Attachment comments


COMMENT submitted by National Association of Broadcasters



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010724-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           Before the
                               Federal Communications Commission           AUS 21 200
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554         PMiiks camse
In the Matter of                                )
                                                )       1B Docket No. 95—91
XM, Radio, Inc. and                             )       GEN Docket No. 90—357
Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc.                    )
Requests for Special Temporary Authority        )       SAT—STA—200107            c
To Operate Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS)   )       SAT—STA—2001072           *
Terrestrial Repeaters                           )

                                     COMMENTS OF THE

                                                        Henry L. Baumann
David H. Layer                                          Jack N. Goodman
Director, Advanced Engineering                          Valerie Schulte
NAB Science and Technology                              Ann W. Bobeck

                                                        NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF
                                                        1771 N Street, NW
                                                        Washington, DC 20036

August 21, 2001

                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Executive Summary...
L     Introduction

      Background and History.
u.    The Satellite Radio Industry Has Not Filed
      Critical Information Pertaining to the Number
      and Types ofTerrestrial Repeaters It Has and
      Intends to Deploy..
      The Proposed Terrestrial—Based Radio Network
      Contravenes the Commission‘s Intent..
      The Satellite Radio Industry Should Not Rely on
      Experimental Authorization and STAs to Deploy
      A Terrestrial—Based, Satellite—Supported Radio Network
      SDARS Terrestrial Repeaters Must Be Prohibited
      From Transmitting Locally Originated Programming...
      Conclusion .

                                    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

        The National Association of Broadcasters hereby files comments in response to XM

Radio, Inc. (*XM") and Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc.‘s (‘Sitius") Requests for Special Temporary
Authority ("STA") to operate terrestrial repeaters with their Satellte Digital Audio Radio
Service (‘SDARS®) systems. The intent of both the SDARS applicants and the Commission is

undisputed — terrestrial repeaters should be used only to reach areas where a satellite signal
cannot reach. One ofthe main arguments that NAB has made against the use of terrestrial
repeaters is that repeaters are simply a crutch for technology that is not up to the task of.

providing the seamless, mobile coverage promised by ts proponents and desired by the
Commission, especially in cities where numerous "urban canyons" exist. And as evidenced by
the Requests, XM and Sirius‘ repeaters networks, by their sheer numbers and power levels,
appear to be designed to blanket metropolitan areas, not fill—inisolated gaps in coverage.
       The Requests clearly demonstrate the two satellte radio licensces‘ plans to use STAs and
experimental authorizations to deploy a terrestrial network of high—powered broadcast
transmitters to serve most of the U.S. population, supplemented by direct reception oftheir

satellite signals in less populated areas. In the absence ofservice rules for use ofterrestrial
repeaters,it appears that XM and Sirius are relying on the FCC‘s granting them temporary
authorization in order to commence commercial operation ofa largely terrestrial radio service.
       These Requests, however, do not demonstrate any need for such a large number of high—
power terrestrial repeaters. Because XM and Sirius have a long and well—documented history of
being less than forthcoming about the use ofterrestrial repeaters to support satelite—based

service, the Commission should, at a minimum, require that the satellite radio licensees justify
their sudden and marked increased "need" for so many high—powered terrestrial repeaters.
       Further,the extensive repeater networks proposed by the SDARS license holders
represent disturbing and serious potential threat to radio broadcasters service. Simply stated,
the extensive terrestrialdigital radio networks have the potentialto operate totally divorced of
the satellite transmission systems that they supposedly complement.. Allowing the use of
terrestralrepeaters sets the stage for XM and Sirius to offer nothing more than a satellite—fed
terrestral radio service, or worse, a completely independent terrestrial service, thereby totally
circumventing the Commission‘s stated intentions of establishing a high—tech direct broadcast
sutellite radio service for the U.S. listening public, that would serve different interests than the
existing terrestril radio system.
       In addition to deploying a large and high—powered terrestrial repeater network, the
SDARS licensees have proposed service rules which would allow local origination or insertion
of locally—targeted programming. As originally proposed by the Commission, the rules
governing SDARS use of terrestrial repeaters would require that the signals being transmitted by
the repeater be received from the operating DARS satellites. On its face this current proposal
appears to echo the SDARS pledge not to transmit locally—originated programming, but upon
closer examination the SDARS proposed rule does notpreclude locally originated material and,
as such, contravenes the Commission‘s tentative conclusion to prohibit the use of terrestral
repeaters to transmit lcally originated programming.
       The Commission here should ensure that SDARS terrestrial repeaters, like those
employed in the terrestril radio broadcast service, are used only to retransmit the complete
signalfrom theprimary station, intendedfor the consumer satellite receivers, atthe time it is


