Attachment telesat


SUBMISSION FOR THE RECORD submitted by Telesat



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20030903-00300 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
                                                                                DIRECTV 3

1 7 7 6 K STREET NW       March 15, 2004
WASHINGTON, OC 20006                                                                                         Inindl n@wrf.corn
PHONE    202.719.7000
FAX      20 2.719.70Lg
                                                                                 S2417         SATSTA-20040107-00002             1B2004000022
Virginia Office           BY HAND DELIVERY                                       DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC
SUITE 6200                Managing Director
MiLEAN, VA 22102
                          Attention: FOIA Officer
PHONE    703.905.2800
FAX      703.905.2820
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          445 12th Street, S.W., Room I-A835
                          Washington, DC 20554

                          Re:     Telesat Canada Opposition to Pegasus
                                                                 -     Develooment Corporation Freedom
                                  of lnformation Act Request

                          To whom it may concern:

                          This letter is written on behalf of Telesat Canada (“Telesat”),’ to oppose the January
                          27,2004 letter request (“FOIA Request”) submitted on behalf of Pegasus
                          Development Corporation (“Pegasus”).’ Pegasus seeks release, pursuant to the
                          Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”), 5 U.S.C. $ 552, et seq., and Section 0.461 of
                          thc Commission’s rules, of documents submitted by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC on
                          October 7,2003, December 17,2003, December 18, 2003, and January l 3 >2004,’
                          under separate requests for confidential treatment.

                          The materials dated October 7 , 2003, December 17,2003 and January 13,2004
                          pertain to a confidential commercial arrangement between DIRECTV Enterprises,
                          LLC (“DIRECTV”) and Telesat (collectively, “the Parties”). These ncgotiatcd
                          business documents contain highly sensitive commercial and financial infonnatioi,
                          that ‘Telesat routinely safeguards and does not normally disclose to t l x public 111
                          fact, Telesat entcred into a non-disclosure agreement with DIRECTV to znsiirc t h c i i
                          confidentiality. As such, the inaterials are entitled to protection from disclosure
                          under FOIA Exemption 4.‘

                          Disclosure of this information as Pegasus requests would needlessly and unfairly
                          compromise Telcsat’s legitimate commercial plans by bestowing an unfair
                          advantage on prospective competitors and/or weaken Telesat’s negotiating position

                                    Under Rule 0.459(i), “third party owners of materials submitted to the Commission by any
                          other party inay participate in the proceeding resolving the confidentiality of the materials.” See 47
                          C.F.R. 4 0.459(i). Telesat is a party to the documents submitted by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC.
                          ’flius. Telesat has standing to oppose the FOIA request.
                                    Letter from Bruce Jacobs, Couiisel to Pegasus, to Managing Director, FCC (Jan. 27, 2004)
                          (“Pegasus FOIA Request”).
                                    The Pegasus FOIA Request erroneously requests documents allegedly submitted to the
                          Commission on January 6 , 2004. There were no documents submitted to t h e Commission on this
                          date. ’J‘elesatassunies that Pegasus meant the documents submitted on Jaii~iili.~  13.
                                     5 U.S.C. 4 522(b)(4).

~       Managing Director
        March 15,2004
        Page 2

        with potential business partners or customers. DIRECTV and Telesat, by making
        public certain portions of the confidential materials, have already satisfied Pegasus’
        request for infomiation regarding whether “DLRECTV’s arrangement at [ 82” W.L.]
        could have a direct impact on Pegasus’ operations.”’ Pegasus thus has no legitimate
        interest in reviewing the remaining confidential matcrials. Telesal thus considers
        Pegasus’ continued request for access to the materials as an attempt to gain
        commercially sensitive inforniation Cor harassment purposes.

    As the International Bureau is aware, DIRECTV’s STA application to move the
    DIRECTV 3 satellite to a Canadian orbital position concerns the provision of
    ~irgently-neededbackup capacity for Telesat’s Nirniq 1 and Nimiq 2 satellites
    following an anomaly suffered on the latter early in 2003. More than six months
    after DLRECTV’s application to the Commission, and more than one year following
    the anomaly, Telesat remains without the necessary backup should there be a further
    in-orbit event. Therefore, Telesat respectfiilly urges lhc Commissioii not to cl’ I I o\v
    parties to unduly and unnecessarily use regulatory procedural tactics to dclay grant
    of an application which so obviously is in the public interest.

    For the foregoing reasons, ‘Telesat strongly opposes Pegasus’ FOlA Request.


     .. -.A
    Bert W, Rein
    Jennifer D. Hindin
    Attorneys for Telesat Canada

    cc:       Roderick Porter, 1B
              Karl Kensinger, JB
              Jay Whaley, IB
              Steven Spaeth, IB
              Neil Dellar, OGC
              Bruce Jacobs, Esq.
              James Barker, Esq.
              Susan Eid, DIRECTV

              Pegasus FOIA Request at 1 n. 1.

Document Created: 2004-04-06 18:09:01
Document Modified: 2004-04-06 18:09:01

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