Attachment opposition


OPPOSITION submitted by Intelsat



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20040615-00116 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


     %                                                                           ORIGINAL
                                           Before the                                  EIVED
                               Setool CommunopiepeCommieams                   PCV
                                     Washington, DC 20554                         sep 1 4 2004
                                                                          Fatenl onmnicatos   Conissn
         In the Matter of                                                          iMesotSecmiay
         Intelsat North America LLC                 Rpue No. SAT—STA—20040615—00116
         Spignint for Estersion oSpocial               eceiveq
         Temporary Authority                        SEP 2 o zum                  {nti BureaU
                                                                                          5 2004
          To: The Commission
                                                                                  de n
                                                                                  Front Office


          Intelsat North America LLC (¢Intelsat"), by its attomeys, and pursuant to Section 1.115
ofthe rules of the Rederal Communications Commission (°FCC" or "Commission‘®),‘ hereby
opposes SES AMERICOM, Inc.‘s ("SES®) Application for Review of the Intemational
Bureau‘s ("Bureau") July 30, 2004 order granting Intelsat‘s request for a 180—dayextension of
special temporary authority (*STA") to provide direct—to—home (DTH") additional services""
to former customers of Loral SpaceCom Corporation and Loral Satellite Inc. (together "Loral")

! See 47 C.F.R. § 1.115 (2003).

  SES AMERICOM, Inc., Application for Review, Pntelsat North America LLC, Requestfor
Extension ofSpecial Temporary Authority,File No. SAT—STA—20040615—001 16 (iled Aug. 30,
2004) ("Application for Review").
* Open—Market Reorganization for the Betterment ofInternational Telecommunications Act, Pub.
LL. No, 106—180, 114 Stat. 48 (2000), § 681(a)(12)(B)("additional services" defined as "for
INTELSAT, direct—to—home (DTH) or direct broadcast satellite (DBS) video services, or services
in the Ka or V. bands."),as amended, Pub, L. No. 107—233, 116 Stat. 1480 (2002), as amended,
Pub. L. No. 108—228, 118 Stat. 644 (2004).
* Intelsat North America LLC, Requestfor Extension ofSpecial Temporary Authority, DA 04—
2445 (rel. July 30, 2004) (*Extension Order")


       In the Intelsat/Loral Order, the Bureau assigned certain Loral satellte lcenses to

Intelsatsubject to a condition on providing "additional services" and granted Intelsat STA to

provide such "additional services" to former Loral customers until September 13, 2004. On

March 12, 2004, SES filed an Application for Review of the Pnrelsat/Loral Order ("Initial

Application for Review")" challenging, inter alia, the lawfulness of the Bureau‘s decision to
grantIntelsat the limited STA. Intelsat, in response, demonstrated that the Open—Market for the

Betterment of International Telecommunications Act ("ORBIT Act") does not prohibit the

Commission from authorizing Intelsat‘s provision of "additional services" prior to an Intelsat

initial public offering and sought deletion of the relevant condition." This Inital Application for

Review is pending.
       On June 15, 2004, Intelsatrequested extension, until March 12, 2005, of its STA to serve

"additional services" customers, including Starband who, as the Bureau previously noted, would
otherwise experience disruption or even discontinuance of service." SES filed a Petition to

* Loral Sarellte, Inc. (Debtor—in—Possession) and Loral SpaceCom Corporation (Debtor—in
Possession), Assignors and Intelsat North America, LLC, Assignee; Applicationsfor Consent to
Assignments ofSpace Station Authorizations and Petitionfor Declaratory Ruling Under Section
310b)(4) ofthe Communications Act of1934, Order and Authorization, 19 FCC Red 2404
(2004) (*fitelsar/Loral Order"), as amended, Supplemental Order, 19 FCC Red 4029 (2004).
* SES AMERICOM, Inc., Application for Review, File Nos. SAT—ASG—20030728—00138/00139
(filed Mar. 12, 2004) (*Initial Application for Review"), See also SES AMERICOM, Inc.,
Motion for Expedited Consideration in Part of Application for Review, File Nos. SAT—ASG—
20030728—00138/139 (filed Mor. 12, 2004).
" See Opposition ofIntelsat North America LLC to Application for Review, File Nos. SAT
ASG—20030728—00138/7139 (fled Mar. 29, 2004) ("Intelsat Opposition"); Intelsat North America
LLC Opposition to SES‘s Motion for Expedited Consideration In Part of Application for Review
and Cross—motion to Dismiss in Part SES‘s Application for Review, File Nos. SAT—ASG—
20030728—00138/00139 (filed Mar. 29, 2004); Letter to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC,
from Bert W. Rein er al, counsel to Intelsat, File Nos. SAT—ASG—20030728—00138/00139 (fled
June 4, 2004) (*Additional Services Ex Parte").
* Intelsat/Loral Order, 19 FCC Red at 2429—30.

