Attachment comment


COMMENT submitted by Telesat Canada



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20041130-00214 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                          atanue Commission RECENEDC
                             Pederal Communications                                              C PY
                                    Washington, DC 20554
                                                                          DEC — 6 2004

     In the Matter of Application of.                               Foteal WW
     Ses ampiicon, inc.                             File No.     SAT—STA—20041130—0@8cgiygqy
     For Special Temporary Authority To
     Relocate AMC—15 to 117° W.L.                                                       DEC 1 5 2004
                                                                                     _ Polcy B
                            CoOMMENTS OF TELESAT CANADA

        Telesat Canada ("Telesat"), by its attomeys, hereby comments on SES Americom, Inc.‘s
("SES") November 30, 2004 Application for Special Temporary Authorization ("Application")
in the above—captioned proceeding." SES‘s Application seeks special temporary authorization
(*STA") to locate and operate the Ku—band TT&C frequencies of ts AMC—15 satelite at the
117° W.L. orbital location for thirty days.* Telesat, the authorized Ku—band satellite operator at
the 118.7° W.L. orbital location,® reminds the Federal Communications Commission

‘ SES Americom, Inc. Application ofSES Americom, Inc. For Special Temporary Authority To
Relocate AMC—15 to 117W.L., File No. SAT—STA—20041130—00214 (filed Nov. 30, 2004).

* In a separate proceeding, SES seeks STA to relocate and operate the Ka—band payload and Ku—
band TT&C frequencies ofAMC—15 at 113° W.L. for two months and at 117° W.L. for two
months. SES Americom, Inc., Application ofSES Americom, Inc. For Special Temporary
Authority To Operate AMC—13 at 117° W L. and 113° W .L., File No. SAT—STA—20041012—00198
(filed Oct. 12, 2004). Grant ofpresent Application, which requests narrower operational
authority, should have no bearing on the outcome of that proceeding.
* Telesatis licensed by Industry Canada to operate the Ku—band payload on the Anik E2 satellite
at 118.7° WL. See Industry Canade, Authorized Canadian Satellies, at
hitp:/strategisis.go.cafepicinternet/insmt—astnst/en/sf05343¢.himl (updated Sept. 23, 2004), In
addition, the ECC has approved Telesatto serve the United States using the Ku—band payload of
Anik E2. FCC, Permitted Space Station List, at hitpiwwnsfee.govibisd/se/permittedhtml
(updated Nov. 4, 2004). Moreover, Telesat is authorized by Industry Canada to operate Anik F3,
a future Ku— and Ka—band Fixed Satellte Service (*FSS") satellite,from the 118.7° W.L. orbital
location. In June 2001, Telesat received an "Approval in Principle"from Industry Canada
authorizing Telesat to operate Anik F3 from the 118.7° W.L. orbital location. See Industry
Canada, Approvals in Principle, at btip:/Istrategis.ic.gc.colepic/intemevinsmt«
ust nsffen/sf0187%e html#ApprovalsinPrinciple (last visited De. 3, 2004).. Pursuant to Industry
Canada‘s licensing procedures, Telesat will receive a pro yorma license for Anik F3 coincident
with launch. Telesat plans to launch Anik F3 in mid—2006.

(‘Commission®) that SES‘s requested Ku—band TT&C operations at 117° W.L.lin a portion of
the are subject to the 1988 Trilateral Arrangement between the United States, Canade, and
Mexico." SES‘s proposed authority would be at an orbital position not listed as a USA position
and therefore would not conform to the 1988 Trilateral Arrangement. The Ku—band authority
requested, although it relates solely to TT&C frequencies, is subject to the terms of the
Arrangement. Exceptions to the 1988 Trilateral Arrangement may be made only after
"consultation and with the agreement of"" Canada and Mexico." To the best of Telesat‘s
knowledge, no such consultations have occurred.
        Telesat further advises the Commission that SES has coordinated its proposed Ku—band
operations at 117° W.L. with Telesat. As a result, Telesat has no technical objections to SES‘s
requested temporary Ku—band TT&C operations at 117° W.L., and the Commission may bring
forward this fact n its consultations with Canada and Mexico.
                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                                     Bert W. Rein
                                                     Carl R. Frank
                                                     Amy E. Bender
                                                     Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
                                                     1776 K Street, N.W.
                                                     Washington, DC 20006—2304
                                                     Its Attomeys
December 6, 2004

* Under the terms of the 1988 Trilateral Arrangement, U.S. satellites may not operate  in the
conventional C— or Ku— frequencies in the are of 105° W.L. to 1219 W.L. See Mexico,
Arrangement Regarding Use ofthe Geostationary Orbit Reached by Canada,                  and the
United States, Public Notice(Sept. 2, 1988) (*1988 Trilateral Arrangement®   or "Arrangeme   nt"),
available at hitpPsrwewfee.govib/send /agree/filessateitetilat.pol.
5 See id. t Art. 4.

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

1, Vanesse Lansdowne, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy ofthe foregoing Comments of
Telesat Canada was sent by frst—class mail, postage prepaid, this 6th day of December 2004, tothe

Nancy J.Eskenazi                                  Peter A. Rohrbach
‘Vice President & Associate General Counsel       Karis A. Hastings
SES AMERICOM, Inc.                                Hogan & Hartson L L.P.
Four Research Way                                 555 Thirteenth Street, NW
Princeton, NJ 08540                               Washington, D.C. 200041109
                                                  (202) 637—5600
                                                  Counsel to SES AMERICOM, Inc.

                                                  Vanessa Lansdowne

Document Created: 2004-12-15 14:28:24
Document Modified: 2004-12-15 14:28:24

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