Attachment opposition


OPPOSITION submitted by WorldCom Inc



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010724-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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In re Application of                                  iB Docket No. 95—91

                                            on g?
XM Radio, Inc. Request for Special                   File No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063
Temporary Authorization and
Sirius Satelite Radio, Inc. Request for              File No: SAT—STA—20010724—00064
Special Temporary Authority
To: Chicf, Interational Bureau

                            OPPOSITION      TO STA REQUEST

       WorldCom. Inc. ("WorldCom"), on behalf of itself and it affliates, hereby
submits its Opposition to the above—captioned applications for Special Temporary
Authority filed by XM Radio, Inc. (*XM") and Sirius Satelite Radio, Inc. (*Sirius") (the
"Applications"). WorldCom is opposed to the grant the Applications as filed because the
power levels requested by XM and Sirius for their terrestrial repeaters will interfere with
WorldCom‘s operating WCS system in Memphis, Tennessce and planned system in
Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas.
       WorldCom holds numerous WCS licenses throughout the southern United States.
Each of these licenses was won, and paid for, at auction.. WorldCom utiizes the WCS
spectrum Hicensed to it in a number of markets in the Southeast and is moving toward
deploying additional markets in the near future.

1.      WorldCom Will Suffer Interference to Its Operations In Memphis
        Currently, WorldCom is operating a WCS system in Memphis, Tennessee that
provides two—way intemet service to customers throughout the Memphis metropolitan
area. As set forth in Attachment 1 hereto, the repeaters proposed by both XM and Siius
will significantly interfere with WorldCom‘s operating WCS facilies in Memphis. This
interference is caused by brute foree overload (also referzed to as "blanketing"), rather
than out of band emissions. As a result ofthe high power operations of XMs and Sirius‘s
terrestrial repeaters, exclusion zones —zones of unacceptable interference—— are created
around the terrestrial repeaters. The size and intensity of such exclusion zones in
Memphis are set forth in Attachment 1.
        WorldCom would not object to repeaters that are limited to a maximum power of
2kW.‘ While a repeater with an output power of 2EW will stll cause some interference to
WorldCom‘s Memphis WCS facilities, WorldCom can accept such power levels without
serious degradation to its system. As the Commission is well aware, 2kW is the
maximum power that WCS licensees mayutlize in order to prevent brute force overload
interference to its spectrum neighbors up to 150 MHz away from the WCS spectrum. >
WorldCom recognizes the need for terrestrial repeaters to augment the DARS systems;
however, the power levels of these terrestral repeaters must be limited so as not to cause
unacceptable interference to existing or planned WCS facilitis.

! See Technical Exhbit oStephen Daughery
? gee 47 CiR. 55 21.908, 74 935
" See Amendmentofthe FCC‘s Rule o Esablih Part 27, the Wireless Conmunications Servce, 12 FCC
Re. 3077, 397046 (1997)

2. Proposed WCS Systems Must Be Protected
        WorldCom plans to deploy WCS facilites in the Dallas®Fort Worth metropolitan

area. Ithas not been decided precisely how the WCS spectrum will be utilized due to the
lack of certainty regarding interference protection from the DARS terrestrial repeaters. A
number of the sites from which the system will operate have alreadybeen identified.
WorldCom engineers reviewed the STA requests of XM and Sirius as they relate to
WorldCom‘s planned WCS operations. The blanketing interference caused by either XM
or Sitius alone is serious; the interference caused bythe combined operation of XM and
Sirius would be devastating.     The exclusion zones created by the proposed XM and
Sirius repeaters will cover a great majority of the Dallas/Fort Worth area.           See
Attachment 2, which also shows the currently planned WorldCom sites for its WCS
system. As one can see, the prospect for serving this area utlizing WCS spectrum is
dismal. If the proposed repeaters are authorized at the power levels applied for in the
Applications there is very litle area thatis not affected bybrute force overload."

