Attachment supplement


SUPPLEMENT submitted by SES



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050111-00009 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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   BY HAND DELIVERY                                  RECEIVED
   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                 APR = T 2005
                                                  Futenl Conmunicato conmissin
   Federal Communications Commission
   Ptees                                                  iesot Serrny
   445 12th Street, SW.
   Washington, D.C. 20554
                  Re:   STA Request to Operate the Ka—band Payload and
                        Ku—band TT&C of AMC—16 at 97° W.L.
                        File No. SAT—STA—20050111—00009, Call Sign S2181

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

                SES Americom, Inc. (‘SES Americom"), by its attorneys, hereby
   supplements the record with respect to its above—referenced application for special
   temporary authority to relocate AMC—16 to 97° W.L. and operate its Ka—band
   payload and Ku—band TT&C at that location for a period of sixty days (the "STA
   Request‘). As discussed herein, SES Americom has successfully completed
   discussions regardingstationkeeping with Intelsat, which operates the Intelsat
   Americas 5 satellite at 97° W.L. Pursuant to those discussions, SES Americom
   proposes to operate AMC—16 centered at 96.925° W.L. with a +/— 0.025 degree
   stationkeeping tolerance. SES Americom has also coordinated the AMC—16 Ku—
   band TT&C frequencies with Intelsat and with the adjacent operations of
   PanAmSat. AMC—16 is scheduled to begin moving toward 97° W.L. on April 9, and
   SES Americom seeks expedited grant of the STA Request prior to that date.

                SES Americom filed this STA Request on January 11, proposing
   temporary operation of AMC—16‘s Ka—band payload and Ku—band TT&C at the
   97° W.L. orbital location. SES Americom demonstrated that grant of the STA
   Request wasin the public interest and would not adversely affect any other
   operator. SES Americom showed that no frequency coordination was required with
   respect to the proposed Ka—band operations of AMC—16. SES Americom noted that
   Intelsat Americas 5 operates at 97° W.L. in the Ku—band and that PanAmSat
   operates Ku—band satellites at 95° W.L. and 99° W.L. SES Americom committed to

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Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
April 7, 2005
Page 2

coordinating stationkeeping matters with Intelsat and coordinating its Ku—band
TT&C frequencies as needed with Intelsat and PanAmSat.
             To provide flexibility to accommodate stationkeeping matters, the STA
Request sought authority to operate AMC—16 centered at a location within
0.1 degrees of 97.0° W.L. STA Request, Narrative at 3 n.7. SES Americom stated
that once stationkeeping discussions were completed, it would advise the
Commission of any agreed upon offset.
              The STA Request appeared on Public Notice on January 28, 2005.! No
party filed comments on the STA Request.
                         STATIONKEEPING MATTERS

              As contemplated in the STA Request, SES Americom has conducted
discussions with Intelsat to ensure that AMC—16 and Intelsat Americas 5 (TA—5")
can safely co—exist during the limited period of the STA. In order to facilitate joint
operations, SES Americom and Intelsat have agreed to the following stationkeeping
                1. 1A—5 will continue to operate centered at 97.0° W.L. with a
                   +/—0.05 degree East/West stationkeeping tolerance.
                2. Ifauthorized by the Commission, AMC—16 would operate
                    centered at 96.925° W.L. with a +/— 0.025 degree East/West
                    stationkeeping tolerance.
                8. Intelsat and SBS Americom will exchange orbital elements and
                   maneuver plans. These will be Keplerian elements in the TEME
                   (True Equator, Mean Equinos) frame. Maneuver plans will
                   contain pre— and post—maneuver predicted elements and delta
                   velocity with direction.
                4. Intelsat and SES Americom have exchanged point of contact
                   information identifying responsible personnel to facilitate
                   resolution of anyissues that might arise during the temporary

*     Policy Branch Information, Report No. SAT—00267 (rel. Jan. 28, 2005)

