Attachment Sirius XM-Grant Sept

Sirius XM-Grant Sept

DECISION submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20020312-00048 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



                                 /                Sirius XM Radio Inc.

         Satellite Radio

        Sirius Satellite Radio       March 12, 2002                              "Er\3)        |   ign     _________ Grant Date_08/15/16_
1221 Avenue of the Americas
        New York, NY 10020
            tel 212 584 5100                                                                                             tm   Dates See
                                                                                                          o3 /is/o0
                                     VIA HAND DELIVERY                                    *              2ALRCME..            Qconditions
            fax 212 584 5200

                                     Mr. William F. Caton                 #¥twith conditions                     *    Hed "R'f’(—)-u«:fi( C
                                     Acting Secretary                                                                 Chief, Satellite %}'vcj Brand
                                     Federal Communications Commission
                                     236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
                                     Washington, DC 20002

                                     Re:    Request To Extend Special Temporary Authority To Operate Satellite
                                            DARS Terrestrial Repeaters; File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064

                                     Dear Mr. Caton:

                                              Pursuant to Section 25.120 of the Federal Communications Commission‘s
                                     ("FCC" or "Commission") rules,‘ Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. ("Sirius"), one of the
                                     two satellite digital audio radio service ("satellite DARS") licensees in the United
                                     States, hereby requests an extension of its special temporary authority ("STA") to
                                     operate its terrestrial repeater network." Sirius requests an extension of its STA for
                                     180 days or until such time as the Commuission issues final rules governing the use
                                     of satellite DARS terrestrial repeaters." Grant of Sirius‘ extension request would
                                     serve the public interest by allowing Sirius to continue its roll—out of uniformly high
                                     quality commercial satellite DARS programming nationwide. Attached is a FCC
                                     Form 159, with a check payable to the FCC in the amount of $145.00.

                                            Attached as Exhibit A is a list of sites, including three minor revisions noted
                                     below, in which Sirius operates terrestrial repeaters pursuant to its STA and for
                                     which Sirius seeks an extension of its STA. Sirius has included the following

                                     *      47 C.F.R. § 25.120.
                                     s      Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Application for Special Temporary Authority to
                                     Operate Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Complementary Terrestrial
                                     Repeaters, Order and Authorization, File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064, DA 01—
                                     2171 (Sept. 17, 2001) ("Sirius STA Order").

                                     3      Establishment ofRules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio Satellite
                                     Service in the 2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, Report and Order Memorandum
                                     Opinion and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 12 FCC Red 5754,
                                     5810—12 (1997) ("Terrestrial Repeater NPRM").

                                      Attachment to Grant
              Application of Sirius XM Radio Inc. for Special Temporary Authority
IBFS File Nos. SAT—STA—20020312—00048, SAT—STA—20031219—00369, SAT—STA—20040623—00119,
  SAT—STA—20040623—00122, SAT—STA—20050301—00053, SAT—STA—20070710—00097, SAT—STA—

Special temporary authority (STA) is granted to Sirius XM Radio Inc. (Sirius XM), for a period of 180
days, to continue to operate previously authorized terrestrial repeaters for use in the 2320—2345 MHz
frequency band, as set forth in the above—referenced applications. This authorization is granted according
to the technical parameters specified in these applications and is subject to the conditions below.
       1. Any actions taken as a result of these STAs are solely at the applicant‘s own risk. These
STAs shall not prejudice the outcome of the final rules adopted by the Commission in IB Docket No. 95—
        2. SDARS terrestrial repeaters are restricted to the simultaneous retransmission of the complete
programming, and only that programming, transmitted by the SDARS licensee‘s satellite(s) directly to the
SDARS licensee‘s subscribers‘ receivers, and may not be used to distribute any information not also
transmitted to all subscribers‘ receivers.
        3. Coordination of the operations of the terrestrial repeaters shall be completed with all affected
Administrations prior to operation, in accordance with all applicable international agreements including
those with Canada and Mexico.
       4. The terrestrial repeaters shall comply with Part 17 of the Commission‘s rules — Construction,
Marking, and Lighting of Antenna Structures.
        5. The terrestrial repeaters shall comply with Part 1 of the Commission‘s rules, Subpart I —
Procedures Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including the guidelines for
human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields as defined in Sections 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 of
the Commission‘s rules.
        6. Any SDARS terrestrial repeater operating at a power level greater than 2—watt average EIRP
is required to attenuate its out—of—band emissions below the transmitter power P by a factor of not less
than 90 + 10 log (P) dB in a 1—megahertz bandwidth outside the 2320—2345 MHz band, where P is
average transmitter output power in watts. Any SDARS terrestrial repeater operating at a powerlevel
equal to or less than 2—watt average EIRP is required to attenuate its out—of—band emissions below the
transmitter power P by a factor of not less than 75 + 10 log (P) dB in a 1—megahertz bandwidth outside the
2320—2345 MHz band, where P is average transmitter output power in watts.
       7. These STAs expire after 180 days, or on the date that permanent authority to operate the
covered repeater operations becomes effective, whichever occurs first.
        8. Sirius XM is granted 30 days from the date of the release of this authorization to decline the
authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within that period will constitute formal acceptance of
the authorization as conditioned.
         9.      This action is taken on delegated authority pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 0.261 and is effective
upon release. Petitions for reconsideration under 47 C.F.R. § 1.106 or applications for review under 47
C.FE.R. § 1.115 may be filed within 30 days of the date of the Public Notice announcing this action.

