Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by FCC, IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20041208-00216 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                 r                    |       »AFt—SrA~toofi268—Co2l 6
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                                                                          |                            Approved by OMB
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Date & Time Filed: Dee 82004 12«:43;:526PM                                       K#{s                 CheCSkMke
File Number: SAT—$TA=20041208—00216                                                                    €ug      — w
Callign                                                                         Ketu{CAKCL,..            E*yrerny
                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                     FoR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter description ofthis application t identfy t on the main menu:
 Galaxy12 STA (relocate to 125.05WL)
 1. Applican
          Name:        PanAmSt Licensee Corp.           Phone Number:                  202=202—4300

          DBA Nam                                       Fax Number:                    anreasn—a378
          Streets      1801 K Stree, N.W.               E—Mai

                       Suite 410

          City:        Washington                       State:                          nc
          Countrys      USA                             Zipeode:                       20006
          Attentions   Mr KalpakS Gude Eq

   Conditions of Authorization — SAT—STA—20041208—00216
                       Call Sign $2422
                      December 20, 2004

PanAmSat Licensee Corp.‘s (PanAmSat) application, File No. SAT—STA—
20041208—00216, for Special Temporary Authority IS GRANTED and
PanAmSat is authorized for a period of 30 days commencing on
December 24, 2004 to relocate GALAXY 12 from 125.25° W.L. to
125.05° W.L. and to operate the GALAXY 12 satellite, Call Sign $2422,
at the 125.05° W.L. orbital position in the 3700 —— 4200 MHz and 5025 —
6425 MHz frequency bands, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and
technical specifications set forth in its application, this Attachment and the
Federal Communications Commission‘s Rules.
During the relocation of the GALAXY 12 satellte from 125.25° W.L. to
125.05° W.L. orbital location, PanAmSatshall not operate the
communications payload on the satellite.
PanAmSat shall coordinate all ts Tracking, Telemetry and Command
(TT&C) operations with existing geostationary satellites to ensure that no
unacceptable interference results rom its TT&C operations during
relocation from 125.25° W.L. t 125.05° W.L.
No harmful interference shall be caused by GALAXY 12 to any other
lawfully operating in—orbit satellite,and operations of the GALAXY 12
satellte shall cease immediately upon notification of such interference.
PanAmSat is required to accept interference from other lawfully operating
in—orbit satellites.
This special temporary authority is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the
Commission‘s rules on delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is
effective upon release.

2. Contet

            Name:      Joseph A. Goles,Bsq.               Phone Number:                   202—420—4000
            Companys   Goldberg, Godles, Wiener &         Fax Number:                     a0r—420—4012
            Streets    1220 190 Srees, NW                 g—mMa                 

            City:      Washington                         State:                            pe
            Country:    USA                               Zipeode:                         aose —
            Contact    Attomey                            Relationship:                    Legal Counsel

 (1f your application i elate to an application fied with the Commission, nter the fle namber below)
 3. Reference File Number
 4. Is a fee submitwit his application
@ 1 ¥es, completeand attach FCC Form 159. IfNo, indicat reason forfe exemption (see 47 C.ERSection 1.1114).
£ GovernmentalEntity gy Noncommercil educational icensce
@ Otherfplease explainy:
[b Fee Classifcation CRY ~ Space Sation (Geostationary)
5. Type Request

@ Change Station Location                   @ Extend Expirtion Date                       & Oher

6: Temporiy Orbit Location                                         7. Requested Extended Expir
        125.05 degrees WL

5: Deseripton _( the complete descrption does not appear in this bon, please go to the end otheforn to view it in ts entret)
     Panmnsat Licensee Corp. hereby requestse special tenporary authority for 30 days,
     commencing on December 24, 2004, to relocate Galaxy 12 fron 125.25 W.L. to 125.05 W.L. and
     to operate the satellite at that orbital location

9. By checking es, the undersigned certfes hatnetherapplint nor any other party to the appliation is subject. @ Yes            gy No
to denial oFederal benefts thatincludes CC benefits parsuantto Section 5301 ofhe Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Section H62, because of a comviction for possession ordistibation ofa contrlledsubstance. See 47 CFR
 12002(b)for the meaning of&quotpartyto the application&quot, for these purposes.

