Attachment consolidated


OTHER submitted by WCS Coalition



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20031106-00370 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           Before the                    RECEIVED           - FCC
                                 Washington, DC 20554     MAY 2                         4 2004
                                                                        Federal CommunicationCommission
In re Applications of                                   )                         Bureau / Office
XM Radio, Inc. Request for Special Temporary            )     File No. SAT-STA-2003 1 1 12-
Authority to Operate Additional Satellite Digital       )     00371
Audio Radio Service Terrestrial Repeaters               )
Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. Request to Modify Special )      File No. SAT-STA-2   %!f#Kd
Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite DARS          )      00370
                                                                                  JUN       1 2004
Terrestrial Repeaters                                  1
                                                                               ’ n ’ e m t &reau
To: Chief, International Bureau



        The WCS Coalition’, in response to the Commission’s April 23,2004 Public Notice

soliciting public comment,2 hereby opposes the grant of the above-captioned requests for special

temporary authority filed by XM Radio, Inc. (“XM”) for additional satellite digital audio radio

service (”SDARS”) terrestrial repeaters and Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. (‘Sirius”) to modify the

 ’The following companies are included in the WCS Coalition: AT&T Wireless Services, Inc.,
Verizon Laboratories Inc., BellSouth Corporation, Inc., Allegheny Communications, Central
States Communications, Wireless Communications Association International (WCAI), WCS
Wireless, LLC. Each member of the WCS Coalition is a WCS Licensee, (except “WCAI”) and
together these entities hold licenses for WCS spectrum throughout the entire country.

  “Satellite Space Applications Accepted for Filing,” Public Nofice, Report No. SAT-002 1 1 (re1
 April 23,2004).


technical parameters of existing SDARS terrestrial repeaters (together, the “STA Req~ests’,).~

The Commission should not grant the STA Requests because the operation of these additional or

modified repeaters will cause an increased potential for interference to licensees in the adjacent

Wireless Communications Service “WCS”) spectrum. In addition, grants of the STA Requests

would detrimentally alter the dynamic of the formal discussions between the SDARS licensees

and the WCS licensees to determine what technical rules should govern the operation of SDARS

terrestrial repeaters that would reduce or eliminate such interference. Finally, neither XM nor

Sirius has made the public interest showings necessary under Section 25.120 of the

Commission’s Rules to justify an STA.

       The Commission has not yet adopted technical rules to govern the use of terrestrial

repeaters in conjunction with SDARS systems. Despite that fact, in September of 2001 the

Commission granted, over the formal objection of many WCS licensees, XM and Sirius’

requests for temporary authority to operate 467 and 104 terrestrial repeaters re~pectively.~

Commission then released a Request for Further Comment on Selected Issues Regarding the

Authorization of Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Terrestrial Repeater Networks (the

  Letter from Lon Levin, XM Radio, Inc. to Marlene H. Dortch, SAT-STA-20031112-00371 ,
filed November 25, 2003; Letter from Patrick Donnelly, Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. to Marlene
H. Dortch, SAT-STA-2003 1006-00370, filed November 5,2003.
 See XM Radio, Inc., Application for Special Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite Digital
Audio Radio Service Complimentary Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and Authorization, DA 0 1-
2172 (rel. September 17, 2001”) and XM Radio, Inc. Request for Special Temporary Authority,
File No. SAT-STA-20020815-00153 (August 13, 2002); (“XM Radio STA Order”). Sirius
Satellite Radio, Inc. Application f o r Special Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite .Digital
Audio Radio Service Complimentary Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and Authorization, File No.
SAT-STA-20010724-00064 (rel. September 1 7,200 1); (“Sirius STA Order”).


“Requestf o r Further Comment”). The Request f o r Further Comment set forth various proposals

to resolve the conflict between the operation of SDARS terrestrial repeaters and the interference

the operation of those repeaters will cause to WCS facilities.6 Many of the members of the WCS

Coalition responded to the Request f o r Further Comment indicating that the Commission

proposal would cause harmful interference to the WCS spectrum and therefore was

unacceptable. Similarly, the SDARS licensees also were opposed to many aspects of the

proposal, After receipt of all of the comments, the Commission, represented by the Office of

Engineering and Technology (“OET”), the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (“WTB”) and

the International Bureau (“1,”) held a meeting with all interested parties and requested that the

SDARS licensees and WCS licensees work together to craft a solution that was technically

viable for both services. In response to that request, the WCS and SDARS licensees have been

working together since that time to develop a workable solution.

       On November 12,2003 the WCS licensees, SDARS licensees, representatives from OET,

WTB and IB met again to assess the progress that was being made in the ongoing negotiations to

develop rules that would effectively permit both WCS and SDARS licensees to deploy

communications systems without harmful interference.          The participants also discussed a

timeline by which the negotiations should conclude. During the meeting, the WCS licensees

were asked if the grant of STAs to modify and add SDARS terrestrial repeaters would be

harmful to the current negotiations. After the WCS licensees met to discuss the issue, they

’ See Request f o r Further Comment on Selected Issues Regarding the Authorization of Satellife
Digitul Audio Radio Service Terrestrial Repeater Networks DA 01-2570 (rel. November I ,

 See Request for Comment at p. 2.


notified the Commission of their conclusion that the baseline from which the negotiations were

operating would be significantly altered if terrestrial repeaters were added or modified. Thus, a

grant of the STAs would have a significant negative impact on the formal negotiating process.

