Attachment reply & comments

reply & comments

REPLY TO OPPOSITION submitted by National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative

reply & comments


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20041012-00198 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                               Before the
                             Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                  on RECEivEp
                                                                                           DEC ~ 9 2om
fiemnnmenerammnrpomicomminippeiicimntee. i                                           FadealCom TnkatensComniy
Application of                                          )                                   OfevotSecmtay
SES Americon, INc.
                                                        i)      File No: sm-s‘rkzofiemlzfimg
For Special Temporary Authorityto Operate               )
the AMC—15 Satellit at 113° W.L. and 117° W.L.. )                                      DEC 1 5 2004
ol                                                                                      Policy Branch
                       REPLY OF THE NATIONAL RURAL

        The National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (NRTC) hereby replies to
the Opposition and Reply Comments of EchoStar Satellite LLC (EchoStar)" and the
Reply Comments and Opposition of SES Americom, Inc. (SES)." Despite SES‘s
argument that the Intermational Telecommunications Union (ITU) bring—into—use (BIU)
dates are "irrelevant" in this proceeding,* there is no doubt that preservation of ITU date
priorityis the real purpose behind SES‘s request for special temporary authorty
("$TA®)." EchoStar itself makes clear that the STA — which would allowSES to park its
AMC—15 satelliteat 117° W.L.     and 113° W.L. for 60 days each while en route to 105°

‘ Se, Pettionto Deny by th National RuralTlecommunications Coopertiv, FilNo. SAT—STA—
20041012.00198 (November22004) (NRTC Peron to Deny)
* Oppositon and Reply Comments of EchaSaSatlite LLC,Fle No: SAT—STA—20041012.00198; File
No, SES—STA—20041019—01564, Call Sign E030038 (December1, 2004) (RehoStar Opponton)
" Reply Comments and Oppositon of SES Americom, In., FilNo. SAT—STA—20041012:00198
(December2, 2004)(SES Oppostton)
"SBS Oppostion.p.9
The SES Srequests authoritfo shotterm aperatons of AMC—15 a the117° WLand 112® WL
orbital locations while thsatelftetravels to itit eensed dstnaionat105" W.L. The satlite will
remainat117° WL and 113° WL for60 daysateach loction, beforefinal postoningat105° WL
FCC File No:             +20041012:00198,p 2 (SES dpplicarion)

 W.L.. —— is nothing more than a vehicle for EchoStar to warchouse these orbital locations
         EchoStar argues that the S74 is in the public interest, since the proposed
 temporary operations will have the effect of"preserving the ITU date priorityofthe U.S
Ka—band satellite network fling at each of those locations to the benefit ofall potential
U.S. licensees."" But less than four months ago, the Commission specifically re/ected the
identical argument (also made by EchoStar) while canceling the Ka—band license of
VisionStar (a companycontrolled byEchoStar) for 113° W.L. (one of the slots EchoStar
nowseeks to use under the $7A)."
         In the VisionStarproceeding, the Commission found that "the Administration has
not identified maintenance of U.S. priority over orbital locations as a policy goal.""
Neither SES nor EchoStar has presented anynew evidence to rebut that recent
         Even if the United States were to lose date priority atthe 113° W.L orbital
Tocation, the Commission noted in isionStar that the U.S. public would not necessarily
lose service from this slot. Under its DISCO // process, non—U.S—licensed space stations
would stllbe free to serve the U.S. market from this orbital location."
        Rather than artificially preserving the U.S.s intemational stellite locations, as
EchoStar proposes, the Commission was far more concerned in the PisionStar proceeding
* BehoSter Oppostion, pp. 3—4 (see also,p.2)
" Memorandum Opinionand Order, FistonStarIncorporated. Application for ModifeaionofAuhorinto
Construct Launch andOperatea Ka—band Sutelite Siten in the Pied Satllte Service, 19 ECCRed
14820,¢11 (c Bus 2004) (FitonStarOnder)
* VisonStar Order N11
*1d. See Reportand Order,—mendentofthe Conmisson‘s Regulatary Poliis to llow Nov—U.S
Licaised SarelitesProviding Domestc and Intemational Service in the UnitedStrs, B Docket No. 96—
111, 12 Foe red 24004 (1997)

 that Ka—band services actually be made available to the .. public, regardless of which
 nation‘s regulatory body licensed the service."". EchoStar‘s failureto deployany type of

