Attachment STA Request

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20030903-00300 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



September 3,2003

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau - Satellites
P.O. Box 358210                                                                      SEP 1 6    7n13
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5210

           Attn.: Jennifer Gilsenan, Chief
                  Satellite Policy Branch
                  Satellite Division
                  International Bureau

           Re:    DIRECTV, Inc.; Request for Special Temporary Authority to Relocate DIRECTV
                  3 to 82” W.L. and to Conduct Telemetry, Tracking and Command (“TT&C’~
                  Operations for an Interim Period

Dear Ms. Gilsenan:

        DIRECTV, Inc. (“DIRECTV”)’ hereby requests special temporary authority (“STA”) to
relocate the DIRECTV 3 direct broadcast satellite from a storage orbit to a Canadian Broadcast
Satellite Service (“BSS”) orbital location and to direct the TT&C h c t i o n s of that satellite for a
period of time once it is relocated.

         Pursuant to the grant of an STA on September 27,2002, DLRECTV moved DIRECTV 3
to a super-synchronous storage orbit 308 kilometers above the geostationary orbit, where the
satellite serves as emergency backup capacity for the DIRECTV constellation of satellites.
DLRECTV 3 comes into view, and can be communicated with, once every three months. The
current “window” for communicating with DIRECTV 3 began on August 28 and is expected to
close on or about September 25,2003.

        DIRECTV has agreed to lease all of the capacity on DIRECTV 3 to Telesat Canada
(“Telesat”) for operation of that satellite at the 82” W.L. Canadian BSS orbital position, subject
to receiving the requisite approvals from both the U.S. and Canadian regulatory authorities to

           DIRECTV is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, which is a
           Commission licensee in the high-power Direct Broadcast Satellite (,‘DBS”) service, and a
           wholly-owned subsidiary of Hughes Electronics Corporation.

DC\535 12 6. I

September 3,2003
Page 2

relocate and operate DIRECTV 3 from the new location. Telesat has an imminent need for
additional BSS satellite capacity due to a power system anomaly on the Nimiq 2 satellite, which
has resulted in reduced prime power capability for Nimiq 2, and consequently, a reduced number
of transponders that can be operated on that satellite.

         During the relocation of DIRECTV 3 back into geostationary orbit, DIRECTV will not
operate the communications payload on the satellite. Under the terms of the lease agreement,
Telesat will assume TT&C responsibility for DIRECTV 3 upon its relocation to 82” W.L. once
the necessary ground equipment is operational at Telesat’s facilities. Telesat will operate the
satellite under an authorization from Industry Canada, and in conformance with the parameters
of ITU regulations and coordination obligations. Telesat’s assumption of actual TT&C
responsibility will occur within the first year of the lease. In the interim, DIRECTV will
continue to provide TT&C for Telesat via a DIRECTV-licensed earth station.

         A grant of this STA is in the public interest and supported by good cause. Telesat’s lease
of capacity on DIRECTV 3 will enable it to address the Nimiq 2 anomaly and to provide
increased and better service to Canadian BSS customers as a result of the improvement in
satellite capacity. Such facilitation of service improvement is generally in the public interest,
and is in keeping with an exchange of letters between the U.S. and Canadian governments
committing to allow satellite systems of each country to serve the other country in times of
capacity shortage.’

        Grant of the requested STA will not present any significant risk of interference to other
U.S. satellites, since DIRECTV 3 is already out of the geostationary orbit and will simply be
“pulled down” into a Canadian BSS orbital position. Uplink and downlink TT&C operations for
the satellite will be performed in the uplink and downlink bands allocated by both the U.S. and
Canada for BSS service (17.3-17.8 GHz (uplink) and 12.2-12.7 GHz (downlink)). Once
DIRECTV 3 is relocated, the satellite will be used exclusively for service by Telesat or Telesat’s
customers to facilitate service to Canadian BSS subscribers, and will not be used to provide U.S.
service from a Canadian orbital position.

        Accordingly, for good cause shown, DIRECTV respectfully requests an STA grant,
commencing on September 5,2003, to relocate DIRECTV 3 to the 82” W.L. orbital position, and
to provide TT&C for the satellite for a period of sixty (60) days.

       See Letter from Bert W. Rein, Department of State, to Kenneth B. Williamson, Embassy
       of Canada (Nov. 7, 1972). See also PanAmSat Licensee Corp., Request for Temporary
       Authority, File No. SAT-STA-20030324-00039 (granted April 28,2003) (granting STA
       for PanAmSat to relocate Galaxy 111-R from 74” W.L. to 111O W.L. and operate the
       TT&C payload on the satellite during relocation in order to provide continuity of service
       for Telesat upon the end of life of the Anik E-2 Canadian FSS satellite).


                                                                                     T-948   P. O04/004   F-074
SUP-03-2003 00:38an    From-

        September 3,2003
        Page 3

               Questions with respect to this matEer should be directed to J m t s €3. Barker or Gary M.
        Epstein, counsel For DIF33XV. at (202) 637-2200.

                  Thank you for your consideration.

                                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                                             k2  e$ R.Butterworth
                                                               'orVice President
                                                             Communicarions Systems
                                                             DIRECTV, Inc.

        cc:       ThomasTycz
                  Karl Kensinger
                  John Maitin
                  Rockie Patterson
                  Selina Khan
                  Doug Webbink
                  Gary M. Epstein, Latham & W&im
                  James H.Barker, Latham & Watkins
                  Memll Spicgel, DIRECTV. h c .

        DCc535126. I

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Document Created: 2003-09-16 15:49:16
Document Modified: 2003-09-16 15:49:16

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