Attachment reply comments

reply comments

REPLY TO COMMENTS submitted by Verizon Wireless

reply comments


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010724-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           Before The                               RECE'VED
                                   Washington, D.C. 20584                             AUG 3 0 200;
                                                                                rom mumoroe
In the Matter of                                  )       1B DocketNo.95—91
XM Radio, Inc. Request for Special                )       File No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063
Temporary Authority                               )
Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. Request for          )       File No:SAT—STA—20010724:00064
Special Temporary Authority                       j



        Verizon Wireless hereby repliesto comments filed with the Commission in
response to applications for Special Temporary Authority ("STA")filed by XM Radio
Inc. (XM) and Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.(‘Siius") (the *Applications")." The
Applications seek authority to operate high—power (above 2kW EIRP) terrestrial repeaters
in the Digital Audio Radio Service ("DARS"). Verizon Wireless is opposed to the grant
of the Applications. First,they fail o satisfy the relevant legal standard for an STA.
Second, the proposed operations would severely impair Verizon Wireless® planned use of
the adjacent Wireless Communications Service ("WCS") band for emerging broadband
wireless access (*BWA") services." The Applications for STA should both be denied.

‘ XM Requestfor STA, Fil No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063 (iledJuly 12, 2001) @XM STA"Y;Sirus
Requestfor STA,File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064 (Red July 24, 2001)(‘Srus STA")
* Verizon Wireless (biddingas PCSCO Parmership)paid S1.6 million for the A block WCS Hcenses in the
Baston (MEON), New York (MEO2), Butalo (MEO3), PhiladeJphi (MBO4), Washington (MEOS),
Richmond (MEOG) Pitsburgh (ME12), and Cincimati (ME3) Major Economic Areas

       A.      The STA Applications Fail To Make The Required Legal Showing,
              —And Should Be Denied.
       Congress established the legal standard by which the Commission must evaluate
STA applications. Section 309(f) ofthe Communication Act of 1934, as amended ("the
Act"), mandates that the Commission find that there are extrordinary circumstances
requiring temporary operations in the public interest and that delayin the institution of

such temporary operations would seriously prejudice the public interest."". Further,

"grant [of] a temporary authorization, [must be} accompanied by a statement ofits
reasons therefor...."" Such a finding, to avoid being arbitrary and capricious, must be
well reasoned and based on evidence in the record.
       The Commission codified Section 309(f) in Section 25.120 ofts rules." The rule
requires that applicants demonstrate that "circumstances requiring immediate or
temporary use of facilitis" exist.® Purther, the application must contain "the full
particulars ofthe proposed operation including all facts sufficient t justify the temporary
authority sought and the public interest therein.*" The rule clarifies that only "upon a
finding that there are extraordinary circumstances requiring temporary operations in the
public interest and that delay" *would seriously prejudice the public interest"* will the
Commission grant an STA. The rule specifically states thatits finding of extraordinary

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circumstances cannot be based on "convenience to the applicant, such as marketing

msidm\iong of meeting scheduled customer in—service dates.""
        As the initial comments demonstrate, here is no plausible basis for granting STAs
to XM or Sirius.!* Neither comes close to mesting the legal standard. XM and Sirius do
not describe the "full particulars" of their proposed terrestrialrepeater operations. While
both applicants indicate that they intend to deploy low—power terrestrial repeaters
operating below 2kW, neither has provided any information regarding these repeaters.""

As AT&T Wireless notes, the Commission‘s rules do not permit the blanket authorization
ofany terrestrial repeaters regardless ofpower levels."" Since any STA issued to XM or
Sirius will obligate them to operate on a non—interference basis, WCS and other affected
Hicensees must know the location and operational characteristics ofall proposed repeater
deployments so that they can adequately assess how these repeaters will impact their
existing and planned operations.
        XM and Sirius full o show that there are "extraordinary circumstances" present
that would require grant ofthe Applications. In fact,neither Application makes any
mention of "extraordinary circumstances".. Instead, the Applications make unsupported
statements that grants would be in the "public interest." The current circumstances are
anything but extrmordinary, First,as XM and Sirius acknowledge in their Applications,
there is a pending rulemaking in which the Commission is considering rules governing

"* See Comments of Mtricom, In. filein esponse to XM and Sirus STAs (*Mervicom Comments")
(Bled Aupust21,2001) at see Comments of AT&T Wireless Services, In., Aled n response to XM and
Sirs STAs (CAT&T Comment‘) (Rled August 21,2001) t 2; see Comments ofBellSouth Corportion,
filed in responseto XM and Sirus STAs (‘BellSouth Commen") (Rled August 21,2001) at
"‘ XM STA atp.2, n 4; Sirs STA atp.3, n. 9.

the use of satellite DARS terrestrial repeaters."" XM and Sitius failto show why that

rulemaking is not the proper proceeding to address their use ofterrestrial repeaters and

the technical requirements for such use. Their STA requests are an obvious attempt to

circumvent the rulemaking.

