Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050111-00009 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                    iI   GgANTED
    Date & Time Filed: Jan 11 2005 5:28:29:086PM               L       A

    File Number: SAT-STA-20050111-00009

                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                         FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
AMC-16 STA Request
     . Applicant

               Name:        SES Americom, Inc.              Phone Number:        609-987-4000~4187
               DBA Name:                                    Fax Number:          609-987-4233
               Street:      4 Research Way                  E-Mail:              nancy.eskenazi@ses-americom.

               City:        Princeton                       State:               NJ
               Country:     USA                             Zipcode:             08540      -

               Attention:   Ms. Nancy J. Eskenazi


".                          -_I_.-    . _..   ..,   .   ,   ..   .   --             . I   .

                                                                 Call Sign: S2181
                                                                  April 8,2005

            1. SES Americom, Inc.'s ("SES Americom") application for Temporary Authority,
               File No: SAT-STA-20050111-00009 IS GRANTED. Accordingly, SES
               Americom is authorized, for the period of April 8,2005 to June 7,2005, to drift to
               96.925"W. L. and, upon arrival at 96.925' W.L., to operate the AMC-16 Ka-band
               payload and Ku-band Telemetry, Tracking and Control functions at 96.925' W.L.,
               in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical specifications set forth in
               its application, its April 7,2005 letter', this Attachment and the Commission's

           2. This temporary authority is limited to the Ka-band frequencies and Ku-band
              TT&C frequencies for which AMC-16 is regularly authorized, File Nos. SAT-
              LOA- 19950929-00133, SAT-RPL-20040227-00024, and SAT-MOD-20040227-
              00022. See Policy Branch Information, Public Notice, DA 04-2884, Report No.
              SAT-00239 (Sep. 3,2004).

           3. With respect to AMC-16's operations, no harmful interference will be caused to
              any lawfully operating satellite network or radio communication system, and SES
              Americom will immediately cease the operations of AMC- 16 upon notification of
              harmful interference. SES Americom must notify the Commission, in writing,
              that it has received such a notification within 48 hours of receipt.

           4. SES Americom is required to accept interference to its operations on AMC-16 at
              96.925"W.L. from other lawfully operating in-orbit satellites.

            5. SES Americom shall maintain a +/- 0.025 degree East/West stationkeeping

            6. With respect to AMC-16's Ka-band operations, no protection from interference
               caused by radio stations authorized by other administrations is guaranteed unless
               coordination and notification procedures are timely completed or, with respect to
               individual administrations, by successfully completing coordination agreements.
               Any radio station authorization for which coordination has not been completed
               may be subject to additional terms and conditions as required to effect
               coordination of the frequency assignments of other administrations. See 47
               C.F.R. 5 25.1 1l(b).

            7. Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this
               temporary authorization is solely at the risk of SES Americom.

     I   See letter from Karis Hastings to Marlene Dortch attached.


                Name:          Karis A. Hastings                    Phone Number:                        202-637-5767
                Company:       Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.              Fax Number:                           202-637-5910
                Street:        555 Thirteenth Street, NW           E-Mail:                               KAHastingsBHHLaw. corn

                City:          Washington                          State:                                DC
                Country:       USA                                 Zipcode:                              20004     -1109
                Contact                                            Relations hip:                        Legal Counsel

      (If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter the file number below.)
      3. Reference File Number
      4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
    @   IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159. If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
    0 Governmental Entity 0 Noncommercial educational licensee
    0 Other(p1ease explain):
    lb. Fee Classification   CRY - Space Station (Geostationary)
    i.Type Request

    Q   Change Station Location                       Q    Extend Expiration Date                       e Other

    i.Temporary Orbit Location                                                7. Requested Extended Expiration Date
          97 w. L.


8. Description (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
         S E S Americom, Inc. seeks special temporary authority to locate the AMC-16 Ku/Ka-band
         hybrid satellite at 97 degrees W.L. and to operate the spacecraft's Ka-band payload and
         Ku-band TT&C f o r a period of two months at that location.

