Attachment response


OTHER submitted by DIRECTV



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20030903-00300 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



                                                                      555 Eleventh Street. N.W., Suite loo0
                                          JUN     6 2004              WashmgtOn. O.C. 20004-11304
 k                                                                    Tel: (202) 637-2200 Fax: (202)637-2201

         March 15,2004
         Managing Director
         Attention: FOIA Officer                                       Milan         Singapore
         Federal Communications Commission                            Mcscow         Tokyo
                              Room 1-A835
         445 12th Street, S.W.,                                                      Washlngton, D.C.

         Washington, DC 20554

               Re:    DIRECTV,Inc. Response to Pegasus Development Corporation Freedom of
                      Information Act Reauest

         To whom it may concern:
             DIRECTV,Lnc. (“DIRECTV”) is aware that Pegasus Development Corporation
     (“Pegasus”) has filed a Freedom of Information Act request to inspect documents submitted to
     the Commission by DRECTV on October 7,2003, December 17,2003, December 18,2003,and
     January 6,2004.’ On February 19,2004, DIRECTV made available in the public file the
     unredacted version of the letter requested by Pegasus that was submitted to the Commission on
     December 18,2003, and thus does not oppose the release of this particular material. As for
     DIRECTV’ssubmission to the Commission on January 13, 2004,2 DIRECTV has now
     introduced into the record redacted versions of this documentation3and thus does not oppose the
     release of the now-public portions.

              DIRECTV renews its request that the documents submitted on October 7,2003 and
     December 17,2003,and the balance of the redacted material from the January 13,2004
     submission, be kept confidential and withheld from public inspection as well as from inspection
     by Pegasus. These materials contain trade secret and commercial and fmancial information that
     is “of a kind that would not customarily be released to the public.” Therefure, this infomatioQis
     “confidential” under Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information          As explained below, ,

     *         Letter from Bruce Jacobs, Counsel to Pegasus, to Managing Director, FCC (Jan. 27,
               2004) (the “Pegasus FOIA Request”).
              The Pegasus FOIA Request erroneously requests documents allegedly submitted to tpe
              Commission on January 6,2004. There were no documents submitted to the
              Commission on this date. DIRECTV assumes that Pegasus meant the documents i
              submitted on January 13.
              Letter from James Barker, Counsel to DIRECTV, to Thomas Tycz, FCC (March 15,
              See 5 U.S.C.9 522(b)(4). The Commission adopted Section 0.457(d) of its rules to
              implement FOIA Exemption 4. See 47 C.F.R. 4 0.457(d)(2) (“If it is shown that the
              materials contain trade secrets or commercial, financial or technical data which would
              customarily be guarded from competitors, the materials will not be made routinely


         M m h 15,2004
         Page 2


         DIRECTV and Telesat would suffer substantial competitive harm if this documentation and the
         information contained therein were disclosed.’ Moreover, this information is not decisionally
         significant to the Commission’s public interest determination.

                 Exemption 4 requires a federal agency to withhold fiom public disclosure a person’s
         confidential commercial and financial information unless there is an overriding public interest
         requiring disclosure.6 National P a r b Y. Morton established a two-prong test for determining if
         information qualifies for withholding under Exemption 4.7 The first prong asks whether
         disclosing the information would impair the government’s ability to obtain necessary
         information in the future. The second prong asks whether the competitive position of the person
         from whom the information was obtained would be impaired or substantially harmed. If the
         information meets the requirements of either prong, then it is exempted from disclosure under
         Exemption 4.*