transmitted. For these satellite systems, this means that their terrestril repeaters must be limited
to the retransmission of the complete satelite signals. NAB has always maintained that SDARS

terrestrial repeaters must be explicily prohibited from transmitting any focally originated
programming, lest SDARS become, to any extent, a terrestrial—fed network.

        The Commission should also set a reasonable cap as to the amount and type ofterrestrial
repeaters the SDARS licensees can deploy.. And the Commission should license each repeater,
or alternatively, require striet record keeping on each repeater installation. This is the only way
the Commission can prevent this technology from being whatit was never intended to be, a

terrestril digitalradio network.

        Finally, NAB is opposed to any experimental authorization, STA or service rules that
grant SDARS licensees carte blanche authority to build a large number of high—power terrestrial
repeaters. As the Commission stated over six years ago, "ifa large number ofgap filles is
required, there comes a point at which the service becomes essentiallya terrestrial ather than a
satellite service." Itis clear that time has come. XM and Sirius® Requests should be denied

because deployment of a terrestril—based, satellte—supplemented radio service is contrary to the
Commission‘s goal of creating a new satellite radio service and thus, would not serve the public



                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20584

In the Matter of                                     )
                                              )             1B Docket No. 95—91
XM, Radio, Inc. and                           )             GEN Docket No. 90—357
Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc.                  )
Requests for Special Temporary Authority      )             sAT—STA—20010712—00063
To Operate Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS) )             SAT—STA—20010724—00064
Terrestrial Repeaters                         )

To:       The Commission

                                       comments or

      L      Introduction.
          The National Association of Broadcasters (*NAB")‘ submitsthese comments in the
above—captioned proceeding. The two Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service ("SDARS®) license
holders, XM Radio, Inc. ("XM") and Sirius Satellte Radio, Inc. ("Sirius"),recently filed
applications for Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to operate terrestrial repeaters with their
SDARS systems.* XM and Sirius request authority to deploy 778 and 151 terrestrial repeaters,
respectively, each operating above 2 KW effective radiated power (‘EIRP")"

‘ NAB is a nor—profit, incorporated association of radio and television stations and broadcast
networks which serves and represents the American broadcasting industry.
* FCC Public Notice Report No. SAT—00077, July 31, 2001
* Letter from Lon C. Levin, Senior Vice President, XM to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary,
FCC, July 12, 2001 (requesting STA for 168 terrestrial repeaters operating at EIRP between
greater than 10 kW and 40 kW and 610 terrestrial repeaters operating at EIRP between greater
than 2 kW and 10 kW); Letter from Robert D. Briskman, Technical Executive, Sirius to Magalie
Roman Salas, Secretary, FCC, July 24, 2001 (requesting STA for 151 repeaters at 104 sites
operating at EIRP between greater than 2 kW and 40 kW) [hereinafter "Requests"}.