 Ka—band service from 113° W.L. ater more than three years —— while using the S7A in an
 attemptto preserve that slot and another one internationally—— confirms the
 Commission‘s worst fears regarding the warchousing oforbital locations through the ITU

         EchoStar has placed the Commission on clear notice that it expects the STH to

meet the BIU dates for 117° W.L. and 113° W.L.. As a result, the Commission is
compelled to clarify that an artifcialand temporary "y by" does not satisfy the BIU
requirements under the facts ofthis case..Instead, as the Commission held in the
VistonStar Order, this valuable spectrum should be made available to a trily motivated
Hicensee —— whether foreign or domestic —— to provide service to the American public
        EchoStar argues that NRTC‘s Perition to Deny should be dismissed due to
NRTC‘s sifence regarding a separate application filed by Wildblue.""" But as pointed out
in NRTC‘s Petition, those two applications are readily distinguishable.""

°d Infit fitirecustomersof WildBive Communications, To: "WildBluc?) willb the beneicaies
othis plicysince WildBlue curenty plans toprovide Ka—band servie to the Unted Sates from Telesat
Canada‘s ANIK F2 seat111.1 W.L. See Order n the Matter of Tlesat Canade Pezionfor
DeclartoryRuling Por Inchusion of Anik F2 on the Pernited Space Staton LiPottionfor Declartory
Ruling to Servethe US: Market Capacis on Ank F2, 17 ECCRed. 25287 (InI Bur, 2002)
(ZelesatOrder).In ts TelsatOrderthe Commission concluded tat ranofTelsa‘s requestto use the
Ka—band capaciy ofAnikF2 to provide two—way broadband communications ervies in the Unted Saes
should *stimulate compettion in the United Sttes and expand provisionofbroadband servie in rurl
areas" 241
"! visionttar‘sauthorization fothe 113° W L. orbtal oction wasissued by the Commission on October
30,2001. Order and Authoriation,Application ofisionSter,Incorporated, LicnseeShont Howanian
TransfrorndBchostar VinstarCorporation, TranfereeFor Consent to Tranifr ofContrl Over
Authoriaton to Construct Launch and Operae a Ka—Band Stelite Sisten in the Fived:Sitelite Serice
atthe 13° WL OrbialLocation, 16 FCC Red 19187 (t‘ Bur. 2001)
" RehoSter Oppostton,p.4,n8; See, ECC Fie No. SAT—STA—20040918—00179, That applicain —
which was not opposed —— wassubsequertly wthdraun. See Publc Notice, DA 04—3879 (rl. Nov. 12,

         WildBlue has invested over $350 million and several years of effort to develop its
 Ka—band satellte systemat 109.2° W.L. Due to circumstances beyond its control (e,
 the bankrupteyof its satellite contractor), WildBlue may not be able to launch its own
 nearly—completed WildBluc—1 satellte before ts June 2005 BIU date. There is every
 reason to believe, however, that WildBlue will be in a position to begin regular
 operations atits licensed orbital location within months afterits BIU date (and certainly
 far in advance of the two years that would be made available to EchoStar). Thus,
WildBlue‘s proposal involved the short—term preservation ofan orbital location by a
long—term licensee with a nearly completed satellite and a delay beyond its control.
        SES‘s STA involves none of these factors. EchoStar does not have a Ka—band

satellte (let alone two such satellites) nearing completion. It has not been working
diligently for a number of years to develop these slots."* It will not bein a position to
begin regular operations at the licensed locations within months after the applicable BIU
dates. And, most importantly, it has not been prevented from meeting the BIU dates due
to any factors beyond its control. Instead, it has been sitting on the 113° W.L.license for
three years and still has nothing to show for it and only recently became interested in the
117° W.L. slou."
        EchoStar had only seven months remaining on its BIU date when it received the
113° W.L. authorization (although VisionStar was issued the license 2001), and only

" NRTC Petion o Dens.p.5,n. 13
!* EchoSta—eontrlled VisionStar‘s cense was cancelld specifcally because it had not met it ilgence
requirements with respectto the 113 W.Lslot. HivionStorOrder 1
" OJ Echaar Oppostton,p.3, which purpors to depict EchoSar‘ tellr Ka—band progres to date

