Attachment petition


PETITION TO DENY submitted by SES Americom



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20040615-00116 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                             Bert W. Rein
    1776 K STREET NW
    WASHINGTON, DC 20006
    PHONE 202.719.7000
    FAX      202.71 9.7 049

    Virginia Office
    7925 JONES BRANCH D R I V E       ,Federal Communications Commission                                 J

                                  1   445 12th Street, S.W.
    SUITE 6200

    MtLEAN, 703.905.2800
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554
    FAX      703 905 2820
                                      Re:    File Nos. SAT-ASG-20030728-0013k and                   1   Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                      presentations filed subsequent to the closure of a fomial pleading cycle are
                                      expressly pennitled, provided they are not intended solely to delay the review

July I , 2004
Page 2

to supplement and clarif~~ Intelsat's original opposition so as to respond to specific
questions raised by the Coiiiniission and other parties. As such, Intelsat's Ex Parte
is peniiissible under the Commission's ex parte rules.

Furthemiore, on May 26, 2004, representatives of Intelsat and Lockheed Martin
Corporation met with Jolm Rogovin, General Counsel of the FCC, and other
representatives of the Office of General Counsel and the International Bureau. At
this meeting, we informed the staff that Chaimian Powell and his staff had
requested that lntelsat file a substantive ex parte letter with the Commission
"supplenienting and clarifying" its statutory analysis in its Opposition to SES
AMERlCOM's pending Application for Relriew in this proceeding.' This request
is consistent with Section 25.1 1 I ofthe Coniniission's rules, pursuant to which the
                  ~ i o nrequest from any party at any time additional information
" C ~ m i i ~ i ~ may
concerning any application, or any other subniission or pleading regarding an
appli~ation."~    Thus. in addition to being a peniiissible ex parte presentation,
Intelsat's Ex Parte was filed in direct response to an FCC request for additional
information and is therefore specifically peniijssible under Section 25.1 1 l(a) of the
Conimissi0n.s rules.

For the foregoing reasons, Intelsat respectfully requests that the Comniission deny
SES AMERICOM's Motion to Strike. If you have any questions regarding this
letter or proceedins, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.


Bert W. Rein
Jennifer D. Hindin
Carl R. Frank
Couiisel to liirelsal Nor117 America LLC

(Continued . . .)
Order on Reconsideration. 17 FCC Rcd 13160, 13 164 (2002)). In contrast to the current situation,
that case ini~olvedsupplemental filjngs that were both excessive and repetitive. Id. In fact, the party
in question had filed five supplemental filinss repeating the same arguments in each filing. Id.
         SES AMERICOM. lnc., Applicarior?-Joi-ReiYeit,. SAT-ASG-20030728-00138/00139(filed
March 12. 2004j.
         47 C.F.R. 5 25.1 1 l(a).

                                         CERTIFICATE OF SERVlCE

               I hereby certify that on this 1'' day of July, 2004, I caused a copy of the foregoing letter to
        be served by U.S. First-class Mail, postage prepaid, on the following:

        Nancy Eskenazi                                            David R. Goodfriend
        Vice President & Associate General Counsel                Director, Legal and Business Affairs
    *   SES AMERICOM, INC.                                        ECHOSTAR    SATELLITE CORPORATION
        4 Research Way                                       /.   '1233 20thStreet, NW, Suite 701
        Princeton, NJ 08540                                       Washington, DC 20036

        Phillip L. Spector                                        Pantelis Michalopoulos
        Patrick S. Campbell                                       Chung Hsiang Mah
        Brett M. Kitt                                             STEPTOE& JOHNSON LLP
        PAUL,Wrss, RIFKIND,                                       1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
           WHARTON     & GARRISON LLP                             Washington, DC 20036-1 795
        1615 L Street, NW, Suite 1300                             Attorneys for EchoStay Satellite Corporation
        Washington, DC 20036
        Attoivzeys for SES AMERICOM, 1 ~ 7 ~ .                    Kenneth J . Wees
                                                                  Vice President/General Counsel         ,
        Laurence D. Atlas                                         STARBAND    COMMUNICATIONS,   INC.
        Vice President , Gov emm en t Re 1at i on s               1760,Old Meadow Road
        LORALSPACE AND COMMUNICATIONS LTD.                        MCLEAN,VA 22 102
        1755 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Suite 1007
        Arlington, VA 22202-3501                                  Earl W. Cornstock
                                                                  John W. Butler
        Philip L. V e n e e r                                     SHER& BLACKWELL      LLP
        WILLMEFARR& GALLAGHER          LLP                        1850 M Street, NU7, Suile 900
        1875 K Street, NW                                         Washincgton, DC 20036
        Washington, DC 20056                                      Attorneys for StarBund Conmuiiications,
        Atlomey for L o r d Space uiid                               hc.
           Communications, Ltd.

        David K. Moskowitz
        Senior Vice President and General Counsel
        5701 South Santa Fe
        Littleton, CO 80120

                                                                          Catherine M. Hilke

Document Created: 2004-07-21 14:30:21
Document Modified: 2004-07-21 14:30:21

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