Attachment O&A


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB

order and authorization


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20011206-00103 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  Federal Communications Commi                                wa ot—2680

                                               Before the
                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                        Washington, D.C, 20564

In the Mater of
PANAMSAT LICENSEE corp.                                   File Nos. SAT—MOD—20021226—00240
                                                                    SAT—AMD—20040608—001 12
Application for modification of
License for the PAS—9 Satellite                           Call Sign: PAS—9
rANAmisat Licenser corp.                                  File Nos. SAT—STA—2001 1206—00103
                                                                    SAT—STA—20030620—001 16
Applications for Special Temporary
Authority in Connection withthe                           Call Sign: PAS—9
Operations of the PAS—9 Satelite
                                   orper anp autroRrIzATION
        Adopted: August 25, 2004                                          Released: August 26, 2004
By the Chief, Satelite Division, Itermational Bureau
                                          L       Introduction

          1. By this Order, we grant PanAmSat Licensce Corp. (PanAmSat) conditional authority to
  operate the C—band communications payload and Ku—Band" Telemety, Tracking and Command
  (TT&C) stations abourd its satelite, Call Sign PAS—9,"from the 26.15° EL. orbitlocation. Grant of
  this application, as amended, will permit PanAmSat to make maximum us of existing orbital resources
  and satisty customer requirements.
                                           T.    Background
          2.. PAS—9 is a hybrid C/Ku—hand satelltethat began providing service at 58W.L. in October
  1997‘ The failure ofa cellin PAS—9‘s battery system rendered the satelteincapable of providing the
  full range of services required at 58W.L.. Consequently, PanAmSat was authorized to launch and
  operate a replacement satelit, PAS—23, at that location * Following the initation of service by PAS—
  23, PanAmSatfiled and was granted a seriesof requests for special temporary authority (STA), fistto

* As used i his Order and Authorzation, °C—Band" refersto the 5025—6425 MHz (uplnk) and 37001200 Mitz
(downlinl,frequency bands. The term "Ku—Band" rfers o frequencies in the 10—14 GHe rang. This authorzation
is imited t specifc Ku—Band frequencies. See¥7, info.
* Panamsat      curenty   refers to    the satellte. by     the   commersial   name of PASS           See
Aitps/nni panazmsatcomglohalnenvorkpolor_chartup. in this Order and Authorization, we will efer to the
stete y ts CallSign, PAS—9.
* PandnSat Corp,. Orde and Auborization, 13 FCC Red 4743 (1997)
°* PandmSat Corp. Ordeand Authoriztion,15 FCC Red 11747 (2000)

                                 Federal Communications Commission                             ba a4—2es0

  relocate PAS—9 to the155.5° W.L. orbitallocation," then to relocate PAS—9 to 58.1° W.L. where it would
  serve as an i—orbit spare pending further reassignment"On July 11, 2002, PanAmSat fled a request for
  STA to relocate PASfrom 58.1° WL. to 26.15° EL, where it would provide backup and
  supplemental capacity for the Arab Satelte Communications Organization‘s (Arabsat)Arabsat 2A
  satellte."   This request was not granted initally, but was followed by two requests —— first to move
  PAS—) from 58.1° W.L. to 45.15° W.L* and then to 26.15° E.L."—which were granted. The July 11
  STA request was subsequently granted to permit operations at26.15° E.L.°
          3.. PanAmSat then fild the instant request for modification of is icense to permit PAS—9 to
  operate at the 26.15° EL. orbit location."" Although the PAS—9 is incapable of providing the full range
  ofservices required at 58.1° W.L., PanAmSat statesthat PAS—9 still has many years ostation—kept life
  remaining and stll can provide useful services." PanAmSat also states that it has entered into an
  agreement to lease all of the C:—band transponders on the satllte to Arabsat for us at 26.15° EL.
  PanAmSat stats that the PAS—9 satellite will essentilly be co—located with Arabsat 2A located at26°
  EL., with 0.15 degrees of separation to facliate sation—keeping."" On December 5, 2003, Panamsat
  submitted a copy of its agreement with Arabsat, subject to a request for confidential treatment." On
  June 8, 2004, PanAmSat amended ts application to change the proposed pointing ofthe PAS—9 C:band
  and TT&C beams in order to meet customer requirements more effectively.
                                            IML,    Discussion
          4. We find thatthe publicinterest will be served by permiting PanAmSat to operate PAS—9 at
  the 26.15° E.L. orbitlocation, subject to conditions._Although PAS—9 carnot provide the full range of
  services required at other orbial locations, use of this sateliteat the 26.15° EL. orbit location will
  permit PanAmSat to make use of a satellite tat had been serving as an in—orbit spare because of its
* Granted by Leter from Thomas S. Tyez. Chicf Stelite Division,to Joseph Godles, Esg, counselfor PanXmat
(Jine 8, 2001) (File No. SAT—STA—20010226—00014), See aso File No. SAT—STA—20011206—00103 (requesting
mutbority to continie opertions at the 1555" W.L. orbtallocation47 CER. § 162. With respect to File No:
SAT—STA—20011206—00103, we are taking the minstrialaction of granting therequest, with an expiration date of
June 18, 2002, by this Order and Authoriation
* See File No. SAT—STA—20020605—00083 (ranted June 18,2002, withanexpiration date ofSeptember 17, 2002)
" See File No. SAT—STA—20020711—00099 (Jaly 11 STA requesd
* See PanAmSat RequestforSpecial Temporary Authoriy, Fle No: SAT—STA—20020808—00123, grnted August
 15, 2002,with n expiration date ofSeptember 16, 2004.
* See PanimSat Request for Special Temporiry Authoriy, File No: SAT—STA—20021002:00180, granted
Novemmber 21,2002, epirationdateJanuary 21,2003.
° Granted December 27, 2002, with an expintion date of June 27, 2003..   See also File No. 20030620—00116
(requesting authoriyto continue operations at the 26.15° EL. orbial location}47 CR § 1.62. Withrespect to
File No, 20030620—00116, we aretaking the miniserialaction of granting the request, with an expition date of
August 26, 2004
"‘PanAmSat‘sappliation was placed on publinotice on Auust 18, 2003, Report No. SAT:—00160,as corrected by
Report No. SAT—00161 (August22, 2003). No commens were received.
" Febnary 11, 2002 STA.p.
® 24 up .2
" Leter from Joseph A. Godles, Counsefor PanAmSat,to MarlenDontch, Secretry, FCC