I '                                                                                                                                             I

    9. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is subject   a Yes       0 No
    to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Act of 1988,
    21. U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR
    1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

IO. Name of Person Signing
Nancy J. Eskenazi
                                                                              1 1 . Title of Person Signing
                                                                              Vice President and Associate General Counsel

     Attachment 1: Att. 1                             Attachment 2:                                     Attachment 3:

                     (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                      (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 3 12(a)(l)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).



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1,1995,44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.


                              Before the
                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Application by                 1
SES AMERICOM, INC.                              )   File No. SAT-STA-
For Special Temporary Authority To              1
Operate AMC-16 at 97" W.L.                      1


              SES Americom, Inc. ("SES Americom") hereby respectfully requests

special temporary authority to locate the AMC-16 Ku/Ka-band hybrid satellite at

the 97" W.L. orbital location and to operate the spacecraft's Ka-band payload and

Ku-band TT&C payload at that location for a period of two months beginning in

early April. Grant of the requested authority will serve the public interest by

permitting the use of AMC-16 in response to customer requirements and promoting

efficient use of orbital resources.

              AMC-16 is a Ku/Ka-band satellite that was launched on December 17

and is licensed to operate at the 85" W.L. orbital position.' SES Americom is

authorized to test AMC-16's Ku-band payload at 82.1" W.L. and its Ka-band payload

at 84.9" W.L.2 Testing of the Ku-band payload is currently in progress. Following

1      See File Nos. SAT-LOA-19950929-00133; SAT-RPL-20040227-00024& SAT-
MOD-20040227-00022, granted Sept. 2,2004.
2      See File No.SAT-STA-20040902-00164,granted Oct. 18, 2004.

                            - I "   ..                   . i. . ,   .     -. .
                                                                        __I      .   .--I-   ~   ~   .   .

completion of testing SES Americom will move AMC-16 to its assigned orbit location

at 85" W.L. and commence operations there.

             SES Americom has been asked by its customer, EchoStar Satellite

L.L.C. ("EchoStar"), to temporarily relocate AMC- 16 for regular operation at the

97" W.L. orbital location.3 To accommodate this request, SES Americom seeks

authority to operate AMC- 16 at 97" W.L. for a two-month period beginning in April

2005. EchoStar is the customer for the entire communications payload of AMC-16,

so no other customers will be impacted by this temporary use. 4

             The relevant operational characteristics of AMC-16 while stationed at

97" W.L. are described in more detail in the attached Technical Appendix.

             Operation of the Ka-band payload of AMC-16 at 97" W.L. will not

result in harmful interference to adjacent satellites at that position. DIRECTV

holds a Ka-band license at 99OW.L. with a launch and operation milestone of

June 25, 2005. SkyTerra has applied for a Ka-band license at 95" W.L. As

demonstrated in the technical appendix, AMC- 16 complies with Commission two-

3     EchoStar holds a license to operate a Ka-band satellite at 97" W.L. See File
Nos. SAT-LOA-20030827-00186 & SAT-AMD-20031203-00345,granted March 8,
4      SES Americom currently serves customers at 85" W.L. on the AMC-9 C/Ku-
band satellite. However, upon the arrival of AMC-16 at this orbital position, AMC-9
will be moved to 83" W.L., and those customers will be served by AMC-9 after its
relocation or by other SES Americom satellites. This transfer of traffic will occur
prior to the temporary relocation of AMC- 16 proposed here.


degree spacing requirements, making coordination of Ka-band operations with

adjacent licensees unnecessary.

             Operation of the Ku-band TT&C payload at 97" W.L. also will not

cause interference. Intelsat operates the Intelsat Americas 5 satellite at 97" W.L.

PanAmSat operates the Galaxy 3C satellite at 95" W.L. and the Galaxy 4R satellite

at 99" W.L.5 SES Americom will coordinate with Intelsat with respect to the very

limited use of the Ku-band at 97" W.L. for TT&C communications6 and on

stationkeeping matters with respect to the temporary co-location of AMC-16 at the

97" W.L. position.7 I n addition, SES Americom will operate AMC-16 so as to avoid

collisions with other spacecraft during in-orbit maneuvers.

