the UFT.
2.4 Service quality. The Concessionaireis obliged to renderth service hereunder
continuously and efficienty, pursuant to the applicable legal uling and adminisrative
provisions and, pursuant tothe technical characteristics set in the concession and in the
technical Exhibit L
Likewise, the concessionaire commits to provide the service covered hereunder under
stisfictory quality,competitively, continuity and permanence conditions and, he shall
reftain to apply discriminatory or crossed subsidies practices among services in
competence or through its affilites or filil, among other
‘The concessionaire commitsthat the service under the concession be rendered under the
best price, diversity and quality conditions in the benefit of the users,thi in orderto
promote an efficient development ofthe satellte services. For that purpose,the
Concessionaireshall send the Commission within 180 (one hundred eighty) following
calendar days to the date this concession is awarded, the minimum quality standards for
services which h undertakes to honor, without ths imiting the fact that he complies
with the generl rules hat forthat purpose may be issued by the Commission.
2.5 Service operation. The Concessionaite shall adopt the measures resulting necessary
in orderfor the service covers the domestic territory.
When replacing satellites, the Concessionaire shall maintain, at lest,the same satelite
capacity to render services in the domesticteritory, which inecessary to handle the
intemal demand, could be decreased,as expressly authorized by the Commission,
taking care ofthe coverage and eficiency needs during the service rendering.
2.6 Service interruption. Should the service rendering is internpted to one or more
users during a term that exceedstterm stted in the plan mentioned in item 2.11
hereunder; the concessionaireshallreimburse the users for the corresponding part for
the time such interruption lasts.
2.7 Complaints and repairs system. ThConcessionaire shallestablish a system to
receive claims and to epairfailires ofthe service rendering hereunder.

"The Concessionaire shall repare a reportincluding failure incidence by month and
type, and the corrective actions adopted and, the modifications made, ifany, same that
he shall submitto the commission, when the later s requires. Such report mustinclude
information for the last 12 months.
The Commission may make that information available t the publi alonwith the
information from other concessionaires rendering similar services in the country or in
the same region.
2.8 Agreements. Withoutprejudice of the provisions ofthe Concession, Concessionaie
undertakes t subject to approval by the Commission, atleastthirt (30) calendar days
prior t start rendering services, the draft agreements to be exccuted by the Users
regarding rendering the sid service, in accordance with all legal, regulatory, and
administrtive provisions
Any modifications tothe said agreements shall require preapproval by the Commission:
2.9 Commercial Practices Code. Concessionaire shall make available to the
Commission and the Users at its Commercial office, a Commercial Practices Code
clcarly and shortly describing all service modes provided by Concessionaire, the billing
methodology and the application ofthe corresponding rates. It shall also duplicate those
provisions contained in the service rendering agreement fo the service modes, and
describe the procedures and tools to receive, follow—up, and resolve User complaints.
"The Commission may request the modification f its terms based on the opinion issued
by the Federal Consumer Agency.
2.10. ContingencyPlans.
               2.10.1 Contingency Plans with other Concessionaires. Concessionaire
           acknowledges and acceptsthat contingency situations may arise which may
           require to provide technicaloperational assistance, and the supply —based on
           the recorded rates — of apacity of spatial seament for itsatellites, t the
           other domestic/ntemational satelite concessionaires, to the degree
           Concessionairehas available capacity and equivalent coverage to support the
           failed satelite service
          In such virte, Concessionaire shall submit for approval by the Commission,
          within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days, as oforbitalpositioning
          ofthe Satelite System, a Contingency Plan to be prepared and signed in
          coordination with the rest ofthe domestic/ntemational satelite
          concessionaizes, in order to face the sitations herein referred o. The
          Commission shall sipervise compliance with this Plan and may at any time
          request modifications t the same.
          Should any failures arseaffecting the operation and transmission of other
          domestic satelites, he Concessionaire shall give prioty t the relocation in
          itssatelite system ofthe reserved spatil segment capacity forth state to
          operate the nationalsecurity networks and social nature services, as well as


