Attachment redacted


SUBMISSION FOR THE RECORD submitted by WB Holdings



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20040914-00176 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                REDACTED VERSION                   FOR PUBLIC FILE
                                                                                         SEP 2 8 200,
                                       eptember r 15, 2004
                                      Septembe                                            Polcy Branch

   BV HAND DELIVERY                                                  RECEIVED
   Marlene H. Dortch                                                    SEP 1 5 2004
   Federal Communications Commission                              FederCammoncatens Comnisson
   445 12" Street, S.W.                                                 Oficot Secntay
    Washington, DC 20554
          Re:     WB Holdings 1 LLC — Requestfor Special Temporary Authorization
                  Request for Confidential Treatment

   Dear Ms. Dortch:
           Pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§
   0.457 and 0.459, WildBlue Communications, Inc. and WB Holdings 1 LLC (collectively,
   "WildBlue") respectfully request that the Commission withhold from public inspection,
   and accord confidentialtreatment to, the enclosed unredacted version ofthe binding
   Letter Agreement (the *Agreement‘),dated September 13, 2004, between WildBlue and
   Intelsat LLC ("Intelsat"). A redacted version was previously filed in connection with
   WildBlue‘s above referenced request for Special TemporaryAuthorization ("STA®).
           The Agreement relates to WildBlue‘s purchase ofthe Ka—band payload aboard the
   Intelsat Americas 8 (‘1A—8") satellite thatis scheduled to be launched later this year. The
   redacted portions comprise sensitive trade secrets and commercial and financial
   information that squarely fall within Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act,
   which provides that the public disclosure requirement ofthe statute "does not apply to
   matters that are ... (4)trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained
   from a person and privileged or confidential."" WildBlue is voluntarily providing this


Hamus, Wiisime & Gramis uur
Marlene H. Dortch
September 15, 2004
Page 2 of S
trade seeret, commercial and financial information, which is "of kind that would not
customarily be released to the public® by WildBlue, in connection with ts STA request to
operate the Ka—band payload on 1A—# at the 109.2° W.L. orbital location licensed to
WildBlue. Therefore, this information is "confidential" under Exemption 4 of FOIA.*
Moreover, WildBlue would suffer substantial competitive harm ifthe redacted portions
of the Agreement were disclosed."
In support othis request and pursuant to Section 0.459(b) ofthe Commission‘s rules,"
WildBlue provides the following information.
1.     Inentirication or Ti Sreciric Inrormation ror Wick Coxrinextiat.
       Treatatent is Sovoir®
       WildBlue secks confidential treatment of those portions ofthe Agreement that
were redacted from the STA filing.

2.     Descrurrion or Circumstances Givinc RisTo titeSummission®
       The Agreement is being provided to Commission Staff in this proceeding out of
an abundance of caution to ensure that the record is complete.

3.     Exruanation or ts Deorto Winic tht Inrormation Is Commtrctat
       or Financixt, or Contains a Trape Secret or Is Priviiecen‘
        The information for which WildBlue seeks confidential treatment contains
sensitive commercial and financial information "which would customarily be guarded
from competitors."* Certain categories ofconfidential commercial and financial
information appear throughout the Agreement,including without limitation disclosures of
business plans, pricing, and other financial terms and conditions, all of which were
negotiated between the parties. Moreover, the Agreement would not customarily be

*      See Crical Mass Energy Projectv. NRC, 975 F20 $71, 79 (D.C. Cr. 1992).
       ‘See National Parks & Conservation Ass‘nv. Morion, 498 F28 768 (D.C. ir 1974)
       arcrn goass®)
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       in car goassic).
f      i ceR 5osssic)
       arcrn 5o49.

