Attachment review


REQUEST submitted by SES



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20030903-00300 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


PAUL, WEISS. R I F K I N D . W H A R T O N 8 G A R R I S O N L L P                                     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WASnlNGTON      D M.
                                                                                                                             S S IJOSEPH
                                                                                                                                  DALE  EJ.SARRO
                                                                                                                                                T I N
                                                                                                       PATRICK S. CAMPBELL
                                                                   I 285 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS        KENNETH A. GALLO           PHILLIP L. SPECTOR
1615 LSTREET. NW                                                                                       ROBLAT P . PARKER          STUART 0. STEINGOLD
                                                                        NEwmRK. KI IoOlodQM
WASHINOTON. DC 20036-5094                                                                              WARREN 8 . RUDMAN. OF COUNSEL
                                                                      TELEPHONE (2 12) 573-5000
TELEPHONE ( 2 0 2 ) 223-7300                                           FACSIMILE (2 I U 757-39Qo       PARTNERS NOT RESIDENT IN WASHINGTON
FACSIMILE (202) 223-7420
                                                            02, RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT- HONOR^
LLOYD K . GARRISON    (1946-1WI)                                         7 5 0 0 8 PARIS, FRANCE
RANDOLPH E. PAUL      (1-1050)                                    TELEPHONE (33 I) 53 43 14 14
SIMON H . RlFKlND     (19501W5)                                    FACSIMILE (331 ) 53 43 00 E 3
LOUIS 5 . WEISS       ( I 927- 1950)
JOHN F. WHARTON       (1927-1977)                                        N K O K U SElMEl BUILDING
                                                                    2-2 UCHlSAlWAlCHO 2-CHOME
                                                            CHIYODA-KU. TOKYO 100-001I, JAPAN
                                                                    TELEPHONE (81-3)3597-8 I O I
                                                                     FACSIMILE (81-3)  3597-8 I 20

                                                                        ORIENTAL PW,     mwm    ~3
WRITER’S DIRECT D I A L NUMBER                                                         sum   I205
                                                                    NO, I EAST CHANG AN AVENUE
                                                                            DONG CHENG DISTRICT
   202-223-7340                                                                 BEIJING. I 0 0 7 3 8
WRITER’S    DIRECT F A C S I M I L E                                PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
                                                                   TELEPHONE (8510) 8518-2766
                                                                 FACSIMILE ( 8 5 I O ) 85 I8-27WO I
                                                                     3 A CHATER ROAD, CENTRAL
                                                                                    HONG KONG                                           TELEPHONE (852) 2530+933
                                                                     FACSIMILE (852) 253O-Q0EE

                                                                                  ALDER CASTLE
                                                                              I O NOBLE STREET
                                                                        LONDON ECEV 7JU. U.K.
                                                                TELEPHONE (44 2 0 ) 7 3 0 7 I O 0 0
                                                                 FACSIMILE (44 20) 7 3 6 7 I O 5 0

                                                                           March 29,2004               +Wg;;,ElgblE              DC BAR

                By Hand

                Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
                Federal Communications Commission
                445 12th Street, N.W.,
                Washington, DC 20554

                             Re:       DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, Request for Special Temporary Authority to
                                       Relocate DIRECTV 3 to 82” W.L. and to Conduct Telemetry, Tracking
                                       and Command, Order Adopting Protective Order, File No. SAT-STA-
                                       20030903-00300. DA 04-755 (Int’l Bur., Mar. 22, 2004) (the “Order”).

                Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                The undersigned, a partner at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
                LLP (“Paul, Weiss”), and Diane C. Gaylor, a Paul, Weiss associate, in their capacities as
                outside counsel to SES AMERICOM, Inc. (“SES AMERICOM”), hereby submit this
                request to review the documents that are the subject of the above-captioned Order,’ and
                to each become a “Reviewing Party” under the terms of the associated Protective Order.*

                        These documents consist of filings submitted to the Commission by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
                        (“DIRECTV”) on October 7,2003, December 17,2003, and January 13,2004. See Order at 2;
                        Protective Order, 7 1 .
                        Order at 2; Protective Order, 7 1


                        SES AMERICOM is an interested party in the captioned proceeding, and
       is a participant in the proceeding related to the application of DIRECTV to move the
       DIRECTV 5 satellite to 72.5” W.L. (SAT-STA-20040107-00002), cited as a “Relevant
       Proceeding” in the Protective Order.3 The undersigned and Diane Gaylor meet the
       requirements for permissible disclosure contained in the Protective Order,4 and have each
       executed an Acknowledgement of Confidentiality,’ which documents are attached.