            other strategic services operated by the Mexican government, o as to secure
            the continuity of such services. Such being the case, t uplink signals
            transmission for those services, shall beinvariably made on domestic
           2.10.2 Contingency plan for servicedisruption. Concessionaire shall
           submit fo approval by the Commission, within one hundred and ighty
           (180) calendar days as oplacing the Satelite System in orbit, a Contingency
           Plan in the event ofservice disruption and to secure continuity in case of
           partial or ttal failir ofany clements of the Satellite system. Such Plan shall
           include, at least the fllowing:
            Notifcation procedure between Concessionaire areas
                     engaged in service to failures and coordination with the
                     corresponding areas of the other concessionaizes who will provide
                     backup including their names, numbers and operative contacts for
                     the people in charge ofthe control centers, among other issues;
            Procedure to coordinate with the satelite service users;
                     210        Procedure for access and migration of users tothe backup
                     2.10.24. Actions and measures to be aken in the short, medium
                     and long term to backup the users in orderto secure service
           The Concessionaire shall immediately reportto the Ministry and the
           Commission about any event that may affect in a general orsignificant
           manner the service.
2.11. Emergeny services. The concessionaire shall subject to the Commission‘s
approval within the folowing one hundred and eighty (180)calendar days, as ofplacing
in orbit othe Satellite System, an action plan to render emergency services in case of
disaster or acts ofGod.
The concessionaire commits to render emergency services within ts coverage area atno
cost for as long and in the proportion that the emergency so requires.
                                    Chapter Three

3.1. Rates determination. Concessionaire will sethe rates applicable for the service
established in the Concession. These will allow the Concessionaire to render the service
under satisfictory quality, compettively, security and permanence conditions. These
rates shall be recorded with the Commission, prirto their coming into force. Also,
Concessionaire may not adopt discriminatory practices in the application ofsaid rates,
in accordance with Articles 60 and 61 of the Law.


 3.2. Unduly Charge of Rates. Should the Concessionaize charges the users rates other
than those recorded or diferent than the ones established, as the case may be, in
accordance with Article 61 ofthe Law, Concessionaire shall reimburse the diference
with respecttoregistered/established rates within a term not exceeding thirty (30)
calendar days. This without limiting the fact ofany penalties imposed in accordance
with the Law and other applicable legal regulatory and administrative provisions.
3.3. No eross—subsidy. The Commission may from time to ime verify that the recorded
tates do not constiute cross—subsidy in terms of Article 62 of the Law. For this purpose,
Concessionaire shall provide all appropriateinformation, within sixty (60) calendar
days following the date he receives the appropriate requestfrom the Commission
34. Specifie Duties. Ifdetermined that Concessionaire has materal power in the
relevant market, the Commission, in accordance with the procedure determined by the
Commission for this purpose, may set frth Specific Duties for Concessionaite
regarding rates, service quality and information.
3.5, Service Brealedown. The invoice issued to the Users by Concessionaire shall
break down all charges applied for rendering of the services referred to in he
                                     Chapter Four
                             Verification and Information
4.1. Information. Withoutlimiting the powers of the Ministry and the Commission to
require all kinds ofinformation from the Concessionaire, in terms of Article 68 ofthe
Law, concessionaire shall submit to the Commission, within one hundred and fity
(150) calendar days following closing of the corresponding year
       4.1.1. All audited financialstatements broken down by service mode and, athe
       case may be, by geographical area,and
       4.1.2. A description of the Satellite System used for te rendering of the service
       in accordance with all formats as established by the Commission:
4.2. Statistieal Information. Concessionaire shall make available tothe Commission
all statistic information for Satelite System capacity usage.
4.3. Byclaws amendment — Change of domicile. Concessionaireshall notify the
Ministry and the Commission, within fiften (15) calendar days following the date the
following occur:
       4.3.1. By—laws amendment, and
       4.3.2. Change of the domicile stated in Antecedent X of the Concession
4.4. Verification and Supervision of Service rendering. Without limiting the
provisions contained in this Chapter,the Commission may,atall times, require from
Concessionaire, all technical, administrative,and financial information, and any other
data or document deemed necessary or advisable by the Commission for supervising
duly observance ofthe provisions hereaf, and to exercise the verification and


supervision powers, in order to ensure service rendering complies with alllegal,
regulatory and administrative applicable provisions
                                      Chapter Five
5. Collateral. Concessionaire shallset up collsteral for compliance ofall dutics as
established herein through a bond contracted with the Bonding Institution authorized by
the Ministry of Finance. This bond shall be submitted with the Commission within a
term no longer than thiry (30) calendar days as ofgranting hereof,in the amount of
$7,385,695.00 (seven million three hundred and eighty five thousand six hundred and.
ninety five pesos 00/100 domestic curreney.), in favorofthe Treasury ofthe Federation
This bond shall back up the payment ofpecuniary penalties that, as the case may be, are
imposed by the Ministry for breach of the dutiesderived herefrom.
"The amount othe bond shallbe yearly updated in accordance with the National
Consumer Price Index (INPC)or the index replacing INPC, For such a purpose, it shall
be submitted with the Commission atthe latest of March 1 of each year or on the date
established by the Commission (prionotification to Concessionaire}.
For yearly update ofthe bond‘s amount, said amount shall be mukiplied times the INPC
of December ofthe immediately preceding year and the result divided by the INPC of
December ofthe year preceding the latter. As the case may be, cents and rounding
upidown resulting from calculation oftabove update shabe ignored.
Without prejudice ofthe above, Concessionaire undertakes t increase the bond‘s
amount, when, deemed necessary by the Commission, within a term not exceeding ten
(10) working days as of the date ofreception of the corresponding notifcation.
This collatralshall remain in force through the term ofthe Concession. However,
should upon maturity ofsame there be pending duties, the atest bond set forth shall
remain i forceas long as said dutiesare not completed
"The policyissued on the bond shall contain an express statement that the Bonding
Instiution accepts the provisions ofArticles 95 and 118 of the Federal Law of Bonding
Institutions in forceand waiver ofall benefits ofexcussion and discussion.
                                      Chapter Six
6. Requisition. In the terms of Article 66 of the Law, in case of natural disaster, war,
serious disturbance ofthe public order or upon anticipation imminent danger to the
national security, the country‘s internal peace or to the national economy, the Ministry
may perform a requisition oftorbital position and all associated frequencies, all
ancillary services, works, constructions and other dependencies and accessories of itas
well as all eal and personal property necessary to aperate the service and use allthis as
deemed appropriate. The Ministry may also use the personnel ten on duty as deemed
necessary. Requisiton will remain for as long as the conditions that caused same.


