Attachment O and A

O and A

DECISION submitted by FCC,IB

order and authorization


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20031106-00370 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  Federal Communications Commission                                DA 04-2987

                                             Before the
                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                          Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                        1
XM RADIO INC.                                           1        File No. SAT-STA-200311 12-00371
Request for Special Temporary Authority to              1
Operate Additional Satellite Digital Audio Radio        1
Service Terrestrial Repeaters                           )
SIRIUS SATELLITE RADIO INC.                             1        File No. SAT-STA-20031 106-00370
Request to Modify Special Temporary Authority           1
To Operate Satellite DARS Terrestrial Repeaters         1

                                    ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION

    Adopted: September 15,2004                                       Released: September 15,2004

By the Deputy Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau:

                                         I.       INTRODUCTION

          .     By this Order, we grant the applications of XM Radio Inc. (XM Radio)’ and Sirius
Satellite Radio Inc. (Sirius)’ for special temporary authority (STA) to operate Satellite Digital Audio
Radio S-rvice (SDARS) terrestrial repeaters in their exclusively licensed satellite frequency bands (2320-
2345 MHz) as set forth in their STA applications and subject to the conditions specified herein.

                                          11.      BACKGROUND
        2.       XM Radio requests special temporary authority to operate 49 terrestrial repeaters in
addition to those already operating pursuant to grants of special temporary a ~ t h o r i t y .XM
                                                                                               ~ Radio argues
that operation of these repeaters will serve the public interest by providing adequate satellite radio service

 XM Radio Inc., Request for Special Temporary Authority to Operate Additional Satellite Digital Audio Radio
Service Terrestrial Repeaters, File No. SAT-STA-20031112-00371 (filed Nov. 25,2003) (XM Radio STA Request).
 Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., Request to Modify Special Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite DARS Terrestrial
Repeaters, File No. SAT-STA-20031106-00370 (filed Nov. 5,2003) (Sirius STA Request).
 Currently, XM Radio has special temporary authority to operate SDARS complementary terrestrial repeaters in its
exclusively licensed satellite frequency band, 2332.5-2345 MHz. See XM Radio, Znc., Order and Authorization, 16
FCC Rcd 16781 (Int’l Bur. 2001), pet. for recon. pending, as modified by 16 FCC Rcd 18484 ( X M Radio 2001 STA
Order). Subsequent to the XM Radio 2001 STA Order, the Satellite Division granted special temporary authority to
XM Radio to operate additional terrestrial repeaters. See File No. SAT-STA-200208 15-00153 (granted Sept. 30,
2002); SAT-STA-20030409-00076 (granted June 26,2003). XM Radio has filed applications to renew its grants of
special temporary authority, and these renewal applications are pending before the Commission.

                                     Federal Communications Commission                               DA 04-2987

in areas currently suffering gaps in satellite ~ o v e r a g e . ~

         3.       In a separate application, Sirius seeks an STA to change the technical parameters of 16
terrestrial repeaters that are already operating pursuant to grants of special temporary a~thority.~Sirius
states that these changes are needed to improve the quality of its service to the public and to implement
transmit diversity.6

        4.       Both STA applications were placed on public n ~ t i c e .A~ consolidated opposition to both
applications was filed by the WCS Coalition. The WCS Coalition represents the interests of licensees in
the Wireless Communication Service (WCS) that operate in frequency bands adjacent to the 2320-2345
frequency bands used by XM Radio and Sirius.' The WCS Coalition argues that the Commission should
deny both STA requests on the grounds that operation of additional or modified SDARS terrestrial
repeaters will cause an increased potential for interference to licensees in the adjacent WCS spectrum'
and that neither XM Radio nor Sirius demonstrated extraordinary circumstances that would warrant the
grant of their respective requests." The WCS Coalition also argues that grant of the STAs at this time
would detrimentally alter the dynamic of the on-going discussions between the SDARS licensees and the
WCS licensees regarding the technical rules that should govern the operation of SDARS terrestrial
repeaters for purposes of reducing or eliminating such interference." XM Radio and Sirius filed separate
pleadings in response to the WCS Consolidated Opposition."

                                               111.     DISCUSSION

         5.     The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, gives the Commission authority to grant
temporary authority in extraordinary circumstances where such temporary operations are in the public
interest and where delay in operation would prejudice the public interest.13 Similarly, the Commission's
rules governing satellite facilities permit grants of special temporary authority, for a period not to exceed