          As mentioned in a recent letter filed jointly by the WCS and SDARS licensees in this

matter, the parties are close to arriving at a potential solution and anticipate presenting a proposal

to the Commission by the beginning of A ~ g u s t .Therefore,
                                                    ~         the parties currently are at a critical

juncture in their negotiations, and if the Commission grants the STA Request now before it, it

would have a significant adverse effect on the negotiations. Clearly, the grant of the STA

Requests would alter the interference environment that forms the basis of the negotiations. Not

only would the grant of the STA Request harm the spirit of cooperation that has been developed

by the parties, but it also would change the interference baseline from which the parties have

been negotiating by causing additional potential interference to the WCS spectrum. Such

changes could result in delays in concluding the negotiations and more importantly, cause

harmful interference that could undermine the WCS licensees’ right to use their licensed

spectrum. In addition, timing of such a grant would render all progress made to date virtually

irrelevant. Too many resources have been expended in this effort to reach such an unproductive


          Pursuant to Section 25.120(b) of the Commission’s Rules, the Commission can only

grant an STA upon finding “extraordinary circumstances requiring temporary operation in the

public interest.”’    The rule also clearly states that “convenience to the applicant, such as

 See letter from Lon Levin, XM Radio, Inc. and Mary O’Connor, Wireless Communications
Association International to Edmond J. Thomas filed March 3, 2004.

* See 47 C.F.R.25.120(b).


marketing considerations.. .will not be deemed sufficient.’ The STA Requests by XM and Sirius

fail to meet this standard. Neither XM nor Sirius have represented to the Commission that

extraordinary circumstances exist that would warrant grants of their STA Requests. Indeed, both

companies have systems that are running efficiently as evidenced by their subscriber numbers

and representations made in their marketing campaigns. Sirius is already authorized to operate at

each site they are requesting to modify and XM simply wants to expand its network further by

adding 49 new sites that they did not include in their initial application. Clearly, there is nothing

“extraordinary” about the present circumstances. In accordance with the Commission’s Rules,

the STA Requests should therefore be denied.

         The WCS Coalition requests that any grant be subject to the same conditions as set forth

in the grant of the XM Radio STA Grant and the Sirius STA Grant.” Most importantly, the

operation of these temporary repeaters are at XM’s and Sirius’ own risk, and any future

operation will be subject to any final Commission rules that govern use of terrestrial repeaters to

compliment an SDARS system.


lo   XM Radio STA Grant at fT7 13-18 and Sirius STA Grand at fT8 13-18.


       WHEREFORE, for the foregoing reasons, the WCS Coalition urges the Commission to

dismiss the STA Requests.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    WCS COALITION

   Is/ Douglas I. Brandon                              Is/ Karen B. Possner
Douglas I. Brandon                                 Karen B. Possner
Vice President, External Affairs and Law           Vice President, National Security &
AT&?’ Wireless Services, Inc.                      Strategic Policy
                                                   BellSouth Corporation

   Is/ Leslie Owslev                                   Is/ Paul Posner
Leslie Owsley                                       Paul Posner
Assistant General Counsel-Federal Regulatory        Allegheny Communications
Verizon Laboratories Inc.

- /s/ Scott Donohue                                   /s/ Paul Posner
Scott Donohue                                       Paul Posner
WCS Wireless, LLC                                   Central States Communications

  I s / Andrew Kreig
Andrew Kreig
Wireless Communications Association International

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      I, Karla E. Huffstickler, hereby certify that copies of the fore oing Reply to Consolidated
Opposition to Special Temporary Authority has been served this 24' day of May, 2004, by first
class United States mail, postage prepaid, to the following:

Jennifer Gilsenan *                                  Stephen Dual1 *
Federal Communications Commission                    Federal Communications Commission
445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.                              445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.
Room 6A520                                           Room 6C411
Washington, DC 20554                                 Washington, DC 20554

Carl Frank                                           Lon Levin
Wiley, Rein & Fielding                               XM Radio Inc.
1776 K Street, NW                                    1500 Eckington Place NE
Washington, DC 20006                                 Washington, DC 20002

Bruce Jacobs                                         Edmond Thomas *
Shaw Pittman, LLC                                    Federal Communications Commission
2300 N Street, N.W.                                  445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20037                                 Room 7C155
                                                     Washington, DC 20554

Bruce A.Franca *                                     Patrick L. Donnelly
Federal Communications Commission                    Sirius
445 12IhStreet, S.W.                                 1221 Avenue of the Americas
Room 7C 153                                          New York, NY 10020
Washington, DC 20554

*   Via Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2004-06-01 11:48:09
Document Modified: 2004-06-01 11:48:09

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