        ‘These Requests clearly demonstrate the two satelite radio licensees‘ plans to use STAs
and experimental authorizations to deploy a terrestrial network of high—powered broadcast
transmitters to serve most of the U.S. population, supplemented by direct reception of their

satelltesignals in less populated areas. In the absence ofservice rules for use of terrestrial
repeaters, it appears that XM and Sirius are relying on the FCC‘s granting them temporary
authorization in order to commence commercial operation ofa largely terrestrial radio service.
        These Requests, however, do not demonstrate any need for such a large number ofhigh—
power terrestrial repeaters. As detailed in Section IlL, XM and Sitius have a long and well—
documented history of being less than forthcoming about the use ofterrestral repeaters to
support satellte—based service. The Commission should, at a minimum, require that the satellite

tadio licensees justify their sudden and marked increased "need."for so many high—powered
terrestrial repeaters.
        NAB is opposed to any experimental authorization, STA or service rules that grant
SDARS licensees carre blanche authority to build a large number ofhigh—power terrestrial
repeaters. As the Commission stated over six years ago, "ifa large number of gap fillers is
required, there comes a point at which the service becomes essentiallya terrestrial rather than a
satelite service."" It is clear that time has come. XM and Sitius‘ Requests should be denied

because deployment of a terrestral—based, satellte—supplemented radio service is contrary to the

Commission‘s goal of creating a new sarellie radio service and thus, would not serve the public

* Establishment ofRules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio Satellte Service in the 2310—
2360 MHz Frequency Band, Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, 11 FCC Red 1 (1995) t § 56.
(herinafter "NPRATY].

   1t       Background and History.

        In the NPRM, the Commission observed that applicants for satellte radio licenses had

advocated service rules for the operation of "terrestrial repeaters, or ‘gap—filles‘, in urban
canyons and other areas where it may be difficult to eceive DARS signals transmitted by a

satellite." NPRM at 55. At that time, the Commission declined to propose rules for terrestril

repeaters, citing the applicants‘ failure to provide detailed information and commenting that

"(u}ntil such information is available and applicants demonstrate how these complementary
terrestrial networks would be implemented in the overall satellte system design,[the PCC]
cannot determine if terrestrial gap—fillers should be permitted and what rules should govem their

use." 1d. The Commission did, however, determine that gap—fllers would be complementary to

satellte service — thus, the Commission proposed to prohibit the use ofterrestrial repeaters
"except in conjunction with an operating satellite DARS system." 14. at J 56.
        In comments filed with the FCC, the satellite industry again restated its intention to use

terrestrialrepeaters to "gap—fill"only where there was signal obstruction." Two years later,the
Commission issued a Report and Order authorizing SDARS service and requested further
comments on the use of terrestrialrepeaters toretransmit information from the satellite signal in

order to overcome "effects ofignal blockage and multipath interference."* In the instant
Requests, both XM and Siius restate this as the purpose ofterrestrialrepeaters."

* See, e,g.In Re Establishment ofRules and Policiesfor the Digital Audio Radio Satellte
Service in the 2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, IB Docket No. 95—91, GEN Docket No. 90—357,
Reply Comments of American Mobile Radio Corporation (predecessor of XM, Oct. 13, 1995 at
* Establishment ofRules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service in the 2310—
2360 MHz Frequency Band Report and Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Further

       Thus, the intent ofboth the SDARS applicants and the Commission is undisputed —
terrestrial repeaters should be used only to reach areas where a satellite signal cannot reach. The
Commission has proposed limiting repeater use t this purpose only, lestthere be a
"transformation of satellte DARS into an independent terrestrial DARS network." Purther
Notice at $139.
       To date, the Commission has not adopted rules authorizing or governing the use of
terrestril repeaters for SDARS service. In liew of service rules, the SDARS licensees began to
build a national network ofrepeaters by way ofa series of experimental authorizations. Initially,
the Commission granted several ofthese experimental authorizations without public notice or
comment." But, beginning in January 2000, the Commission issued a public notice for XM and
Sirius‘ requests for STAs to build terrestrial repeaters" In its earlier comments, NAB called
upon the Commission to require that the satellte radio industry provide detailed information as
to its plans for building terrestrial repeater networks."" To date, this call has gone unanswered.
Absent from the record, stil is data providing the location, type and number of all terrestril
repeaters currently operating nationwide.

Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, 12 FCC Red 5754 (1997) at § 138 [hereinafter "Report and
Order/Further Notice").
" XM Request at 4,Sitius Request t 3.
* Experimental Radio Station Construction Permit and License, File No. 0013—EX—TC—2000, XM
Radio, Inc., granted Aug. 25, 2000; Experimental Radio Station Construction Permit and
License, File No. 0160—EX—ML—2000, XM Radio, Inc., granted Aug. 23, 2000.
* Satellite Policy Branch Information, Public Notice, IB Docket No. 95—91 and GEN Docket No.
90—357 (isued Jan. 21, 2000). XM‘s STA request was granted on Aug. 1, 2000 (Experimental
Special Temporary Authorization, File No. 0271—EX—8T—2000).
‘° See Comments of NAB, IB Docket No. 95—91 and GEN Docket No. 90—357 (Feb. 22, 2000).

   11L      TheSatellite Radio Industry Has Not Filed Critical Information Pertaining to
            the Number and Types of Terrestrial Repeaters It Has and Intends to Deploy.
         Recently, the Wireless Communications Service (WCS) and the SDARS licensees have
held several meetings at the Commission to try to resolve terrestrial repeater interference issues.
The WCS service and the SDARS service occupy adjacent frequencies in the S—band.
Specifically, the WCS license holders argued against the on—going deployment of SDARS
repeaters, based on concems that high—power repeaters will create severe interference.."
         As demonstrated in the recent WCS ex partefilings, the SDARS"need" for terrestrial
repeaters has been a continuously moving target. At the January 11, 2001 joint industry meeting
at the FCC, the SDARS licensees pledged to provide to WCS a list ofall high—power terrestrial
repeaters they had constructed or were planning to construct.". At that time, XM estimated they
would deploy no more than 150 high—power terrestrial repeaters."". Two weeks later,Sitius
proposed service rules which would allow up to 225 high—power repeaters."*. Six weeks passed
and Sirius again proposed rules — this time Sirius advocated that it be allowed to deploy at least

"" See, eg., Letters from Williem M. Wiltshire, eral., Counsel for AT&T Wireless Services to
Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, FCC, Jan. 5, 2001, Feb. 6, 2001, Feb. 20, 2001, March 8, 2001,
April 30, 2001 and Aug. 8, 2001. See also Letters from Karen B. Possner, VicePresident«
Strategic Policy, Bell South to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, FCC, March 8, 2001 and May
18, 2001.
"" Letter from William M. Wiltshire, Counsel for AT&T Wireless, t al. to Magalie Roman
Salas, Secretary, FCC, Jan. 25, 2001.
" 1d. This number correlates to the estimate provided by XM in its 1999 Supplemental
Comments. Specifically, XM stated its "standard" repeater would have an EIRP of 2kW, ts
(intermediate) repeater would operate with an EIRP of 5 kW, and is (high power) repeaters
would number 150 ofwhich only 25 would be higher than 20 KW." Supplemental Comments of
XM Radio, Inc. TB Docket No. 95—91, Appendix A at p. 4 (December 17, 1999).
"* Leter from Carl R. Frank, Counsel for Sirius, to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, FCC, Jan.
25, 2001.

1150 repeaters with EIRP of up to 40 kW without any coordination with, and regardless of
impact on, wireless operators."" Meanwhile, XM proposed a limit of 250 high—power repeaters

which would be allowed to operate without any coordination."* But then just two months later,
XM applied for STAs for 778 high—power terrestrial repeaters for 61 urban sites,a fivefold
increase in just ix months..". This continuous "number—creep" llustrates XM‘s and Sirius‘ lack
of eandor in these proceedings.""
       And despite these effortsby the wireless communities, XM and Sirius have failed to
provide any detailed information concemning the deployment of terrestrial repeaters."" As
AT&T states, it is "[aJpparent that they are sharing network information only coincident with
public announcement of impending commercial launch."""
       Even now, the Requests emphasize the satelite radio licensees‘ blatant refusal to provide
the Commission, the wireless industry and the public detailed, technical information concerning