seven months left when it applied for the 117° W.L. authorization."* Given the time it
takes to desizn and construct Ka—band satellte, EchoStar has no reasonable expectation
that it will be able to meet the current BIU dates for either slat. Nonetheless,it nowsecks
to use the Commission‘s S7A processes in an attempt to foreclose international
development ofthe slot for an additional two years through an artificial,temporary "fly
by" of AMC—15. Whether or not temporary operations could be usedto meet a BIU date,
there is no equitable justification for facilitating such a scheme under the facts presented
in this case
        EchoStar argues that NRTC‘s observations regarding EchoStar‘s character before
the Commission are "unfounded and extrancous tothis proceeding.""" NRTC‘s
observations, however, are hardlyunfounded —— they merely quote previous Commission
findings."* Nor is EchoStar‘s character extrancous to this proceeding, since the STA is
only the latest in a long line of EchoStar‘s dubious dealings with the Commission.
Questions of character and integrity always must be weighed carefully by the
Commission in determining whether a licensee has any intentions of actually deploying
        With regard to SES, any arguments it offers in support of ts STA have been
completely undercut by its customer‘s admissions. SES‘s basic argument—— that the S7A
should be granted because it will "meet customer demand byproviding Ka—band

" EshoStar onl received iauthority o days ago t relocte its authorized sielit romthe123° W L
orbitaloction to th117° W.L. orbial loction. Sce Public Noic, Plicy Branch Information, Actions
"Taken, Report No. SAT—00250 DA 04— 2820 (released Decenber 7,2004)
" EchoStar Opposton . 3
" NRTC Pertion to Deny,p 5.n 4

services"" —— has been thoroughly diseredited by the admissions of the only customer at
issue, EchoStar. EchoStar has confirmed beyond anydoubt that the purpose ofthe STis

not to provide Ka—band services, as SES claims, but rather to secure ITU date priority for
the United States (and its icensee, EchoStar). The S7A is just an attempt by SES to
facilitate EchoStar‘s efforts

       SES‘s argument that NRTC lacks standing is without foundation and easily
dismissed. As NRTC pointed outin its Perition to Deny, NRIC‘s mission since its

founding in 1986 has been to provide advanced technologies and telecommunications
services to rural America.""
       NRTC was an early investor in DIRECTV, and last year, NRTC joined Liberty

Satelite, LLC and Intelsat USA Sales Corporation in investing $156 million (NRTC
itselfinvested $29 million) in WildBlue.. WildBlue is expected to begin offering the first
viable Ka—band satellite service in 2008, using technology designed to lower the cost of
providing consumers throughout the country with high—speed Internct access via satelite.
NRTC‘s plans also include bundling high speed Intemet service with video on a single
satelite dish. WildBlue‘s service initilly will be provided using a non—U.S.—licensed

satelit—— precisely the sort ofarrangement that would be precluded under
SES/EchoStar‘s scheme to foreclose international access to two Ka—band slots for an
additional two years.

" SES Oppostion.p 8
® NRPCPartion to Denyp Jn 2

        There is no question that NRTC has ample standing to challenge SES‘s abusive
TA designed to skirt the ITU‘s Ka—band requirements and further delay deployment of
advanced services to rural America.""

        As demonstrated in EchoStar‘s Opposition, the improper motives behind SES‘s
T4 are clear, The Commission should not allow its processes to be manipulated as a
means of interational spectrum speculation. The S7A should be DENIED.

"! NRTC has a longrecord ofcommenting in Commisionproceedings elting o theimportanceofKa—
hnd spectrum resources to rurl America. At lastcount, NRTC has commentd in hree such proceedinas,
and t Commission hasneveraccepted any aryuments regardingNETC‘s aleped lackofstanding in such
proceedings, despit havingthe opportinity o do so. See Pttion for Reconsidertion ofthe Natonal
Rural Telccommunications Coopertive, submitd in esponse t, Order, Second Round Assignnnent of
Geontarionary Satelite OrbiLocationsto FzedStelit ServiceSpace Satons in the Ke—Band, 17 FCC
Red. 14400 (2002) (Ke—hond Onder};se also Petition to Deny ofthe National Rural Telecomminications
Cooperative, sibmited in espons toSAT—MOD—20020430—00075; Leterto Marlene H. Dorch rom the
NationalRur Telccommunications Cooperatve, stontarIrcorporated Applicationfor Modiicationof
 Authorityto Construct, Launch, and Operate a Ka—band SatelteSyston in the Five SatelteSrvice,
NotceofatenttoFile Application (dted Aug.8, 2002). I the Xa—hard Onder proceeding, Pesasus
Development Cororation (Pegasus)raised an argumentsimilr to SES‘sregarding NRTCs standing. In
is Ka—hand Order, the Commision delined to adapt Pegasu‘s view.


