Attachment supplement





This document pretains to SAT-STA-20030324-00039 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           LAW OFFICES
                       GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER &WRIGHT
                                   1229 NINETEENTH STREET, N.W.
                                      WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036

HENRY GOLDBERG                                                                   (202)429-4900
JOSEPH A. GODLES                                                                 TELECOPIER
JONATHAN L. WIENER                                                               (202)429-4912
MICHAEL A. MCCOIN                                                              generaI@&

                                        April 24,2003

                                                              SAT~TA-2W3032coOo39 182003000379
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                     PanAmSal Licensee Cow.
                                                 Galaxy Ill-R
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                             Re:     PanAmSat Licensee Corp.:
                                     Further Supplement to Request for STA

Dear Madam Secretary:

        As requested by the staff of the International Bureau, PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
("PanArnSat"), by its attorneys, hereby supplements further its March 3,2003, request for
special temporary authority ("STA") to: (1) relocate Galaxy 111-R from 74" W.L. to 111.1" W.L.;
and (2) operate the tracking, telemetry, and command ("TTK") payload on Galaxy 111-R
during the relocation, and the March 27,2003 further supplement.

        The staff specifically asked PanAmSat to provide additional dormation regarding
failure probability indicators for the primary spacecraft control processor (SCP) remaining on
Galaxy 111-R. Attached hereto is a PanAmSat memorandum regarding the requested

       Further questions with respect to this matter should be directed to the undersigned or
to Michael A. McCoin, at (202)429-4900.


                                                    Henry Goldberg
                                                    Attorney for PanAmSat Licensee Corp.

cc:    Thomas S. Tycz
       John Martin
       Robert Nelson
       Karl Kensinger
       Jennifer Gilsenan



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      TO:         Jim Frownfelter                           CC:    Kalpak Gude
                                                                   Henry Goldberg
      FROM:        Bridget Neville
      DATE:        April 23,2003
       RE:         SCP Failure Probability Indicators

      The primary spacecraft control processor (SCP) on Galaxy IIIR failed on April 21,2001 after 5.4
      years in orbit. Cause of the failure was attributed to a tin whisker induced short of the ordoff
      relay in the unit power supply. The failure is one of 9 such failures to have occurred across 44
      commercial SCPs operational on BSS 601 model satellites. Galaxy IIIR has continued to operate
      nominally using it's backup SCP and is expected to continue to operate until the end of its
      nominal fuel life, February 2005.

      The failure mechanism for a tin whisker-induced failure of an on-orbit SCP includes several
      simultaneous conditions:

         1) The SCP must contain a pure tin-plated on/off relay in the unit power supply.
         2 ) There must be a physical stress in the tin, such as that caused by a surface scratch
             or an imperfection in the tin plating.
         3) Conformal coating or other protective material on the relay must be absent or
             have significant voids.
         4) The relay case must be grounded to the unit chassis.
         5 ) A tin whisker must grow in the right direction and become long enough to
             contact power and ground terminals on the relay.

      In an attempt to predict an individual SCP's susceptibility to failure, a detailed review
      of the failure conditions has been conducted to determine which, if any, can be
      correlated to the actual in-orbit failure statistics. Failure conditions # 1- #4 are
      principally manufacturing conditions and #5 is a function of time in orbit. These
      conditions are discussed below.

      I. Relay Correlation Assessment
      Unit manufacturing records determine the presence and production history of a tin
      plated relay. One theory is that SCP failure susceptibility can be traced to a badly
      manufactured lot of relays. Table 1 shows the number of SCPs manufactured using
      relays from different lot codes and the resulting failure statistics of those SCPs. The
      relay in the failed SCP on Galaxy IIIR came from lot 1990-03. The remaining SCP has a
      relay from lot 1983-16.

. .

                                                   Table 1

      The data show that failures have occurred using relays from 4 different manufacturing
      lots produced many years apart. The lot with the highest percentage of failures was also
      used in the highest percentage of units manufactured. Applying the manufacturing
      percentages to the total number of failures creates a predicted failure rate for each
      manufacturing lot that is very close to that actually observed. There seems to be no
      correlation between the relay manufacturing lot and SCP failure.

      11. Production Location Assessment
      Another theory of failure prediction is that the location where the SCP itself was
      produced could indicate a unit’s failure susceptibility. There is certainly some logic to
      this theory since both the conformal coating condition and the grounding of the relay to
      the chassis (failure conditions #s 3 & 4) are functions of the production process. SCPs
      with tin plated relays were produced at 2 locations, as shown in Table 2. Both SCPs on
      Galaxy IIIR were produced at site 1.It is important to note that manufacturing
      documentation and requirements used at both locations were identical since both were
      complying with the same standards for production, inspection, and acceptance test.

                Manufacturing  # of SCPs            % of total     # of Failed    % of Failed
                  Location    Manufactured             SCPS           SCPS           SCPS
                   Site 1          25                  57%              7             78%
                   Site 2          19                  43%              2             22%

      While the data shows that more failures have occurred in site 1 produced units than in those from
      site 2, it clearly shows that units from site 2 have also suffered failures. Manufacturing location
      therefore cannot be used as the only or even the primary indicator of failure risk.
      Whisker Length Assessment
      The remaining condition that must be present for a tin whisker failure to occur is the growth of a
      whisker in the right direction and of sufficient length to make contact between power and ground

        terminals on the relay (failure condition #5). Figure 1 shows that time-in-orbit can be closely
        correlated with failure statistics and used as a proxy for determining if the tin whisker is present
        and of a length capable of causing a failure, Time in orbit shows a much stronger correlation than
        production location in assessing susceptibility of a unit to failure. Similarly, time in orbit can
        also be used to assess when a unit is no longer at risk of failure. If the time at which a tin whisker
        has been shown to reach critical length under very similar temperature and pressure conditions
        has passed, then a whisker must not be present at all. The longer an SCP remains operating past
        the critical in-orbit time, the lower it’s chances of failing in the future, regardless of the location
        in which it was produced or the manufacturing lot code of it’s relay.

                                              Figure 1. SCP lin Whisker Failure Distribution


                                                                         7.7m              -Failure                   I
                                                                                                    Population, Normalized
                                                                                           -Live      SCP Population,
                                                                                                 Normalized Distribution
                                                                                               I Failed SCP
                                                                                               x Remaining Live SCP

                             2            4              4                        8                     12
                                                             Years Since Launch

        At 7.4 years of time in orbit, the remaining SCP on Galaxy IIIR is well beyond the +lo lifetime
        defined by a normal distribution analysis of in-orbit lifetimes for all failed SCPs. The normal
        distribution data predicts that 93% of all failures would have already occurred by a lifetime of
        7.4 years. In orbit time is the only parameter which shows a strong correlation to failure
        probability. The risk of failure of the remaining SCP on Galaxy IIIR is extremely low and gets
        even lower with every day it continues to operate.

        All available data indicate that the remaining SCP on Galaxy IIIR is highly unlikely to
        fail due to tin whiskers, because, at 7.4 years of age, the Galaxy IIIR SCP already has
        exceeded the lifetime of the oldest SCP to fail (6.9 years) and the age by which 93% of all
        failures already would have occurred. The risk of failure of the remaining SCP on
        Galaxy IIIR is extremely low and getting lower every day.

Document Created: 2004-05-21 17:45:08
Document Modified: 2004-05-21 17:45:08

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