        Second, the circumstances XM and Sirius find themselves subject to are of their

own making. Specifically, XM states thatit "has been operating repeaters in these
markets for several months pursuant to its nationwide experimental license and now

seeks to use its repeaters to provide service to consumers.""" Sirius has been operating
itsterrestrial repeaters since October 14, 1999 pursuant to an experimental license.""
Now, XM and Sirius want to parlaythat experimental authority into commercial use.
However,they fail to cite any Commission precedent that would support grants ofthese
Applications in light of the factthat they have constructed facilities pursuantto

experimental authorizations without regard for the ultimate resolution of the pending

rulemaking. The FCC has previously wamed against just such attempts "to establish
commercial businesses under the guise of experimental licenses.""* It should not allow
XM and Sirius to do so here. As AT&T notes, grant ofthe STAs could have "a more

widespread impact on the integrity and enforcement of the Commission‘s rules if it is

" AT&T Comments at d
* in the Matter ofEstablshment ofRules and Policiesfor the Digizel Audio SeteiteService in te 2310—
2360 MHs Frequency Band, 12 FCC Red 5754S610—5812 (1997) (Report and Order Memorandum
Opinionand Order and Further Noticeaf Proposed Rulemaking) (‘DARS Proceeding").
" xn Staal
® Sinus STA ar2.
" Amendment ofPart $ ofthe Commission‘s Rulesto Revise the ExperimentalRadio Service Regulations,
11 rco Red. 20130, 20136 (1990)

viewed as a ratification of an abuse of the Commission‘s experimental authorization

        Further, XM makes a conclusory statement that "[gJrant of this STA will serve the
public interest by ensuring that the public enjoys the full benefit of DARS at the earliest
possible date."" Similarly, Sirius states that a grant *would serve the public interest by

allowing Sirius imminently to initiate uniformly high quality commercial satellite DARS
programming nationwide.""" As noted above, both the Act and the Commission‘s STA
rule state that the Commission must find that "extraordinary circumstances" require
temporary operations in the public interest and that delayofthe temporary operations
would seriously prejudice the public interest. XM and Sirius "rest their claims of
‘extreordinary circumstances‘ on their desire to market and provide services to customers
sooner rather than later.""" However, the Commission‘s rules explicily identify
"marketing considerations"as a circumstance that is insufficient to justify an STA.*"

Apart from these "marketing considerations,"neither Application provides any additional
factual basis upon which the Commission could find that temporary operations pursuant
to STAs are in the public interest and furtherthat delay of the STAs would seriously
prejudice the public interest.

" AT&T Comment at .
" xn STAm2.
* Sins STA at 1.
* BellSouth Commentsat 13.
3 47 CR §2512000). seealsoIn the Matter ofApplications ofCOMSAT Corporation, Order, 13 ECC
Red 319 (ntemational Bureau denied anapplication for STA whereapplicant argued that robust consumer
demand, oupled withadvers effct ofapplican‘s iabilty to marketservices constituted emergency—like
circurstancessatsfied requirement ofdemonstrting"extraordinary cicumstances.") 1 2,7.

        XM and Siius bear the burden of demonstrating whya grant ofthe Applications
is warranted. However, they have failed to provide the "full particulars" of their
proposed repeater networks, failed to demonstrate the "extraordinary circumstances" that
would justify an STA, and failed to demonstrate how a delay in the institution ofthese
operations would "seriously prejudicethe publi interest." Accordingly, the Commission
must deny the Applications for STA.
        B.      The Use OF DARS Terrestrial Repeaters Will Cause Harmful
                Interference To WCS Operations.

        There is clear evidence in the record that the proposed deployments of terrestrial
repeaters operating in the 2320—2345 MHz DARS band will severely impair the use of the
adjacent 2305—2320 MHz and 2345—2360 MHz WCS bands by creating large exclusion
zones within which WCS operators will be effectively precluded from providing
service."" These exclusion zones are the result of two primary sources of interference —

blanketing interference and intermodulation distortion.
        Blanketing Interference. This type of interference, sometimes referred to as
"brute force overload", occurs when a very high power signal in one band overshelms
Jower power signals in nearby bands, overloading the front end ofthe radio receivers in
those bands. This phenomenon is well recognized, and the harmful effects of blanketing
interference that would result rom the use ofhigh power DARS terrestrial repeaters has
been clearly demonstrated in the DARS proceeding.""

* AT&T Comments, Artichment B; BellSouth Comment, Atachment B.
®: Seegenerall Comments ofBellSouth Corporatio, (Med Feb, 22, 2000), in responseto Supplemental
Comments ofXM RadioInc. and Srius Satelite Radio, DARS Proceedin, 1B Docket No95—91; see
generaly Ex Pat Preseniation oAT&T Wircless Services, Ic, DARS Proceeding (Red Feb. 20, 2001).

        The objections raised in the comments to the Applications should, therefore, come
as no surpriseto the applicants or to the Commission. The analyses submitted by various
commentators clearly show that the operation of high—power terrestrial repeaters as
proposed by XM and Sirius will create large exclusion zones that will effectively
preclude the provision of WCS."" In fact, the analysis submitted by BellSouth concludes
that the effects of blanketing interference are significant even when DARS terrestrial

repeaters are limited to 2 KW power levels.""

        Intermodulation Distortion. XM and Sitius intend to use spectrum in the
2324,25—2328.25 MHz and 2336.75—2340.75 MHz bands to deploy terrestrial repenters.""
The frequency spacing between these two bands is such that the 3" order intermodulation

products of the two repeater signals will land directly in the WCS band.2" This produces
intermodulation distortion at the WCS receiver that would result in exclusion zones that
are potentially much greater than those resulting from blanketing interference."" As a

result, WCS operations will be restrcted in any market where both XM and Sitius deploy
terrestrialrepeaters."". BellSouth notes that "the potential for intermodulation distortion

from nearby DARS repeaters is tremendous" and that "this condition would apply to any
DARS repeaters, whether they are high power or micro—repeaters [less than 2 kW}."@°

* AT&T Comments, Atachment B; BellSouth Comments, Atachment B.
* BellSouth Comments, Atachment A,4.
* See Agreement Benveen the Government ofh Unied States ofAmerica and the Government ofthe
United Mexican States Concerning the Use ofthe 2310—2360 Mz Band, (uly 24, 2000), t Appendix 1.
"" See Comments of BeamiReach Networks,In., filed in response to XM and Sirius STAs (‘BeamReach
Comment") (iled August21, 2001), at 5; BelSouth Commens, Artachment C,at10.
" ReamReach Commentsat9
" Mas
* BellSouth Comments, Atachment C t 9.

