Attachment STA

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20030827-00299 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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b   1221 Avenue of the Americas
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                           BY HAND DELIVERY

                           Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                  Recei
                           Federal Communications Commission                                      SEP 1 6 2003
                           236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
                           Washington, DC 20002

                           Re:    Request to Modify Existing Special Temporary Authority to Operate
                                  Satellite DARS Terrestrial Repeaters and Request for Special
                                  Temporary Authority to Operate Additional Satellite DARS
                                  Terrestrial Repeaters

                           Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                   Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (“Sirius”)hereby requests that the Federal
                           Communications Commission (“FCC” or Tommission”) modify its existing
                           special temporary authority (“STA”) to operate satellite digital audio radio service
                           (“satellite DARS”) terrestrial repeaters located in Denver, Colorado; Detroit,
                           Michigan; Houston, Texas; New Haven, Connecticut; Springfield, Massachusetts;
                           and Washington, D.C. In addition, Sirius requests STA to operate 135 additional
                           repeaters throughout the country.

                                   The Commission initially granted Sirius STA to operate its Denver, Detroit,
                           Houston, New Haven, Springfield and D.C. repeaters on September 17,2001 and
                           required Sirius to operate the repeaters “as specified in Exhibit A of the STA
                           request.”’ In August 2002, Sirius requested that the FCC modify its STA to operate
                           the Detroit, Springfield and D.C. repeaters?

                                 Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Applicationfor Special Temporary Authority to
                           Operate Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Complementary Terrestrial
                           Repeaters, Order and Authorization, File No. SAT-STA-200 10724-00064,2001
                           FCC LEXIS 4931, DA 01-2171,1 17 (Sept. 17,2001) (“SiriusSTA Order”).
                                  Letter fiom Robert D, Briskman, Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., to Marlene H.
                           Dortch, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission (dated Aug. 15,2002)
                           (“August Request”).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
August 26,2003
Page 2

       Since filing the August Request, Sirius has identified a few “holes” and
weaknesses in its repeater coverage, requiring changes to the RF configurations of
the Denver, Detroit, Houston, New Haven and D.C. repeaters, and to the location
and RF configuration of the Springfield repeater. Thus, Sirius herein requests that
the FCC modify its STA to operate these five repeaters as specified in Exhibit 1?

        Sirius also has identified remaining gaps in its satellite coverage that must be
filled using medium-powered repeaters and herein requests authority to install and
operate such repeaters in 105 additional locations as specified in Exhibit 2. The
operation of these repeaters will ensure continuous service to customers across the
country. Finally, Sirius has identified a number of gaps in its satellite coverage that
can be filled using low-power repeaters: and requests authority to install low-
power repeaters in 30 locations as specified in Exhibit 2.

        Sirius notes that, with respect to its proposed modifications to the technical
specifications of its Detroit, Springfield and D.C. repeaters, the August Request is
superseded by this request.
        It is universally acknowledged that operation of satellite DARS repeaters
with EIRPs at or below 2 kW (“low power repeaters”) will not cause interference to
WCS facilities (which can operate at the identical power) nor to other authorized
radiocommunications facilities. Metricom, Inc., Debtor-in-Possession, Comments,
FCC File No. SAT-STA-20010724-00064, at 8 (filed Aug. 21,2001) (“Metricom’s
system can accommodate operations of SDARS terrestrial repeaters at power levels
at or below 2 kW EIRP.”); Wireless Communications Association International,
Inc., Comments in Opposition to Grant of STA Requests, FCC File No. SAT-STA-
20010724-00064, at 5-6 (filed Aug. 21,2001) (requesting imposition of a 2 kW
EIRP limit); WorldCom, Inc., Opposition to STA Request, FCC File No. SAT-
STA-20010724-00064, at 2 (filed Aug. 21,2001) (“WorldCom would not object to
repeaters that are limited to a maximum power of 2 kW.”);    BellSouth Wireless
Cable, Inc., Comments, FCC File No. SAT-STA-20010724-00064, at 30 (filed Aug.
21,2001); AT&T Wireless Services, Inc., Comments, FCC File No. SAT-STA-
20010724-00064, at 7 (filed Aug. 21,2001) (“AWS and other WCS licensees have
advocated that SDARS terrestrial repeaters be limited to no more than 2 kW

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
August 26,2003
Page 3

       As a courtesy, Sirius contacted representatives for each entity holding a
WCS license covering a market affected by its proposals (i.e.,WorldCom, AT&T
Wireless, BellSouth, Comcast, BALRIVGAM, Metricom, Voicestream, Telecorp,
Verizon Laboratories, NTELOS, Allegheny Communications, Cellutech, Stratos
Offshore and Central States Communications) to notify them of its proposed
modifications to its STA and its intent to seek STA to operate additional repeaters
throughout the country. Sirius requested that the licensees respond by August 22,
2003. No WCS licensee commented or objected.

