Attachment other


OTHER submitted by Columbia



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050316-00065 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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    By nanp petivery                                        RECEIVED
    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                    mar 2 5 2005
    Secretary                                                 iCommunizaton Comnision
    Pederal Communications Commission                        * oncectSeemiay
    445 12th Street, SW.                                      £
    Washington, D.C. 20554
                  Re:     STA Request to Operate AMC—12 at 37.45° W.L.
                          File No. SAT—STA—20050316—00065, Call Sign 82415
    Dear Ms. Dortch:

                   Columbia Communications Corporation (‘Columbia®), by its attorneys,
    hereby supplements the record with respect to its above—referenced application for
    special temporary authority to operate AMC—12 at 37.45° W.L. rather than its
    assigned orbit location of 37.5° W.L. AMC—12 is currently drifting towards
    37.5° W.L. and is scheduled to arrive there on April 3. For the reasons discussed
    herein, Columbia seeks expedited grant of its STA request prior to that date.
                  AMC—12 will provide follow—on C—band capacity for Satcom C—1, which
    is licensed to Columbia‘s parent company, SES Americom, Inc. (‘SES Americom")
    There is only a single customer that will transition from Satcom C—1 to AMC—12.
    Columbia and SES Americom are currently working with that customer to develop
    a transition plan.   The transition is not a simple "hot cut" because the customer will
    not be remaining on the same frequency. The most likely scenario is that Columbia
    will turn on and configure all of AMC—12 except for the frequency the Satcom C—1
    customer is currently using. When the customer transitions over to its new
    frequency on AMC—12, SES Americom will terminate communications services over
    Satcom C—1, and Columbia will activate the remaining frequencies on AMC—12.
    This process may occur over several days, between approximately April 5 and
    April 7.
                 Satcom C—1 is currently collocated at 37.5" W.L. with Loral‘s Telstar 11
    Ku—band spacecraft. Both Satcom C—1 and Telstar 11 are in inclined orbit. The
    motion of these spacecraft occupics a large amountof the stationkeepingvolume at
    87.5° W.L. However, currently the motion is somewhat synchronized, and the

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Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
March 25, 2005
Page 2

operators have been maintaining separation of the two by eccentricity. Bringing a
fully stationkept satellite into that same area presents a risk to safe operation of
the satellites because the new spacecraft would not have the same daily motion in
the box that the two inclined spacecraft do. Thus, whatis currently a difficult task
of maintaining two inclined orbit satellites in the same stationkeeping volume will
become much more complicated if AMC—12 must also share the same volume when
it arrives.

              Service to customers could also be adversely affected. A high
eccontricity would be required to maintain separation of AMC—12 from the other
satellites. The eccentricity would not affect the video service customer currently
using Satcom C—1 but could impact the performance of smaller signal customers
that are expected to use capacity on AMC—12.
             To avoid these risks, Columbia urges the Commission to grant the
AMC—12 STA request and Loral‘s pending request to operate Telstar 11 at
87.55° W.L. (File No. SAT—STA—20050321—00067) on an expedited basis. Please
direct any questions regarding this submission to the undersigned.
                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                         $ fatile__
                                       Peter A. Rohrbach
                                       Karis A. Hastings
                                       Counsel for Columbia Communications Corp.
cc:   Forn Jarmulnck
      Andrea Kelly
      Robert Nelson

Document Created: 2005-03-30 12:08:19
Document Modified: 2005-03-30 12:08:19

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