Attachment withdrawal


WITHDRAWAL submitted by Intelsat



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20020813-00149 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                     Jennifer D. Hindin
    1776 K STREET NW
                              June 1.2004                                                            202.719.4975
    WASHINGTON, DC 20006
    PHONE 202.719.7000
    FAX      202.71 9.7 049
                                                                   &kCy &aoch               R
    Virginia Office           Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary lntemationa,hreau
    7925 JONES BRANCH DRIVE   Federal Communications Commission                        JUN - I 2004
    SUITE 6200
'   McLEAN, VA 22102
                              236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Suite 110
    PHONE 703.905.2800        Washington, DC 20002                              'EUERAC COMM!JNICATIUNS(:OMMI%!OQ
                                                                                             OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
    FAX      703.905.2820
                              Re:    Intelsat LLC Withdrawal of Pending Applications   I
                                     File No. SAT-STA-200208130-00149; Call Sign S2392
                                     File No. SAT-MOD-20011221-00143; Call Sign S2399

                              Dear Ms. Dortch:

                              Intelsat LLC ("Intelsat"), by its attorneys, hereby withdraws the following two
                              pending applications:                                            I

                              1.      File No. SAT-STA-200208 130-00149; Call Sign S2392. Intelsat filed this
                              request for Special Temporary Authority ("STA") for 30 days to operate
                              INTELSAT 601 at 32.9" E.L. Thereafter, Intelsat filed a request for STA to
                              relocate the INTELSAT 601 satellite to 64.25' E.L., which the International Bureau
                              granted. Accordingly, lntelsat no longer requires STA to relocate the INTELSAT
                              601 satellite to 32.9" E.L. and withdraws that pending request.

                              2.     File No. SAT-MOD-2001 1221-00143; Call S i p S2399. Intelsat filed this
                              application for modification of the lNTELSAT 603 authorization to continue to
                              operate this satelljte at 24.5" W.L. until the INTELSAT 905 satellite was launched
                              and on-station at that location. Thereafter, lntelsat filed further modifications and
                              amendments ultimately seeking to relocate the INTELSAT 603 satellite to 19.95'
                              W.L., which the International Bureau granted. Accordingly, Intelsat n o longer
                              requires modification of its authorization to maintain the INTELSAT 602 satellite at
                              24.5" W.L. and withdraws that pending application.

                              Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.



                              Jenfiifer D. Hindin

                              cc:    Jabin Vahora

Document Created: 2004-06-21 16:59:41
Document Modified: 2004-06-21 16:59:41

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