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
April 7, 2005
Page 3

             Under the parameters agreed to between SES Americom and Intelsat,
the stationkeeping volume of AMC—16 would not overlap with that of IA—5 during
the proposed temporary operation of AMC—16. No other commercial satellite is
assigned at or near the 97° W.L. orbital location such thatits stationkeeping volume
would overlap with that of AMC—16 at 96.925° W.L. +/— 0.025 degrees.2

                          FREQUENCY COORDINATION

             The STA Request included a technical showing demonstrating that
temporary operation of AMC—16 would not cause harmful interference to other
authorized satellite operations. SES Americom showed that no coordination of the
proposed Ka—band operations with adjacent licensees was necessary because AMC—
16 complied with Commission technical requirements for operation in a two—degree
spacing environment.®
              In addition, SES Americom showed that ts proposed Ku—band TT&C
operations would not harm other operators. The STA Request noted that the AMC—
16 command channel overlapped with frequencies on one of the IA—5 transponders,
but operated on the opposite polarization, providing substantial isclation. STA
Request, Technical Appendix at 1 n.1. SES Americom committed to coordinating
with Intelsat with respect to the TT&C frequencies. In addition, SES Americom
stated that it would advise PanAmSat of its proposed TT&C operations, although
the AMC—16 TT&C frequencies do not overlap with PanAmSat‘s Ku—band operations
at 95° W.L. and 99° W.L. 10.

4     The Massachusetts Institute of Technology‘s Lincoln Laboratories advises
SES Americom regarding government spacecraft and other objects that approach or
might enter an assigned stationkeeping volume of SES Americom‘s operational
spacecraft. SES Americom coordinates either through Lincoln Labs or the other
commercial satellite operator with respect to any actions that are appropriate at
those times to avoid any risk of collision.
s     STA Request, Technical Appendix at 1—4. The Commission has granted
DIRECTV a license to operate a Ka—band satellite at 99.2° W.L. That satellite has
not yet been launched, but may commence operation during the period of the
requested STA. No coordination with DIRECTV is required because AMC—16
complies with the two—degree spacing requirements and will be spaced at greater
than two degrees from the DIRECTV spacecraft. No FCC license is currently in
effect for Ka—band operations at 95° W.L. SkyTerra‘s application for a Ka—band
system at 95° W.L. is pending before the Commission.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
April 7, 2005
Page 4

             SES Americom has reached agreement with Intelsat concerning TT&C
frequencies as well as stationkeeping matters. SES Americom has committed to
ccordinating channel access during the initial phase of the proposed operations.
Intelsat has been provided technical information concerning the TT&C operations
and power levels, and has agreed that harmful interference is unlikely. The parties
have exchanged point of contact information in the event that any issues do arise.
              SES Americom has also provided detailed information to PanAmSat
concerning its proposed TT&C operations. PanAmSathas confirmed that it has no
objections to SES Americom‘s planned operations.

             SES Americom has entered into a stationkeeping agreementwith
Intelsat and has successfully completed all necessary frequency coordination in
connection with the AMC—16 operations proposed in the STA Request. SES
Americom respectfully requests that the Commission authorize the temporary
relocation of AMC—16 to 96.925° W.L, and the operation of the Ka—band payload and
Ku—band TT&C at thatlocation with an East/West stationkeeping tolerance of
0.025 degrees. Grantof the unopposed STA Request as specified herein and
consistent with the conditions set forth in the application will promote efficient use
of spectrum and orbital resources. SES Americom seeks expedited action to permit
relocation of the spacecraft to begin as scheduled on April 9.
                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Peter A. Rohrbach
                                        Karis A. Hastings
                                        Counsel for SES Americom, Inc.

c:    Fern Jarmulnck
      Cassandra Thomas
      Andrea Kelly
      Robert Nelson

Document Created: 2005-04-13 16:01:54
Document Modified: 2005-04-13 16:01:54

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