        Interference Analysis. Verizon Wireless has conducted ts own assessment of the
potential for blanketing interference and intermodulation distortion that would result from
the operation ofDARS terrestrial repeaters. This analysis, included in the attached
Appendix, was performed in conjunction with BeamReach Networks, Inc. — a company
that has developed spectrally efficient Adaptive Mutibeam OFDM wireless technology
for the provision of BWA services in the WCS band.""
        The analysis clearly demonstrates that the deployment ofhigh—power DARS
terrestrial repeaters, as proposed by XM and Sirius, would result in significant harmful
interference to WCS operations. Using the Atlanta market as an example, the analysis
concludes that 29.6% ofthe market would be exeluded due to blanketing interference and
51.7% ofthe market would be excluded due to intermodulation distortion. The size of
these exclusion zones would effectively preclude the offering of WCS in Atlanta.
        The analysis also demonstrates conclusively that the deployment of DARS
terrestrial repeaters at power levels in excess of 2 KW is likely to create similarly large
exclusion zones in other areas, and thus, preclude the offering of WCS in any market in
which such repeaters are deployed. Moreover, the analysis demonstrates that the number
ofterrestrialrepeaters deployed will impact the size of the exclusion zone even if the
power levels of such repeaters are limited to 2 kW. For example, Case 2 in Table 1—1
illustrates how the exclusion zone resulting from intermodulation distortion would
increase from 2.2% to 33.7% if the spacing between 2kW terrestrial repeaters were
decreased from 8 km to 4 km. Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that the

* Verizon Wirless is consideringthe deployment of BearReach equipment i ts WCS markets, and has
planned a technicalra for thefist quantr of2002

potential for DARS terrestrial repeaters to cause harmful interference to WCS operations

is affected by both the power levels of the repeaters and the number of repeaters deployed
in each market.

        BeamReach has examined the technical feasibility and incremental costs
associated with the use ofhigh—Q filters in the BWA receiver front—end to attenuate
DARS emissions. Its analysis concludes that the cost ofincorporating such fiters into
the CPE would be uneconomical. Moreover,it would be "insufficient to allow unlimited
deployment of high—power repeaters and would therefore require considerable
coordination efforts between WCS licensees and DARS operators."""

        C       The Commission Must Impose Limits On The Deployment Of DARS
                Terrestrial Repenters.
        Verizon Wireless and other WCS licensees purchased their licenses with the
intent ofproviding service to the public. Bringing a newwireless service to the public
requires muliple stages of development including network design, testing, and
construction. Each stage of development requires a substantial investment of ime and
financialresources. A key consideration in the decision to make any investments in
WCS (or any other wireless service)is the certainty that the licensee will be protected
from harmfulinterference. The Applications, if granted, will cause harmful interference
to existing and future WCS operations and effectively preclude the offering ofbroadband
wireless services in the WCS band.""

"" DARS Terrestrial Repeater Analysi, discussed infro, Appendi, t 5 ee also Ex Pare Communications
ofBeamiReach Networks,Inc., DARS Proceeding (Rled May 30, 2001) at3—6.
®.See Oppositonto STA Request of WorldCom, Ic. filed n responseto XM and Siris STAs
(*WorldCom Oppositon‘) (Rled August 21, 2001) at2; AT&T Commens at 7.


        ‘The Commission can avoid this undesirable outcome by establishing appropriate

Hinie for the deplopment ofDARS tevestie! repesters in the pending rulemaking
proceeding. The Commission routinely has adopted rules to limit the potential for
harmful interference from one service to another."" It should do so here.
        We urge the Commission to adopt rules that would limit the power levels of all
DARS terrestrial repeaters to 400 W/MHz (for a maximum of 2kW over a 5 MHz
bandwidth). However, we do not agree with other WCS licensees that XM and Sitius
should be permitted to deploy "as many terrestrial DARS repeaters operating at power
levels up to 400 W/MHz as are necessry"."" As our analysis indicates, the deployment
of a large number of2kW repeaters will also resultin significant blanketing interference.
Thus, we also recommend the adoption offeld strength contours that would minimize
the potential for large signal blockage caused by DARS repeaters. A practical imit
would be —45dBm, in a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz, for no more than 2% of the

population at a reference height of25 feet in each coverage area
        The Commission should also adopt rules that require XM and Sirius to coordinate

their terrestrial repeater deployments with each other to ensure that the overlapping field
strength contours do not result in excessive intermodulation distortion, and thus, create

large exclusion zones for WCS. We recommend the coordination offeld strength
contours at 50 dBmy—80 dBm (or viceversa), 60 dBm—60 dBm, and —40dBmy—100 dBm

(or viceversa) at a reference height of25 feet.

