Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050128-00015 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                         | is    «_SAT— TA ~2005p 128 —Oo015— .
                                                                         |                    WURAHRIEL Co.P i iore
                                                                                  casa¥            2)11 2ee5~
                                                                             f                                Approved by OMB
                                                          n    neren             2h/zes 3/2 / 20057
Date & Time Filed: Jan 28 2008 2:53:54:720PM                     iuve              air—    CGiP Hclk
     Number: SAT—STA—20050128—00015
Callsign:                                                                        Ble k C 1 bsJ            5(7 hee _fgfazr&
                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS CoMiMISSION
                                                     ror FFICIAL UsE ONEY

Enter a description of thi application to identfy t on the main menu
 STA to Drift INTELSAT 605 to 174 EL.
1. Applicant
           Name:     IntelsatLLC                         Phone Number:                an—ou—7018
           DBA Name:                                     Fax Number:                  202—084—7800
           Streets   efo Intlsat Global Sve. Corn        E—Mai:                       susan.crandall@intelsatcom
                     3400 IntemationalDrive, N.W.
           Ci:       Washington                          State:                        pe
           Country:   USA                                Zipeote:                     20008       —3006
           Attention:   Suson H. Crandall


                                          Intelsat 605
                                       Call Sign 52394
                                      January 31, 2005

Intelsat LLC‘s (Intelsat) request, File No. SAT—8TA—20050128—00015, for special
temporary authority (STA) authority to immediately begin drifting its INTELSAT 605
satellte (Call Sign $2394) from 77° W.L. orbitallocation to 174° EL.orbital location 18
GRANTED." Accordingly, Intelsatis authorized for a period of thiry days to deift the
INTELSAT 605 satellite tothe 174° E.L. orbital location and to operate the satelite‘s
Tracking, Telemetry, Command, and Monitoring (TTC&M)in the 6168—6182 MHz
(uplink) and 3947.325—3952.675 MHz (downlink) frequency bands during the drift
commencing immediately in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical
specifieations set forth in its application, the Commission‘s rulesand this Attachment;
1. During the drift of the satellte from 77° W.L.orbital location to 174° E.L. orbital
location, Intelsat shall not operate the communications payload on the INTESLAT 605
2. Intelsat shall coordinate all ofits TTC&M operations with existing geostationary
satelltes to ensure that no unacceptable interference results from its TC&M operations
during its drif
3. During the drift of the satellite from 77° W.L. orbitallocation to 174° EL. orbital
Tocation, no harmful interference shall be caused by the INTELSAT 605 satellite to any
other lawfully operating satellites or radiocommunication systems. Operations ofthe
INTELSAT 605 satellite shall cease immediately upon notification of such interference
and Intelsat shall inform the Commission in writing immediately ofsuch an event.
4. While drifing the INTELSAT 605 satelite to 174° E.L. orbital location, Intelsatis
required to acceptinterference from other lawfully operating in—orbit satellites.
5. This grantis issued purstiant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release.

* INTELSAT 605 currentylocated at 77° WIL, where it is operating prsuantto STA. SeItesat
LLC RequesforSpecial Temporary Authory for INTELSAT 608, IBFS Fle No. SAT—STA—2004 18—
00203 (tamp arant on Dec. 20, 2004 Imelathadpreviously planned tdrif INTELSAT 608 rom 77°
W.L. to 178° EL. orbtallocationafter ts temporary operationat77° W.L. ocbial ocation. Intclatnow
secksauthorty o dthe satellte to 174° EL. orbial ocationtohelprestoreserviceatthatlocation

2. Contct

            Name:        Car R. Frank                       Phone Number:                       202—719—7260
            Company:     Wiley Rein & Ficlding LLP          Fax Number:                         anr=719—7000
            Street:      1776 K Street NW                   E—Mil                               clrink@urtcom

            Ciy:         Washington                         State:                               pe
            Country:      USA                               Zipeods:                            20006     m
            Contact      Atomey                              Relationship:                      Legal Counsel

  (if your application is rlated to an applcatio filed withthe Commission, nter the file number below )
  3. Reference File Number SATMOD2004101300199
  o. Ts fee submited with this appliation?
@ If¥es, complete and attach FCC Form 159.      If No, indicate reason for fe exemption (see 47 C.FR.Section 1.1114)
g Governmental Entity gy Noncommercial educational licensee
g Otherfplease explain:
‘b. Fee Classifcation CRY — Space Station (Geostationry)
5.Tpe Request
 @5 Change Station Location                     & Extend Expiration Date                        @ Oner

6:Temporary Orbt Locaton                                               7. Requested Extended Expiration Dare

8. Description —(lftcomplete description does not appear in this bon, lease go to the end oft form to view it in it entirely)
     Intelsat LLC herein requests Special Texporary Authority for 20 days beginning January 31,
     2005 to begin drifting INTBLGAT 605 to 174 E.L. See attached.