Hamus, Wirsue & Grns rur
Marlens H. Dortch
September 15, 2008
Page 3 ofS
released to the public by WildBlue or Intelsat, and therefore it is covered by Exemption 4
of FOIA when, as here, it is submited by WildBlue to the Government
4.     Exr.aNation or Titt DeoikE to WittcH Te Inrormation Concerns a
       Service Trat Is Susscr to Comrettmon
       The Agreement concerns the acquisition of a Ka—band payload capable of
providing a range of satellite services throughout North America. This payload will
provide WildBluethe abilty to develop data on Ka—band operations that would be of
commercial value to it and a number of current Commission licensees of potentially
competitive Ka—band satellitesystems and equipment manufacturers.

5..    Exruanation or How Discrosure or TiInFormarion Couto ResuurIn
       Susstantia Couretmive Harm!*
        Because the Agreement reflects negotiations over the structure of a Ka—band
payload acquisition and the value ofsuch a payload, the information for which WildBlue
seks confidential treatment could be used by its competitors as the basis for ()
negotiating a Ka—band payload acquisition contract,(i) developing a competing satellte
network, or(ii) designing competitive broadband or video service offerings (satellte or
terrestral). Moreover, disclosure ofthis contract could adversely affect WildBlue‘s
relationship with other vendors. Vendors have a legitimate expectation that their
confidentil information and trade secrets — pricing information, commercial conditions,
etc.— will not be made available to thid parties who do not have a relationship with their
customer‘s program. Disclosure of the Agreement in thi case could harm WildBlue in
itsfuture negotiations with vendors.
6.     Inevmirication or Any Measures Tagex By Tie Sumvrrrinc Parry To
       Prevent Unaurionzen Disciosure"
        Paragraph 5 of the Agreement requires the parties to maintain confidentility of
proprietary information, which includes the terms ofthe contract itself

F      47 CER §04900.
4      #7CER 5048908
n      arorngoast®

Hanus, Wiroume & Granns tur
Marlene H. Dortch
September 15, 2004
Page 4 of S
7.     Inexrirication or Wikrier rite Inrormamion‘Is Avaicamus to The
       Pusurc anb ue Exrent or Any Previous Discuosure or tue
       Information to Tumo Parties""
        The redacted portions ofthe Agreement have not previously been disclosed to the
public or any third party.
8.     Jusrinication or Wiremier mie Inrormnion‘Is Avaicamue to rie Pusuic
       anb mie Extent or Any Previous Discrosure or tus Inrormation to
       Trio Pacries®
        As demonstrated above, WildBlue and Intelsat have a significant interest in
maintaining the confidentiality of the propriety commercial and financial information
contained in the Agreement, and have taken steps to ensure such confidentality.
WildBlue requests that the redacted portions ofthe Agreement be treated as confidential
for a period of atleast three years. The commitment of the parties to preserve the
proprietary nature of the documents is demonstrated by their perpetual obligation to
maintain confidentality ofthe proprictary information. Therefore, WildBlue‘s request
for confidentialtreatment for a period of three years is reasonable.
9.     Oiter Inrormation Tiat WiroBuve Beuteves May Be UsErut In
       Assessive Wircrier Its Reoursr ror Conrivexriaurry Snoup Br
       The Commission has recognized that spacecraft procurement agreements contain
competitively sensitive information, and need to be protected from disclosure.""
Consistent with this conclusion, the Commission has adhered to a policy of not
authorizing the disclosure of confidential information on the mere chance that it might be
helpful toa third party. Rather, the Commission insists on a showing that the information
is a necessary link in a chain of evidence that will resolve an issue before the
Commission.!*. Sincethe majorityof the terms of the Agreement are already available
from the redacted copy filed with the STA request, it ihighly unlikely that such a
showing could be made.

