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This document pretains to SAT-STA-20030903-00300 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         Before the
                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                        RECEIVED
                                    Washington, D.C. 2 0 * ~ , , ~
                                                                                      APR 1 t 2004
                                                           APR 2    o   2004
In the Matter of                                )                              6 U E l W COMMUNICATIONS COMMISGIOIJ
                                                1          -&anch                      OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC                        1       ‘*emkware,,
Request for Special Temporary Authority         )    File No. SAT-STA-20030903-00300
to Relocate DKECTV 3 to 82” W.L.                )
and to Conduct Telemetry, Tracking and          )
Command Operations                              1
for an Interim Period                           )
Order Adopting Protective Order                 1
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC                        1
Request for Special Temporary Authority         )    File No. SAT-STA-20040107-00002
to Relocate DIRECTV 5 to 72.5” W.L.             1
and to Conduct Telemetry, Tracking and          )
Command Operations                              )
for an Interim Period                           )

                           REPLY COMMENTS OF SES AMERICOM, INC.

                      SES AMERICOM, Inc. (“SES AMERICOM”), by its attorneys, hereby replies to

comments of EchoStar Satellite, LLC (“Echostar”), filed in response to the information (the

“Confidential Information”) made available by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (“DIRECTV”)

pursuant to the Protective Order in the first of the above-captioned proceedings. These

proceedings relate to applications of DIRECTV for special temporary authority (“STA”) to move

the DIRECTV 3 satellite to the 82” W.L. orbital position (the “82” W.L. STA Application”), and

           See Order Adopting Protective Order, File No. SAT-STA-20030903-00300, DA 04-755
           (Int’l Bur., Mar. 22, 2004); Comments of EchoStar Satellite, LLC with respect to
           Information Filed Pursuant to Protective Order, File Nos. SAT-STA-20030903-00300,
           SAT-STA-20040107-00002, April 5,2004, redacted for public inspection (the “EchoStar

Doc #:DCI :141062.1

 the DIRECTV 5 satellite to the 72.5” W.L. orbital position (the “72.5” W.L. STA Application”).’

 Both of these slots for broadcasting-satellite service (“BSS”) are assigned to Canada under the

 International Telecommunication Union Plans for the BSS.

                     In previous filings with the Commission, EchoStar has argued that the

 Commission should initiate a rulemaking to address the appropriate standards for DBS providers

 to access the U.S. market via non-U.S. DBS orbital slots.3 In the instant comments, EchoStar

 argues that the Confidential Information reinforces EchoStar’s reasons for its proposed

                     As SES AMERICOM has explained in previous filings, EchoStar’s request for a

                                   ~ Commission long ago decided how it would analyze requests to
rulemaking is p e r p l e ~ i n g .The

access the U.S. DBS market from foreign-licensed orbital slots.6 EchoStar has not suggested,

          SES AMERICOM did not oppose the 82” W.L. STA Application, which seeks to lease to
          Telesat DIRECTV 3, currently in storage orbit, for service to Canada only. SES also did
          not oppose the 72.5” W.L. STA Application, which, by its terms, does not request
          authority to provide DBS service to the United States. See Petition to Defer and
          Comments of SES AMERICOM, Inc., File No. SAT-STA-20040107-00002, February
          17,2004, at 2. Rather, SES AMERICOM proposed that the 72.5” W.L. STA Application
          be deferred until the critical market access issues are addressed, id. at 1, and DIRECTV
          essentially did not oppose such deferral until the Commission rules on its related earth
          station application, File No. SES-LFS-20040 I 12-00023 (the “Earth Station
          Application”). Opposition and Reply Comments of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, File
          No. SAT-STA-2004-0107-00002, March 3,2004, at 2, n.1. SES AMERICOM reserves
          the right to comment on these issues in the pleading cycle for the Earth Station
          Application, which was recently placed on public notice. See Public Notice, Report No.
          SES-00590, March 25,2004.
          See, e.g., Comments of EchoStar Satellite L.L.C., File No. SAT-STA-20040107-00002,
          February 17,2004 (“Echostar 72.5” W.L. STA Comments”) at 5.
          EchoStar Comments at 2, 3.
         See, e.g., Reply Comments of SES AMERICOM, File No. SAT-STA-20040107-00002,
         March 10,2004 (“SES AMERICOM 72.5” W.L. STA Reply Comments”) at 3.
         Amendment of the Commission’s Regulatory Policies to Allow Non-U.S. Licensed Space
         Stations to Provide Domestic and International Satellite Service in the United States,
         Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 24094,24099 (1997) (“DISCO I1 Order”).

Doc #:DC1:141062.1                               2

 nor has any other party, that the “effective competitive opportunities” (“ECO-Sat”) test

 applicable to non-U.S. DBS slots should be reexamined, or that it does not adequately address all

 U.S. policy concerns relating to the provision of U.S. DBS services from slots licensed by

 foreign countries, at least for those countries that meet the ECO-Sat test. For countries that do

 not meet the reciprocity requirements of ECO-Sat, the Commission has chosen to evaluate the

 specific facts of each proposal on a case-by-case basis.7 Therefore, there is no need for a

 rulemaking on DBS service to the United States from non-U.S. licensed slots.