             SES Americom seeks temporary authority to operate AMC-16 at

97" W.L. pursuant to the following conditions:

5     The Ku-band TT&C frequencies of AMC-16 do not overlap with those used on
the PanAmSat satellites adjacent to 97" W.L. Nevertheless, SES Americom will
advise PanAmSat of its proposed operations.
6      As noted in the technical appendix, there is a n overlap between the AMC-16
Ku-band command channel and the lowest-frequency Ku-band transponder on
Intelsat Americas 5. However, the AMC-16 command channel will be operated
cross-polarized to the Intelsat Americas 5 services, providing approximately 30 dB
of isolation.
7     I n order to provide flexibility to accommodate stationkeeping matters, SES
Americom requests authority to operate AMC- 16 centered at a location within .l
degrees of 97" W.L. When it has completed stationkeeping discussions with Intelsat,
SES Americom will advise the Commission concerning the precise location for
temporary operations of m c - 1 6 .


              (a)   SES Americom will coordinate these operations with existing
satellite networks as necessary to ensure that no unacceptable interference results
from the operation of AMC-16 at the 97" W.L. orbital location.

              (b)   No harmful interference will be caused to any lawfully operating
satellite network or radio communication system and SES Americom operations will
cease immediately upon notification of harmful interference. Further, SES
Americom shall notify the Commission in writing that it has received such a
notification within 14 days of receipt.

             (c)    SES Americom will accept interference from any lawfully
operating satellite network or radio communication system.

          (d)   Temporary authority is limited to the Ka-band frequencies and
Ku-band TT&C frequencies for which the AMC-16 satellite is authorized.

              (e)     The authorization is subject to change in any of its terms or
cancellation in its entirety at any time upon reasonable notice, but without hearing,
if in the opinion of the Commission circumstances require.

             SES Americom hereby certifies that no party to this application is

subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug

Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C.   8 862.
             SES Americom waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency

or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United

States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and

requests a n authorization in accordance with this application.


            For the foregoing reasons, SES Americom seeks temporary authority to

operate the Ka-band payload and Ku-band TT&C payload of AMC- 16 at 97" W.L. for

a period of two months beginning in April 2005. SES Americom requests timely

action on this application to accommodate the proposed schedule.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      SES AMERICOM, INC.

                                      By: / s / Nancy J . Eskenazi
                                         Nancy J. Eskenazi
Of Counsel                               Vice President and
Peter A. Rohrbach                             Associate General Counsel
Karis A. Hastings                        SES Americom, Inc.
Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.                   Four Research Way
Washington, D.C. 20004-1109              Princeton, N J 08540
Tel: (202) 637-5600

Dated: January 11, 2005


                             ~..                                .   .I....   ..   .   .   ..   .

                               TECHNICAL APPENDIX

1.0   Overall Description

                Americom- 1 6 ("AMC- 16") is a hybrid Ku-band/Ka-band spacecraft. The current
application seeks special temporary authority ("STA") to operate the Ka-band payload and Ku-
band TT&C frequencies at 97" W.L.' The uplink and downlink Ka-band coverage at 97" W.L.
consists of 12 spot beams providing coverage of the 50 states.2 The technical characteristics of
AMC-I 6 are described in detail in the AMC-I 6 applications.

2.0   Technical Characteristics of Proposed Temporary Operations

2.1   Orbit location

The present application requests authority to operate the Ka-band payload and TT&C functions
on a temporary basis at 97" W.L.

2.2   Technical analysis

Section 25.138 of the FCC's rules contains off-axis EIRP density limits for Ka-band uplinks
(0 25.138(a)(1)), and pfd limits for Ka-band downlinks (0 25.138(a)(6)). In addition,
Section 25.208 contains pfd limits for Ka-band (8 25.208(d) & (e)). Compliance with each of
these provisions is demonstrated in the following sections.