*      a7chRoasot0)
*      grorngeast®.
©      arorngoeasnn9)
9.     See eg, OB Anericon CommunicationsInc 16 ECC Red. 6731 (In‘I Bu2001)
       Exantination ofCurret Policy Concerningthe Treatment ofConfidental Informarion Subnited
       to the Commision, 13 ECC Red. 24816, 8 (1998)

Hamus, Wisume & Granods ue
Marlene H. Dortch
September 15, 2004
Page S oS

       For these reasons, WildBlue respectfully requests that the Commission withhold
from public inspection, and accord confidential treatment to,the unredacted version of
the Agreement attached hereto.
                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           William M. Wiltshire
                                           Hawus, Wirrsire& Granats LLP
                                           1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.
                                           Washington, DC 20036

                                           Counselfor WildBlue

                                                                           ‘ Intelsat.
   19 Saptember 2004
   Ref: President—19—09—2008
  Mr. Tom Moore
  ceo widilue
  5970 Greenwaod Plaza Blvc., Sute 300
  Greenwaed Vilage, C0 80111
  Dear Mr. Moore:
  THIS LETTER AGREEMENT (Lettor Agrooment‘)is entered into by and between Inteleat
  LLC, a Delaware Iimited libilly company with offces located at North Tower, 2" Fioor, 90
  Pits Bay Road, Pombroke HMO8, Bermuda (‘Intelsat), and WidBlue Communtcations,
  Ins. wih offcee located at 5870 Greenwood Plaza Blvc., Sute 300 Greenvood Vilege, CO
  80111. (WildBue), Intelsat and WildBlue have been dlscuesing the purchase of the Ka—            |
  band payload on the Intelsat Americas 8 satallte ("1A—8") by WidBlue, Ifthe following
  accurataly reflects your understanding of the result of our discussions, please so
  Inleate by signing above your name at he end of this Letter Agreemont
         1.       Scane and Purpose ofthe Project. The purposa of this Letter Agreement
  is to sorve as the material terms for a defintive agreement bebweon WidBlue and
  Intelsat (‘Detinitive Agreement)for the purpose stated above.
        4     Gommercia! Relatlonships. Upon execution of tis Lettor Agreement, the
  Partes shall use their commerdally reasonable efforts to onter Into a Dotnitve
  Agreement which shall include the following commercial arrangements:
        (e) Purchase Price: WidBlue agress to acquire the entre Ka band payload on            |
        1A—8 (‘Ka band Payload‘) and to contrlbute to the cost olaunching, insuring and
        providing TT&C Services for 1A—8 forthe fotal purchase price of
        (‘Total Purchase Prico‘), payable as folows:                               sEpacitD
                  () Purchase
                      Inal  Price:
                     o       upon dalvery of the Ka band Payload (Delivery®). Delivery
              i          shall be deemed to have accurred, and ownorship of the Ka band
  REDACTED               payoeg shall transfer to WidBlue, when 1A8 reaches 109.2
                         degress W.L.
Herm ue anton o rety oecbou 1c on Smvnnlonintion Tot10 fot taraito

       Mr. Tom Moore
       Page 2

       REDACTED o                 four weaks after Delvery (this amount, together wih the
                                payable upon Delvery, the ‘Iitial Purchase Price‘).
                    (1) Charges
        REDACTED 0                   on the fiet anniversary of Delivery ;
                       o. An addional firancing charge of               ‘ on   ich of the second,
                          third, fourth and ffth anniversaries of Delivery.
             (2) As soon as practlcable after launch, Intelsat willplace 1A—8 at 109.2 degrees
             W.L. Afer Delvery, 1A—6 will remain at 109.2 dagreas W.L. for no less than the
             minimum time necessary to alow WidBlue to porform ts intended commercial
             sorvice in the Ka band from 109.2 W.L. (the "Minimum Perlod).

REDACTED (c) Upon payment of                  to WidBlue, Intelsat has tho rignt (‘Call Option®)
             to purchase back the Ka band Payload from WikdBlue at any tme


             (¢) At any tme                      felowing Delvery and payment of the
             Inltal Purchase Prico, Widve may require Intelsat to purchase the Ka band
             Payload from WidBlue for        (Put Option®)

             (e) Exercise of other the Call Option or the Put Option will relleve WikiBlue of the
             obigation to pay any ungald portin of the Financing Charge as of the date of
             exercise, but not from the obligation to pay any unpald portion of the Inlal
             Purchase Price, whether or not due at time the Call Option or the Put Option
             is exerelsed. Upon exercise of the Put Option or the Call Option, WidBlue shall
             cease all commercial operations on the Ka band Payload.