    XM Radio STA Request at 3.
  Currently, Sirius has special temporary authority to operate SDARS complementary terrestrial repeaters in its
exclusively licensed satellite frequency band, 2320-2332.5 MHz. See Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., Order and
Authorization, 16 FCC Rcd 16773 (Int'l Bur. 2001), pet. for recon. pending, as modijied by 16 FCC Rcd 18481
(Sirius 2001 STA Order). Subsequent to the Sirius 2001 STA Order, the Satellite Division has granted special
temporary authority to Sirius to operate additional terrestrial repeaters or to modify the technical parameters of
existing repeaters. See File No. SAT-STA-20020312-00028 (granted Mar. 12, 2002); SAT-STA-200203 12-00029
(granted March 12, 2002); SAT-STA-20020827-00162 (granted Oct. 15, 2002); SAT-STA-20030411-00075
(granted June 26,2003); SAT-STA-20020827-00248 (granted Dec. 29,2003); SAT-STA-20030827-00299 (granted
Dec. 29, 2003). Sirius has filed applications to renew its grants of special temporary authority, and these renewal
applications are pending before the Commission.
    Sirius STA Request at 1.
 Public Notice, Policy Branch Information: Satellite Space Applications Accepted for Filing, Report No. SAT-
0021 1 (Apr. 23,2004).
' WCS Coalition, Consolidated Opposition to Request for Special Temporary Authority (filed May 24, 2004) (WCS
Consolidated Opposition).
'Id. at 2.
lo   Id. at 5.
     Id. at 4.
l 2 Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., Opposition to Consolidated Opposition to Request for Special Temporary
Authorization (filed June 8,2004); XM Radio Inc., Response (filed June 8,2004).
l3   47 U.S.C.   5 309(f).


                                    Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 04-2987

180 days, under extraordinary circumstances.l4 A request for special temporary authority must contain
the full particulars of the proposed operation, including all facts sufficient to justify the temporary
authority sought and the public interest therein.I5 When determining whether to grant an STA,
“convenience to the applicant, such as marketing considerations or meeting scheduled customer in-service
dates, will not be deemed sufficient for this p~rpose.”’~

         6.       We find that the public interest supports the grant of both STA applications. The
Commission has previously identified many public interest benefits that SDARS can provide.17 The need
for complementary terrestrial repeaters to overcome the effects of satellite signal blockage and multipath
interference was anticipated by the Commission when it adopted service rules for SDARS and in its
SDARS Order and FNPRM for SDARS repeaters.l8 We find that grant of these STA applications, subject
to certain conditions discussed below, will allow XM Radio and Sirius to operate without causing
interference to adjacent WCS licensees and will allow these SDARS operators to continue to overcome
satellite signal blockage and to provide a high-quality satellite radio service to the public.

         7.      We disagree with the WCS Coalition that neither XM Radio nor Sirius has demonstrated
extraordinary circumstances to warrant grant of their STA applications. In 1997, when the Commission
adopted service rules for SDARS and requested comment on complementary terrestrial repeaters, it
clearly contemplated that repeaters were to be part of the proposed satellite systems.’’ In the service rules
and in individual licenses, XM Radio and Sirius were given specific milestone requirements, including
dates by which their systems must be constructed and put into operation.’’ XM Radio and Sirius have
complied with their milestone requirements and need to employ terrestrial repeaters to provide adequate
service.’l While XM Radio and Sirius were building their systems, the Commission has been working to
resolve the complex technical issues involved in adopting final rules to authorize SDARS repeaters, but
this rulemaking is not yet completed. It would be unfair to penalize XM Radio and Sirius for complying
with our required milestone schedule on the one hand, but on the other hand effectively force it to
seriously delay initiation of service because there are no final repeater rules.

        8.      We observe that the SDARS and WCS licensees are engaged in negotiations to reach a
solution to potential interference problems that could occur to the WCS facilities from operation of the
SDARS terrestrial repeaters.22 The WCS Coalition expresses concern that grant of these STA
applications could jeopardize these ongoing negotiations by altering the interference environment that
forms the basis of their discussion^.^^ We note, however, that neither XM Radio nor Sirius propose in

l447       C.F.R. 5 25.120.

l6   Id.
” For example, SDARS will offer high-quality radio signals to listeners in areas that have limited radio service, and
can provide diverse program formats, including educational, ethnic and religious programming. See Establishment
of Rules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service in the 23 10-2360 MHz Frequency Band, Report
and Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order, and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 12 FCC Rcd
5754,5759-5761 (paras. 10-14) (1997) (SDARS Order and FNPRM).
’* SDARS Order and FNPRM, 12 FCC Rcd at 5812 (para. 142).
l9   Id. at 5810 (para. 138).
     47 C.F.R. 5 25.144(b); American Mobile Radio Corporation, Order and Authorization, 13 FCC Rcd 8829 (1997).
21Both XM Radio and Sirius are currently in commercial operation and assert that approval of their respective STA
requests is necessary to provide adequate service. See Sirius Opposition at 3; XM Radio Response at 6-7.
22   WCS Consolidated Opposition at 4.
23   Id.


                                    Federal Communications Commission                              DA 04-2987

their STA requests to operate terrestrial repeaters at a power level higher than 10 kilowatt (kW)
equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP).% We believe that the relatively small number of repeaters
affected by the applications, and the relatively low power levels proposed, should have limited impact on
the on-going negotiations between WCS and SDARS licensees. We caution, however, that our grant in
this Order is not indicative of the Commission’s ongoing deliberations in the terrestrial rulemaking
proceeding, and that operation of the terrestrial repeaters under this Order is solely at the risk of XM
Radio and Sirius. Further, we understand the sensitivity of the negotiation process and encourage the
parties to continue to work together in the “spirit of cooperation” that has been developed during these
negotiations to reach a mutually acceptable resolution to potential interference problems.