  The frequencies used for TT&C are 11.70075, 12.19925 and 18.584 GHz (telemetry) and
14.0015 GHz (command). SES Americom will coordinate the operation of the Ku-band TT&C
frequencies with operational co-frequency satellites at 97" W.L. or within two degrees of this
location. Specifically, SES Americom will coordinate with Intelsat's operation of the Intelsat
Americas 5 satellite at 97" W.L. The AMC-16 command channel overlaps with frequencies on
one IA-5 transponder, but the command channel operates on the opposite polarization, resulting
in approximately 30 dB of isolation. PanAmSat operates adjacent to 97" W.L. via the Galaxy 3C
satellite at 95" W.L. and the Galaxy 4R satellite at 99" W.L., but the Ku-band TT&C frequencies
of AMC-16 do not overlap those used by PanAmSat. Nevertheless, SES Americom will notify
PanAmSat of its proposed operations.
  See Attachment 1 to this Technical Appendix for AMC-16 Ka-band antenna gain contours
from the 97" W.L. orbit location.

 See File Nos. SAT-RPL-20040227-00022 & SAT-MOD-20040227-00022, granted Sept. 2,


The 97" W.L. orbit location is adjacent to 95" W.L. and 99" W.L. At 99" W.L., DIRECTV is
licensed for Spaceway-2 for the Ka-band frequencies. Spaceway 2 has not yet been launched,
but may commence operations at 99" W.L. during the period of the requested STA. At 95" W.L.,
SkyTerra has a pending application for authority to operate on the Ka-band frequencies. As
demonstrated in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 below, AMC-16 complies with the FCC's 2" spacing
rules (3 25.138), and as a result, no coordination with adjacent Ka-band satellites is required.

2.2.1 Off-axis EIRP density limits

Section 25.1 38(a)(l), together with 25.138(b), specifies that certain EIRP density levels must be
met by FSS earth stations or coordination of the network is necessary with other licensees within
+/- 6 degrees of the licensed orbit location.

The following Table demonstrates that AMC-16, using the uplink EIRP levels and earth station
antenna sizes from the sample link budgets in Attachment A (Section 2.12) of the original AMC-
16 appli~ation,~ meets these off-axis EIRP density requirements.

   File No. SAT-MOD-20040227-00022.


                               ..   ...        .-               .    I   .       .   ..   .-   ..   ..   ..   .

                                        8PSK Turbo QPSK 3-4 8 QPSK 2-3 8PSK Turbo QPSK Turbo QPSK Turbo
Carrier type                            60Mbps      Mbps       100Mbps    78Mbps      1.2Mbps      1.2Mbps
Frequency, GHz                                 29.5       29.5       29.5        29.5         29.5         29.5
IF bandwidth, kHz                          32499.8      5787.2    81383.0    33855.3       1302.1        1302.1
Carrier EIRP, dBW                              73.8       69.4       80.8        76.8         42.4         42.4

Earth station antenna diameter, rn              6.00        4.50      6.00              6.00     0.65      1.20
EIRP density, dBW/40 kHz                        44.7        47.8      47.7              47.5     27.3      27.3
On-axis gain of earth station
antenna                                       63.491       60.991    63.491            63.491   44.181    49.51
Off-axis gain at 2.1 degrees                                                                I
(topocentric)                                 20.94        20.94     20.94             20.94    20.94     20.94
Off-axis eirp density at 2 degrees,
dBW/40 kHz                                      2.19        7.75      5.17              4.98     4.03     -1.29

FCC 25.138, 18.5-25*109(2)
dBW/40 kHz                                     10.97       10.97     10.97             10.97    10.97     10.97
Margin                                          8.79        3.22      5.80              5.99     6.94     12.27

     2.2.2 PFD analysis

      Section 25.138(a)(6), together with fj 25.138(b), specifies that certain power flux density (PFD)
      levels must be met by FSS space stations or coordination of the space station is necessary with
      other licensees within +/- 6 degrees of the licensed orbit location.

      The following Table demonstrates that AMC-16, using the maximum Ka-band EIRP levels in
      Attachment A (Section 2.3.2) of the original AMC-16 Application, meets these PFD

                                        Table 2. AMC-16 Worst case PFD analysis

                                      IF Bandwidth, dBHz                       79.1
                                      1 MHz, dBHz
                                  Maximum PFD, dBW/m2/1 MHz                  -1 19.5
                                  25.138 level, dBW/m2/1 MHz                 -1 18.0
                                  Margin, dB


In addition, Table 3 provides a pfd analysis for the sample link budgets provided in Attachment
A (Section 2.12) of the original AMC-16 Application.

