Attachment letter


REQUEST submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050203-00018 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                               Federal Communications Commission
                                      Washington, DC 20554
inematonal Borsnu

                                                 May 24, 2005

  Mr. Pantelis Michalopontos
  Steptoe & Johnson LLP
  1330 Connectiont Avenve
  Washington, DC 20036—1795
                    Re:    EchoStar Satelite LLC. Application for Special Temporary Authority To Move
                           EchoStar 5 to 129° W.L. and To Conduct Telemety, Tracking and Command
                           Operations During the Relacation to this Orbital Location.
                           File Number: STA—STA—20050203—00018
  Dear Mr. Michalopoulos,
           On May 11, 2005, on behalf of EchoStar Satellte LLC. (chostar, you submitted a leter in
  response to our request for additionalinformation in connection with the above—referenced application."
  In the May 11, 2005 letter, EchoStar states in Attachment 2 that "Two momentum wheel anomalies
  previously experienced require operation of the spacecraft in a modified earth—pointing mode uilizing
  thrusters to maintain spacecraft pointing.. While this operating mode provides adequate earth—pointing
  performance, it resuls in both an increase in fuel usage (with corresponding reduction of spacecraft life,
  and continuous operations of te digital integrated rate assemblies (DIRAs). Current toal DIRA on—times
  exceed those recommended by the spacecraft manifacturer.". This leads us to request the following
                  1. Please provide a reliahlity analysis showing the probability offailure of the remaining
          momentum wheel, taking into account the failures of the frst two momentum wheels, and the
          resuling overall probability of being able to maintain spacecraft atitude control sufficient to
          provide DBS service and to not cause unacceptable interference to other systems due to
                 2. If failure of ts remaining momentum wheel would not require retiring EchoSar 5,
          what would be the impact of thisfailure on fuel consumption?
                   3. Please provide a reliablity analysis showing the probsbility offailure of the DIRAs,
          takinginto account the possiblity offailir ofthe remaining momentum wheel, an the resultng
          overall probabilty of being able to maintain spacecraft atitude control suffiient to provide DBS
          serviceand to not cause unaeceptable interference to other systems due to mispointing.
                4. Please explain the impact a DIRA falure or failurs or the failure of the remaining
          momentum wheel would have on the abilty to properly dispose of the sateliteat the end of ts

  ‘ See Leterfrom Thomas S. Tyez, Chit, Stelite Division, Inmernationa! Burcas, to Pantlis Michalopoulos
  Counsel forEchaStar (Apr.4,2005)

        mission life, or when spacecraft atitude control sufficient to provide DBS service and to not
        cause unacceptable interference to other systems due to mispointing is no longer easible
         Please provide the requested information by May 31, 2005. Failure to respond will subjectthe
applicationto dismissal pursuantto Section 25,152 ofthe Commission‘s rules.
       Please hand.deliver or email courtesy copies of any fling made in response tothisleter to Karl
Kensinger ( and Jay Whaley ( of my staf.

                                                           Shonss Sq
                                                                ‘Thomas S.Tycz
                                                                Chiet,Sutelite Division

Document Created: 2005-05-24 14:25:07
Document Modified: 2005-05-24 14:25:07

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