                                                  1| File#    See abov e

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                                                                      Sfepr       J Duall
                            ‘€¥with corditions                        Chief, Setellite Plicy Branch

Mr. William F. Caton
March 12, 2002
Page 2

information for each of the repeaters it operates pursuant to its STA:* (1)
geographic coordinates; (2) antenna type; (3) antenna orientation; (4) antenna
radiation pattern vertical downtilt; (5) total EIRP; and (6) height Above Ground
Level (AGL). This list reflects certain changes to the technical parameters of one of
Sirius‘ repeaters in Detroit, Michigan, and one of its repeaters in Las Vegas,
Nevada," and the addition of a low power repeater in Jackson, Mississippi.®
Otherwise, it is identical to the list attached to Sirius‘ original STA request.‘
Attached as Exhibit B are specification sheets for each of the antenna types
described in Exhibit A.

        For the same reasons that grant of Sirius‘ original STA request served the
public interest, grant of Sirius‘ request to extend its STA will serve the public
interest." The extension will allow Sirius to continue to offer "high quality radio
signals to listeners in areas that have limited radio service," and ensure that no
reduction in the quality of this service occurs." Further, grant of the extension
request would allow the public to continue to take advantage of long—awaited
satellite DARS service, which offers both an increase in listening choices and
greatly improved digital quality sound.

*A     These include 151 high and medium power terrestrial repeaters and one low
power terrestrial repeater in 105 sites.

5       Sirius notified the FCC of these changes on February 11, 2002. Letter from
Carl R. Frank, Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP, to William F. Caton, Acting Secretary,
Federal Communications Commission (dated Feb. 11, 2002).

6      Sirius informed the Commission of its plans to install and operate a very low
power repeater in Jackson, Mississippi, on February 22, 2002. Letter from Carl R.
Frank, Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP, to William F. Caton, Acting Secretary, Federal
Communications Commission (dated Feb. 22, 2002).

7     Sitrius Satellite Radio Inc. Application for Special Temporary Authority to
Operate Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Complementary Terrestrial
Repeaters, File No. SAT—STA—20010724—0064 (filed July 24, 2001).
8        Sirius STA Order, 4 9.
°        Id.

Mr. William F. Caton
March 12, 2002
Page 3

        In granting Sirius‘ original request, the Commission itself noted that "Sirius
has proceeded with satellite construction, has in fact launched both of its satellites,
and needs to employ terrestrial repeaters to provide adequate service" and that it has
not yet issued final rules governing the operation of satellite DARS terrestrial
repeaters.‘" The FCC concluded that "this situation has created the extraordinary
circumstances required by the statute and our rules to justify grant of an STA" and
noted that "it would be unfair to penalize Sirius for complying with our required
milestone schedule on the one hand but on the other hand force it to seriously delay
initiation of service because there are no final repeater rules.""‘ These
considerations apply with equal force here as the FCC still has not issued final
repeater rules.

        Sirius has established that its terrestrial repeaters will not cause harmful
interference to other radio services.‘" Nevertheless, Sirius will continue to comply
with the condition placed upon its STA that it protect "all existing authorized
radiocommunication facilities that are in operation during the period the STA is in
effect" from interference caused by its terrestrial repeaters."" Sirius notes that the
Commission had proposed to require satellite DARS licensees to bear the cost of
remedying interference to certain Multipoint Distribution Service ("MDS") and
Instructional Television Fixed Service ("ITFS") facilities if MDS or ITFS licensees
lodged interference complaints prior to February 20, 2002.‘" In granting Sirius‘
STA request, the Commission required Sirius to provide MDS and ITFS licensees
with information regarding the locations and technical parameters of all repeaters

10       1d., 9 7.
11       Id.

12      Establishment ofRules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio Service in
2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, Supplemental Comments of Sirius Satellite Radio
(Jan. 18, 2000).

13       Sirius STA Order, § 13, 18(b).
14     Request For Further Comment On Selected Issues Regarding The
Authorization OfSatellite Digital Audio Radio Service Terrestrial Repeater
Networks, Public Notice, IB Docket No. 95—91, RM No. §610, DA 01—2570, at 7
(Nov. 1, 2001). The FCC proposal would apply with respect to MDS or ITFS
facilities installed prior to August 20, 1998, and located within a satellite DARS
repeater‘s free space power flux density contour of —34 dBW/m*. 1d.