                The documents dated October 7,2003, December 17,2003, and January 13,2004 meet
        the second prong of the test. Under the competitive h a m inquiry, information should be
        withheld if it is typically withheld by a company and risks harming the competitive position of
        the person whose information has been provided to the agency.’ As described in the requests for
        confidential treatment, the Memorandum of Agreement and Exhibits thereto contain
        competitively sensitive commercial and financial infomation not normally disclosed to the
        public. Their disclosure would be damaging to each of DIRECTV and Telesat if made available
        to the public or to Pegasus, which is both a potential competitor of DIRECTV and a potential
        lessor of capacity fiom Telesat. With the wedacted information, Pegasus and other cment or
        potential competitors of DIRECTV could attempt to needlessly disrupt DIRECTV’s
        arrangements with Telesat. Such disclosure would also compromise Teksat’s plans by
        bestowing an unfair advantage on prospective competitors and/or weaken Telesat’s negotiating
        position with potential business partners or customers. For such reasons, the material is in fact
        subject to a non-disclosure agreement between DIRECTV and Telesat.

               In addition, there is no overriding public interest requiring disclosure.” The remaining
        redacted terms u e not decisionally significant in the relevant proceeding which involves the

                  available for public inspection.”). See also Critical Mass Energy Project v. Nuclear
                  ReguZutory Comm In., 975 F.2d 871,879 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (“CriticalMass”) (defining
                  “confidential” to apply ta information “of a kind that would not customarily be released
                  to the public’?).
                  See National P a r h and Conservation Ass ’nv. Morton, 498 F.2d 765 @.C. Cir. 1974)
                  See 5 U.S.C. 9 522(b)(4).
                  National Parks, 498 F.2d at 770.
                  See id. See also Critical Mass, 975 F.2d at 879.
                  Indeed, the October 7,2003 and December 17,2003 documents were superseded by the
                  January 13,2004 Memorandum of Agreement, and should not be released in any event.


      March 15,2004
      Page 3


      proposed relocation of DIRECTV 3 to the Canadian orbital position at 82’ W.L., as the Pegasus
      FOIA Request itself acknowledges.” The material that DlRECTV has made publicly available
      provides a sufficient record for the Commission to reach its public interest determination in that
      proceeding,I2 and for third p d e s to evaluate meaningfully their interest in the transaction
      without compromising the remaining, highly sensitive information contained in the documents.
      Indeed, the unredacted infomation submitted to the Commission today and previously on
      February 19,2004 is directly responsive to Pegasus’ request for information regarding whether
      “DIRECTV’s arrangement at [82” W.L.] could have a direct impact on Pegasus’ operation^."^^
      Accordingly, Pegasus has no legitimate interest in reviewing the remaining materials. Any
      disclosure would thus reward Pegasus for manipulating the regulatory process and allow it to
      gain access to commercial contracts that could only be used against the legitimate commercial
      interests of its potential competitors DIRECTV and Telesat.
             For the foregoing reasons, consistent with well-established precedent, the Commission
      should deny Pegasus’sFOIA Request, except to the extent that DIRECTV has already made the
      information available to the public.

                                                    + Respectfully submitted,

                                                      Gary M. Epstein
                                                      James H. Barker
                                                      of LATHAM & WATKTNS LLP

                                                      Counsel for DlRECTV Enterprises, LLC

      cc:        Marlene Dortch, Secretary, FCC
                 Managing Director, FCC
                 Jay Whaley, FCC                                                                   .           _. ...
                 Jennifer Hinck, Esq.
                 Bruce Jacobs, Esq.
                 Susan Eid, DIRECTV                                                                        i


      ’’         Pegasus FOIA Request at 1. Given that Pegasus has missed the deadlines for petitiohng
                 against or offering comment on the above-referenced STAYPegasus also is not formally
                 an interested party in this proceeding with standing to use any of the information it has
                 Indeed, DIRECTV’s request for return of the materials submitted on October 7,2003 and
                 December 17,2003 acknowledges that the returned documents will no longer be part of
                 the record and will have no bearing on the Commission’s public interest determination.
                 Pegasus FOIA Request at 1,n.1.

      W 6 2 7 4 3 .I

Document Created: 2004-06-29 17:49:54
Document Modified: 2004-06-29 17:49:54

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