* See 47 CFR. §§22.393, 73.73,318, and 73.685(d). Seealso Amendnent ofPor 73 ofthe
Conmmission‘s Ruls o More Effctmely Resolve Broadcast Blonketing Intarference, 11 FCC Red. 4750
(1996)(rending NPRM).
* mellSouth Comment at 32



       Verizon Wireless urges the Commission to prompily deny the Applications
because they failto satisfy the relevant legal standard for an STA and would effectively
preclude the offering ofbroadband wireless services in the WCS band.. We also urge the
Commission to quickly conclude its DARS Proceeding by adopting the power limits and
other requirements described herein.
                                            Respectfully submitted,
                                             VERIZON WIRELESS

                                            ay_ 4e&—\ $@Kz
                                                    John T. Scott, 1
                                                    Vice President and Deputy
                                                    General Counsel — Regulatory Law
                                                    Donald C. Brittingham
                                                    Michael P. Samsock
                                                    Verizon Wireless
                                                    1300 I Street, N.W., Suite 400W
                                                    Washington, DC 20008
                                                    (202) 589—3740

Dated: August 30, 2001

cxnom                                                     DARS Terrestrial Repester Analysie

                DARS Terrestrial Repeater Analysis
This report documents two independent analyses of blocking and intermodulation
distortion (IMD) overload due to the proposed operation ofterrestrial repeaters in the 2.3
GHz Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) band. The first is a generic analysis ofa
typical urban/suburban coverage area. Within the coverage area, broadband wireless
access (BWA) systems, deployed in the Wireless Communications Service (WCS) band,
attempt to operate in the presence ofhigh power (greater than 2 kW at 5 MHz) terrestrial
DARS repeaters. A significant number of houscholds were excluded from coverage due
to blocking and IMD overload.
In the second analysis,trepeater networks proposed by XM and Sirius in the city of
Atlanta were analyzed using a terrain—based propagation tool. Once again, a significant
number of houscholds were excluded from coverage due to blocking and IMD overioad.
Generic Analysis of Blocking and IMD Overload of BWA
Systems Due to DARS Terrestrial Repeater Operation

This section analyzes potentialblocking and IMD overload to fixed, BWA systems
operating in the same geographical region as terrestril repeaters proposed by XM and
Sirius. This analysis assumes generic parameters emulating those of the XM and Sitius
repeaters. The parameters of the BeamReach BWA customer premise equipment (CPE)
were used for the victim receiver parameters.
Two cellularized networks were analyzed, one with XM repeaters and the other with
Sirius repeaters. Each has the following characteristics:
   * Each system uses a cellularized layout ofradius R using hexagonalcells.
   * The area of each cell is 2.6R accounting for the hexagonal area ofthe cell.
   * The radius is settable, with a nominal radius of 8 km emulating the Boston and
     Atlanta repeater layouts. 4 km cells were also analyzed.
   * Each system uses an average transmitter height of 60 m emulating the Boston
     deployment, and 120 m emulating the Atlanta deployment.
   *    No additional transmitter height due toterrain was used, though this may be
   *    Repeater EIRP was settable, and was evaluated at 2kW, 10 kW, and 20 kW.

* XM Requesfor ST4, File No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063 (Rled July 12, 2001) (XM STA"; Sirus
Requestfor STA, File No. SAT—STA2001—0724—00064 (Rled July 24, 2001) "Sirls STAY).

cesom                                                         DARS Terrestiat Repeat      Anatysis

    * The antenna pattems of the repeaters were omni—directional
    * The XM and Sirius repeaters were spacing R km apart. The cell centers of one
      network were coincident with the cell vertices (hexagonal grid) ofthe other

    *   CPE were uniformly distributed within each cell
    * On average, each CPE is in close proximity to two repeaters per repeater cell, the
        XM repeater and the Sitius repeater. Each contributes to blocking, and each
        jointly contributes to IMD (additional repeater power from more distance
        repeaters is also significant).
The following propagation model was used:
    * Propagation Model, Hata with COST 231 extension, suburban model
    * CPE antenna height 6 m, the reference height
    + BTS antenna height 30 m
    * Repeater antenna height 60 m emulating the Boston deployment, and 120 m
        emulating the Atlanta deployment
    + Log normal shadowing parameter, 8 dB standard deviation. Note that Ricean or
      Rayleigh fading was ignored. The impact ofthis type of fading is to increase
      slightly the exclusion zone margin, due to the composite Rayleigh/lognormal
      distribution for the mean receiver power levels.
    * 90% confidence exclusion zone"
The following receiver characteristics were used for the CPE:

    * Pre—sclection filtering, 55 MHz passband, passes the A, B and CD bands
    * TDD operation
    * 1.25 MHz processing and IF bandwidth
    * 5 dB noise figure
The following 3" order non—linearity model was used for the CPE:
    + 2P4 + P; — 21P3 = Acceptable IMD Noise Floor (IMDys)
    + Po, P;are the power levels due to repeaters 0 and 1 respectively.
    * IMDiylevel set for an increase in the operational noise floor by 1 dB.
* A 90% confidenceleveis typially used in mobile communications. n broadband fixed wirelss,
confidence exclusion zones may exceed 95%, which would increasethsize ofhe exclusion zones.

cenom                                                           DARS Terrestrial Repester Anatysis

    + MDy=—113.9 dBm
The following large signal—blocking model was used for the CPE:
    * Blocking signal level=—31 dBm conducted for COFDM signals with 10 dB peak
      to averageratio (filtered COFDM running at —3 dB backo!)
    * NFloormcawlevel set for an increase in the operational noise floor by 1 dB
    * NFloOmeawg =—13.9 dBm
The following antena characteristies were used for the CPE:
    * 18 dBi gain
    * Vertical polarization
    * 36 degree beamwidth, sidelobe to sidelobe level
    + —13 dB sidelobe level,—10 dB sidelobe level after installation w/ coupling and
      local multipath.
    + Antennas arbitrarly pointed with respect to the repeaters, uniformly distributed in
    + Pointed with 0 degrees up tilat the serving base station.
Exclusion zones were computed for each repeater for the following repeater induced
    * Large signal blocking
    * Spurious Emission meeting 75 dB + 10log(P) emission mask
    * IMD blocking
Results for Blocking and IMD Limiting