Mr. William F. Caton
March 12, 2002
Page 4

operating pursuant to the STA in order to facilitate coordination with these MDS
and ITFS opera‘cions.15 Thus, in granting Sirius STA, the FCC extended the
procedural aspects of its proposed rules requiring interference protection for certain
MDS and ITFS facilities but did not extend the substantive aspects of those
proposed rules beyond the proposed February 20, 2002 expiration date. While
Sirius views further extension of the notification requirement as unnecessary, out of
an abundance of caution, it will continue to comply with these procedural
requirements with respect to MDS and ITFS facilities.

        Sirius also will comply with the requirements that it not (1) originate any
original programming, (2) transmit signals other than those used by its satellites or
(3) extend satellite DARS coverage outside of the satellites‘ authorized service
area.‘° Sirius certifies that the out—of—band emissions of these terrestrial repeaters
will be attenuated below the transmitted EIRP by no less than 75 + 10 log (P).""

       In accordance with Part 17 of the Commission‘s Rules, Sirius has or will
notify the Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") of antenna structures for which
such notification is required. 47 C.F.R. § § 17.7—17.17. Sirius hereby certifies that
operation of these repeaters will not have a significant environmental effect, as
defined by 47 C.F.R. § § 1.1301—1.1319, and that no party to this application is
subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug
Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862(a).

        As Sirius‘ extension request is timely filed, Sirius understands that, pursuant
to Section 1.62 of the FCC‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.62, its STA will continue in effect
without further action by the Commission until such time as the Commission shall
make a final determination with respect to its request. Sirius urges the FCC to grant
its extension request in order to provide Sirius with STA to make the proposed
changes to its Detroit and Las Vegas repeaters and to operate its Jackson repeater.

15    Sirtus Satellite Radio Inc. Application for Special Temporary Authority to
Operate Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Complementary Terrestrial
Repeaters, Order, File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064, DA 01—2383 (Oct. 15,

16     Sirius STA Order, 18(c). See also Terrestrial Repeater NPRM, 12 FCC
Red at 5845—46 (Appendix C).

17     Sirius STA Order, 18(g).

Mr. William F. Caton
March 12, 2002
Page 5

Alternatively, the Commission should grant the modification request related to the
Detroit and Las Vegas repeaters filed on February 11, 2002 and let the notification
regarding the Jackson repeater filed on February 22, 2002 become effective.

       If there are any questions concerning this request, please do not hesitate to
contact the undersigned.

                                         Sincerely,               \

                                         Robert D. Briskman
                                         Technical Executive
                                         Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing "Request to Extend Special
Temporary Authority To Operate Satellite DARS Terrestrial Repeaters" was delivered via hand—
delivery, on this 12"" day of March, 2002, to each of the following:

Donald Abelson                                      Ron Repasi
International Bureau                                International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW, Room 6—C750                 445 Twelfth Street, SW, Room 6—A505
Washington, DC 20554                                Washington, DC 20554

Chris Murphy                                        Jennifer Gilsenan
International Bureau                                International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW, Room 6—C437                 445 Twelfth Street, SW, Room 6—A¥A520
Washington, DC 20554                                Washington, DC 20554

Rosalee Chiara                                      Rockie Patterson
International Bureau                                International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW                              445 Twelfth Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                                Washington, DC 20554

