Attachment 2002Sirius-update in

2002Sirius-update in

REQUEST submitted by Sirius



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010724-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


         Satellite Radio

        Sirius Satellite Radio        July 16, 2002
1221 Avenue of the Americas
        New York, NY 10020
            tel 212 584 5100
            fax 212 584 5200

                                      Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
                                                                                            JUL 1 6 2002
                                      Secretary          2             2o           FEDERAL Communications commission
                                      Federal Communications Commussion                    OFFICE OF ThE sECRETARY
                                      236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
                                      Suite 110
                                      Washington, DC 20002

                                      Re:    Request to Modify Special Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite
                                             DARS Terrestrial Repeaters; Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. Application for
                                             Special Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite Digital Audio Radio
                                             Service Complementary Terrestrial Repeaters, File No. SAT—STA—

                                      Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                               Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. ("Sirius") hereby updates certain information
                                      provided to the Commission in a letter dated June 14, 2002, which requests that the
                                      Commission modify Sirius‘ special temporary authority ("STA") to operate certain
                                      of its satellite DARS terrestrial repeaters. In that letter, Sirius informed the FCC
                                      that it had contacted each entity holding a WCS license covering a market in which
                                      Sirius seeks to modify its STA to operate a terrestrial repeater. Sirius also noted
                                      that it had not received a substantive response to this notification from, among
                                      others, Verizon Laboratories. Sirius writes to advise the Commission that Verizon
                                      Laboratories actually notified Sirius that it had no objections to grant of Sirius‘
                                      request to modify its STA on June 12, 2002.

                                             If there are any questions about this submission, please contact the
                                      undersigned at 212.584.5210.

                                                                              Plect. %i,u'/%kuu/m
                                                                              Robert D. Briskman
                                                                              Technical Executive
                                                                              Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.

                                      ce :   Donald Abelson
                                             Ron Repasi

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
July 16, 2002
Page 2

       Chris Murphy
       Jennifer Gilsenan
       Rosalee Chiara
       Rockie Patterson
       Rosalee Chiara
       Stephen Duall
       Donald C. Brittingham, Verizon Laboratories

Document Created: 2019-04-08 19:41:18
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 19:41:18

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