Five analytic cases were computed, each determining an exclusion zone centered on each
repeater due to blocking or IMD limiting*. The percentage of CPE excluded could then
be computed. Table 1—1 summarizes the results. Four columns are shown in Table 1—1.
The antenna coupling mechanism is listed in the second column. The third and fourth
columns tabulate the percentage of CPE excluded by either blocking or IMD limiting. In
these columns, separate numbers are given for ither sidelobe coupling or mainbeam

* A more rigorous anlysisfo IMD limiting would require usof th probsbilty densit function of the 3"
ordenon—linearity outputterm, 274 + P,—2IP..This wouldlead to larger exclusion zones than the ones
preseted withth simpliied approach used in this paper

    oxsom                                                   DARS Terrestriat Repester Anabyis

    coupling. For the IMD limiting case, mainbeam coupling means that the stronger signal
    couples via the mainbeam and the weaker signal couples through the sidelobes. The
    90%/10% blended results are shown in the rows designated "Mainbeamn/SL + Sidelobes"
    and is indicative of the expected level of exclusion for a broadly deployed BWA system.
            Table 1—1     Subscribers Excluded Due to Terrestrial Repeater Operation
                                     Antenna Coupling
|                                 |
    REW, R=S km, Hir—60m         _| Mainbeam/SL= Sidelobes $8%                 $2%
    Hepe=6m                      | Sidelobes Ont           29%                 1.7%
                                 | Mainbeam/SL Only                11.7%       72%
    2KW, R=4 km, Htr60m              Mainbeam/SL Sidelobes 152%                paak
    Hepe=6m                          Sidelobes Only        17%                 152%
                                     Mainbeam/SL Only          |46.8%          100%
    20kW, R=8 km, Hir=60m            Mainbeam/BL + Sidelobes_| 152%            Ba6t
    Hepe=6m                          Sidelobes Only            |11.7%          152%
                                     Mainbeam/SL Onl           |467%           100%
    T0kW, R—§ km, Hr—120m            MainbeamL x Sideiobes_| 195%              Fos%
    Hepe= 6 m                        Sidelobes Ont                 149%        26.0%            |
[                                    Mainbeam/SL Only              64.9%       100%
    7 EW, R=4 km, Htr—60m            MainbeamSL=t Sideiobes_| B4%              eA
    2x more BWA base stations        Sidelobes Only                34%         2.1%
    Hbts=45 m      Hepe=3 m          Mainbeam/SL Only              13.5%       £9%

    Case 1 is characterized by a maximum effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of2kW
    with a moderately high antenna height o60 meters. In this case, an acceptable level of
    blocking and IMD limiting is achieved. In Case 2, the cell radius is reduced to 4km and
    the blocking percentage increases to over 15% and IMD limiting jumps to almost 34% of
    the subscriber base.
    In Case 3, the transmitter power is increased to 20 KWwith the cell radius retumed to
    Skm. This case results in approximately the same performance. The blocking level
    increases to over 15% and the IMD limiting exceeds 33%.
    Case 4 reduces the EIRP to 10 kW and increases the transmitter height to 120 meters.
    This case approximates the proposed Atlanta deployment. The outage percentages
    increase further as shown. Cases 2,3, and 4 present unaceeptable business cases for the

ceron1                                                   DARS Terrestrial Repeater Analysis

Case 5 attempts to reduce the influence ofterrestrial repeater overload by reducing the
CPE antenna height from 6 m to 3 m. This reduces the exclusion zones around the
repeaters t the expense of doubling the number of BWA base stations and requiring that
the BTS antenna heights be increased from 30 m to 45 m.
Results for the Base Station

The BeamReach base station incorporates very high Q cavity flters. These filters
effectively attenuate terrestril repeater energy such that the exclusion zones are modest
and limited by the emission levels of repeaters and not by blocking or IMD mechanisms.
Base stations co—located with repeaters still need a minimum separation distance defined
below. Note that the cost of eavity filters precludes their use in the CPE.

Results for Emissions

The emission levels proposed by XM and Sirius of 75 dB + 10log(P) generate an
exclusion zone of 230 meters provided that the emissions can be treated as a uniform
broadband energy in the WCS band. If the WCS 80 dB + 10log(P) rule were employed,
the exclusion zone would be reduced to 130 meters.
Additional CPE Filtering Costs to Attenuate DARS Emission

We have examined the technical feasibility and incremental costs associated with high—Q
filters in an attemptto attenuate DARS emissions.

High performance BWA CPE, such as that from BeamReach, typically use a bandpass
filter ahead of the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) in the receive path. A subsequent SAW
filter (after the LNA) is used to reduce unswanted in—band signals,such as adjacent WCS
or DARS satellite or terrestrial repeater signals. Signal energy within the DARS band is
not attenuated by the bandpass filter but is attenuated by the SAW fiters.
The characteristies of such a low cost bandpass filter are shown below in Figure 1—1.
This device represents a cost to the service provider of approximately $30 in high
This receiver filtering design is based on the assumption that DARS Licensees may
deploy terrestrial repeaters operating at a peak EIRP of up to 400 W/MHz, evenly
distributed across the band (for a total of 2 kW per 5 MHz). This is the same emission
limit to which the WCS licensees themselves are subject. The design also assumes that
the out of band emissions generated by DARS terrestrial repeaters shall be limited to at
least 75 + 10 log (p) dB (where p is the EIRP in watts) less than the trancmitter EIRP.

escomt                                                           DARS Terrestrial Repeater Analysis