                           Respectfully Submitted,

                           2121 Cooperative Way, Suite 500
                           Herndon, VA 20171
                                          Its Attorneys:
Stephen M. Rya        az—~                           Muithorti_
                                          Jifft Richards
NRTC, General Coun 1
Manatt, Pheips & P ips, LLP
One Metro Center                          1001 G Street, NW
700 12th Street, NW, Suite 1100           Washington, D.C. 20001
Washington, DC 20008—4075                 (202)43¢—4210
(202) ses—ssso

Dated: December 9, 2004
Aftachment: Declaration of B. R. Phillips, H

                                       Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

Application of                                       )
SES AmEricont,Inc.                                   )          File No. SAT—$TA—20041012—00198
For Special Temporary Authoriy to Operate           )
the AMC—15 Satelite at 113° W.L. and 117 WL..       )

                      PECLARATION                   remuutes,      mt
1, B. R. Philips, II, declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws ofthe United States
of America that:

1.     am President and Chief Exeeutive Officer ofthe National Rural
Telecommunications Cooperative (NRTC).
2.    I am familiar with the application ofSES AMERICOM, INC., for Special
Temporary Authority to Operate the AMC—15 Satelite at 113" W.L. and 117W.L
3.     Ihave personal knowledge ofthe assertions of fact contained in the foregoing
Reply of the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative, and they are true and
corzectt the best ofmy knowledge, information and belief

Executed on December 7, 2004

                                            mK Phillips,m/é Z z;_
                                            President and Chief Executive Officer
                                            NATIONAL RURAL
                                            2121 Cooperstive Way, Suite 500
                                            Hemdon, VA 20171

                           CERTIFICATE oF SERVICE
        1, HERERY CERTIFY that on this 9" day of December, 2004, a true and correct
copy of the foregoing Reply of the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative in
the matter ofthe Application of SES AMERICOM,Inc., for Special Temporary
Authorityto Operate the AMC—15 Satellite at 113° W.L. and 117° W.L., File No. SAT—
STA—20041012—00198, was submitted via hand delivery to the Federal Communications
Commission, and served via electronic mail and First Class Mail upon the following
    Served via Electronic Mail:                    Served via Electronic M;
    Donald Abelson                                 Anna M. Gomez
    Chict, Intemational Bureau                     Deputy Bureau Chicf, Intemational
   Federal Communications Commission               Bureau
   445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                        Federal Communications Commission
   Washington, D.C. 20584                          445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20554
   Tom Tyez                                       Cassandra Thomas
   Chief                                          Deputy Chie?
   Satelite Division, Intemational Bureau         Satellite Division, Intemational Bureau
   Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
   445 Twelith Street, S.W., 6th Floor            445 Twelfth Street, . W., 6th Floor
   Washington, D.C. 205854                        Washington, D.C. 20554

   Jennifer Gilsenan                              JoAnn Lucanik
   Deputy Division Chief                          Associate Division Chief
   Strategic Analysis and Negotiations            Satellte Division, Intemational Bureau
   Division                                       Federal Communications Commission
   Intemational Bureau                            445 12"Street, S.W.
   Federal Communications Commission              Room 6—C416
   445 Twelfh Street, S.W., 6th Floor             Washington, D.C. 20584

   Fem Jarmulnek                                 Served via Hand Delivery:
   Deputy Chief                                  Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
   Satellte Division, Intemational Bureau        Federal Communications Commission
   Federal Communications Commission             Office ofthe Secretary
   445 Twelfth Street,S.W., 6th Floor            c/o Natek, Inc.,Inc.
   Washington, D.C. 20554                        236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E
                                                 Suite 110
   Rosalee Chiara
                                                 Washington, DC 20002
   Satellite and Radiocommunications
   Division, International Bureau
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 Twelfth Street, S.W., 6th Floor
   Washington, D.C. 20584

Served via Electronic Mail and First
Class Mails
Naney J. Eskenazi
Viee President and Associate General
Four Research Way
Princcton, NJ 08540
Peter A. Rohrbach
Karis A. Hastings
555 Thirteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004—1109
Counselfor SES AMERICOM, Inc.
Panetlis Michalopoutos
Chung Hsiang Mah
Steptoc & Johnson LLP
1330 Connectiout Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
Counselfor EchoStarSutellte LLC

                                       Revin G. Rupy

Document Created: 2004-12-15 14:21:14
Document Modified: 2004-12-15 14:21:14

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