Attachment withdrawal


LETTER submitted by PanAmSat Licensee Corp.



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20040518-00095 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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     Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                           JuL. 2 6 2004
     Federal Communications Commission                                       s       .
     Office of the Secretary                                                Front Office
     445 12th Street, SW
     Washington, DC 20554

            Re:—    PanAmSat Licensee Corp;

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

           PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (*PanAmSat"), by its attorneys, hereby withdraws the
     above—referenced application for Special Temporary Authority ("STA") and requests
     refund of the corresponding application fee for the reasons described herein
            PanAmSat is conditionally authorized to operate SBS—4 at 124.95° W.L. on a non—
     interference basis.\ On May18, 2004, PanAmSat filed several related applications in
     connection with a proposed transfer of control of PanAmSat to Constellation LLC et al.
     including the above—referenced application, which sought an STA to continue operating
     $BS—4 following consummation of the transfer of control. In subsequent discussions
     with the International Bureau‘s staff, PanAmSat was advised that the conditional
     authorization for SBS—4 should be treated as a regular license, rather than an STA, for
     purposes of the transfer of control applications. Accordingly, PanAmSat has filed a
     separate application on FCC Form 312 for transfer of control of the conditional
     authorization for SBS—4,2 and hereby withdraws the above—referenced STA request
     " See Order and Authorization, DA 04—27 (Feb.6, 2004)
     2 ile No. SAT—T/C—ano10s27—00108

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
July 26, 2004
Page 2

PanAmSat also hereby requests a refund of the filing fee that accompanied its STA
request, based on the fact that the staff‘s determination that the conditional
authorization should be treated as a regular license for purposes of the transfer of
control rendered PanAmSat‘s STA request unnecessary.3

      Please direct any questions that you may have with regard to this matter to
PanAmSat‘s undersigned counsel


                                               _ Jofeph     Godies

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                                        corpBERG, coDLEs, WIENER & wRIGHT

Document Created: 2004-10-01 15:00:56
Document Modified: 2004-10-01 15:00:56

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