                                  Federal Communications Commission                               pa 04—2680
  technical limitations.
            5. We do not believe that PanAmSat‘s use will cause unaeceptable interference to adjacent
  satelltes. According to PanAmSat, the government of Saudi Arabia, asthe coordinatingadminisration
  for the Arabsat system, has already coordinated use of C:band frequencies that are consistent with
  PanAmSat‘s operations at 26.15° EL. .             In addition, PanAmSat states that it has completed
  coordination of TT&C frequencies with all satelite operators within five degrees of the 26.15° EL.
  orbit location."" We also note that PanAmSat ialready providing the requested service pursuant to a
  grant of STA without any complaints oharmfalinterference t adjacent satelte providers.
          6..   Given the arangements between PanAmSat and Arabsat, and the fact that PAS—9 will
  operate at a location at which the United States has not submitted any relevant Intermational
  Telecommunication Union (FTU) flings, a brief discussion concerning the regulatory status of the
  operations of the PAS—9 satelitis in order. This authorization is ssued on a non—harmful interference
  basis, Le. Panamsat may neither cause harmful interference to nor claim interference protection from
  other lawfully operating sations." This authorization is issued on the understanding that, pursuant to
  PanAmSat‘s agreement with Arabsat, operations of the PAS® satelite will be consistent with
  parameters agreed to in coordination agreements between the Administration of Saudi Ambia and other
  Administrations. We consider the responsiblity for both compliance with and enforcing compliance
  with those agreements, howeer,to be a matter which would arise under private law.. PanAmSat shail
  maintain full control over the operation of the PAS—9—satelite and the United States remains the
  Hicensing administation ofthe PAS—9 satelite for purposes of ITU Radio Regulation 18.1." Further,
  with respect to its filings with the ITU for the 26° EL. orbitallocation, the Administration of Saudi
  Arabia is not acting pursuant to Article 9 of the Radio Regulations on behalf of the United States
  Administration.®" The issuance ofthis uthorization should not be construcd as in any way           indicatinga
  view as to the status of any TTU filngs atthe 26° E.L. orbital location, or adjacent locations, oof any
  coordination agreements concerming those locations.
                                            IV.—   Ordering Clauses
"* PanAmSat Modification Application, p3.
" See TTU Radio Regulations, Aricle 44
"* ITU Radio Regulation 18.1 states that"fnlo transmitingstation may beestablished or operted bya private
personor byany entrprise wthouta enseissued in an appropriateform and n confarmity with he provsions of
these Regulations by oron behalf o th government ofthcounty to whichthesationin quetion i subjec.."
We alsonote thtth agreementbetween PanAmSat and Arabsatreferences an authorztionissued by Saudi Arbia
as thelcensing adininstation ofthe Arabsat satelite sytem. We conclude thatthatauthorization is not an
muthorzationforthe PAS—9 satlite, and that anyreference in the agreement between PanAmSatand Arbsatto
Arabsat‘sranspondecapaciy does not have theffec f ncluding the PAS—9 satlite as par ofthe Ardbsot
sutelit network. Seee—mailfom Nashaat M. Waheeb, Directr,Satlite Control Network, Aribst, ile No. SAT—
MOD:20021226—00240(*This is t nform you that Saudi Arabia, bing thenotifying adininstation for
ARABSAThaslcensed ARABSAT to aperat ts systems‘steftesat 26° EL. Saudi Ambin has not, however,
hiensed PanAmSats opertion ofPAS—5 at 26.15°EL., which werecogniz is govermed by the authorization
provided bythe US. Federal Communications Commisson.") Nothingin PanAmSat‘s agreementwith Arabst or in
anylcense gratedt Arsbsatshallbe construed as incorporating PAS—9ito the Arbsatstelite system, or
subjecting PAS—9 o thlcensing authority ofany administrtion other than the United Stres
® Aricle 9 ofthe TV Radio Regulations outines the proceduresfor efeting coortiation of sitelite networks,
and permits one administationt act on betalf ofa group of named administations. See TTU Radio Regulations