Deny? on July 19, 2004 asserting that: (1) the Bureau lacked authority to grant the initial STA
(which is part of the very issue pending in the Initial Application for Review}; and (2) extension
would be inconsistent with the Bureau‘s original purpose in granting STA. In ts July 30, 2004
Extension Order, the Bureau acknowledged that the Commission is considering issues pertaining
to Intelsat‘s provision of "additionalservices" and thus preserved the status quo by granting

Intelsat‘s extension request "subjectto, and conditioned upon, the Commission‘s findings on the
pending [Initil] Application for Review."""
       In the instant Application for Review, SES repeats the very same claims it made in its
Petition to Deny and Initil Application for Review and argues that the Bureau should have
denied the extension request.. As shown below, however, such denial would have preempted the
Commission‘s deliberations on the proper scope of Intelsat‘s authority to offer "additional
services" and produced needless and costly service disruptions and discontinance, adversely
affecting the very customers and end—users the Bureau sought to protect through the STA.
Because the Bureau‘s decision to grant STA pending further action by the full Commission was
both proper and necessary, the Commission should deny SES® instant Application for Review
       SES alleges that the Bureau should have denied Intelsat‘s extension request because the

Bureau "lacked authority" under the ORBIT Actto grant STA for "additional services".."
However, this issue—whether the ORBIT Act allows the Bureau to grant Intelsat authorty,

* See SES AMERICOM, Inc., Petiion to Deny, File No. SAT—STA—20040615—001 16 (filed July
19, 2004) ("Petition").
‘ Extension Order, 6.
"‘ Application for Review at 3.

whether by license or STA, to provide "additional services" at this time—currently is before the
full Commission. Under these circumstances, the Bureau‘s decision to extend the STA was the
proper method for preserving the status guo pending full Commission resolution ofthe relevant
legal issue.
        A.——   The Bureau Properly Took Into Account the Commission‘s Pending Review
               of the Initial Application for Review in Granting the Extension

        SES claims that the pending Initial Application for Review provided no basis for
extending the STA."" Specifically, SES argues that the "only" question pending on review is
"whether the Bureau had authority to grant the STA.""" However, the Commission‘s scope of
review is not as limited as SES claims. In order to determine whether the Bureau had authority
to grant the STA, the Commission must decide whether the ORBIT Act prohibits Intelsat‘s
provision of any "additional services" at thi time.. As Intelsat explained in its opposition to the
Initil Application for Review, Intelsat has privatized and thus the "additional services"
Himitation in Section 602(a)no longer applies."* Even if the Commission finds that Section
602(a)sill applies, the provision is not—as SES suggests—an absolute bar to Intelsat‘s
provision of"additional services". Rather, the full Commission has discretion to determine that
the initil grant ofthe STA—and the subsequent extension—is a "necessary measure" to
implement the limitation given the circumstances surrounding Intelsat‘s acquisition of
"additional services" customers from Loral. Intelsat‘s "additional services" Zx Parte, filed atthe

"* Application for Review at 6—7.
® td 7.
"* Intelsat Oppositionat 17—18.

