Attachment Galaxy III-R

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20030324-00039 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                   REQUEST FOR SPE

       PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (“P
Commission’s rules,’ hereby requests
days, commencing on April 22,2003,

        (1)relocate Galaxy 111-R from         L., wherp it has been operating on a
           temporary basis pursuant            A, to 111.1”W.L.; and

        (2) operate the tracking, tele           comlland (“TT&C”)payload on Galaxy
            111-R during the relocation.

        PanAmSat will not operate                 catipns payload on Galaxy 111-R during
its relocation; only the TT&C pay1                use during that time. At 111.1 W.L.,
Galaxy 111-R will provide replace                 on an interim basis, for Anik E-2.

        Galaxy 111-R is a hybrid C                itelthat originally was assigned to 95
W.L. Last year, PanAmSat laun                      nqed operation of a replacement
satellite, Galaxy 111-C, at 95 W.                                      - which has several
years of station keeping life re

       On November 1,2002,                                                 STA to relocate
Galaxy 111-R to 74 W.L. and t                                           &C payloads at that
orbital location.2 The STA e                          intain C-band capability at 74 W.L.
on an interim basis, follow                            of Galaxy VI. PanAmSat also has
applied for authority to la                          cement C-band satellite, Galaxy XII,
at74 W.L. PanAmSatex                                 I at the end of this quarter or early in
the second quarter of the year.

        PanAmSat has lea                              u-band capacity on Galaxy 111-R to
Telesat Canada (”Telesat                              L. The agreement between the
parties requires PanAm                                  relocate the satellite. Once
Galaxy 111-R arrives at 1                                the satellite pursuant to an
authorization from Ind                                   communications authority. The
”Trilateral Agreement”                                    and Mexico entered into in 1988
designates 111.1 W.L                                       d Canada has coordinated the
orbital location, pursu                                     n on C-band and Ku-band

1 47 C.F.R. § 25.120.
2 See File No. SAT-STA-20                                    1,2003. PanAmSat is filing a
separate request to exten                                     there will be no gap in authority
between March 31 and                                          llite to 111.1 W.L.
3 See Public Notice, Trilateral Arrangement        bf the Geostationary Orbit Reached by
Canada, Mexico, and the United States,             Z, 1988).

       PanAmSat's request for an STA is s                            od cause. Telesat presendy
operates Anik E-2 at 111.1 W.L.,                                    oaching the end of its useful
life. Telesat's lease of the capacity on Ga1.a                     enable it to continue providing
service at 111.1 W.L. pending the launch o
PanAmSat's STA request will facilitate thi                              y enabling PanAmSat to
relocate Galaxy 111-R to the desired location3 F                  ting continuity of service is
unquestionably in the public interest. Grant of                     uested STA also is in keeping
with an exchange of letters between the IJ                               governments, committing to
permitting the satellite systems of each c 3                              other country in times of
capacity shortages.5

       Grant of the requested STA, more                                 t no sigruficant risk of
interference to other users. PanAmSat w
Galaxy 111-R during the relocation to 111                               ,PanAmSat will follow
standard industry practices for coordina
relocation process.

       Uplink TT&C transmissi                                             at either 5935.0 MHz
(horizontal) or 6415.0 M H z (vertical) an                         &C transmissions will occur at
4198.5 MHz and 4199.625 IvlHz. The co
transmission parameters are described



                Telemetry                  4198.5 MHz, hor zontal (dish)

                                           4199.625 MHz, hprizontal (dish)

                                           4198.5MHz, vert@ (omni)

                                           4199.625MHz, v+tical (omni)

       Accordingly, and for good cause shown,                     mSat respectfully requests an STA
for up to 60 days, commencing on April                                  Galaxy 111-R to 111.1"W.L.,
and to operate the TT&C payload on the                                      described in tkus

4 The Commission previously has granted PanAmSat an ST ,for PAS-9, to facilitate a lease of capacity to
a satellite system that was not U.S: licensed (i.e., Arabsat).
j See letter from Bert W. Rein, Department of State, to        8. Williamson, Embassy of Canada (Nov.

                                                          I                    .

     Questions with respect to this matter should   directed to JosephA. Godles or
Michael A. McCoin, counsel for PanAmSat, at (202)


    During the drift of the satellite fro 74" W.L. to 111.lo W.L., PanAmSat
    shall not operate the                 s payload on the Galaxy mR satellite;

    PanAmSat shall coordinate its              tracking, and control (TT&C)
    operations with existing                          to ensure that no
    unacceptable                                       operations during its drift
    operations; and

    Drift of the Galaxy IIIR satellite is on a non-interference basis. PanAmSat
    shall not cause harmful interferenc to, and shall not claim protection from
    harmful interference from, the ope ations of other satellites. Any actions
    taken as a result of the drift autho ty ARE SOLELY AT PANAMSAT'S
    OWN RISK; and

    This grant is conditioned upon      subject to modification insofar as
    necessary for compliance with       subsequent agreement between
    representatives of the              of Canada and the United States
    concerning use of the                           In addition, this grant and
    any further operations                            to the finalization of an
    understanding                                          Commission (FCC)
    and Industry Canada; and

    This authorization and any furthe operations of the satellite are subject to
    the following additional conditio s: (1) PanAmSat shall seek FCC
    authorization for any future opera ions of the satellite outside of the scope
    of the Canadian authorization is! led on April 15,2003 ("Licence
    Conditions for the Use of Interir Satellite Facilities at the 111.1"W
    Orbital Position"); (2) PanAmSz will, barring catastrophic failure of
    satellite components, maintain tl ! capability to deorbit the Galaxy IIIR
    spacecraft to an orbit with a peri =eof no less than 300 kilometers above
    the geostationary altitude, by, fo example, maintaining adequate fuel


Document Created: 2003-08-05 15:13:29
Document Modified: 2003-08-05 15:13:29

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