                                                         ns Commission                       ba o4—26s0

           7. Accordingly, TT 18 ORDERED that application File No. SAT—MOD—20021226—00052, as
  amended by File No. SAT—AMD—20040608—00112, IS GRANTED and PanAmSat Licensee Corp:‘s
  Hicense to operate the PAS—9 satellte 18 MODIEIED to specify operations at the 26.15 EL. orbitl
  location untl January 2, 2007, and PanAmSatis authorized:
        a.) to operate the PAS—9 satellite atthe 26.15° E.L. orbital location using the satellite‘s C—
        band frequencies (5025—6425 MHz, 3700—4200 MHz).

        b.) to operate the following Ku—band frequencies and polarizations for its Tracking,
        Telemetry and Command functions: Command—14498.0 MHz, horizontal (on—station
        and omni bicone), 13999 MHz, right hand circular (pipe); Telemetry—11451 MHz,
        horizontal (on:station),1 1452 MHz, horizontal (on—station),11451 MHz, vertical (omni),
        11452 MHz vertical (omni), 11451 MH, right hand circular (pipe) and 11452 MHz right
        hand circular (pipe).
          8. TT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that PanAmSar‘s operations shall be on a non—harmful
  interference basis, ., PanAmSat shall not cause harmful interference t, and shall not claim protection
  rom interference caused to it by, any other lawfully operatingsatelites.
          9.   1T IS FURTHER ORDERED, that in the event of any harmfulinteference as a result of
  PanAmSat‘s:operations at the 26.15° EL. orbital location, PanAmSat. shall cease operations
  immediately upon notifeation of such interference and shall nform the FCC in witing immediately of
  such an event.
          10. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that PanAmSat shall inform its customers that operations at
  the 26,15° EL. orbital location are on a non—harmful intrference basisand that PanAmSat must cease
  operations upon notification of such interference.
         11. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that PanAmSat shall maintain fll operational control ofthe
  PAS—9 satelite atall times.
          12. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that PanAmSat shall prepare and submit to the Federal
  Communications Commission, within fileen days following release of this Order, materials for
  submission to the ITU, parsuant to Article $4 of the Radio Regulations,"" in connection with the
  operations of the PAS—9 spacecraftatthe 26.15° EL. orbital location.
          13. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED, that PanAmSar‘s request for Special Temporary Authority,
  File No. SAT—STA—20011206—00103, 18 GRANTED, withan expiration date of June 18, 2002.

           14. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that PanAmSar‘s request for Special Temporary Authority,
  File No. 20030620—001 16, 18 GRANTED, with an expirationdate of August 26, 2004.
         15. TT 18 FURTHER ORDERED, that PanAmSat shall not operate the non—TT&C portion of
  PAS—9‘s Ku—band payload while operating PAS—9 at the 26.15° E.L. orbit location.

    Aticle 84 of the Radio Regulations provides for recording of a fequency assignment in the ITU Master
Interational Frequency Register, forinformational parposes, upon a satement bythe tiing administationthat
the assignment will boperated in accordance wth Radio Regulaon 44, concerning operation on a nor—hamnful

                               Federal Communications Commission                           DA ot—2680

        16. IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that in connection with the provision of service in any
particular country, PanAmSat is obliged to comply with the applicable laws, regulations, rules,and
licensing procedures of that country.
         17. PanAmSat is afforded thirty days from the date of release ofthis grant and authorization to
decline this authorization as conditioned. Failure to respond within this period will constiute formal
acceptance ofthauthorization as conditioned.
        18. This authorization is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on
delegated authority, 47 C.FR. § 0.261 and is effective upon release. Petitions for reconsideration under
Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115, 47 C.FR. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed
within 30 days of thedate of the public notice indicating that this action was taken

                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                        Thomas S. Tyer
                                        Chief, Stelite Division
                                        International Bureau

Document Created: 2004-09-25 17:09:37
Document Modified: 2004-09-25 17:09:37

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