Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20040902-00164 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                                                                       Approved by OMB
                                                                     Fror MW*J“%MWW 8
Date & Time Filed: Sep 22004 4:57:48:006PM atormaionat Dewwan Appronats      Z/Z +
Callign:                                                                 BETPB                  Pagesss aab
File Number: SAT—§TA—20040002—001 6


                                                      FoR OFFICIALUSE ONLY

Enter description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
 AMC~16 STA Request 92004
1. Applicant

           Name:        SES Americom, Inc.                Phone Number:          e00—987—4000 xaig7
           DBA Name:                                      Fax Number:            600—087—4233
           Streets      4 Research Way                    E—Mait:                nincyeskenazi@ses—americom.

                        Princeion                         State:                 w
                         usA                              Zipcode:               osso       —
           Attention:   Ms. Naney JEstnazi

2. Contact

             Name:    KarisA. Mastings                     Phone Number:                      anz—687—5767
             Company: Hogan & Hartson LLB                  Fax Number:                        an>—e37—s010
             Streets  555 Thincenth Stret, NW              R—Mail                             KAHlastngs@HHLawcom

             City:      Washington                         State:                              nc
             Country:   USA                                Zipeote:                           20004 —1109
             Contact                                       Relationship:                      Legal Counsel

  (Ifyour application is related o an application fled with the Commisson, enterthe fls number below)
  3. Reference File Number
 . Is a fe submited with this applcation?
@ 1 ¥es,complete and atach FCC Form 159.       If No,indicate reason for fe exermption (see 47 C.ERSection 1.1114),
£ Govermental Bntity gy Noncommercial educationalliensce
g Other(please explain):
( Fee Classifeation CRY — Space Sation (Geostationary)
5. Type Reques
 g Chanse Stion Location                      @ Extend Expiration Date                       @ Ohe

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                          7. Requested Extended Expiation Date
        82.1 and 8409

%Descripion —(Ife complete description does not appear n his bon, please go to he end ofh: form to view it in is entrely)
    sES Amezicom, Inc. seeks special tenporazy authority for testing of ANC—16‘s Ku—band
    lpayroad at 82.2 w.u. and its Ka—band payload at 84.9.

9. By checking Yes, the undersigned cerifies that neither applicant nor any other party o the application is subject @ Yes   oN
to denial ofFederlbenefits that includes FCC benefitspursuantto Section $301 ofthe Anti—Drug Act of1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862, because ofa comviction forpossession or distrbution ofa controlled substance. See 47 CFR
 1—2002(b) for the meaningof&quotiparty to the applcationdiquot; forthese purposes.

10. Name of Person Signing                                             11 Tide ofPerson Signing
Nancy J.Eskenazi                                                       Vice President and Associate General Counsel
12. Please supply any need atachment:
 Atiachment 1: Attachment 1                     Atachment 2:                                   Atachment 3:

                 (U.S, Code, Tile 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Tite 47 Section312(a)(1), AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.3. Code, Tt 47, Setion 503)

ree Nonick requrrb By Te rarERWORK REDUCTION ACT
"The public reporting forthis collection of information is estimated to average 2 hous perresponse, includingthetime for reviewing instructions,
searching existingdata sources, gathering and maintainingthe required data, and completig and reviewing the collectionoinformation. Ifyou
have any comments on this burden estimateor ow we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write tthe
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwark Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20854. We willalso ccept
your commentsregarding the Paperork Reduction Act aspects of his collction via te Intermet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not equired torespond to a colletion ofinformation sponsored by the Federal government, anthe government may not
conductor sponsor this calltion, unles t displays a currently vlid OMB control numberorifwefailto provide you with this notce.. This
collectionhas been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678
1, 1998, 44 US.C. SECTION 3s07.

                               Before the
                         Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Application by                )
SES AMERICOM, INC.                             )   File No. SAT—.STA—
For Special Temporary Authority to             )
Test AMC—16 at 82.1° W.L. and 84.0° W.L.       )
             By this application, SES AMERICOM, Inc. (‘SES AMERICOM)
respectfully requests special temporary authority (‘STA") to permit it to test the
Ku—band payload of its AMC—16 spacecraft at 82.1° W.L. and the Ka—band payload of
AMC—16 at 84.0° W.L for a period of up to 90 days following launch. AMC—16 is a
Ku/Ka—band hybrid satellite that SES AMERICOM proposes to operate at the
85° W.Lorbital location. The Ku—band payload of AMC—16 will replace the Ku—band
payload of AMC—9 (see File No. SAT—RPL—20040227—00024), and the Ka—band
payload of AMC—16 will be part of SES AMERICOM‘s authorized Ka—band satellite
system (see SAT—MOD—20040227—00022).

