Attachment PAS-9

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20020605-00083 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


FCC - Application for Space Station STA                                                                           Page 1 ot. L

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                                                                          PAS-9      SATSTA-200206054)0083          1WJ0200’-‘8~

                                                               Menu       PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
                                                                          PAS 9

                                             APPLICANT INF

     Street:      20 Westport Road
     Zity:        Wilton                          State: CT
     country: U S A                               Zipcode: 06897 -
     Attention: Mr James W Cuminale Esq
     1. Contact
     Name:        Joseph A. Godlek Esq.        Number:    202-429-4900                                                     t’
     Company: Goldberg Godles Wiener & Wright Fax Number: 202-429-4912
     Street:  1229 19th Street NW              E-Mail:
     City:        Washington                                State:         DC
     Country: USA                                           Zipcode:       20036-2413
     Contact                                                Relationship: Legal Counsel
     Title:       Attorney

     ,If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter the file number below.)
     i. Reference File Number SATMOD 1400073
     la. Is a fee submitted with this application?
     G If Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.

     [f No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
     r Governmental Entity c Noncommercial educational licensee
     r Other(please explain):                                                                                             C.
     Ib. Fee Classification CRY
     5. Type Request
     F Change Station Location c Extend Expiration Date c Other                                                 6/l O/2002

FCC - Application for Space Station STA                                                                   Page 2 of 2

 6. Temporary Orbit Location
                                                                  7. Requested Extended Expiration Date
 58.1 WL
 8. Description
   Request Special Temporary Authority to operate the PAS-9 satellite at 58.1 WL in accordance with
 lthe attached explanation.
  9. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the
  application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to
 Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Act of 1988,21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for (= Yes      C- No
  possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of
  ‘party to the application” for these purposes.
  10. Name of Person Signing                                      11. Title of Person Signing
                                                                  Associate General Counsel
  12. Please supply any need attachments.

 I~llAnac~ent 2 : Attachment ] A t t a c h m e n t 3 : Attachment )

         (U.S. Code. Title 47. Section 312(a#l1k AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code. Title 47. Section 503).

                                                      Menu 1                                        6/l 012002

With this grant of Special Temporary Authority, we allow PanAmSat to drift the PAS 9
satellite from the 155.5” W.L. orbital location to its originally assigned location, 58.1 O
W.L. subject to the following conditions:
         1)      During the drift of the satellite from 155.5” W.L. to 58.1” W.L, PanAmSat
                 shall not operate the communications payload on the PAS 9 satellite; and

       2)      PanAmSat shall coordinate its telemetry, tracking, and control (TT&C)
               operations with existing geostationary satellites to ensure that no
               unacceptable interference results from its TT&C operations during its drift
               operations; and

       3)      Any actions taken as a result of the drift authority ARE SOLELY AT
               PANAMSAT’S OWN RISK.

                          Request for Special Temporary Authoritv

       PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (“PanAmSat”) hereby requests Special Temporary
Authority (“STA”) for up to 90 days, commencing on June 15,2002, to relocate PAS-9
from 155.5” W.L., where it has been operating pursuant to an STA, to 58.1” W.L, its
originally assigned orbital location.1 While drifting and at 58.1” W.L., PAS-9 will be
available as an in-orbit spare. PanAmSat will not operate the communications payload
on PAS-9 during its relocation or when it is on station at 58.1” W.L.; only the IT&C
payload will be in use.


       PAS9 is a hybrid C/Ku-band satellite that began providing service at 58” W.L. in
October 1997. After a cell failure in PAS-~‘S battery system rendered the spacecraft
incapable of providing the full range of services required at 58” W .L., PanAmSat
launched PAS-23 as a replacement satellite. However, PAS9 has many years of station-
kept life remaining, and can, consistent with the constraints imposed by its battery cell
failure, continue to provide useful services.

       Following the initiation of service by PAS-23 in late 2000, and in furtherance of
PanAmSat’s deployment plan at the time, PanAmSat requested and was granted an
STA to relocate PAS-9 to 155.5” W.L.2 In light of changing customer requirements and
additional changes in its deployment plan, PanAmSat now seeks to relocate PAS-9 to
58.1” W.L. During its relocation and once stationed at 58.1” W.L., PAS-9 will be

1 The precise location PAS9 was assigned to was 58” W.L., but for stationkeeping reasons PanAmSat
needs a 0.1” separation between PAS-9 and PAS23, which is operating at 58” W.L.


available as an in-orbit spare pending the possibility, subject to FCC approval, of
further reassignment.

       The communications payload on PAS-9 will not be operated during the
relocation from 155.5” W.L. to 58.1” W.L., or once PAS-9 is on station at 58.1” W.L. The
only transmissions to or from the satellite will be for TT&C purposes, on the following

               Command:                 14498.0 MHz, horizontal (on-station and omni bicone)
                                        13999 MHz, right hand circular (pipe)

               Telemetry:               11451 MHz, horizontal (on-station)
                                        11452, horizontal (on-station)
                                        11451, vertical (omni)
                                        11452, vertical (omni)
                                        11451, right hand circular (pipe)
                                        11452, right hand circular (pipe)

        PanAmSat’s request for STA is supported by good cause. Relocating PAS-9 to
58.1” W.L. will enable PanAmSat to implement its deployment plan and make available
back up capacity for its satellite fleet. Grant of the requested STA, moreover, would
present no risk of harmful interference to other users. The communications payload on
PAS-9 will be turned off, and the TT&C frequencies on the satellite were coordinated

* See letter, dated June 8,2001, from Thomas S. Tycz, FCC, to Joseph Godles, Esq., counsel for PanAmSat
(File No. SAT-STA-20010226-00014). On December 62001, PanAmSat filed a request to extend this STA
for an additional 180 days.


for use at 58” W.L. previously, when PAS9 originally was operated from that orbital

        Accordingly, and for good cause shown, PanArnSat respectfully requests an STA
for up to 90 days, commencing on June 15,2002, to relocate PAS9 from 155.5” W.L. to
58.1” W.L, and to operate the TT&C payload on the satellite.

        Questions with respect to this matter should be directed to Joseph A. Godles,
PanAmSat’s counsel, at (202) 429-4900.

3 Intelsat is the adjacent C/Ku-band operator to the east, at 55.5” W.L. The adjacentC/Ku-band satellite
to the west is PanAmSat’s HGS-1, which is not presently active.

Document Created: 2002-06-27 10:10:54
Document Modified: 2002-06-27 10:10:54

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