         Sirius respectfully requests that the Commission modify its STA to operate
the Denver, Detroit, Houston, New Haven, Springfield and D.C. repeaters and grant
it STA to operate new repeaters in the locations specified in Exhibit 2. Grant of this
STA request will not alter Sinus’ obligations to protect WCS and other authorized
radiocommunications facilities from interference. Further, such action will not
affect the final characteristics of these and the other Sirius terrestrial repeaters,
which remain subject to the outcome of the Commission’s Further Notice of
Proposed Rulemakiing.6 Grant of this request, however, will serve the public
interest by allowing Sirius to provide improved commercial service to customers.

       If there are any questions about this submission, please do not hesitate to
contact the undersigned.

                                          Patrick L. Donnelly

                                          Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.

       Sirius STA Order fi 13.

        Establishment of Rules and Policiesfor the Digital Audio Radio Satellite
Service in the 231 0-2360 MHz Frequency Band, Report and Order, Memorandum
Opinion and Order, and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 12 FCC Rcd 5754

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
August 26,2003
Page 4

cc (w/encl):   Stephen Dual1
               Robert Koppel, WorldCom
               William Wiltshire, Counsel for AT&T Wireless
               Neale Hightower, BellSouth
               Christina Burrow, Counsel for Comcast
               James Balitsos, BALAUVGAM
               Tom W. Davidson, Counsel for Metricom
               Dan Menser, Voicestream
               Thomas Sullivan, Counsel for Telecorp
               Donald Brittingham, Verizon Laboratories
               h r y McDennott, NTELOS
               Todd Rosenberg, Counsel for Allegheny Communications
               Mia Lovink, Cellutech
               Gregory Necaise, Stratos Offshore
               Dana Frix, Counsel for Central States Communications

                           Sirius Satellite Radio
                                 Exhibit 1

Currcnl STA Aalhnnzaiion

Proposed STA Aarhnnzabon

                                                                                       Evhihit 7

                                                      Sector 1                                   Sector 2                                              Sector 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Antema Height
                    Antenna Type    Antenna                                  Antenna                                                Antenna
                                               Orientation       Downtilt                                                                                                    Longitude (W)   Latitude (N)       (feet)
                                                                                  .       Orientation       Downtilt       Waits         .     Orientation        Downtilt
                                   Beamwidth                                Beamwidth                         "        (           Beamwidth

CityfCape May, NJ


        Haven, FL

                                                                                                   Sirius Satellite Radio
                                                                                                          Exhibit 2

                        No OF                                                                                                                                                                                                            Antema Height
                                      Antenna Type    Antenna
                        Setors                                      lentati          .      iRp    Antenna       .                .     ;             Antenna       .    .         .       ;                  ,            —                 (feet)
                                                     Beamwidth   Orientation   Downtilt   Ei      Beamwidth   Orientation   Downtilt   EIRP (Watts   Beamwidth   Orientation   Downtilt   EiRP (Watts)|   Longitude (W)   Latitude (N)

Haven/Meriden, CT

 1 Gust           NJ
 ( Elzabeth, NJ

Hoflywood/Burbank, CA


                                                                                                             Exhibit 2

                                                                    Sector 1                                            Sector 2                                                 Sector 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Anienna Height
          Market   No Of       Ant
                                ntenna TType
                   Setors                        Antenna    Orientation        Downtilt   EiRP        A"'e"f'“   Orientation       Downtilt   EiRP (Watts)    A"'e“f'“   Orientation        Downtilt   EiRP   Longitude (W)      i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Latitude (N)       (feet)
                                                Beamwidth                                            Beamwidth                                               Beamwidth
acoma,                                                                                                                                                           —                                               —              —

renton,                                                                                          .                                                               ~

                            EMS FR90—17—00NVL                                              7000.00                                                                                                            77—21—20.

Document Created: 2003-09-16 15:57:05
Document Modified: 2003-09-16 15:57:05

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