Attachment 2002PanAmSat-Comm de

2002PanAmSat-Comm de

LETTER submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20020404-00045 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                           Washington, DC 20554
international Bureau

       December 20, 2002

       Joseph Godles, Esq.
       Goldberg, Godles, Weiner & Wright
        1229 19"" Street, N.W.
       Washington, D.C. 20036

       Re:       Application of PanAmSat Licensee Corp. for Modification of License to Reassign
                 PAS—6 from 68.5° E.L. to 72° E.L. (SAT—MOD—20010614—00052)

                 PanAmSat Licensee Corp. Request for Special Temporary Authority

                 PanAmSat Licensee Corp. Request for Extension of Deadline for Financial
                 Showing for PAS—7 (SAT MOD—19970128—00009)

       Dear Mr. Godles:

               This is in response to the spplication of PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (PanAmSat)
       filed on June 14, 2001, to modify its license for its PAS—6 satellite to permit the
       relocation of PAS—6 from its assigned 68.5° E.L. orbit location to the 72° E.L. orbit
       locations assigned to another PanAmSat satellite. In this letter, we grant that application,
       with conditions, We placed PanAmSat‘s modification application on public notice, and
       no comments or oppositions were filed. We have also granted PanAmSatSpecial
       Temporary Authority (STA? to relocate PAS—6, and to operate that satellite in the Ku—
       band, subject to conditions.

               In its modification application, PanAmSat maintains that the Commission‘s policy
       is to accommodate licensees by granting requests to rearrange satellites among orbit
       locations assigned to that licensee when the relocation will not cause unacceptable
       interference to adjacent satellites." PanAmSat is correct, We find that PanAmSat‘s

                  t      iSee Letter from Thomas S. Tycz, Chief, Satellite and Radiocommunication Diviston,
       Federal Communications Commission, to Joseph Godles, Esq., Counsel for PanAmSat Licengee Corp,
       (dated Oct, 15, 2001) (October 15 Letter;.

                 2       PanAmSat Modification Application at 2, citing Comsat General Corporation,
       Modification of Authorization to Operat: Space Station in the Mobile Satellite Service, Order and
       Authorization, 15 FCC Red 18776 (Int‘l Bur., Sat, and Rad. Div., 2000).

proposed relocation of its hybrid C—band/Ku—band satellite will not cause increased
interference to adjacent satellites than would the operations of the hybrid PAS—7 satellite
initially assigned to that location," provided that PAS—6 is operated under the conditions
set forth below.

       When we granted PanAmSat‘s STA request in the October 15 Letter, we
determined that operatwn of the Ku—band transponders of PAS—6 at 72° E.L,, subject to
conditions, would not increase interference potential.* We see no reason to revisit that
determination. We further conclude here that operation of the C—band transponders of
PAS—6 at 72° E.L., subject to conditions, will not cause increased interference. We also
understand that PanAmSat has and continues to perform coordination of PAS—6 at 72°
E.L, with the operators of neighboring satellites; particularly, those of India and Russia.

        PanAmSat states that it would return its PAS—7 authorization for cancellation in
the event that we grant its PAS—6 modification application," We therefore condition this
modification grant upon PanAmSat returning its PAS—7 authorization within 30 days of
the date of this letter. Furthermore, the PAS—7 authorization was conditioned upon
PanAmSat submitting certain financial information. PanAmSat requested an extension of
the deadline for submission of that financial showing (SAT—MOD—19970128—00009).
Upon cancellation of the PAS—7 authorization, PanAmSat‘s pending extension request
will be moot, Accordingly, we dismiss PanAmSat‘s pending extension request.

        In addition to its modification application, PanAmSat has filed the above—
captioned request for extension of its STA to operate PAS—6 in the Ku—band at 72° E.L.
In light of our grant of PanAmSat‘s modification application, we dismiss that STA
request as moot,.                              —

        Accordingly, pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R, § 0.261, PanAmSat‘s modification application captioned above is
granted, and PanAmSat is authorized to operate the C—band and Ku—band transponders on
the PAS—6 satellite at 72°E.L., subject to the following conditions:

         1) Operation at C—band and Ku—band is subject to International Radio Regulation
             4.4. Therefore, no harmful interference shall be caused to any other lawhully
             operated radio station, and PanAmSat shall cease operations immediately
           upon notification of such interference,.
        2) Operation must be conisistent with coordination agreements with adjacent
             satellites, including those of Russia and India.

        3       Alpha Lyracom, d/b/a Pan American Satellite, Application for Authority to Construct,
Launch, and Operate a Hybrid International Communications Satellite System (PAS—7), Memorandum
Opinion, Order andAuthorization, 7 FCC Red 4277 (1992).

        *        October 15 Letter at 1—2.

        5        PanAmSat Modification Application at 4 n.7.

3) PanAmSat is to inform the Commission when service is initiated at C—band.
4) Consistent with footnote NG104, PanAmSat shall not use the 11 .45—11.7 GHz
   frequency band on PAS—6 for U.S. domestic service without being granted an
   appropriate waiver by the Commission.
5) PanAmSat shall return its PAS—7 authorization for cancellation within 30 days
   of the date of this letter.


                                 Fern Jarmulnek
                                 Deputy Chief,
                                 Satellite Division

Document Created: 2019-04-19 07:13:00
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 07:13:00

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