        9.      Finally, in order to reduce the potential for interference to WCS licensees and to avoid
prejudice to the outcome of the terrestrial repeater rulemaking proceeding, we grant these STA
applications subject to all the conditions set forth in the original grants of special temporary authority to
XM Radio and Sirius in 2001.25 The WCS Coalition has expressed support for such conditional grant.26
These conditions include the requirement that operation of all SDARS repeaters authorized pursuant to
special temporary authority is on a non-interference basis with respect to all permanently authorized
radiocommunication facilities, and that XM Radio and Sirius follow the procedures set forth in
paragraphs 14 and 17 of the XM Radio 2001 STA Order and the Sirius 2001 STA Order to protect
operational WCS station^.'^ In addition, SDARS repeater out-of-band emissions shall be limited to
75+log(EIRP) dB less than the transmitter EIRP. Furthermore, any actions taken as a result of this STA
are solely at XM Radio’s and Sirius’ own risk, and this STA shall not prejudice the outcome of the final
rules adopted by the Commission in the terrestrial repeater rulemaking proceeding (IB Docket No. 95-91).

                                         IV.    ORDERING CLAUSES

        10.     XM Radio Inc. and Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. ARE GRANTED authority to operate
SDARS terrestrial repeaters to provide commercial SDARS to consumers pursuant to the terms of their
applications in SAT-STA-2003112-00371 and SAT-STA-20031106-00370, and subject to the following

           (a) Any actions taken as a result of this STA are solely at the applicants’ own risk. This STA
               shall not prejudice the outcome of the final rules adopted by the Commission in IB Docket
               NO. 95-91;

           (b) Operation of all SDARS repeaters authorized pursuant to this STA is on a non-interference
               basis with respect to all permanently authorized radiocommunication facilities. XM Radio
               and Sirius shall provide the information and follow the process set forth in paragraphs 14 and
               17 in 16 FCC Rcd 16773 (Int’l Bur. 2001) and 16 FCC Rcd 16781 (Int’l Bur. 2001), as
               modified by 16 FCC Rcd 18481 (Int’l Bur. 2001) and 16 FCC Rcd 18484 (Int’l Bur. 2001);

           (c) SDARS repeaters are restricted to the simultaneous retransmission of the complete

24 According to XM Radio, 35 of the requested 49 additional repeaters will operate with a power level of 2 kW or
less and the remaining 14 repeaters, which exceed 2 kW, will operate at power levels of 10 kW EIRP or less. See
XM Radio STA Application at Exhibit A. The requested change in the technical parameters on 12 of 16 of Sirius’
repeaters will replace a one-sector antenna with power greater than 5 kW EIRP with a two-sector antenna with 5 kW
EIRP per sector; in the remaining 4 cases, Sirius will replace a two-sector antenna with power greater than 5 kW
EIRP with a two-sector antenna with 5 kW EIRP per sector. See Sirius STA Application at Attachment A.
25   See XM Radio 2001 STA Order and Sirius 2001 STA Order, supra notes 3 and 5.
26   WCS Consolidated Opposition at 5.
27   See XM Radio 2001 STA Order, 16 FCC Rcd 16786-87 and Sirius 2001 STA Order, 16 FCC Rcd 16778-79.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                           DA 04-2987

              programming, and only that programming, transmitted by the satellite directly to SDARS
              subscriber’s receivers;

        (d) Coordination of SDARS repeater operations shall be completed with all affected
            Administrations prior to operation, in accordance with all applicable international agreements
            including those with Canada and Mexico;

        (e) SDARS repeaters shall comply with Part 17 of the Commission’s rules - Construction,
            Marking, and Lighting of Antenna Structures;

       (f) SDARS repeaters shall comply with Part 1 of the Commission’s rules, Subpart I - Procedures
              Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including the guidelines for
              human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields as defined in Sections 1.1307(b)
              and 1.1310 of the Commission’s rules;

        (g) SDARS repeater out-of-band emissions shall be limited to 75+log(EIRP) dB less than the
            transmitter EIRP;

       (h) This STA will expire after 180 days, or on the date on which permanent rules governing
           repeater operations become effective, whichever occurs first.

        11.     XM Radio and Sirius are afforded fifteen days from the date of release of this STA to
decline this authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within that period will constitute formal
acceptance of the authorization as conditioned.

        12.      This Order is effective upon release.

                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICAITONS COMMISSION

                                                  Cassandra C. Thomas
                                                  Deputy Chief, Satellite Division
                                                  International Bureau


Document Created: 2004-09-15 11:36:59
Document Modified: 2004-09-15 11:36:59

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