Minimum spreading loss, dBlm2             162.3        162.3     162.3       162.3        162.3

PFD, dBW/m2/1 MHz                        -127.1        -127.4    -122.3     -125.6       -145.9

FCC 25.208 PFD limit, dBW/m2/1
MHz                                      -1 15.0       -115.0    -1 15.0    -1 15.0      -1 15.0
Margin                                     12.1          12.4       7.3       10.6         30.9

FCC 25.138 PFD limit, dBW/m2/1
MHz                                      -1 18.0       -1 18.0   -1 18.0    -1 18.0      -1 18.0
Margin                                     9.12          9.36      4.34       7.63        27.88


                                 ATTACHMENT -
                                    AT 97"

l 2 The same gain contours provided in the original AMC-I 6 application are provided here, with
the orbit location changed to 97" W.L.


                                                               ...   .   "'^.._.I   ._"*_   .-   . ..   . .. ....   -   __"

                       Ka-Band Downlink Gain Contours

-0.060       -0.040       4.020        0.000           0.020                0.040             0.060

Figure AI-1. Representative Ka-band spot beam downlink gain contours, Peak EIRP


                                               .. ..     .     .   ,   .-      . .__.*   I_           .   ._   ~   l.l.

                       Ka-Band Downlink Gain Contours
 1                1                1                1                                I

Figure AI-2. Representative Ka-band downlink gain contours, Minimum CONUS EIRP


                                                        .   * ..   __ . .   ..   .

                               Ka-Band Downlink Gain Contours

   -160.00          -1 40 00             -1 20 00                 -100 00   8 0 00
                                       East Longitude (Degrees)

Figure A1-3. Representative Ka-band spot beam downlink gain contours, Alaska coverage


                                            Ka-Band Downlink Gain Contours

(0   I 00


10.00                               /   '    50

             -1 70.00    -1 60 00       -1 50.00     -140.00           -130.00             -12000                  -1 10.00    -1 00.00
                                                    East Longitude (Degrees)

            Figure AI-4. Representative Ka-band spot beam downlink gain contours, Hawaii coverage


                                                                               I   .   . .. .   .    -- .
                                                                                                    ..      ....       L
                                                                                                                       .   -

                                   Ka-Band Uplink Gain Contours




         -0.060    -0.040         -0.020         0.000          0 020          0.040   0.060

                  Figure AI-5. Representative Ka-band spot beam uplink gain contours


                  Ka-Band Uplink Gain Contours

Figure A1-6. Representative Ka-band spot beam uplink gain contours.


                                                   1   .   "   .      . .   "..   ...   . .-

                                        Ka-Band Uplink Gain Contour


             -160.00          -140.00               -120.00               -100.00   -80.00
                                               East Longitude (Degrees)

         Figure AI- 7. Representative Ka-band spot beam uplink gain contours, Alaska coverage


                                                    Ka-Band Uplink Gain Contours

     60 00

     50 00

     30.00    1


     20 .oo                                                                                                                                               'i
                     I                   I            I              I                          I                   I                         I

                  -1 70.00            -1 60.00    -1 50.00       -140.00                   -130 00               -120.00              -1 10.00
                                                             East Longitude (Degrees)

                         Figure AI-8. Representative Ka-band spot beam uplink gain contours, Hawaii coverage.


..                           ,~   I               - .. ...          I       I           .. ......__..I   *_._"   I_..      -.   I-   _ _ ..       . ...   .^. .   -   .   __

                                DECLARATION OF KIMBERLY M. BAUM

                    I, Kimberly M. Baum, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am the
     technically qualified person responsible for preparation of the technical information contained in
     the foregoing exhibit; that I am familiar with the technical requirements of Part 25; and that I
     either prepared or reviewed the technical information contained in the exhibit and that it is
     complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

                                                            Kimberlv M. Baum
                                                          Manager, Satellite Market Development
                                                          SES AMERICOM, Inc.

     Dated: January 1 1, 2005

..                 I

Document Created: 2005-04-08 10:12:04
Document Modified: 2005-04-08 10:12:04

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