3. Notification Process
       If the FCC is to grant an STA for any of these repeaters, WorldCom believes that
a notification process between the DARS licensees and the WCS licensees must first be
established. Without coordination, it would be impossible to launch a viable system in
Dallas‘Fort Worth or other WorldCom markets due to the interference environment.
Both XM and Sirius acknowledge that if any interference is experienced, upon

* See Atachment2.

notification they will immediately tum off the offending repeater." Rather than wait for
unacceptable interference to disrupt WCS and/or DARS: operations, WorldCom
recommends a process by which the WCS licensee gives the DARS licensee 30 days
advance notice of commencement of operations in a market, whereupon the DARS
Hicensees would have 30 days to power down all of the repeaters in that market to 2kW.
Thus, both operators would have time to adjust their systems without experiencing any
disruption of service totheir customers.
       It is imperative that any grant of the Applications be conditioned on interference
free operation and coordination with WCS licensees. Therefore, WorldCom urges the
FCC to not grant the Applications as filed

                                             Respectfully Submitted,

                                             WORLDCOM, INC.

                                               Director, Covernment RegulatoryAffairs
                                               WorldCom Broadband Solutions, Inc.
                                               8521 Leesburg Pike
                                               Viena, VA 22182
                                               (705) o1s—0780

       August 21, 2001

‘ See XM STA File No.SAT—STA—20010712:0006at 2. and Sirus STA Fil No. SAT—STA—
200010724—00064 ap3.

                                       Exhibit 1
                                  Technical Narrative

This Technical Narrative describes the calculation and illustrations of predicted
interference from XM Radio, Inc. ("XM") and Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. ("Sirius")
SDARS repeaters to WorldCom, Inc. ("WCOM®) receivers using the WCS spectrum to
provide digital two—way services
Customer Premise Equipment (CPE)
WCOM has found that the typical CPE receivers available from vendors have a 1 dB
compression point ofapproximately +14 dBmW. This is the RF levelat the input to the
receiver that will cause saturation and brute forceoverload of the receiver‘s signal
demodulation circuitry.. This signal level referenced to the frontend of the 32 dB
(typical) gain low noise amplifier (LNA) is —18dBm. Allowing 6 dB backoff to account
for the digital signal peakcto—average ratio, 10 dB backoff to insure optimum linearity of
the amplifers, and 17 dB (typical) antenna gain, the RF level in front of the CPE antenna
that will cause the CPE receiver to saturate is —51 dBmW.
Higher gain antennas, up to 24 dB, are typically used for CPE further distant from hub
sites. In this case, the interference level in front of the CPE anterna becomes ~58

WCOM has prepared an analysis of the predicted RF emissions from the proposed XM
and Sirius repeaters utilizing an EDX Engineering utilty, which uses a Free Space +
RMD propagation model. The predicted RF levels are compared to the levels in front of
the antenna at potential WCOM customer sites. The sites are assumed to be 25 feet
above ground level, although some of WCOM‘s business customers may use antennae
mounted on buildings up to 250 feet. Although there is obviouslymore potential for line«
of:site to CPE receivers mounted higher, this analysis uses the more conservative 25 foot

Attachments 1 and 2 hereto demonstrate the predicted interference from the proposed
XM and Sirius SDARS repeaters in WCOM‘s Memphis and Dallas/Ft Worth markets.
Areas of interference that exceed ~51 dBmW are depicted. The interference regions
extend up to 5 milesin front of the interfering emitters. Any WCOM CPE receiver
oriented in the direction of the emitters will experience unacceptable interference.

As is depicted in the graphic, at least 4 proposed SDARS sites in Dallas/Ft Worth and 1
site in Memphis are located very near, if not co—located with, WCOM hub sites; nearly all
the interference regions depicted in this case would cause WCOM‘s CPE receivers to
experience brute forceoverload.

Hub Receivers     ..

WCOM‘s proposed hub receivers in the WCS spectrum have sensitivities and gains
similar to the CPE receivers. The hub antenna would normally be installed much higher
above ground level than CPE receivers and, therefore, be much more likely to have a
line—of—site path from SDARS repeaters installed in the same market. The same RF level.
—51 dBmW, a the hub antenna input could cause the hub receiver to experience brute
force overload. As depicted in Attachments 1 and 2 hereto, WCOM hubs in the Memphis
and Dallas/Ft Worth markets are predicted to experience the brute force overload
Statement of Engineer

Thisstatement was prepared by the undersigned who is the Director of Engineering
Analysis at WorldCom Broadband Solutions,Inc. He holds an MS degree in Electrical

       .L                 angely
1 declars thatshe foregoing is true and correct tothe best of my knowledge.

      en Daugherty
Director, Engineering Analysis
WorldCom Broadband Solutions, Inc.