FCC‘s request,"" evidences the Commission‘s focus on the proper interpretation of Section
602(a) ofthe ORBIT Act
       Moreover, Commission precedent confirms that the Commission has broad discretion in
reviewing a Bureau‘s decision. The Commission may consider both the specific challenges to
the decision that are raised in an application for review, as well as other grounds for rejecting o
upholding that decision."® The Commission, therefore, could and should delete the *additional
services" condition from the Intelsat/Loral Order on the grounds that the ORBIT Act does not
bar Intelsat from providing such services. Thus, the pendency of the Initial Application for
Review provides a sound legal basis for the Bureau‘s decision to preserve the status quo through
STA extension.

       B.      The Bureau‘s Decision Preserved. Not Altered. the Status Ouo

       In the alternative, SES also argues that the Bureau erred because ts decision id not
preserve, but in fact, "drastically alterfed] the status guo.""" This argument is based on the
flawed premise that preserving the status quo requires termination ofthe frst 180 day STA. In
fact, the status quo refers tothe continuation of "additional services" on Loral satelltes to former
Loral customers pending Commission action on the Intial Application for Review. Until then,

the proper scope of Intelsat‘s authority to provide "additional services" will remain uncertain.

"* See 47 C.F.R. § 25.111(a)("The Commission may request from any party at any time
additional information concerning any application, or any other submission or pleading regarding
an application,filed under this part.").
"* RCA Global Communications, Inc.; Applicationfor Authority to Lease and Operate Facilities
for the Provision ofService to 6 New Points ofOperation, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 87
 F.C.C.24 526 (1981) (conducting de novo review of the Common Carrier Burcau‘s decision in
response to an application for review); S&L Teen Hospital Shuttl, Application to Modify and
Reinstate the Licensefor Business Radio Service Station Wi7767, Montrose, California,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 16 FCC Red $153 (2001) (granting an application for review
in order to engage in a de novo review of the menits).
‘" Application for Review at 8.

Grant ofthe STA was the only action that the Bureau could have taken to ensure a neutral effect

on the Commission‘s pending review and customers‘ commercial rights. In contrast, had the
Bureau denied the STA extension, the Bureau would have preempted the Commission‘s practical

ability to decide this issue to the benefit of the former Loral customers. Therefore, the only

possible action the Bureau could have taken to avoid preempting full Commission review—and
thus preserve the status quo for the former Loral customers—was to grant the extension "subject
to, and conditioned upon, the Commission‘s findings on the pending Application for Review."""
        SES also claims that the "limited rationale underlying the Burea‘s original decision"
cannot be read to accommodate an STA extension.‘" On the contrary, the purpose for granting
STA in the Inrelsat/Loral Order was to protect customers and end—users from service disruptions
and loss of ervice."" The same goal—continuity of service—was equally applicable to the
extension request. Specifically, by granting the extension, the Bureau enabled the former Loral
customers and, in tum,their end—user consumers to continue to receive the benefits of
commercial agreements reached in the competitive global market.
        Without an extension, these customers would have been compelled, absent final legal
determination, to seck new and potentially disadvantageous contractsin order to ensure the
transfer of their services to another satellite provider.. Failure to grant an extension, therefore,
could have resulted in higher costs and significant disruption.®‘ And, ifeustomers were unable

"* Extension Order, 6.
!* Application for Review at 4—7.
* Intelsat/Loral Order, 19 FCC Red at 2429—30.
*‘ Transitioning to another satellite operator, for example, would require re—pointing the antenna
at the end—user‘s premises and a "truck roll"from a service provider. The end—usr‘s

to obtain alternative capacity, such customers and the end—users these customers serve, would
have faced discontinuance of service. For example, in the Inrelsat/Loral Order, the Bureau
recognized the "adverse consequence that may result if broadband service to Alaska and Hawwail
is discontinued" as result ofone such customer — Starband — being foreed off the Intelsat