"* Letter from Carl R. Frank, Counsel for Siius, to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, FCC, Feb.
20, 2001. n response to the wireless industry‘s objections to the proposed rules, Sirius simply
stated that it "made absolutely clear in a Nov, 1997 thatits satellte DARS service would require
100—150 active terrestrial repeaters." Letter from Carl R. Frank, Council for Sirius Radio,
FCC, Feb. 27, 2001.
!* Letter from Bruce D. Jacobs, Counsel for XM, to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, FCC, April
25, 2001.
‘" See XM Request at Exhibit A.
‘* In a dispute involving microwave—powered light bulbs, XM and Sirius also appear to have
been less than forthcoming to another govenment ageney. According to the Wall Street Journal
article, XM and Sirius simultancously told the FCC that lt unchecked the microwave emissions
would "imperilthe promise of satellite radio" while they told the Securties and Exchange
Commission that these "new devies may interfere with our service."" Schroeder, M. and
Dreasen, Y. Politics & Policy, Energy Saving Light—Bulb Maker Battles with Satellite—Radio
Firmsfor Bandwidth, (August 6, 2001) <>.
‘" See Letter from Douglas I. Brandon,Vice President, Extemal Affairs and Law, AT&T
Wireless Services, eal. to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, FCC, July 27, 2001.

the exact location, count and technical operating parameters of their terrestrial networks.
Specifically, XM and Sirius state that they have "not included...information for the low power
repeaters (%e., EIRP of2 kW or less) it seeks to operate pursuant to this STA."" Thus, based on
the Requests, XM and Sirius believe they are entitled t a potentiallyinfinite amount of
repeaters, irrespective of their potentil interference characteristies.. Further,neither XM nor
Sirius‘ Requests provide any guidance as to the satelite industry‘s future plans for errestrial

       This hide—and—seek approach to terrestral repeater deploymentdirectly contravenes the
Commission‘s Rules. Holders of blanket experimental licenses are required to "notify [the
Commission] ofthe specific details of each individual experiment, including location, number of
base and mobile units, power, emission designator, and any orherpertinent rechnical information
not specified by the blanket license.""".Indeed, the Commission‘s proposed rules state that
"[{Jerrestrial gap—fillers may be implemented by a satellite DARS licensee only after obtaining
prior Commission authorization" and they must establish compliance with intemational
coordination, antenna structure, and environmental processing requirements.". And yet, nowhere
in the record (prior to the filing of these STA Requests) is there any information detailing o
even sumarizing such pertinent technical information.
       The Commission should require the applicants immediately to provide pertinent, specific
technical information regarding their full plans for terrestril repeaters, including such

® Letter from William M. Witshire, er al., Counsel for AT&T Wireless to Thomas Sugrue,
Chicf, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, FCC, August 8, 2001.
*‘ XM Request at 2, n. 4; Sirius Request at 2, .3.
"" Amendment ofPart 5 of the Commission‘s Rules to Revise the Experimental Radio Service
Regulations, 13 FCC Red 21391, 21394 (1998) (emphasis added).
® Further Notice at Appendix C.

parameters as EIRP, antenna gain and pattem, specific technical criteria used to establish the
need for repeaters at any given location, repeater interference characteristics both with the
satelltes and with other repeaters, required spacing between repeaters and other installation
requirements, impact on receiver performance of co—incident illumination by both satellte and
repeater signals, ere.
    IV.—      The Proposed Terrestrial—Based Radio Network Contravenes The Commission‘s
           The Commission has already stated that the public benefits of satellte radio include the
"introduction ofa new radio service to the public, a national distribution ofradio programming
to all areas, including the underserved and unserved areas and population groups, the creation of
jobs and thepromotion oftechnological development in the satellie and receiver industries, and
the improvement of U.S. competitiveness in the intemational economy.". Report and Order at 1
7 (emphasis added); see also NPRM at 19 2, 5, 12. Satellie—sadio was contemplated and
suthorized as a service that would provide service unique to that of local radio — one that could
provide a national, satelite—based network of continuous radio service for long—distance
commuters, for niche audiences, and for persons living in remote areas. Report and Order at 9
12—14.— But in building a terrestrial—based radio network to blanket urban areas XM and Sitius
have not created a new or unique radio service.
       One ofthe main arguments that NAB has made against the use of terrestrial repeaters is
that repeaters are simply a crutch fora technology thatis not up to the task of providing the
seamless, mobile coverage promised by its proponents and desired by the Commission,
especiallyin cities where numerous "urban canyons" exist."" As noted by AT&T Wircless
Services, "(aJpparently the gaps to be filled in the satellite service now encompass entire