                                                            ULQU gfi@%@fi
                                                 \—G(ina‘ Stuart


                                                                                                              Sirius Satellite Radio

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Anterna Height
         Market   g(; i
                   etors             Antenna Type           Antenna
                                                           Beamwiain      .
                                                                       Orientation          .
                                                                              S.ecwr ‘Downilt    EiRP
                                                                                                (Watts)     Antenna
                                                                                                           Beamwidth            onue Downtilt
                                                                                                                         Orientation             ERP
                                                                                                                                                (Watts)     Antenna
                                                                                                                                                           Beamwidth          neeele
                                                                                                                                                                       Orientation  Downtilt    EiRP
                                                                                                                                                                                               (Waits)   LongitudeCoordmate%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (W) Latitude (N)         (feet)
Akron               1              HMDSV80—RO5—H              90          320           0       14125.38       —              —          —         —           —           —            —         —      81—30—14.00     41—03—53.00         150
Albany              1             HMDBV360—RO5—H             Omni          —            —       8511.38        —              —          —         —           —           —            —         —      73—45—55.80     42—30—32.18         178
Alburquerque        1              HMDBV30—RO5—H              90          230           0       22307.21       —              —                    —           —           —            —         —      106-26-5?3.50   35—12—46.50         65
Atlanta             2             HMDSPV180—RO5—H             180          0            0       6309,57       180            180         0      7943.28        —           —            —         —      84—23—13.19     33—45—39.46        1016
Atlanta             1              HMDBV120—RO5—H             120         250           0       19952.62       —              —          —         —           —           —            —         —      84—20—07.00     33—55—16.00         443
Atlanta             2              HMDBVSO—RO5—H              90           30           0       8317.64       90             150         0      7585.78        —           —            —         —      84—28—25.09     33—53—59.70         228
Atlanta             2              HMDBVSO—RO5—H              90           45           0       10715.19      90             180         0      10964.78       —           —            —         —       84—22—39.00    33—51—07.00         231
Atlanta             2             HMDBPV180—RO5—H             180          0            0       7585.78       180            180         0      7413.10        —           —            —         —       84—23—25.80    33—47—54.60         154
Austin              1              HMDBV120—RO5—H             120         175           0       12589.25       —              —          —         —           —           —            —         —      97—44—29.00     30—17—00.00         292
Baitimore           1             HMDBPV180—RO5—H             180          0            0       9332.54        —              —          —         —           —           —            —         —      76—36—50.12     39—17—15.41         526
Birmingham          1              HMDBV360—RO5—H            Omni          —             —      8241.38        —              —          —         —           —           —            —         —      86—48—30.00     33—31—04.00         537
Boston              1              HMDBV360—RO5—H            Omni           —            —      7943.28        —              —          —         —           —           —            —         —       71—03—41.2     42—21—30.60         554
Buffalo             1              HMOBVSO—RO5—H              90           30           0       9332.54        —              —                    —           —           —            —         —       78—52—35.00    42—52—47.00         580
Charlotte           1             HMDBPV180—RO5—H             180          65           0       10471.29       —              —          —         —           —           —            —         —       80—50—49.74    35—13—29.49         524
Chicago             2       HMDBVSO—RO5—H,HMD8V120—RO5—H      120         235           0       3090.30       90             340         0      3019.95        —           —            —         —       87—37—17.81    41—53—6.88          998
Chicago             2              HMDBV120—ROS—H             120         170           0       5623.41       120            340         0      §128.61        —           —            —         —       87—38—21.13    41—55—33.28         286
Chicago             2              HMDBVS0—RO5—H              90          180           0       4265.80       90             310         0      3368.44        —           —            —         —       87—39—18.00    41—58—50.00         489
Cincinnati          2             HMDBPV180—RO5—H             180         170           0       8511.38       180            350         0      7585.78        —           —            —         —       84—30—51.00    39—06—24.00         308
Cleveland           2              HMDBV120—RO5—H             120          70           0       7585.78       120            260         0      6606.93        —           —            —         —       81—41—34.37    41—29—58.50         656
Columbus            1              HMDBV360—RO5—H            Omni           —            —      5370.32        —              —          —         —           —           —            ~         —       82—59—46.00    39—57—47.00         442
Dallas              2              HMDBV120—RO5—H             120          80            0      8511.38       120            260         0      8511.38        —            —           —         —       95—47—52.23    32—47—8.95          489
Dallas              1             HMDBPV180—RO5—H             180         240            0      10000.00       —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —       97—19—46.00    32—45—11.00         525
Dayton               1             HMDBV120—RO5—H             120         115            0      5888.44        —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —       84—11—46.00    39—45—39.00         240
Denver/Boulder      2             HMDBPV180—RO5—H             180          150           0      6309.57       180            330         0      7585.78        —            —           —         —      104—59—22.06    39—44—52.04         598
Detroit              1             HMDBV120—RO5—H             120         330            6      16218.10       —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —       83—02—51.00    42—19—50.00         648
Detroit             2              HMDBV45—RO5—H              45           90            0      19952.62      45             315         0      19952.62       —            —           —         —       83—14—35.42    42—28—28.15         389
Fresno               7             TIMDaV80—Ros—H             s0           120           o      22387.21       —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —      119—52—56.90    36—45—59.50         780
Greensboro           1             HMDB8V30—RO5—H             90          240            0      14125.38       —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —       79—45—38.10    36—05—10.30         504
Harrisburg           7             FHMDSV90—RO5—H             60           140           0      22387.21       —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —       76—56—45.00    40—19.07.00         178
Hartford             1             HMDBV360—ROS—H            Omni           —            —      62309.57       —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —       72—40—32.00    41—46—06.00         383
Houston             2              HMDBV90—RO5—H              90           175           0      9772.37       90             295         0      9772.37        —            —           —         —       95—21—50.00    29—45—37.00         1060
indianapolis         1             HMDBV360—RO5—H            Omni           —            —      8709,64        —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —       86—09—20.00    39—46—13,00         532
Jackson              1           Mobile Mark ©D12—2400       Omni           =            0       317.00        —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —       90—11—09.38    32—18—01.47         324
Jacksonville         1            HMDBPV180—R05—H             180         345            0      6918.31        —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —       81—39—24.00    30—19—08,00         436
Kansas City         2              HMDBVSO—RO5—H              90           115           0      12302.69      90             205         0      11481.54       —            —           —         —       94—34—57.00    39—06—12.00         558
Knoxville            1             HMDBVSO—RO5—H              90           90            0      22387.21       —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —       84—01—22.60    35—57—46.20         265
Las Vegas           2             HMDBPV180—R05—H             180          20            0      4466.84       180            200         0      4570.88        —            —           —         —      115—08—31.00    36—10—10.10         466
Las Vegas            1             HMDB8V120—RO5—H            120          135           7      15848.90       —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —      115—10—00.00    36—07—57.00         401
Little Rock          1             HMDBV360—RO5—H            Omni           —            —      5623.41        —              —          —         —           —            —           —         —       92—16—32.46    34—44—37.67         586
Los Angeles         3              HMDBV120—RO5—H             120           0            3      3715.35       120            120         3      3715.35       120         240           3      $715.35   118—15—22.00    34—02—58.00         858
Los Angeles         2              HMDBVSO—RO5—H              90           60            0      7943,28       90             215         0      7943.28        —            —           —         —      118—27—35.00    34—03—03.00         273
Los Angeles         2             HMDBPV180—RO5—H             180          110           0      5011.87       180            290         0      5011.87        —            —           —         —      118—23—55.00    34—03—20.00         158
Los Angeles         2             HMDBPV180—RO5—H             180          45            0      4265,80       180            225         0      4677.35        —            —           —         —      118—21—04.55    34.03—44.18         372
Los Angeles         2             HMDBPV180—RO5—H             180          90            0      4365.16       180            270         0      5623.41        —            —           —         —      118—18—34.00    34—03—41.00         302
Los Angeles          1              HMDBV45—RO5—H             45           110           0      16595.87       —               —         —         —           —            —           —         —      118—11—44.00    34—09—48.00          78
Los Angeles          1              HMDBVSO—RO5—H             %0           10            0      10232.93       —               —         —         —           —            —           —         —      118—15—26.39    34—08—29,27          98
Los Angeles          2              HMDBVSO—RO5—H             90           135           0      7943.28       90             225         0      7943.28        —            —           —         —      118—11—09.00    33—46—03.00         146
Los Angeles         2               HMDBVSO—RO5—H             90            0            0      7943.28       90             180         0      7943,28        —            —           —         —       117—52—8.01    33—45—34.23         120
Los Angeles          2            HMDBPV180—RO5—H             180          135           0      5011.87       180            315         0      5011.87        —            —           —         —      117—52—52.00    33—41—22.00         159
Los Angeles          2              HMDSVS0—RO5—H              90          30            0      6918.31       $0             290         0      6918.31        —            —           —         —      118—22—03.00    34—07—34.00          50
Los Angeles             1          HMDB8V120—RO5—H            120         290            0      7079.46        ~               —         —         —           —            —           —         ~      118—27—55.86    34—:09—15.13        218
Louisville              1          HMDBV360—RO5—H            Omni           —            —      5623.41        —               —         —         —           —            —           —         —       85—45—28.00    38—15—20.00         560
Memphis                 1          HMDBV360—RO5—H            Omni           —            —      21379,63       —               —         —         —           —            =           —         —       90—2—59.80     35—8—39.70          358
Miami                2              HMDB8VSO—RO5—H             90           0            0      12022.64      90             230         0      12882.50       —            —           —         —       80—11—31.00    25—46—19.00         596
Miami                   1           HMD8VSO—RO5—H              90           0            0      18620.87       —               —         —         —           —            —           —         —       80—08—30.84    26—06—50.67         640
Milwaukee               1         HMDSPV180—RO5—H             180          310           0      15488.17       —               —         —         —           —            —           —         —       87—54—06.69    43—02—17.95         588
Minneapolis          2             HMD8V120—RO5—H             120          90            0      5370.32       120            270         0      4466.84        —            —           —         —       93—16—16.00    44—58—35.00         775