        Extension was particularly justified in light of the unusual cireumstances ereated by a
shortcoming of the ORBIT Act. Because the ORBIT Act did not expressly envision Intelsat‘s
acquisition ofa satellite operator with existing "additional services" customers, falure to grant
the extension would have foreed such customers to abandon contracts entered into with Loral in
an advantageous commercial environment. It would be antithetical t the ORBIT Act‘s purposes
to force customers to negotiate replacement capacity under an FCC—mandated timeframe, in a

more concentrated satellite capacity market (Ze., absent Loral and Intelsat).
       SES nonetheless argues thatthe "marketplace uncertainty®"created by its pending Initial
Application for Review did not jusify an STA extension because these customers knew they had
to switch providers and had plenty of time to negotiate satisfactory arrangements." This
argument ignores the fact that customers may never needto switch providers given the likelihood

that the full Commission,in the context of its pending review, will confirm Intelsat‘s ability to
fulfll these customers® existing contracts beyond September 13, 2004. As such, it would make

inconvenience could range from waiting at home for the service technician to temporary service
disruption to the purchase of new equipment (outdoor and indoor)
* Intelsat/Loral Order, 19 FCC Red at 2421 Indeed, the Bureau noted that Intelsat had
voluntarily committed to continue access to broadband service to those areas and customers in
Alaska and Hawalicurrently receiving such service from Starband and the Bureau *incorporated
and [] relfied) on Intelsat‘s commitments"in torder. J Of course, absent the extension
Intelsat could not honor ts commitment to continue access to broadband service to customers in
Alaska and Hawaii beyond September 13, 2004. d
®" Application for Review at 5—6.

Hittle sense to require customers to switch providers only to find out later that it was unnecessary
to do o. As demonstrated above, switching providers is a time consuming and costly endeavor.
Thus, extension was a reasonable measure to avoid foreing these customers to negotiate new,
costly, and potentially unnecessary arrangements, while the Commission considers the issue of
the scope of the Intelsat‘s authority under the ORBIT Actto offer "additional services".
iv.    conctuston
       Forthe foregoing reasons, Intelsat respectfully requests that the Commission deny SES®
Application for Review.
                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              INTELSAT NORTH AMERICA LLC

                                                      BerW. Rein
                                                      Jennifer D. Hindin
                                                      Amy E. Bender
                                                      WILEY REIN & FIELDING LLP
                                                      1776 K Street, N.W.
                                                      Washington, DC 20006
September 14, 2004

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

1, Christopher E. Ryan, a legal assistant at Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP, do hereby certify that a true and
correct copy of the foregoing Opposition to Application for Review was sent by firs—class mail, postage
prepaid, this 14th day of September 2004, to the following:

Marlene H. Dortch (hand delivery)                 Pantelis Michalopoulos
Secretary                                         Chung Hsiang Mah
Federal Communications Commission                 Steptoe & Johnson LLP
445 Twelfth Street, SW.                           1330 Connectiout Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20554                            Washington, DC 20036—1795
Scott B. Tollefsen                                Lourence D. Atlas
Nancy Eskenazi                                    Vice President, Government Relations
SES AMERICOM, INC.                                Loral Space and Communications Ltd.
4 Research Way                                    1755 Jefferson Davis Highway
Princeton, NJ 08540                               Suite 1007
                                                  Arlington, VA 22202—3501
Phillip L. Spector                                Philip L. Verveer
Joseph J. Simons                                  Willkic Farr & Gallagher LLP
Patrick S. Campbell                               1875 K Street, NW
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton                     Washington, DC 20056
& Garrison LLP
1615 L Street, NW, Suite 1300
Washington, DC 20036
David K. Moskowitz                                Earl W. Comstock
Senior Vice President and General Counsel         John W. Butler
EchoStar Satellte Corporation                     Sher & Blackwell LLP
5701 South Santa Fe                               1850 M Street, NW
Litleton, CO 80120                                Suite 900
                                                  Washington, DC 20036

David R. Goodfriend                               Kenneth J. Wees
Director, Legal and Business Affairs              Vice President/General Counsel
EchoStar Satellte Corporation                     StarBand Communications, Inc.
1233 20" Street, NW, Suite 701                    1760 Old Meadow Road
Washington, DC 20036                              MeLean, VA 22102

                                                            ChuStopher E/fyan

Document Created: 2004-10-14 11:00:45
Document Modified: 2004-10-14 11:00:45

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