Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050124-00010 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                        CitSin SEWL on oue P¥Je
                                                                        (orother ieniten             Approved by OMB
                                                                         l J/‘h   1       e ‘%/‘/          s0s0—0678
Date & Time Filed: Jan 24 2005 2.00:05:880PM     1.
File Number: SAT—STA—20050124—00010                                   A4_ _ClietGhdiy
Calsign                                                                   HLK ids ,;j».m,,?m.@
                                           ¥EDERAL CoMMUNICArIONS CoMMISSION
                              ArPLICATION For SmAE stamon sECIAL TemroraRy AUTHoRITY
                                                     ror orriciat use onty

Entera description ofthi application to identify it on the main menu:
 Galaxy 9 STA to 90.9W extension —180 days (Jan 2005)
1: Applicant
           Name:     PanAmSat Licensee Corp.             Phone Number:                202—202—4300
           DHA Name:                                     Fax Number:                  an—an—ors
           Street:   1801 K Street, NIW                  g—mai
                     Suire 440
                     Washington                          State:                       pe
                      usa                                Zipeote:                     2006      =
                     M Kalpak S Gude Bsg

                                   Conditions of Authorization
                                         August 11, 2004
    1.          PanAmSat Licensee Corp.‘s applications, SAT—MOD—20050621—00130
and SAT—STA—20050124—00010, ARE GRANTED. Accordingly PanAmSat Licensee
Corp.‘s authorization (SAT—LOA—19941027—00058) to operate its GALAXY—9 satellite
(Call Sign 82146) atthe 127.0°W.L. orbital location and its authorization to operate
GALAXY—9 on a temporary basis at the 90.9° W.L. orbit location (SAT—STA—20040809—
00158) ARE MODIFIED to reassign GALAXY—9 to 90.9° W.L. with +0.05° longitudinal
station—keeping, and to operate in the frequency bands 3700 — 4200 MHz (space—to—
Earth), and 5025—6425 MHz (Earth—to—space). Other than the change in orbital location,
the conditions contained in the prior authorization‘ remain in effect and the GALAXY—9
satellte will operate in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical
specifications set forth in its application, this Attachment and the Commission‘s Rules.
    3:          PanAmSat Licensee Corp. shall prepare the necessary information, as may
be required, for submission tothe ITU to initite and complete the advance publication,
international coordination, due diligence, and notification process of this space station, in
accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations. PanAmSat Licensee Corp. shall be held
responsible for all cost recovery fees associated with these ITU filings. We also note that
no protection from interference caused by radio stations authorized by other
administrations is guaranteed unless coordination and notification procedures are timely
completed or, with respect to individual administrations, by successfully completing
coordination agreements. Any radio station authorization for which coordination has not
been completed may be subject to additional terms and conditions as required to effect
coordination of the frequency assignments of other administrations. See 47 C.FR. §
    3.          PanAmSat Licensee afforded thirty days from the date of release
of this grant and authorization to decline this authorization as conditioned. Failure to
respond within this period will constitute formal acceptance of the authorization as

    a.          This Grant is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘s rules
on delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release. Petitions for
reconsideration under Section 1106 or applications for review under Section 1115 of the
Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days ofthe date of
the public notice indicating that this action was taken.

‘IBFS File Number SAT—LOA—19941027—00058.

2. Contact

             Name:      Joseph A. Godes, Bsg           Phone Number:                    202—420—4000
             Companys   Goldbery, Godles, Wiener &     Fax Number:                      an—an9 012
             Street:    1229 19thSteet, NW             E—Mais                 

             c          Washington                     State                             nc
             Coumtry:    USA                           Zipeode:                         2une —
             Contact    Attomey                        Relationship:                    Legal Counsel

 (ifyour applcation s relited t an aplication ied with the Commission,cater theie number blow)
 3. Reference File Number
 ‘a. i a fee submited wih thisapplication?
@ 1fVes,complete and attach FCC Form 159. IfNo,indicate reason for e exemption (sce 47 C.ERSection 1.1114)
 ( Governmental Enity gy Noneommercia ducational censce
 @ Otherfplease xplain}
[b Fes Classification CRY — Space Sation (Geontaionary)
5. Tpe Request
& Change Sation Location                     @ Extend Expiation Date                     Oher

6.Temporary Orbt Location                                        7. Requested Extended Expiation Date
                                                                       anos—0%—os o0.0000.0

3. Deseription —(lf the complets descripion docs not appeaithis bos, please o to the end of the form to view it in is entircd.)
      PanMSat Licensee Corp. hereby requests extension of its STA to continue operation of the
      Galaxy 9 spacecraft at 90.9 ML for 180 days.