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1 of 2

                                                                                                                                        Sirius Satellite Radio

                No Of                                                                 Sector 1                                                            Sector 2                                        Sector 3
                Setors                  Antenna Type                Antenna       ;    h           ;                       EiRP       Antenna         s    n            :    EiRP       Antenna       ;    .           .   ERP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            i         .             .               feet
                                                                   Beamwidth   Orientation   Downtilt                                Beamwidth     Orientation   Downtilt              Beamwidth   Orientation   Downtit         Longitude (W)   Latitude (N)      {feet)

                          1            HMDBV9O—RO5—H                  90          135              0                      8912.51        —                                                 —                                     93—05—43.00     44—56—52.00       500

                                      HMDS8V360—RO5—H                                                                     6165.95                                                          —                                     86—46—55.09     36—09—48.85       868

    Haven                             HMDBPV180—RO5—H                                                                     10715.19                                                                                                72—55—20.00    41—18—33.00       243
    Orleans                           HMDBV360—RO5—H                                                                      10351.42                                             —                                                 90—04—16.00     29—57—00.00
    York                               HMDBV360—RO5—H                                                                     8912.51                                               —                                                73—58.55.20     40—45—33.00       670
    York                                HMDB8V80—RO5—H                                                                    12589.25                                          12589.25                                             73—57—01,70     40—46—30.00       560
    York                              HMDB8PV180—R05—H                                                                    15848.93                                              —                                                74—00—40.32     40—42—29.88       524
    York                               HMD8V360—RO5—H                                                                     8912.51                                               —                                                73—59—48.00     40—42—54.00       474
    York                              HMDBPV180—RO5—H                                                                     6165.95                                           6606.93                                              73—54—19.50     40.51—57.50       170
    York                              HMDSPV180—R05—H                                                                     §754.40                                           5868.44                                              73—56—36.00     40—48—54.00       180
    York                              HMDSPV180—RO5—H                                                                     6309.57                                           7943.28                                              73—58—22.53     40—51—18.12       210