9. By checking Yesthe undersigned crtifesthatnether applint nor any other paty to the aplication s subject @ Yes.               «y No
to a denial of Federl benefits thatincludes FCC benefitspursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti~Drug Act o1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862because ofa comvition for possession ordistibution of a contrlled substance. See 47 CFR
1,2002(b)for the meaning of &quotparty o the application&quatfor these purposes

10. Name ofson Signing                                                 11. Tite oPeson Signing
PatickJ.Cerra                                                          Vice President

12. Please supply any need atachments
  Atachment 1: Atachment A                      Atachment 2:                                   Atachment 3

                 (U.S. Code, Tite 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Ti47 Section 312(a)(1), AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.S. Code, Tide 47, Setion 503)

ree Novick requnteb BY THE rAPERWORK REDUCTION aCT
"The public reportingfor this cllectiono information is estimated to average 2 hours perresponse, ncluding th ime for reviewing instructions,
searching existingdata sources,gathering and maintiningthe equired dato, and compltingand reviewing the collction oinformation: Ifyou
have any comments on this burden estimate,or how we can mprove the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please writ o the
Federal Communieations Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Projct (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We willalso accept
your commentsregarding the Paperwork Reduction Actaspects of his calletion via the nternctifyou send them to PLEASE
RRemember — You are notrequired t respond to collection ofinformation sponsored by the Federal government, anthe government may not
condut or sponsorthis collection,urles it isplays a currenty valid OMB contrl number orif we fal to provide you withthisnatce. ‘This
collection has beenassigned an OMB contrl number of 3060—0678
1, 1998, 44 US.C. SECTION 3st7.

i Wiley Rein & Fielding us

io smeerne         January 28, 2005                                                    cart . Frank
monneron, oc mss                                                                       202097200
now annszon                                                                            ctrik@urtcon
m       masie
                   ViA ELECTRONIC FILING
sure ane
                   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
waomvnm            Secretary
now masam          Federal Communications Commission
                   236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Suite 110
                   Washington, DC 20002
                   Re:    Request for Special TemporaryAuthority for INTELSAT 605
                          Call Sign: $2304
                   Dear Ms. Dortch:
                   Intelsat LLC ("Intelsat") herein requests Special Temporary Authority (*STA®) for
                   30 days beginning January 31, 2005 to beain drifting INTELSAT 605 to 174° EL.
                   INTELSAT 605 currenty is located at 77° W.L., where it is operating pursuant to
                   STA: Intelsais authorized to drift INTELSAT 605 from 77° W.L. to 178° EL.
                   after itstemporary operation at 77° W L. but instead now secks authoriy to drif
                   the satlliteto 174° EL. to help restore serviceatthat location afterthe recent
                   failure of INTELSAT 804. Intelsaintends to file shortly an amendment to is
                   pending modification application‘ in order to seek authority to operate INTELSAT

                   ‘ Itelsat has filed ts STA request, this supporting letter, an FCC Form 159 and a
                   $735.00 flingfee lectronically vi the International Bureau‘s filing System.
                   * See Intelsat LLC Request for Special Temporary Authority for INTELSAT 605,
                   File No. SAT—STA—20041018—00203 (stamp grant issued by Andrea Kelly, FCC, on
                   Dec. 20, 2004).
                   * See Intelsat LLC Requestfor Special Temporary Authority fo INTELSAT 605,
                   File No. SAT—STA—20041018—00202 (stamp grantissued by Andrea Kelly, FCC, on
                   Oct. 21, 2004).
                   * As the Commission is aware, INTELSAT 804 experienced a sudden and
                   unexpected electrcal power system anomaly on January 14, 2005 that caused the
                   total loss ofthe spaccraft
                   °* Application of Intelsat LLC to Modify Authorization for INTELSAT 605, Fle No:
                   SAT—MOD—20041013—00199 (fled Oct. 13, 2004)

Wiley Rein& Fielding us

January 28, 2008
Page 2

605 at174° E.L. upon its arrival atthatlocation, which currently is expected to be
late March 2005.
During the drit ofthe stellite, Intelsatwill utlize only TT&C frequencieson the
satelite. Those TT&C frequencies are as fllows

Uplin:             6175 Mite +/7 MHz
Downlink           3050 MHz +/—2.675 MHz
Grant ofthis STA request will serve the public interest by allowing Intelsat to help
restore service at 174° E.L. following a stellte falure. Moreover, allowing the
satellite to immediately begin drifing allows Intelsato conserve fuel on a satellite
(hatis nearingthe end of ts useful life. In addition, rant ofthis STA request will
not result in inereased risk of harmful interference.. As noted above, Itelsat will
operate only TT&C frequencies during the drif Should any interference occur
during the drif, Intelsat will take all reasonable steps to eliminate such interference
Because Intlsat would liketo begin the drif on January 31, 2005 in orderto have
INTELSAT 605 on locationat 174° E.L. as quickly as possible, Intelst respectfully
requests expeditious grant ofthis STA request
Respectfully submitd.
/Any E. Bender
Carl R. Frank
Amy E. Bender
Counsel to Intelsat LLC
ce: Tom Tyez
    Andrea Kelly
    Bob Nelson

Document Created: 2005-02-01 11:14:02
Document Modified: 2005-02-01 11:14:02

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