                       In its comments on the Confidential Information, EchoStar argues that if the

 Commission were to authorize DIRECTV to provide service to the U S . from DIRECTV 5 at

 72.5” W.L., the Commission would have little choice but to grant a later request to provide such

 service from DIRECTV 3 at 82” W.L.’ Putting aside the fact that there have been no requests

made to the Commission to provide service in the U S . from DlRECTV 3 at 82” W.L.,9 this

argument merely points out the fact that a decision on service from DIRECTV 5 at 72.5” W.L.

may act as precedent in later decisions on future proposals. Presumably the Commission will
have this in mind in evaluating and acting on DIRECTV’s request. In any case, the argument

provides no reason for the Commission to abandon its longstanding approach to market access

and initiate a rulemaking.10

            See Digital Broadband Applications, Corp., File No. SES-LIC-20020109-00023, Order,
            DA 03-1526 (Int’l Bur., May 7,2003); Pegasus Development Corporation, File Nos.
            SES-LIC-20011121-02186, SES-LIC-20020111-00075, Order, DA 04-909 (Int’l Bur.,
            Mar. 31, 2004).
            EchoStar Comments at 4.
            If the Commission decides to grant the 82” W.L. STA Application, it should make clear
            in the authorization that grant of the STA does not authorize service to the U.S. from the
            DIRECTV 3 satellite. No party has proposed such service, and interested parties have
            not had an opportunity to comment on such a hypothetical scenario.
            In its comments, EchoStar also reiterates its view that its proposed rulemaking on non-
            U.S. slots could occur in the context of a rulemaking (if the Commission decides to
            initiate one) on reduced orbital spacing of DBS satellites. EchoStar Comments at 3; see
            EchoStar 72.5” W.L. STA Comments at 3,8; Public Notice, Report No. SPB-196,
            December 16,2003. As SES AMERICOM has explained in prior filings, it is entirely

Doc #:DCI :141062. I                               3

                      In any event, the issues raised by EchoStar are not relevant to the two instant STA

 applications, neither of which involves a request to provide DBS or DTH service at all. The U.S.

market access issues raised by EchoStar will be addressed soon in the context of DIRECTV’s

Earth Station Application for the DIRECTV 5 satellite, and SES AMERICOM reserves the right

to comment on those issues in that forum.

                                                           Respectfully Submitted, ,7

                                                           B : /s/ P illip L. pector
                                                               Phillip L. Spector
                                                               Diane C. Gaylor
                                                               Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton
                                                                 & Garrison LLP
                                                               1615 L Street, NW, Suite 1300
                                                               Washington, DC 20036
                                                               Telephone: (202) 223-7300
                                                               Facsimile: (202) 223-7420

                                                           Attorneys for SES AMERICOM, Inc.
Scott B. Tollefsen
Senior Vice President & Genera- Counse
Nancy J. Eskenazi
Vice President & Associate General Counsel
4 Research Way
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone:     (609) 987-4187
Facsimile:     (609) 987-4233
April 12,2004

           unclear how the issues of DBS orbital spacing and DBS market entry are linked. See
           Reply Comments of SES AMERICOM, Inc., Report No. SPB-196, February 13,2004, at
           25-26; SES AMERICOM 72.5” W.L. STA Reply Comments at 3-4. There have been
           proposals to offer direct-to-home (“DTH”) service from foreign-licensed satellites that do
           not involve reduced spacing with respect to U.S. satellites, see notes 2 and 7 supra, and
           there have been proposals to offer DTH service from domestic-licensed satellites that do.
           See, e.g., EchoStar Satellite Corporation, Files Nos. SES-LOA-20030606-00107, SES-
           LOA-20030605-00109, SES-LOA-20030609-00113. As in its past filings on this issue,
           EchoStar provides no explanation of how it believes the licensing administration of a
           satellite impacts consideration of the technical issues of reduced orbital spacing. The
           Commission should reject Echostar’s invitation to tie the technical issues of reduced
           orbital spacing to the policy issues of U.S. market entry by foreign-licensed satellites.

Doc # DCI :141062.1                                4

                                      CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

                      I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Reply Comments of SES

AMERICOM, Inc. was served this 12th day of April, 2004, by First-class U.S. Mail, postage

prepaid, on the following:

                      James H. Barker, Esq.
                      Latham & Watkins LLP
                      555 Eleventh Street, NW
                      Suite 1000
                      Washington, DC 20004- 1304

                             Attorneys for DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

                      Pantelis Michalopoulos, Esq.
                      Philip L. Malet, Esq.
                      Rhonda M. Bolton, Esq.
                      Todd B. Lantor, Esq.
                      Steptoe & Johnson LLP
                      1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                      Washington, DC 20003-1795

                             Attorneys for EchoStar Satellite L.L.C

                      Benjamin J. Griffin, Esq.
                      Christopher R. Bjornson, Esq.
                      Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
                      701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                      Washington, DC 20004

                             Attorneys for Rainbow DBS Company LLC

                      Bruce D. Jacobs, Esq.
                      Tony Lin, Esq.
                      Shaw Pittman LLP
                      2300 N Street, N.W.
                      Washington, DC 20037

                             Attorneys for Pegasus Development Corporation

Doc #:DC1 :141062.1

                     Mr. Ted H. Ignacy
                     Vice President, Finance & Treasurer
                     Telesat Canada
                     1601 Telesat Court
                     Ottawa, Ontario
                     Canada, K l B 5P4

                                                           Theresa Knadler

Doc #:DC1:141062.1                              2

Document Created: 2004-04-27 15:21:39
Document Modified: 2004-04-27 15:21:39

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