    York                              HMDSPV180—RO5—H                                                                     16218.10                                             —                                                 74—00—03.00     40—47—25,00       438
    York                              HMOBPV180—RO5—H                                                                     7943.28                                           7943,28                                              73—45—44.75     41—01—51.38       261
                                      HMDBV360—RO5—H                                                                      8912.51                                              —                                                  74—10—11.00    40—44—07.00        334
Norfolk                               HMDBV360—RO5—H                                                                      6760,83                                              —                                                  76—17—29.21    36—50—44.47        270

                           2          HMDSPV180—RO5—H                                                                     2511.89                                           2630.27                                               81—22—44.32    28—32—37.45        312
                           2          HMDBV120—RO5—H                                                                      8317.64                                           9332.54                                               75—10—11.00    39—57—13.00        758
                           2          HMOBPV180—RO05—H                                                                    5888.44                                           7585.78                                              112—04—23.66    33—28—37.70        298
                           2          HMDBV120—RO5—H                                                                      9332.54                                           10000.00                                              79—59—42.00    40—26—29.00        690
                           2           HMDBVSO—ROS—H                                                                      3801.89                                           3715.35                                              122—40—33.74    45—30—47.16        464
                           1          HMDS8V360—RO5—H                                                                     8912.51                                              —                                                  71—24—36.94    41—49—29,33        421
                           1          HMDBPV180—RO5—H                                                                     10000.00                                             —                                                  78—38—25.00    35—46—27.00        458

                           2          HMDB8V120—RO5—H                                                                     6456,54                                           5370.32                                               77—26—06.00    37—32—11.94        369
                           2           HMDBVSO—RO5—H                                                                      10471.29                                          11481.54                                              77—36—33,00    43—09—23,.00       366
                           1          HMDSPV180—RO5—H                                                                     15848.93                                                                                               121—29—27.00    38—34—28.00
    Lake                   1           HMDBV90—RO5—H                                                                      8912.51                                                                                                111—51—02.40    40—45—28.80        135
    Antonio                1           HMDBVSO—RO5—H                                                                      10471.29                                                                                                98—29—32.00    29—25—42.00        428
                           2          HMDBV120—R05—H                                                                      6309.57                                                                                                117—09—43.28    32—42—57.70        450
    Francisco              2                            20—RO5—H                                                          10000.00                                                                                               122—26—03,00    37—41—12.00        100
    Francisco              7          HMDBV120—RO5—H                                                                      15848.93                                                                                               122—27—05.00    37—45—20.00        382
    Jose                   7           HMD8VS0—RO5—H                                                                      25118.86                                                                                               121—45.11.23    37—19—20.06         20

                                      HMD8V120—R05—H                                                                      9549.93                                           8709,64                                              122—19—41.77    47—36416.71        943

                                       HMDBVSO—RO5—H                                                                      9549.93                                           10232.93                                              90—11—26.00    38—37—48,00        482
                                       HMDBVSO—RO5—H                                                                      6918.31                                           6025.60                                               76—08—32.00    43—02—49,00        207
                                      HMDBV360—RO5—H                                                                      10000.00                                             —                                                  82—27—33.00    27—56—48.00

                                       HMDBVS0—RO5—H                                                                      15848.93                                             —                                                  95—57—10.85    36—10—10.02
                                       HMDB8V360—RO5—H                                                                    6918.31                                              —                                                  77—00—41.00    38—53—48.00
                                       HMDB8V360—RO5—H                     i                                              10715.19                                             —                                                  77—04—35.08    38—53—43.60
                                       HMDSV120—R05—H                                                                     9549.93                                           8912.51                                               77—03—39.00    38—51—45.00
                                       HMDBV360—RO5—H                                                                     4897.79                                              —                                                  77—06—55.87    38—50—36.60
                                       HMDB8V120—R05—H                                                                    6025,60                                           6165.95                                               77—05—44.00    38—59—07.00
                                                                                                                                                                               —                                     —                 —49.00    39—44—53.00

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2 of 2


HMD Series Antennas for MMDS/ITFS and
Wireless Cable Applications

                                                                     » Pressumzabic, ragoms enclosed lor tong,
                                                                       troubte—free lifg
                                                                     > Ercéliont VSWR performence
                                                                               1.35:1 max for W—Band
                                                                               1.5:1 max for other bands
                                                                     * Optimized beam tikt
                                                                              0.5 *Standard for 8. 12. and 16 bay
                                                                              0.75 *Standard for 24 ard 32 bay
                                                                              Oiheors available on request
                                                                    + High power handling — 800 waits typical
                                                                    + Wids selection of Irequency bands and pattiems
                                                                    + Horizontal or vertical polarization
                                                                    * Suitabie for anaiog or digital wransmission
                                                                    * Null fill for excetient coverage