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                       Figure 1—1; BeamReach CPE — Current Bandpass Fiter
                         (Verical Markers intiare WCS sub—bands . B, C and D)

As a result of XM and Sirius proposals to use high power terrestrial repeaters,
BeamReach has investigated the feasibility and costs of additional front—end filtering for
the CPE. Figure 1—2 below shows the frequency response of a 6—section pseudo—elliptic
notch filter that could be added tothe receiver front—end circuitry. Using pricing from our
filters vendors, this filter would increase the price of the CPE unit by $50 in high
volumes (in excess of25% of the long term price objective). Ifthi filer were added, an
increase in power amplifier cost would be necessary to overcome the additional filter loss
and stll maintain the necessary system performance. This would add an additional $20
to the price of the CPE in high volume.
This additional filter would partially attenuate the DARS interference, protecting the
LNAffront—end from some ofthe harmfal compression that would otherwise be caused.
However, this design would stll be insufficient to allow unlimited deployment of high
power terrestrial repeaters and would therefore require considerable coordination efforts
between WCS licensees and DARS operators. Moreover, the filter shown in Figure 1—2

c€ou1                                                               DARS TerrestrialRepeaterAnalysis

severely attennates the C/D block. A higher order, higher costfilter would be necessary
for these blocks.

In summary, the incremental CPE cost o 70 for A and B block operators, which is 35%
ofthe long term CPE price objective, is economically not feasible in this very price
sensitive consumer application.. Incremental costs are even higher for C/D block
                                      Fnsiaes fscerse t Secion ooo norc on ow

         Intontom on


                       B          s        B        e          3e       s           Te
                                                   Fnowey tow)

                               Figure 1—2; Simulated 6—section Band—refect Filter
                            (Vertical Markers indicate WCS sub—bands A, B, C and D)

Blocking and IMD Overioad Analysis in the Greater Atlanta
This section analyzes potential blocking and IMD overload to fixed, BWA systems
operating in the same geographical region as terrestrial repeaters proposed by XM and
Sirius. XM and Sirius data was available for the Greater Atlanta region for this analysis.
The parameters ofthe BeamReach BWA system were used for victim receivers.
Two overlapping terrestral repeater networks were analyzed in the greater Atlanta
region, one with XM repeaters and the other with Sirius repeaters. The coverage area of
each network was determined using CommStudy, a terrain based propagation modeling
tool. For each network, the proper location, EIRP, antenna pattemn, antenna pointing

c%001                                                    DARS Terrestrial Repeater Analysls

angle and anterna height were input according to Tables 2—1 and 2—2. This data was
derived from the XM and Sirius STAs. The following methodology was used:

        CommStudy was used to evaluate field strength over the coverage area for the
        two networks.

        Field strength maps were computed in dBu for each network independently.
        Population overlay maps were used to assign the population into 12 field strength
        bins from 50 dBu to 105 dBu in 5 dB increments
        The number of users affected by large signal blocking was then determined for
        CPE that couple to the repeater through the sidelobe region of the antenna. In
        addition, the number ofusers blocked in the mainbeam region was also
        determined. The total number ofaffected users was determined by blending
        sidelobe and mainbeam blocked users in the ratio of 90% to 10%. This
        corresponds to the ratio of the CPE antenna sidelobe region to mainbeam region.
        The Longley Rice propagation model was used, using 50% confidence levels for
        all parameters.
        The reference height of CPE was used to determine field strength level.
        5 dB was added to the Longley Rice field strength bins to produce the data for
        90% confidence exclusion zones.
        In addition, the number of users affected by IMD signal limiting was then
        determined for CPE that couple to the repeater through the sidelobe region of the
        antenna. In addition, the number of users blocked in the mainbeam region was
        also determined. The total number of affected users was determined by blending
        sidelobe and mainbeam blocked users in h ratio of 90% to 10%.

cenom                                                    DARS TerrestrialRepeater Analysis

                     Table 2—1. XM Repeater Data, Greater Atlanta Area

                       90 deg. 160 deg.       3444
                       120 deg. 180 de;       2486
                       90 deg. 180 deg.       12926
                       120 deg.   270 deg.    2396
                       360 deg. 0 deg         7204
                       120 deg. 135 deg.      3606
                       120 deg. 60 deg        2014
                     | 120 deg. 45 de         2634
                       120 deg. 300 deg.      3444
                       120 deg. 10 deg        2416
                       360 deg. 270 deg.      3444                   6e

                   Table 2—2. Sirius Repeater Date, Greater Atlanta Area

Al Ts                  180 deg. 0 deg
Ad. To                 180 deg. 180 deg:
Ad.2                   120 deg. 270 def
Ad. 3a                 090 deg. 30 de
Ad. 3                  090 deg.   150 deg.
Ad. 4e                 090 deg.   45 deg
Ad. t                  090 deg.   180 deg.
Ad. Se                 180 deg.   0 deg.
Ad. 5                  180 deg.   180 deg.