"The Ministry, except in the event of war,shall indemnify Concessionaie, and pay for
all damages at their actual value. Should there not be an agreement on the amount of
indemnification,all damages shall be determined by experts appointed by both parties:
In the case oflosses, they shall be based on the average nincome ofthe year
preceding the requisiton. Each party shall pay for halfthe expenses arising from the
experts" audit. The rights ofall workers shall be observed in accordance with the
approprite Law.
                                   Chapter Seven
             Termination, Jurisdiction, Competence, and Consideration.
7.1. Termination of the Concession. The Ministry shall proclaim the administraive
termination of the Concession due to h reasons set forthin Article 37 of the Law
7.2. Promise to lease. If termination ofthe Concession, Concessionaire undertakes to
execute a lease with the Ministry with respect to all property associated with operation
ofthe Satelite System service. Said obligation shall remain in foree fo four (4) months
following termination ofthe Concession.
"The term ofthe said lease shall beat east one (1) year and shall be automaticaly
renewable for equal terms and up to five (5) years. The amount of the said lease shall be
determined by experts(one appointed by Concessionaire and the other by the Ministry
and, in case ofdiscrepancies, by a third party appointed by both experts. IF
Concessionaire should notassign an expert, or the expert is not stated, it shall be
wunderstood as a waiver ofthe right to appointhim and the unconditionalacceptance of
the opinion issued by the Ministry‘s expert
7.3. Considerations tothe Rederal Government, In accordance with Article 29 ofthe
Law, Concessionaite has paid the Federal Government, dated XXXXXXX a one—time
consideration in the amount of $153,013,050.00 (One hundred and fifty three millions
thirteen thousand and fify pesos 00/100). This consideration was equal t the value of
the valid bid for the highest economic value bid in the final bid.
Additionally, Concessionaire shall pay forthe right of use of appropriate radio electric
spectrum frequeney bands in order to provide the service herein referred to,in
accordance with the provisions ofthe Federal Rights Law in force. Receipt of payment
forrights shall be forwarded to the Commission.
7.4. Jurisdietion. Forall that related with the construal ofand compliance with the
Concession and all Technical Exhibts, except for adminisrative issues to be resoved
by the Ministry/Commission, Concessionaire agreesto be subject to the jurisdiction of
the Federal Courts located in Mexico City, Rederal District. Likewise, Concessionaite
shall waive the jurisdiction that may apply to Concessionaire by reason of ts current or
future domicie.
"The scope and effects of the obligations herein contained shall be construed in
accordance with the applicable legislation referred to in item 1.11 hereor and all
provisions contained in the call for bids, Bases and other documents associated with the
BBid Procedure for orbital position 77°Was referred to in Antecedents IX, X y XII


The Concessionaire‘s domicile shall be located without exception within the teritorial
boundaries of the United Mexican States.
7.5 Federal Government Disclaimer. Responsiblity by the Federal Government is
limited to granting ofthrightto occupy the 77° W geostationary orbital position and to
develop the associated frequeney bands hereunder.
Mexico, D. F, February 2, 2005

                    PEDRO CERISOLA Y WEBER
                            TiE CoNCEssIONAIRE]
                            THE ATTORNEY—N—FACT

This page of signatures corzesponds to the TitlofConcession granted by the Federal
Govemment via the Minisry in favorof[THE CONCESSIONAIRE},to occupy the 77°
West geostationary orbital position assigned to the country and to develop its
cortesponding frequency bands 12.2 —12.7 GHz. and 17.3 — 17.8 GHz., aswell as the
rights to broadcast en receive signals.