                                                                    Standard Mounting Configurations

                                                                                                                             3.0 in (76
  Lhuve               10 n 76 mm)                         180 in             3 in [75 men) Dia.                 yware                     mm
   Roa                        l                          (427 rm)            Support Membar                                        l
                                         m                               }

                     r'I     in                     f                                   ~
                           (S08 rem}         38 in (97 mm) Typ                     l            1                                      1780 men)
                             i                                                              J          2 0 in
                                       "‘fi;fl'&"&“                   (z-:'xon:‘m)                    1703 mm} Typ                   9 1 0312 in
                                                                        ty                                                         Ol4 Hows on
                     oo G0G mm) typ                                                                                                2 P 50 in Dig
              3 in (76 mn) Dig.                                                                                                    Bok Erge
              Support Mamriber                 &                                   Mount Type CS
                                                                                   Sae Mounted at
          Moun Type A                    Mourt Type 6                                                                   Mount Type D
                                         .                                          Sige ol Tower
         Sige Mouried at                Sige Mourned at                                                                 Top Mounted at
          Top ol Towgr                   Skie of Tower                       Mount Type CS                               Top ol Tower
                                                                    Has Brecket at Top and Borom of
                                                                      Mount for Agdivonel Support

HMD Series Antennas
Elevation Patterns




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                                                                        BégEE Ergagc: :oR : :
    Relalive Field

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                                                                                                                Angle trom Horirontal, Degrees

                           % a G q +4 0 t $ 3 e j # T o b w
                            A0me                              beve
                                 Angle from horgonts!, Dey#e»

 ANDRIW.                                                         Lostomer Sarvice Caxter — Cali toll—ins Jrosy, + USA. Conade ang Maxicg 1—800—255—1479
Arviseg 801

                                                                                         HMD Series Antennas
                                                                                           Azimuth Patterns

                                                                                               Wide Vertical Cardioid

+ U K 0800250058 + Austraka 1800—000 779 + New ewiand OBOG—441.747   Visi us at wandrgw.cont          '          ANDREV,

                          Listfor Andrew Antennas for Sirius Radio Deployment

     Audrew                                           Power       Input    Nuill      E—Plane        Total         Radome
   Carporation                                        Gain       Power      Fill   Beamwidth(—3      Length Weight BDiam.
    Products          Product Description             (dBiy       (W)      (%)          dB)          (in)   _ (Ibs.)   (isn)
                                                      45 OEGREE ANTENNA
                 45 degresAz.Pattem, 8 Hays,
                 Verkcal Polarization, Standard
                 Beamtit (0.5 deg.}, 2300 —2500
                 MHz Fraq. Band, 50 Otwn, 7/8" EIA               1000 W
HMOSVA4S—ROS—H   Flange, 1.38 :1 Max. VSUAR           18 dBi      (rms)    Nane     7.0 — 7.5 deg.   §7"      50 lbs    8"

                                                      60 DEGREE ANTENNA

                 60 degree Azimuth pattern, 8 Bays,
                 Vertical Polarization, Standard
                 Beamitilt (0.5 deg.), 2300 —2500
                 MHz Freq. Band, 50 Ohn, 7/8" EIA                1000 W
HMOSBVEO—ROS—H   Flange, 1.38 :1 Max. VSWR            17.0 464    (rms)    None     7.0 — T.5 deg.   §7°      40 lbs    5°

                                                      90 DEGREE ANTENNA
                 90 degree Az. Paitern, 8 Days.
                 Vertical Polarzation, Standard
                 Beamtilt (0.5 deg.). 2300 —2500
                 MHz Freq. Band, 50 Ohm, 7/8° EtA                1000 W
HMOSVIO—ROS—H    Flange, 1.38 :1 Max. VSWAR           1648        {ans)}   Aone     7.0 —7.5 deg.    §7°    _ 40 tbs    5*

                               Listfor Andrew Antennasfor Sirius Radio Deployment

                                                            120 DEGREE ANTENNA
                     120 degree Aumuth patiern, 8
                    Bays, Vertical Polarizakon,
                    Standard Deamtilt (0.5 dog.), 2300 —
                    2500 MHz Freq. Band, 50 Otun,
                    7/8° EJA Flange, 1.38 ;1 Max.                      10800 W
HMOSV120—ROS        VSWR                                    15.0¢Bi      (rms)   None   7.0 — 7.5 deg.   5T°    40 tbs

                                                            160 DEGREE ANTENNA
                     1656 degree Azimuth pattern, 8
                     Bays, Vertical Polanzation,
                     Standard Beamtit (0.5 deg.), 2300 —
                    2500 MHz Freq. Band, 50 Ohm,
                     718" EIA Flange, 1.38 :1 Max.                     10600 W
HMOB8V160—RO5—H     VSWR                                    18.0 dBi    (rms)    None   7.0 — 7.5 deg.   57°    40 ibs