Field strength maps for the XM and Sirius repeater networks are shown in Figure 2—1 and
Figure 2—2 respectively.. We note that the coverage area is over 4572 square miles with a
population of 1.17 million people, each having a signal strength of over 85 dBu. 31% of
these have signal strengths ofover 95 dBu. The CommStudy propagation tool
automatically computes the number of users within field strength bins shown in Figures
2—1 and 2—2. The population density map is shown in Figure 2—3 for reference.

canom1                                                  DARS Terrestrial Repeater Analysis
                                                                                   Page 10


                                 Say e t Cbc is

    ms      un   se   un    un    on   se     un   on    wn    k      wk    n mam
 Figure 2—1.——   Field Strength Map of Siius Repeaters in the Greater Atlanta Region

cesom                                                   DARS TerrestrialRepeater Analysis
                                                                                  Page 11

                                  Sady h31 Ofi Renc uie

   o     un      se    ux    ue    onk   se    un   h     uk    otk    ma   ow mam
    Figure 2—2        Field Strength of XM Repeaters in the Greater Atlanta Region

cenom                                                DARS Terrestrial Repeater Analysi
                                                                                Page 12

   w00               f         me                 mx .                        mm
        Figure 2:3       Population Density ofthe Greater Atlanta Region

cenom                                                       DARS Terrestrial Repeater Analysis
                                                                                       Page 13

Using the receiver parameters given in Section 1, the number ofsubscribers excluded
from BWA is given in Table 2—3.       While 29.6% of potential BWA subscribers are limited
by strong signal blocking, IMD effects limit 51.7% of these subscribers.
Four columns are shown in Table 2—3. The antenna coupling mechanism is lited in the
second column. The third and fourth columns tabulate the population limited byeither
blocking mechanisms or IMD limiting.. In these columns, separate numbers are given for
either sidelobe coupling or mainbeam coupling. For the IMD limiting case, mainbeam
coupling means that the stronger signal couples via the mainbeam and the weaker signal
couples through the sidelobes. The 90%/10% blended results are shown in the rows
designated "Mainbeam/SL + Sidelobes" and is indicative of the expected level of
exclusion for a broadly deployed BWA system.

                 Table 2.3          XM Repeater Data, Greater Atlanta Area

                                         eam/SL + Sidelobes
                                    Sidelobes Ont                      90.058       216427
                                    Mainbeam/SL Ont                   7iooss        902,521
                                    Mainbeam/S+ Sidelobes              94409           x
                                    Sidelobes Ont                     133,208       248.747
                                    Mainbeam/SL Only                  7a5,0t0       957550
Toul Population Effecied       | MambesmSD > Sidelobss                 Ees |
Total Population > 85 dBu      _|                                  1.169.449      1169449
   Population Excluded                                            r              £7%


In summary, BeamReach Networks has undertaken an analysis of the DARS terrestrial
repeater deployment proposed by XM Redio for the Atlanta market as part ofis STA
application. This analysis concurs with comments previously submitted that DARS
repeaters will cause blocking interference in the WCS band and that DARS transmissions
mixing within WCS equipment will create 3rd order intermodulation products within the
WCS band.* The analysis also shows that when both DARS licensees utlize terrestrial
repeaters in the same market,the 3" order intermodulation products resulting from

* See Writen Ex Pane Communications ofthe Wirless Communications Association Inteationl,In.,
(Aled Dec. 15, 2000) n he Mater ofEstalihmentofRules and Policiesfor he Digial Audio Redio
‘Service in the2310—230 MFrequency Band, 1B Docket No. 95—91, Notice ofProposed Rulemaking
(‘DARS Proceeding")

cecom                                                   DARS Terrestrial Repeater Analysis
                                                                                   Page 14

mixing of both DARS frequencies at the WCS receiver have an even greater impact than
large signal blocking. This phenomenon will occur within a WCS receiver (such as
BeamReach‘s) when the interfering DARS signals exceed — 60 dBm, resulting in
exclusion zones much larger than previously noted within this Docket. The close
proximity ofthese bands does not allow for economical fitering atthe CPE. As such,
granting the DARS licensees‘ proposals to use high power terrestrialrepeaters would
render WCS spectrum useless and eliminate the option of using the WCS band for
competitive broadband services.
This analysis ofthe proposed deployment of terrestrial repeaters in the DARS band
concludes that the proposed deployment will severely cripple the use ofthe WCS band
for emerging 2—way, fixed broadband services. The proposed terrestrial repeater
deployments will have these negative effects on the BWA operators and their equipment
   * A significant number of otherwise eligible customers will be unable to receive
     broadband services because BWA receivers will suffer either blocking and/or
     intermodulation distortion caused by high power, in—band signals.
   * Thus, the cost ofBWA base stations and backhaul equipment will be shared over
     a smaller number of subscribers increasing the pro—rate cost per subscriber. More
     extensive filtering will be needed increasing base station cost and the BWA cell
     radius will be reduced due to added noise.
   * Using the Atlanta metropolitan region as an example, over 50%ofthe coverage
     area of1.17 million people would lose BWA services if both XM and Sitius
     deployed the proposed repeaters. Extending this to other major markets, the entire
     WCS BWA business is in jeopardy.
   * While it is technically feasible to add fitering to remove undesirable repeater
     energy, it is cost prohibitive in the CPE. High cost, high Q filter designs are
     needed to suppress DARS repeater energy only 13 MHz away.
   * The unfortunate frequency spacing between XM and Sirius repeaters ensures that
     3" order intermodulation products between these two signals, will land directly in
     the WCS A, B and C/D blocks.
   * CPE installation will become more time—consuming and costly due to complex
     antenna alignment procedures that jointly optimize the signal strength ofthe
     desired signals while trying to achieve acceptable interference/ IMD levels from
        the proposed repeaters.

cxou                                                       DARS Terrestral Repeater Analysis
                                                                                     Page 15

Specifically, with respect to the terrestrial repeater rules, the Commission should limit
emissions to no more than 400 watts/MHz with a maximum of 2,000 watts.