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           ATTACHMENT 1
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           ATTACHMENT 2
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                                  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
       1. _De—el Shorter . hereby certify that the foregoing Opposition to STA Request was
served this 21st. dayof August , 2001, by depositing a trie copythereof with the United States
Postal Service, first class postage prepaid, addressed to:

                               *Mr. Bruce Franca
                               Acting Chief
                               Office of Engineering and Technology
                               Federal Communications Commission
                               445 12" Street, SW, Room 7C—153
                               Washington, DC 20554
                               *Ms. Jane Mago
                               General Counsel
                               Federal Communications Commission
                               445 12" Street, SW, Room $—C723
                               Washington, DC 20554
                               *Mr. Sam Feder
                               Senior Legal Advisor
                               Office ofthe Honorable Kevin J. Martin
                               Federal Communications Commission
                               445 12" Street, SW, Room 8—C302
                               Washington, DC 20554

                               *Mr. Adam Krinsky
                               Senior Legal Advisor
                               Office of the Honorable Gloria Tristani
                               Federal Communications Commission
                               445 12Street, SW, Room $—B115
                               Washington, DC 20554
                               *Mr.Peter Tenhula
                               Senior Legal Advisor
                               Office ofthe Chairman
                               Federal Communications Commission
                               445 12" Street, SW, Room 8—B201
                               Washington, DC 20554

*Mr. Bryan Tramont
Senior Legal Advisor
Office ofthe Chairman
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW, Room B—A204
Washington. DC 20554
*Ms. Lauren Van Wazer
Interim Legal Advisor
Office ofthe Honorable Michael J. Copps
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW, Room $—A302
Washington, DC 20554
*Mr. Ronald Netro
Senior Engineer
Policy Division
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW, Room 3—C163
Washington, DC 20554
*Mr. Chris Murphy
Senior Legal Advisor
Office of the Bureau Chief
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW, 6—C754
Washington, DC 20554
*Mr. Ronald Repasi
Satellite Engineering Branch
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW, Room 6A—505
Washington, DC 20554
*Ms. Rosalee Chiara
Deputy Chief
Satellite Policy Branch
Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street, SW, Room 6—A521
Washington, DC 20554

*Mr.Jim Burtle
Experimental Licensing Branch
Electromagnetic Compatibilty Division
Office of Engineering & Technology
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW, Room 7—A267
Washington, DC 20554
Mr. Douglas Brandon
Vice President — Federal Affairs
AT&T Wircless
1150 Connectiout Avenue. NW. 4" Floor
Washington, DC 20036
Mr. Donald Brittingham
Manager, Wieless Policy
Verizon Wireless
1300 Street, NW
Suite 400W
Washington, DC 20005

Mr. Carl Frank
Wiley, Rein & Fielding
1776 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Mr. Michael Hamra
Regulatory & Governmental Afairs
Metricom, Inc.
1825 I Street, NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006

Ms. Karen Possner
Vice President
Strategic Policy
Bell South
1133 21" Street, NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036

Mr. Bruce Jacobs
Shaw Pitman
1255 23" Street, NW, 8" Floor
Washington, DC 20037
Mr. Robert Briskman
Technical Executive
Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc.
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Mr. Lon Levin
Senior Vice President
1500 Eckington Place, NE
Washington, DC 20002
*Mr. Donald Ableson

Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street, SW, Room 6—C754
Washington, DC 20554
*Mr. Tom Sugrue
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW 20554, Room 3—C252
Washington, DC 20554
*Mr. Julius Knapp
Policy and Rules Division
Office of Engineering and Technology
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Steet, SW, Room 8—C723
Washington, DC 20554
*Mr. Bryan Tramont
Senior Legal Advisor
Office of the Honorable Kathleen Q. Abernathy
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW, Room 8—A204
Washington, DC 20554

*Mr. David Furth
Senior Legal Advisor
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW, Room 3—C252
Washington, DC 20554
*Mr. Paul Margie
Legal Advisor
Office ofthe Honorable Michael J. Copps
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, SW, Room 8—A302
Washington, DC 20554
*Dr. Robert Pepper
Office of Plans and Policy
Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street, SW, Room 7—C347
Washington, DC 20554


Document Created: 2005-09-28 14:44:30
Document Modified: 2005-09-28 14:44:30

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