                      This request is being served simultaneously herewith on DIRECTV
       Enterprises, LLC (“DIRECTV”). Under the terms of the Order, DIRECTV is required to
       “provide copies of the documents to a Reviewing Party, once that Reviewing Party has
       executed and delivered the Acknowledgement of Confidentiality that is part of the
       Protective Order attached to this Order,”6 a condition that is hereby satisfied.

                         Please direct any questions to the undersigned.

                                                       RespeCtfully submitted,

                                                       Phillip L. Spgctor
                                                       Attorney for SES AMERICOM, Inc.

       cc (via e-mail, with attachments):
               James Barker, Esq., Attorney for DIRECTV (also by hand)
               Jay Whaley, FCC
               Chip Fleming, FCC
               Neil Dellar, FCC

           Protective Order, 7 3.
           See Protective Order, 77 2,s.

       ’   See Order, Appendix B.
           Order at 2.

                                  Federal Communications Commission                              DA 04-755

                                               APPENDIX B

                                   Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

         I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Protective Order in
the above-captioned proceeding, and I understand it. I agree that I am bound by the Protective Order and
that I shall not disclose or use Confidential Information except as allowed by the Protective Order. I
acknowledge that a violation of the Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal
Communications Commission.

        Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation or role with
any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or
public interest organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a
result of the order is due solely to my capacity as Counsel or consultant to a party or other person
described in paragraph 5 of the foregoing Protective Order and that I will not use such information in any
other capacity nor will I disclose such information except as specifically provided in the Protective Order.

         I hereby certify that I am not involved in “competitive decision-making’’ as that term is used in
the definition of In-House Counsel in paragraph 2 of the Protective Order.

        I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that: (1) Confidential Information is used only as
provided in the Protective Order; and (2) the documents are not duplicated except as specifically
permitted by the terms of paragraph 10 of the Protective Order, and I certify that I have verified that there
are in place procedures, at my firm or office, to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Confidential

         Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them
in the Protective Order.

                                                  [Name]          Phillip L. Spector
                                                  [Position]      Partner
                                                                  Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
                                                  [Address]       1615 L Street, N.W., Suite 1300
                                                  [Telephone]     Washington, DC 20036
                                                                  (202) 223-7340


                                     F‘dcrad Cormun ica6iun s Co rnmiss ion                            DA 04-75

                                      .I\cknowlcdgmcnl o f Confidentiality

            I hercby acknowledge U w I havc T C C C ~ V Catid
                                                          ~ read a copy of the forogoiiig Proicctivc Ordcr in
   thc abovc-captioned prmecding, and I understand it. 1 agree that I am bound by the Protcctive Order an4
   that 1 shall not disclosc or USC Confidaitial Information cxccpt as allowcd by thc Protective Ordcr. I
   ackiiowledgc that a violation or the Yroteaivc Ordcr is a violation of all ordcr of the Federal
   Coinmuri[cations C~ommission.

            Without limiting thc foregoing, to the httent that 1 have any employmenl, affiliation or rolc with
   aiiy pcrson or ciitity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not lirnitcd to, a lobbying or
   public interest orsanization), I acknowkdge specifically that my access to any infmatiou obraincd as a
   izsult ol‘ the order is due solely lo my capacity as Counscl or consultant 10 a p“1y or othcr person
   dcscribcd in pangraph 5 or the foregoing Prorcctivc Order and h a t I will not use such iofonnation in any
   other cqmcily aor will 1 disclosc such information cxcep as specifically provided in lhc l’rolcctive Order.

           1 hereby cenify thal Ian not involved in “coinpetilivc decision-making” as that       c ~ n 1 1is   used in
   thc clefitlition ol‘ In-1Tousc Counsel in parapaph 2 o1’01e Protective Ordcr.

           I acknowledge that it is my obligaiioii to cnsure hat: (1) Conlidenrial Infonnation is used only as
   providcd   iii the J’roteclive Ordcr; arid (2) the ctocumcnts are not duplicated except as specifically
   pcrmitted by thc terms of paragraph 10 of the PmteclEve Odcr, a i d I cenirL that I havc verified tha! then:
   are in place procedures, at my firm or office, to prevcnt wmuthorixed disclosurc of Confidential
   In formation.

           Cupihlizcd ~wmsuscd herein and not orhowise dditted shall have the meanings ascribcd to them
   in Ihc Protcctivc Order.


                                                                                     +5873152289                    PAGE. 82
MQR 25 2004 16:22

Document Created: 2004-04-06 18:11:40
Document Modified: 2004-04-06 18:11:40

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