Technical Exhibit 1 ofthe Concession to occupy 77° West geostationary orbital
position allocated to the country and to develop corresponding frequency bands
12.2 — 127 GHz. and 17.3 — 17.8 GHz, as well as the rights to broadcast and
receive signals granted by the Federal Government via the Ministry of
Communications and Transportation under the Federal Telecommunications Law,
in favor of QUETZAT, S. DE RL DE C.V. dated February 2, 2005
                         Teoinicat sercirications
               Parameter                          Value adopted by Parameter
Frequency Range
              Downlinks                     122—127 Gbe.
              Uplinks                       173 —17.8 Ghe.
Serviced Zone                                  * Mexico
                                              *   United States of America
                                              (See all related to Special Sections
                                              referred o in Antecedent VI of the
Power supplied o tansmission senal            226 dBw
Isotropic Gain ofTransmission acrial n        33 am
the maximum radiation direction
Tsotrapic Gain of reception acril n the       33 am
maximum radiation direction
Type ofPolarzation
       Odd Channels                           Circular Right (dextrogirous)
       Even Channels                          Cireular Let (evogirous)
Base Band Composition                         Digital audio‘video and muloplexed
                                              data channels
Additonal Resirctions derived from
Coordination Agreements:
— Power Flow Density value produced by        — 115 dB(Win)
transmission of Satelite that will not be
exceed at no time over the Cuban Terrtory


        Channeling plan for radio electric spectrum frequencies for Satellite
Radiobroadeast Service for Region 2, on frequency bands 12.2 — 12.7 Ghz. And
                                  173—178 Ghe.

         Chamea                             CoirlFremac oile)
                    Bomings                                  lnts
                   (Spacctardy                             (artSpaco
   7                  reesems                          rizeo
   :                  reasase                         wasess
   3                  se                              wassie
   3                  arm                             werre
   s                  wasess                          weese
   C                  rezseso                         wrcsso
   f                  ramas                           manas
   s                  rexmeos                         wassse
  s                  mos                              vace
   ro                se                               wase
   m                 ressose                          iss
   ®                 mssise                           wasise
   is                resssss                          wsess
   w                 rnsse                            ms
   is                en                               weane
  o                  uze                              waer
  @                  morze                            warze
  i                  wrise                            wariss
  m                  mss                              waeas
  =                  wsose                            wearse
  =                  rsmes                            vemss
  =                  wsore                            wesore
  3                  usure                            veare
  x                  mssose                           wsose
  is                 wsrser                           worsse
  &                  essaso                           wrsaso
  #                  esssos                           wosse
  =                  romse                            wirse
  »                  msee                             men
  3                  resssee                          wras:
  &                  mevs                             ware
  x                  weress                           imase


            Name of Satellite
Type ofSatelite                  Geostationary
Geostationary Orbital Position   77° West Longitude
Polarization                        Circular Right (dextrogirons)
                                    Circular Left (evogirous)
Uplinks                                       173— 178 oh.
Downlinks                                     122—127 oh.
Coverage                         The oial temtory of the Unied Mexican
Maximum PIRE                     53.6 dbw


Technical Exhibit 11 of the Concession to occupy the geostationary orbital position
77° West allocated to the country and to develop corresponding frequency bands
12.2— 12.7 GHz. and 17.3 — 17.8 GHz, as well as the rights to broadcast and
receive signals granted by the Federal Government, via the Ministry of
Communications and Transportation under the Federal Telecommunications Law
in favor of QUETZAT, S. DE RL. DE C—V. dated
                         SATELLITE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION

    * Transmission, elemetry and command Subsystem (TT&C)
"The telemetry and command subsystem will consist ofreceptors and redundant
transmiters, which may be operated by:
    (a) An omni directional antenna for operations during the orbitaltransfer and
        emergency operations in the finalposition,
    (5) Long range Antenna for operations during the orbialtransfer and operations in
        the final position (control and telemety),
    (¢) Through communication antenna for the operational mode in the final position.
The design will aloud that all automatic finctions ofthe satellte willbe block thorough
the utilzation ofcertain commands, in caseit is necessary.
    + Communication Subsystem
In order t assure the maximum reliability, thsatelite to be built will have redundant
receptors and transponders. The communication through receptors ofKu band is
typically configured through configuration 4:2 so any one of the two receptors will
completethe mission
    * Operation and Contral Center othe Satellite System
Thsatelte network thatwill be positioned in 77° West, will be monitored by an
Operation and Control Center located within Mexican teritory. The failits in which
the operation and control will beperformed will operated 24 hours per day, seven days a
week. The Operation and Control Center will have the capscityto block the automatic
functions of the satellite in case it is necessary.


Document Created: 2005-04-28 11:47:30
Document Modified: 2005-04-28 11:47:30

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