                                                            180 DEGREE ANTENNA

                     180 degree Azimuth patteni, 8
                     Bays, Vertical Polargation,
                     Standard Beamtiit (0.5 deg.), 2300 —
                     2500 MHz Freq. Band, 50 Ohm,
                     T8B" E1A Flange, 1.38 :1 Max.                     1000 W
HMDSPV180—RO54H      VSWR                                   14.0 dBi    {rms)    None   7.0 — 7.5 deg    67°    40 tbs
Note: All Ofreciional (Secior) Antennias come with Type °CMaunt
                                                               ONN ANTENNAS
                     Omméi pattem, 8 Bays, Standard
                     Beam#ilt (0.5 deg.), Vertcal .
                     Polaazaton, 2300 —2500 MHz
                     Freq. Band, 50 Ohm, 778° EIA                      1,000 W
HMODSV360ROS—H       Flange, 1.5 :A Max. VSWR               11.5dBi     {ans)    None   7.0 — 1.5 deg.   44*°   50 ibs
Note: Al Omni antennas come with Type ‘A‘ Mount!({or Top installation}

                        "suy1 eabqorouyas; pooswypon (00Z 418ukdoy
                                              Oz 1s3uueL) og!96p     *

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                                                    yoeqg was
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          bosesight Gain: 0.0D
         Front to Back : 29 07 aB
         H. Beamwmch :44.780°                       V. Beantmdth :7.48°
20      deciBe} Planner 2.0
     +. Copyright 2000 Noqiwood Technologles Inc.

    Bosesight Gain: 10.62
    F rord to Back : $9.05 dB
    . Beammath :880.75°                            V. Beamywidth :7.42*
*    deciBel Plannet 2.0
    * Copyright 2000 Nothwood Technologies kinc.

                      3u; seiBojouyoa} poomyton 0002 tuBiidey + ,
                                        _    oz seuue;y (@§P3P

—E¥‘L : \ppnuest ‘A                    .SFZZI C tupynweag ‘H
                                       aP 10 9; : y9eg o war}
                                            z901 ‘wey worarwg

         SORAI:‘-.U Ne asthd. §2.20Y
     ~   Frort to Back : 12.48 d8B
..     deciBel Planner 2.0
*    _ Copyright 2000 Norttweood Technologies Inc.

                                                                     OD Series Omni Antenna
                                                                   For WLAN, Video and Data Systems

                                                           EB 3 dBi, 6 dBi, 9 dBi & 12 dBi antennas
                                                                 provide uniform omni coverage

                                 OD9 Mounted
                                                           KE Unique design allows economical build out
                                 & Reflector Kit
                                                           EB Mounting kit includes all hardware needed

                                                           KE Reflector option provides directional
      OD9, OD12, OD6 Shown                                    beamshaping & increased performance

The OD Series Antennas are optimized for use in a wide               female N connector. Optional models include pigtail cable
variety of wireless systems. Typical uses include WLAN               with connector. For ISM, Part 15 compliant connectors
access points or bridge (802.11), and surveillance                   are available (reverse polarized), please consult factory.

These antennas consist of a collinear array with elements
stacked vertically. Unique phasing cancels out—of—phase
current distribution, improving system performance. This
design maintains an omni pattern in the horizontal plane.
The OD Series are free space antennas; no ground plane
is required.

An option for the OD series is a reflector kit that beam
shapes the omni pattern into a directional cardioid shape.
This can result in improved directional gain, and isolation
for reduced interference.

The low profile black radome (1" diameter) makes the
antennas durable and rugged. They can withstand the
harshest environments of snow, wind, rain and ice. The
feed assembly is made of precision machined aluminum
components and is irridited for weather protection. The
antennas comes with all the hardware needed to install it
to a mast. The OD antennas normally terminate with a

 US Office & Headquarters: 3900—B River Road, Schiller Park, IL 60176 Tel: 800—648—2800 or 847—671—6690 Fax: 847—671—6715
  UK Office: 106 Anglesey Business Park, Hednesford, Staffs. WS12 5NR UK Tel: (+44) 1543—878343 Fax: (+44) 1543—871714
                   Visit our web page at Specifications subject to change without notice (12/2001}.

                                                                        This check is GREEN

WILEY REIN &FIELDING LLP                                                                                                                                    147870
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           Operating Account                                                                                   03/11/2002                     **i*********145,.00

              Pay          One Hundred Forty Five and 00/100 Dollars ONLY

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                                                                            Bank of America, N.A.        ga&“/o/fij                          ;%f;iii           ;
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    REQUEST TO EXTEND STA                                  03/11/2002                                       145.00                        .00                       145.00

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 Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP                                                                                                                                                                                      $145.00
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 Washington                                                                                                                                                             DC                       20006
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n nuece Latereediat in Uhieate e rvcadidiet© l man ue 9eio meeinaiaiin on belicn ced ueseneArtannaneni ns o0 Otaunt         i on n n i n aetas2l revarapmirs on uinUieon P e ot hoE i c naoneNeeauirnhid ardwcceds EP

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Document Created: 2019-04-23 07:17:41
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 07:17:41

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