10. Name ofPerson Signing                                             11. Tite of Peson Signing
Kalpak Gude                                                           Associate General Counsel
12. Pease supply any need atachments
 Atachment1 m                                   Atachment 2                                   Atachment 3¢

                 (U.S. Code, Tite 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                  (U.S. Code,Tile 47,Section 312(a)(1), AND/OR FOREETTURE (U.S. Code, Tite 47, Section 503)

rceNovick requirep By ThE rAPERWORK REDUCTION ACt
"The public reporting forthis cllection ofinformation is estimated to average 2 hours per response, ncluding the time for reviowinginstructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining therequired dato, and completing and reviowing the collection ofinformation. If you
have any comments on this burden estimateor how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden t causes you, please wrteto the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We willalso accept
your commentsregarding the Papervork Reduction Act aspects of this colletion via the Itermet if you send them to boley@gov. PLEASE
bo Nor sENp conPLTED roRMs ToTHs appRess
Remember — You are not required to respond t collectionoinformation sponsored by the Federal govermment, and the government may not
conductor sponsorthis calletion, unless t displays a currently valid OMB contrl nurmberorifwe all to provide you with this notice. This
collectionhas beenassigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.
1, 1995, 44 US.C. SECTION 3507.


        PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (‘PanAmSat"), pursuant to Section 25.120 of the
Commission‘s rules," hereby requests special temporary authority ("STA") for 30 days,
commencing on December 24, 2004, to relocate Galaxy 12 from 125.25° W.L. to 125.05°
W.L and to operate the satellie at that orbital location.
       Galaxy 12 is one of three satellites that PanAmSat operates in the vicinity of 125°
W.L. To facilitate stationkeeping, the Commission has authorized PanAmSat to
maintain a slight separation among the satelltes. Galaxy 5, which is PanAmSat‘s
operational C—band satellite, is located at 125.05° W.L. Galaxy 12, which is serving as an
in orbit spare, is located at 125.25° W.L. SBS—4, which is PanAmSat‘s operational Ku—
band satellite, is located at 124.95° W.L
       Galaxy 5 is approaching the end of its usefullfe, and the Commission has
authorized PanAmSat to launch and operate Galaxy 14 as a replacement2 Galaxy 14,
however, will not be launched until after Galaxy 5 needs to be decommissioned. To
ensure continuity of service, PanAmSat seeks authority herein to relocate Galaxy 12 to
125.05° W.L., where it can (following the hand—off of traffic from Galaxy 5) serve as a
replacement on a temporary basis.3 In a separate filing, PanAmSat is requesting an
STA to relocate Galaxy 5 to 125.15° W.L, where it will be in close proximity to Galaxy:
12 for purposes of handing off traffic, and to continue operating the TT&C payload on
Galaxy 5 during end of life maneuvers.
        PanAmSat‘s requestis supported by good cause. An STA will enable PanAmSat
to maintain continuity of service, via Galaxy 12, once Galaxy 5 has been

       Accordingly, and for good cause shown, PanAmSat respectfully requests an STA
for 30 days, commencing on December 24, 2004, to relocate Galaxy 12 from 125.25° W.L
to 125.05° W.L. and to operate the satellit at that orbital location.
       Please direct any questions concerning this matter to Joseph A. Godles, counsel
for PanAmSat, at (202) 429—4900.

ur onsasim0.
? SeFile No. GAT—LOA—19991207—00117, s amended
3 At present PanAmSat operates only the tracking, tlemetry, and command (TT&C") payload on
Galaxy 12. Following the proposed reloction othe satelite to 125.05° W 1., PanAmSat will operate both
the TTEC payload and the (C:band) communications payload on thsatelite

Document Created: 2004-12-20 15:43:42
Document Modified: 2004-12-20 15:43:42

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