Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20041215-00221 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                         ] me SQT—ST— 20041215—0022—(
                                                                              C —3¢,              Ten 3, mc
                                                                                                         Approved by OMB
                                                                                             Cele Z, Zaog~     3060—0678

Date & Time Filed: Dec 15 2004 5:56:07:773PM                                                       ( 2
File Number: SAT—STA—20041215—00221                                                                 Lip ie                 |
                                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS CoMMISSION

                                                      FOR OFFICIAL USE ONIY

Enter a description ofthis application toidentify it on the main menu:
 G3R STA to 73.95 WL (Dec 04)
1— Applicant
            Name:        PanAmSat Licensee Corp.                                   202—202—4300

            DBA Name:                                                              200—202—4878

            Streets      1801 K Street, N.W.

                         Suite 440

            City:        Washington                       State:                    pe
            Countrys      USA                             Zipeote:                 20006     =
            Attention:   M KalpakS Gude Esg

                                         GALAXY 3R
                                      Call Sign: GAL3R
                                       January 3, 2005
PanAmSat Licensee Corp.‘s (‘PanAmSat") application for Special Temporary Authority,
File No: SAT—STA—20041215—00221 18 GRANTED. Accordingly, PanAmSat is
authorized, for the period of January 3, 2005 to February 2, 2005, to conduct tracking,
telemetry and command (TT&C) operations necessary for a period of 30 days and to drift
the GALAXY 3R satellte call sign GAL—3R from its current location at 111.0° W.L. to
73.95° W.L. and maintain the satellte at 73.95° W. L., in accordance with the terms,
conditions, and technical specifications set forth in ts application, this Attachment and
the Commission‘s Rules.
    1. During the drift of the satellite from 111.0° W.L. to 73.95° W.L and the operation
       at 73.95° W.L. PanAmSat shall not operate the communications payload on the
       GALAXY 3R satellte.
       PanAmSat shall coordinate all of ts TT&C operations with existing geostationary
       satellites to ensure that no unacceptable iterference resultsfrom its TT&C
       operations during its drift and operations at 73.95° W.L.
       PanAmSat‘s operation shall not cause harmfulinterference to any lawfully
       operating in—orbit satelltes and PanAmSat shall cease operations immediately
       upon notification of such interference and PanAmSat shall inform the FCC in
       writing immediately of such an event
       PanAmSat is required to accept iterference from other lawfully operating in—orbit
       PanAmSat operations shall be limited solely to TT&C operations and shall not
       operate the communications payload orinclude the provision ofcommercial
       This Special Temporary Authority is granted without prejudice to our final
       determination ofoperational authority for the communications payload at 73.95°

2. Contact

             Name:      Joseph A. Godles, g.            Phone Number:                         202—429—1000
             (Company:. Goldberg Godles Wiener & Wright Fax Number:                           20—429—012
             Streets       1229 190 Sreet NW              E—Mai:                    

             City:         Washington                     State:                               pe
             Country:      USA                            ‘Zipeode:                           2ose      —213
             Contact       Attormey                       Relationship:                       Leaal Counsel

 (If your application is related t an application fled with the Commission, enter thfil number below)
 3. Reference File Number SATMODI991 11150003
 o. I a fee submited with this application?
@ If¥es, completeand atach FCC Form 159. If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.ERSection 1.1114).
£ Governmental Entity qy Noncommercial educationl icensee
@ Otherfplease explainy
(. Fee Classifcation CRY — Space Sution (Geosutionary)
5. Type Request
 @ Change Station Location                     & Extend Expiration Date                      g Oter

6: Temporiry Orbit Locan                                              7. Requested Extended Expiration Dare
        7395 wi.

% Description —(If the complte descrition does not appear in this bon, please go o te end ofthe form to view i in is enirely)
    Request Special Tenporary Authority to relocate Galaxy 3R to 73.95 L and to operate the
    ztC on the satellite in transition and once on station.