             (0 Intelsat, n ts sole and absolute discretion and at ts cost, may move 1&—8 from
             that location at anytime after the earter of () expiration of the Minimum Poriod,
             (})the exercise by Intolsat of the Call Option, or (1}) the exercise by WiiBlue of
             the Put Option.
             3.    Obligation. This Letter Agreement is the bindirig obligation of the
             4.    Agreament. The Parties agree to negotiate in good faith, and to
      use their commercialy reasonable efforts to conclude and execute, a Defintve
      Agreement win respect to the matters contained herein as expeditiously as posslble,

Mr. Tom Moore
Page 3
preferably on or before 30 September 2004; provided, however, that nothing in this
Letter Agreement shall obligate other Party to execute a Dafinive Agroement. The
Parties agree that any Dofinitve Agroement that may be concluded and executed in
connection herowlh shall bo governed by the laws of the State of New York, U.S.A.
         5.. Confidentialty. The Partos agree that any Information recelved from the
 other Party in connection with the tansacon(s) contomplated herein (ncluding this Lettor
 Agreemen) illbe used sclalyforthe purpose of evaluating and assessing the itorests of
 a possible transacton batwean the Partis, and that they wil safeguard the confidentalty
 of any such information with at least the same degree of care they apply to the safeguard
 of thair on confdential information, and in no event less than wth the same degree of
 care a reasonable person would exert under the cicumstances. The provisions of this
 paregraph 5 wil survive the termination of his Lettor Agrosmont.
         6. Expenses. Each Party wil pay all of its expenses, including logal fees,
ncured in connection with the negotlation and conclusion of contemplated transactions
relatig to the Deffitve Agrooment
        7. TerminationElthor Party may terminate this Lotter Agroament at eny time
and for any raeson by sending writen notlce thereot to the other Party, Unicss carlier
terminate, this Lettor Agroement shall remain valld for a portod of two (2) months,
provided that this Letter Agreement may be extended by mutual writen agreemont
Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything contained in tnis Lefter Agreemont to the
contrary,tis Letter Agreement is subject in all respacts to the approval of the managing
member of Intelsat and the board of directors of Intelsat, Ltd. and shall terminate
automaticaly and have no further force or effect if such approvals have not been
obtained by September 80, 2004, After termination of is Latter Agresment, the Partlos
shall be released from any and all further obligations to each othor, ‘excopt the
obligations of the Non—Disclosure Agreement between the Partios and thase contained
in the confidentialty provisions set forth above shall not be affected by the tormination
ofthis Lottor Agroemont.
      8.     Miscolanoous.
      (2)_   Notther Party Is an agent or pertner ofthe other Party, nor has authorlty to
      represent or bind the other Party as to any mattore,
      (5). Nefther Party may assign, dalogate and/or fransfer Its rights,interests or
      cbligations created under this Letter Agreemont to any other entty wihout the
      prior writen consentof the other Part, provided that ether Party may assign this
      Letter Agreement to any ently that directly or indireatly is contraing, controlled
      by, or undorcommon sontrol wth such Party.

Mr. Tom Moore
Page 4

     (6)   This Leftor Agroement and the rights and responsibiitis of the Parties
     hereunder shall be subject to and construed in accordance with the laws of the
     state of Now York (USA).
     (¢)    The Partles agree to comply with all appleable laws end regulations of
     relevant govemments or govermmental agencies with respect to the matters to be
     addreseed herein.
            If the above reflects your understanding of the nature and pertculers of
     our reletlonship, please so indicate by signing below.
                                intersat ue

                                Neme:          * Pot
                                Tite: President,Intelsat (Bermude}, Ltd.

                                WiLDBLUE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

Document Created: 2004-10-06 17:56:43
Document Modified: 2004-10-06 17:56:43

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