We note that even with 2,000—watt ransmission, deployment on high towers and/or
deployments with a cell radius less than 8 km will likely result in significant IMD
overioad. Accordingly, field strength contours must be coordinated between XM and
Sirius. These contours should be ~50 dBm—80 dBm, —60 dBm/—60 dBm, and —40 dBm/—
100 dBm at reference height of the 25 feet to limit the outage experienced by WCS
operators. DARS operators may want to consider horizontal polarization for DARS
terrestril repeaters. In this case, the above contours could be relaxed by 10 dB
accounting for the cross—polarization rejection of vertical CPE anternas.
The Commission should limit out—of—band emissions to 80 dB + 10log(P) in concert with
the rules that WCS operators must follow with respect to the DARS band.

Finally, the Commission should adopt field strength contours which limit large signal
blocking caused by terrestrial repeaters. A practical limit would be—45 dBm for no more
that 2% of the population at reference height ofthe 25 feet in each coverage area.

             —                  Cel    eate of Service

1 hereby certify that on this 30® day of August copies of the foregoing "Reply Comments
ofVerizon Wireless" in Applications ofXM Radio, Inc. (SAT—STA—20010712—00063)
and Sirius Satellte Radio, Inc. (SAT—STA—20010724—00064) for Special Temporary
Authority were sent by first class mail or hand delivery (*)to the following parties:

*Ms. Magalie Roman Salas                       * Mr. Peter Tenhuls, Sr. Legal Advisor
Secretary                                      Office of the Chairman
Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW                             445 12° Street, SW — Room 8—B201
Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, DC 20554

*Mr. Donald Abelson, Chief                     *Mr. Adam D. Krinsky, Legal Advisor
International Bureau                           Office of Commissioner Tristani
Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street, SW — Room 6—C750               445 12Street, SW — Room 8—B115
Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, DC 20554
* Ms. Jennifer Gilsenan                        * Mr. Bryan Tremont, Sr. Legal Advisor
Interational Bureau                            Office of Commissioner Abemathy
Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW — Room 6—A520               445 12" Street, SW — Room §—A204
Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, DC 20554
* Mr. Chris Murphy                             *Mr. Paul Margic, Legal Advisor
International Bureau                           Office of Commissioner Copps
Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW — Room 6—C437               445 12" Street, SW — Room §—A302
Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, DC 20554
* Mr. Ron Repasi                               *Ms. Monica Shah Dessi
International Bureau                           Office ofCommissioner Martin
Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW — Room 6—A505               445 12" Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, DC 20554
* Ms. Rosalee Chiara, Deputy Chief             * Thomas J. Sugrue, Chief
Satellte Policy Branch                         Wircless Telecommunications Bureau
Satelite and Radiocommunication Div.           Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau                           445 12" Street, SW — Room 3—C252
Federal Communications Commission              Washington, DC 20554
445 12" Street, SW — Room 6—A521
Washington, DC 20554

* Mr. David Furth, Sr. Legal Advisor   Mr. Bruce D. Jacobs
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau     Shaw Pittman LLP
Federal Communications Commission      2300 N Street, NW
445 12° Street, SW, Room 3—C252        Washington, DC 20037—1128
Washington, DC 20554                   Counsel for XM Radio, Inc.

* Mr. Ron Netro, Sr. Engineer          Mr. Carl R. Frank
Policy Division                        Wiley, Rein & Fielding LLP
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau     1776 K Street, NW
Federal Communications Commission      Washington, DC 20006
445 12" Street, SW, Room 3—C163        Counsel for Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc.
Washington, DC 20554
                                       Mr. William Wiltshire
* Mr. Bruce France, Acting Chief       Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
Office of Engineering and Technology   1200 18" Street, NW, 12® Floor
Federal Communications Commission      Washington, DC 20036
445 12" Street, SW, Room 7—C153        Counsel for AT&T Wireless
Washington, DC 20554
                                       Mr. Douglas 1. Brandon
*Mr. Julius Knapp, Deputy Chief        Vice President — Federal Affairs
Office of Engineering and Technology   AT&T Wireless
Federal Communications Commission      1150 Connectiout Ave, NW, 4" Floor
445 12° Street, SW                     Washington, DC 20036
Washington, DC 20554
                                       Mr. James G. Harralson
*M. Jim Burtle, Chief                  Mr. Charles P. Featherstun
Experimental Licensing Branch          BellSouth Corporation
Electromagnetic Compatibility Div.     BellSouth Wireless Cable, Inc.
Office of Engineering and Technology   1155 Peachtree Street, NE, Ste. 1800
Federal Communications Commission      Atlanta, GA 30309
445 12"Street, SW, Room 7—A267
Washington, DC 20554                   Mr. Paul Sinderbrand
                                       Wilkinson, Barker, Knauer & Quinn LLP
*Dr. Robert M. Pepper, Chief           2300 N Street
Office ofPlans and Policy              Washington, DC 20037
Federal Communications Commission      Counsel for WCA
445 12" Street, SW, Room 7—C347
Washington, DC 20554                   Mr. Mary O‘Connor
                                       Assistant Vice President
*Ms. Jane Mago                         Spectrum Counsel & Regulatory Liaison
General Counsel                        WorldCom Broadband Solutions
Federal Communications Commission      8521 Leesburg Pike, Room 708E
445 12" Street, SW, Room $—C723        Viems, VA 22182
Washington, DC 20554

Mr. Robert Kappel
Vice President
Wircless Regulatory Affairs
WorldCom, Inc.
1133 19° Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Mr. Mike Hamea
Regulatory & Govenmental Affairs
Metricom, Inc.
1828 I Street, NW, Ste, 400
Washington, DC 20006

Mr. Rendall Schwantz
Regulatory and Standards
BeamReach Networks, Inc.
755 North Mathilda Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94085

Document Created: 2005-09-28 15:35:09
Document Modified: 2005-09-28 15:35:09

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