Attachment rainbow


SUBMISSION FOR THE RECORD submitted by Rainbow



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20030903-00300 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


MINTZJ , m ~                   Washingtan
                                                                             701 Pennylvania Avenue,
                                                                             WaJhington, D. C. 20004
COHNFERRIS                     N e w York
                                                                             202 434 7300
                                                                             202 434 7400 f a x
                                                                             www.mintx. com

                                                                             Christopher R. Bjornson

                                                                             Direct dial 202 434 7477
                                                                             crbornson@rnintc. corn

                      RECEIVED - FCC               March 31,2004
                           MAR 3 1 2004
                                                                   APR 0 5 2004
Donald Abelson            ~i~            ammeion
Chief, International Bureau Bweau I Office
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:     Confidentiality Acknowledgments, SAT-STA-20030903-00300

Dear Mr. Abelson:

        Enclosed please find executed copies of the Confidentiality Acknowledgments required
by the International Bureau’s Protective Order in the above-referenced docket (DA 04-755,
released March 22,2004) for access to documents filed under seal in the above-referenced

       The executors of the enclosed Acknowledgments are outside counsel assisting in the
proceeding for Rainbow DBS Company LLC. Please contact the undersigned if you have any
questions related to this filing.


                                                   Christopher R. Bjornson


cc:    Marlene H. Dortch
       James H. Barker (by hand and by facsimile)

WDC 347613~1

                                  Federal Communications Commission                              DA 04-155

                                              APPENDIX B

                                   Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

        I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Protective Order in
the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it. I agree that I am bound by the Protective Order and
that I shall not disclose or use Confidential Information except as allowed by the Protective Order. I
acknowledge that a violation of the Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal
Communications Commission.

        Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation or role with
any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or
public interest organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a
result of the order is due solely to my capacity as Counsel or consultant to a party or other person
described in paragraph 5 of the foregoing Protective Order and that I will not use such information in any
other capacity nor will I disclose such information except as specifically provided in the Protective Order.

        I hereby certify that I am not involved in “competitive decision-making” as that term is used in
the definition of In-House Counsel in paragraph 2 of the Protective Order.

        I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that: (1) Confidential Information is used only as
provided in the Protective Order; and (2) the documents are not duplicated except as specifically
permitted by the terms of paragraph 10 of the Protective Order, and I certify that I have verified that there
are in place procedures, at my firm or office, to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Confidential

         Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them
in the Protective Order.

                                                  mame1 Christdnher Bjornson
                                                            Mintz Levin Cohn FerriS Glovsky &
                                                  [Address]   Popeo , P. C.
                                                  [Telephone] 701 Pennsyl vani a Avenue , NW
                                                              Washington, DC 20004
                                                              (202) 434-7477


                                 Federal Communications Commission                                 DA 04-755

                                              APPENDIX B

                                  Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

        I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Protective Order in
the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it. I agree that I am bound by the Protective Order and
that I shall not disclose or use Confidential Information except as allowed by the Protective Order. I
acknowledge that a violation of the Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal
Communications Commission.

        Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation or role with
any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or
public interest organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a
result of the order is due solely to my capacity as Counsel or consultant to a party or other person
described in paragraph 5 of the foregoing Protective Order and that I will not use such information in any
other capacity nor will I disclose such information except as specifically provided in the Protective Order.

        I hereby certify that I am not involved in “competitive decision-making,’ as that term is used in
the definition of In-House Counsel in paragraph 2 of the Protective Order.

        I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that: (1) Confidential Information is used only as
provided in the Protective Order; and (2) the documents are not duplicated except as specifically
permitted by the terms of paragraph 10 of the Protective Order, and I certify that I have verified that there
are in place procedures, at my firm or office, to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Confidential

         Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them
in the Protective Order.

        Executed at I.’&+,         P.5              this e d a y of M d .            Yzapy


                                                  p a m e ] Howard J . w n s
                                                  [Position] P a r t n e r
                                                             M i n t z L e v i n Cohn F e r r i s Glovsky
                                                  [Address] and Popeo, P.C.
                                                  [Telephone] 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
                                                                Was h i ng ton, DC 20004
                                                                 (202) 434-7305


                                    Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 04-755

                                              APPENDIX B

                                    Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

         I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Protective Order in
the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it. I agree that I am bound by the Protective Order and
that I shall not disclose or use Confidential Information except as allowed by the Protective Order. I
acknowledge that a violation of the Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal
Communications Commission.

        Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation or role with
any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or
public interest organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a
result of the order is due solely to my capacity as Counsel or consultant to a party or other person
described in paragraph 5 of the foregoing Protective Order and that I will not use such information in any
other capacity nor will I disclose such information except as specifically provided in the Protective Order.

        I hereby certify that I am not involved in “competitive decision-making” as that term is used in
the definition of In-House Counsel in paragraph 2 of the Protective Order.

        I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that: (1) Confidential Information is used only as
provided in the Protective Order; and (2) the documents are not duplicated except as specifically
permitted by the terms of paragraph 10 of the Protective Order, and I certify that I have verified that there
are in place procedures, at my firm or office, to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Confidential

         Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them
in the Protective Order.

        Executed at
                                                    this & day of      ha,.,L           ,>ds/

                                                 [Address] ‘ M i n t z L e v i n Cohn F e r r i s G l o v s k y
                                                                nd P o p e o , P.C.
                                                 [Te1ephone]a701 P e n n s v l v a n i a [Avenue, NW
                                                            Was h i ng ton , DC 20004
                                                            (202) 661-8720


Document Created: 2004-04-06 18:06:03
Document Modified: 2004-04-06 18:06:03

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