             As discussed below, temporary operation of AMC—16 at 82.1° W.L. and
84.9° W.L. will permit testing to occur without disruption to existing customers at
85° W.L. and will not adversely affect the operation of any other carrier‘s spacecraft.
The two locations have been selected to provide significantorbital separation
between AMC—16 and other Ku— and Ka—band spacecraft operating or planned to be
operating in adjacent portions of the orbital are during the testing period:

             Thetesting of AMC—16‘s Ku—band payload at 82.1° W.L. and its Ka—
band payload at 84.9° W.L. will not cause harmful interference to the operations of
any other spacecraft. The only standard Ku—band satellites operating within six
degrees on cither side of 82.1° W.L. are licensed to SES AMERICOM: AMC—5 at
79° W.L., AMC—9 at 85° W.L., and AMC—3 at 87 ° W.L. SES AMERICOM will
manage the operations of its spacecraft to ensure that no harmful interference

             Telesat Canada operates a Ka—band payload on the Nimiq 2 spacecraft
at 82° W.L. SES AMERICOM has coordinated the testing of AMC—16 with Telesat
Canada. No other Ka—band spacecraft currently operates within six degrees on
ither side of the 84.9° W.L. orbital position or is expected to be operational within
the proposed time period for testing of AMC—16.

             SES AMERICOM‘s request to test AMC—16 at the 82.1° W.L. and

84.9° W.L. orbital positions is in the public interest. By testing AMC—16 at these

locations, SES AMERICOM will be able to ensure that AMC—16 is fully operational

at the time it arrives at its final orbital location, thereby avoiding any interruption

in service thatotherwise might be associated with spacecraft testing.
             SES AMERICOM seeks authority to test AMC—16 subject to the

following conditions:

1     The 77 W.L, 81 °W.L., and 83° W.L. orbitallocations are currently vacant.
SES AMERICOM has an application pending before the Commission secking
authority to relocate AMC—9 from 85° W.L. to 83° W.L. See File No. SAT—AMD—

              (a) SES AMERICOM will coordinate its test operations with all
potentially affected operating satellite networks.
              (b) No harmful interference will be caused to any lawlilly operating
satellite network or radio communication system and SES AMERICOM operations
will cease immediately upon notification of harmful interference. Further, SES
AMERICOM shall notify the Commission in writing that it has received such a
notification within 14 days of receipt.

             (€) SES AMERICOM will accept interference from any lawfully
operating satellite network or radio communication system.
             (8) Testing authority is limited to the frequencies for which the
AMC—16 satellite will be authorized.
              (€) The authorization is subject to change in any of its terms or
cancellation in its entirety at any time upon reasonable notice, but without hearing,
if in the opinion of the Commission, cireumstances require.
             (0    The temporary authority will commence on the date SES
AMERICOM launches AMC—16, currently scheduled for December 6, 2004, and
terminate 90 days from that date.
              (€) SES AMERICOM shall notify the Commission in writing no
later than seven days after it has completed testing of AMC—16 and commenced the
move of AMC—16 to its assigned orbital location.
              (b) The temporary authority is for testing purposes and shall not be
used for the provision of commercial service.
             SES AMERICOM herebycertifies that no party to this application is

subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug

Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.

             For the foregoing reasons, SES AMERICOM respectfully requests
special temporary authority to test the AMC—16 Ku—band payload at 82.1° W.L. and
its Ka—band payload at 84.9° W.L. for a period of up to 90 days following launch.

Grant of the requested authority will permit testing of the spacecraft to occur
withoutaffecting services to customers and will permit a seamless transition of


                                       Respectfully submitted,
                                       SE AMERICOM, INC.
                                       By: /s/ Nancy J. Eshenazi
                                           Nancy J. Eskenazi
Counsel                                    Vice President and
Peter A. Rohrbach                            Associate General Counsel
Karis A. Hastings                          SES AMERICOM, Inc.
Hogan & Hartson LL.P.                      Four Research Way
Washington, D.C. 200041109                 Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: (202) 637—5600
Pax: (202) 637—5010

Dated: September 2, 2004

Document Created: 2004-10-19 15:44:37
Document Modified: 2004-10-19 15:44:37

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