9. By checkine Vesthe undersigned cerfies that neither applcant noany other pary o the appieation is subject @p Yos      gp No
to a denial ofFederl benefts thatincludes ECC benefits pursuantto Section 5301 othe Anti~Drug Act of 1988,
21 US.C. Setion 862, because of comviction for possession ordistbution ofa contrlled substance. See 47 CR
1—2002(b)forthe meaning of &quotpart tothe aplication@iquo,for these purposes

10. Name of Person Signing                                         11 Tile o Person Signing
Kalpak Gude                                                        [Associate General Counsel
12. Please supply any needattschments
 Atachment 1: STA extension                   Atachment 2:                                 Atachment3

                 (US, Code, Ti18, Setion 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (US. Code, Te 47, Section 312(a)(1), AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.8. Code, Tite 47, Setion 503)

ree Norice rEqurid uy TiE raPERWORK REDUCTION ACT
"The publi eporting for this clletion of nformation i stimated to average 2 hours er response,including thtime fr reviewing instructions,
searchingexistig data sources, eathering and maintaining th requized dat, and completig and revewingthecllecionofinformation. Ifyou
have any comments on this brden estimate, orhow we can improve the collectionand reducethe burden it uses you, please wito the
Federal Communiations Commision, AMD~PERM, Paperwork ReductionProect(3060—0676), Washington, DC20554. We willalso accept
your comments regardingthe Paperwork Reduction Act aspects othis collection via thIternc if you send them to Jboley@fecgov. PLEASE
boNor sENp coPLETEDForMs To THs AppRESS.
IRemermber =You arenot required o respond t a collection ofinformation sponsored by theFederal rovermentand the government may not
conduct or sponsor this callection, unless t displays a currenty valid OME control numberorifwefailt provide youwith this naice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB controlnumber of 3060—0678.
k rorEcoiNc Norick is REgurRep By THE rAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995, PUBLIC LAW 10+—13, OcroBER
1, 19984 Us.C. SECTION 357.


        PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmSat"), pursuant to Section 25.120 of the
Commission‘s rules,‘ hereby requests a 180—day extension, through August 8, 2005, of
its special temporary authority ("STA") for Galaxy 9 to operate the tracking, telemetry,
and command (‘TT&C") payload on Galaxy 9 at 90.9° W.L. Absent an extension,
PanAmSat‘s STA will expire on February 9, 2005.
       On January 15, 2004, the Commission grant stamped, subject to conditions,
PanAmSat‘s request for an STA to relocate Galaxy9 from 127.1° W.L. o 90.9° WL.and
to operate the TT&C payload during the relocation and when the spacecraft arrived on
station at 90.9° W.L2 Galaxy9 arrived at 90.9° W.L. and now serves as an in—orbit spare
providing back up to PanAmSat‘s fleet in this portion of the orbital arc. On August 9,
2004, PanAmSat requested an additional 180—day STA to operate Galaxy 9 at 90.9° W.L.,
which the Commission granted, but, as noted above, that STA soon will expire. As
stated in PanAmSat‘s inital STA request, PanAmSat is positioning Galaxy 9 at 90.9°
W.L.,rather than 91.0° W.L, in order to maintain a safe separation from, and facilitate
coordinated stationkeeping with, PanAmSat‘s Galaxy 11 at 91.0° W.L.
       PanAmSat‘s extension request is supported by good cause, because extending the STA
will enable PanAmSat to contine to provide back up protection for its fleet. Granting the
authority requested, moreover, is in keeping with the Commission‘s policy to allow "satellite
operators to rearrange satellites in their fleet to reflect business and customer considerations
where no other public interest factors are adversely affected."*
      Accordingly, and for good cause shown, PanAmSat respectfully requests that its STA be
extended through August 8, 2005. Questions with respect to this matter should be directed to
Joseph A. Godles, PanAmSat‘s counsel, at 202—129—1900.

ur on®s2sim
" Se Grant Stamp ofRobert G. NelsonChiet,Satllte Engincering Branch, regarding Fle No. GAT—STA—
3 se Granto Authoriy, File No. SATBSTA—20010723—00184 (Oct.6,2004)
"LoralSpceCom Corportion and LoalSpac& Communictions Corportion; Applicationsfr Modifeation
ofived—Satelie Service Space Stition Authorztion, Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorizaion,
DA (2—1015,18 PCC Red, €201, 6306 (ItI Bur. 2000 Se also n the Mater fVTELSAT LLG
Applicitin to Modfy Authoriatinsto Operate, andto Further Construct, Launch, and Operate Chand and
Kictand Satelitesthat Fomi Globl Communicatons System in Geostationary Orkit, Order and
Authorization DA 01—2069, 16 FCC Red 16208 (ntl Bur. 2001; GE Anerican Communiatons, Irc,
Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization, DA 00—209,15 FCC Red 2358 (Il Bur. 2000};
AMSC Subsidiry Coporation, Order and Authorization, DA 98—493, 13 PCC Red 12516 (In‘I Bur.
(19995and Hugles Communiations Galezy,Inc, Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 90155 FCC
Red 4197 (ComCar. Bur.1990)

Document Created: 2005-08-11 16:20:35
Document Modified: 2005-08-11 16:20:35

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