9. By checking Yes the undersigned ertifes hat nether applicnt nor any other party tthe application is subject CaG              o xo
to a denial oFederal benefts that includes FCC benefits pursuant tSection 5301 ofthe Anti—Drug Act of1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862because oa convition for possession or distibation ofa contraledsubstance. See 47 CFR
1,2002(b)for the meaning of&quotparty to the application&quot, for hese purposes.

10. Name ofPerson Signing                                             11. Tite of PersoSigning
Kalpak Gude                                                           Associate General Counsel
12. Plese supply any need atachments.
 Atachment1: STA                                Atachment2                                    Atachment 3:

                 (US, Code,Tile18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code, Te 47, Section 312(a)(1), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.5. Code, Tite 47, Section 503)

"The public reporting forthis collectionofinformation is estimated to average 2 hours per esponse,including th ime forreviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, wthering and maintainingthe required data,and completing and reviewing the collction of nformation. Ifyou
have any comments on this burden estimate,or how we can improve the callction and reduce the burdeit causes you, please write o the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD~PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your commentsregarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspect ofthis colletionvi th Intemet if you send them t boley@fccgov. PLEASE
Rememmber — You are not required to respond to a collection ofinformation sponsored by the Federal government,and the govermment may not
conduct o sponsorthis ollection,unless it displays a currently vaid OMB control numberoifwe fil t provide you wit this notice. This
calletion has beenassigned an OMB control nurmber of 3060—0678

1, 1995, 44 US.C. SECTION 3807


       PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (‘PanAmSat"), pursuant to Section 25.120 of the
Commission‘s rules" hereby requests Special Temporary Authority ("STA") for
30 days, commencing on December 23, 2004, to:
        (1) relocate Galaxy 3R from 111.0° W.L. to 73.95° W.L; and

        (2) operate the tracking, telemetry, and command ("TT&C") payload on
            the satellite during the relocation and once Galaxy 3R is on station at
            73.95° W.L.

        Galaxy 3R is a hybrid C/Ku—band satellite that originally was assigned to
95° W.L. After PanAmSat launched and commenced operation of a replacement
satellite, Galaxy 3C, at 95° W.L., the Commission granted an STA for PanAmSat
to relocate Galaxy 3R to 74° W.L. and to operate the C—band payload on the
satellite t that orbital location.* PanAmSat subsequently leased all of the C—band
and Ku—band capacity on Galaxy 3R to Telesat Canada ("Telesat"), which
operated Galaxy 3R (as Anik E2R) at 111.1° W.L. pursuant to authority granted
by Industry Canada
        In order to facilitate the transfer of traffic from Galaxy 3R to Anik F2, the
replacement satellite for Galaxy 3R/Anik E2R, Telesat relocated Galaxy 3R to
111.06° W.LA On October 4 and October 28 of this year, the Commission granted
PanAmSat STAs® to relocate Galaxy 3R from 111.06° 111.0° W.L
following this transfer of traffic and to operate the TT&C payload on the satellite
during the relocation and when on station at 111.0° W.L., thereby returning the
satellite to United States authority. On October 19, 2004, PanAmSat notified the
Commission that Galaxy 3R was changing to an inclined orbit mode.
       Galaxy 3R has enough remaining fuel for approximately four years of
inclined orbit operations* and PanAmSat has determined that it can best serve
ur or®s2s120.
2 e eg, File No.SATSTA—2000t004—00008
5 Anic B2R at113.1° WLalso was added tothe Permited Space Station List. See TelesatCanad,
Pettonfr Declaratory RulingfoInclusin ofAnik E2R onthePermited Space StationLi, File No.
SAT—PDR20030116—00068, Grant Stamp Order (InI Bur,June 3, 2003)
"The Permitted Space Staion Listenty for Anik B2R also was modliied t reflectthi relocation
SeePublic Notice, Report No.SAT—I02H2, DA 0H—2934 (IntI Bur, Sept.10,2004)
5 Se FCC File Nos.SATSTA—200i0923—00185 SAT—STA—20010025.o0186,
* Because Galaxy 3R had already beenlunched asof therelease date othe Notice ofPreposed
Rulenaking in 1B Docket No.02:54, it is not subject o the minimum disposalorbit requirements
that the Commission adapted in that proceeding. See Second Report and Order, RCC O4—130, 44 79—
81 June 21,2004). PanAmSatanticipats, howeve, thatatthe end of ts useful ie Galaxy 38 will

the public by relocating Galaxy 3R to 73.95° W.L. PanAmSat will be filing a
separate request for an STA to operate the communications payload on the
satellite at that orbital location.

       PanAmSat‘s STA request is supported by good cause. An STA will enable
PanAmSat to relocate Galaxy 3R to 73.95° W.L., where it can serve as an in—orbit
spare and where, following the filing for and grant of an STA for operational
authority, it can be used to provide additional services. It is Commission policy
to allow "satellite operators to rearrange satellites in their fleet to reflect business
and customer considerations where no other public interest factors are adversely
affected.7 The Commission has consistently recognized that satelite operators
 re "in a better position to determine how to tailor their systems to meet the
particular needs of customers."* Grant of PanAmSat‘s STA request will advance
these policies.
       Moreover, grant of the requested STA would present no risk of harmful
interference. The communications payload on Galaxy 3R will not be operated
pursuant to this STA. In addition, standard industry practices for coordination
of TT&C transmissions will be followed during the relocation process and when
the satellite is on station.

       Uplink TT&C transmissions on Galaxy 3R will occurat either 5995.0 MHz
(borizontal) or 6415.0 MHz (vertical) and downlink TT&C transmissions will
occur at 4198.5 MHz and 4199.625 MHz. The complete uplink and downlink
TT&C transmission parameters are as follows:
       Command:                6415.0 MHz, vertical (dish)

                               5935.0 MHz, horizontal (omni)
be boosted toa disposalorbit having an apogee and perigee of approximately 150 km above the
geostationary orbit
* Lorl SpaceCom Comoration and Lorl Space & Communications Corportion; Applicatinsfor
Medifeation ofied—Satelite Servie Space Station Authorizations, Memorandium Opinion, Order
and Authorization, DA 0G—1045, 18 FCC Red, 6301, 6206 (IntI Bur.2009), Se lso n the Matter
ofINTELSAT LLC Applicaion to Modiy Authorizations to Operete and to Furter Construct,
Launch, and Operate Cband and Kband Sateites hetForm a Globel Communication System in
Gstatonary Orbt, Order and Authorization, DA 01—2069, 16 FCC Red 16208 (In! Bur.2001);
GE Americm Communicaions Inc, Memorandium Opinion, Order and Authorization, DA 00—
20%6,15 FCC Red 23983 (Int] Bur. 2000; AMSC Subsidiry Comoration, Order and
Authorization, DA 9499, 13 FCC Red 12316 (InI Bu. (1998); and Hughes Communicatons
Glexy,Inc, Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 90915, 5 CC Red 4497 (Com. CarBur.
* AMSC Subsidiry Corporation13 FCC Red 12316, 12318 (InI Bur. (1999), See also Lonal SpeceCom
Corporation and Lorl Space & Communicatons Comortion; 18 FCC Red, 6201, 6206 (IntI Bur,2005)
and INTELSAT LLC, 16 FCC Red 16208, 16210 (n! Bur.2001)

      Telemetry:           4198.5 MHz, horizontal (dish)
                           4199.625 MHz, horizontal (dish)
                           4198.5 MHz, vertical (omni)
                           4199.625 MHz, vertical (omni)
      Accordingly, and for good cause shown, PanAmSat respectfully requests
an STA for 30 days, commencing on December 23, 2004, to relocate Galaxy 3R to
7395° W.L. and to operate the TT&C payload on the satellite during the
relocation and once Galaxy 3R is on station at 73.95° W.L.
      Questions with respect to this matter should be directed to Joseph A.
Godles, counsel for PanAmSat,at (202) 429—4900.

Document Created: 2005-01-03 13:26:40
Document Modified: 2005-01-03 13:26:40

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