metropolitan areas."""   And as evidenced by the Requests, XM and Sirius‘ repeaters networks, by
their sheer numbers and power levels, appear to be designed to blanket metropolitan areas, not
fill—in isolated gaps in coverage."*

          Further, the extensive repeater networks proposed by the SDARS license holders
represent a disturbing and serious potential threat to radio broadcasters‘ service. Simply stated,

the extensive terrestrial digital radio networks proposed by XM And Sirius have the potential to
operate totally divorced of the satellte transmission systems that they supposedly are intended to
complement."" Allowing the use of terrestrial repeaters sets the stage for XM and Sirius to offer
nothing more than a satellite—fed terrestrial radio service, or worse, a completely independent
terrestrial service, thereby totally circumventing the Commission‘s stated intentions of
establishing a high—tech direct broadcast satelliradio service forthe U.S.listening public,tat
would serve different interests than the existing terrestrial radio system. We are concerned that,

should the nationally—based, no—local—origination—allowed SDARS systems experience grave

"* Comments of NAB, TB Docket No. 95—91 and GEN Docket No. 90—357 (Feb. 22, 2000)at 3.
* Writen Ex—Parte Presentation from AT&T Wireless Service, Feb, 20 2001, at 4; see also
Letter from Karen B. Possner, Vice President—Strategic Policy, Bell South to Magalie Roman
Salas, Secretary, PCC, May 18, 2001 observing that, "[over time, it has become increasingly
evident that XM and Siius do not intend to rely on satellite reception any where in urban
markets,but rather intend to blanket those markets with terrestril signals from extremely high—
power repeaters ... such that terestrial signals will be ubiquitous."
"*For example, XM‘s Request calls for 66 repeaters above 2 kW and 34 repeaters greater than 12
kW in just the Boston Metropolitan Area.
*‘ The most extreme example of this can be found in the terrestril repeater network architecture
employed by Sirius, which is fed by a VSAT network operating in the Ku—band and is (in a
technical sense) totally and completely disconnected from the SDARS satellte transmission

‘business difficulties (a circumstance not uncommon for untried satelite services),"these service
providers‘ fallback position will be to petition the FCC to be allowed to operate a local service

on a par with the existing base ofterrestrial AM and FM radio broadcasters."" The Commission

should ensure that the satellte radio licensees‘ use of terrestrial repeaters does not contravene the

stated purpose for the SDARS authorization , «. the benefit of a new and unique satellte—based

radio service.

    V.      The Satellite Radio Industry Should Not Rely on Experimental Authorizations
            And STAs to Deploy A Terrestrial—Based, Satellite—Supported Radio Network.
         The Commission has already noted instances in which its processes "have been abused
by companies attempting to establish commercial businesses under the guise of experimental
Hicenses.""" The Requests are clear and striking examples of such abuse, where the satellie radio
industry is refusing to describe in full their ever—expanding terrestrial networks, networks built
on experimental authorizations and STAs. And as the Commission‘s Rules expressly state:
   The applicant for a station in the Experimental Radio Services accepts the licensee with the
   express understanding: (a)that the authority to use the frequeney or frequencies assigned is
   granted upon an experimental basis only and does not confer any right to conduct an activity
   of a continuing nature; and (b) that said grant is subject to change or cancellation by the
   Commission at any time without hearing if in its discretion the need for such action arises.
   a7u.8.C.§ 583.

"* See, e.g., Press Release of New Eastland Study, which reveals that $0% of Americans
surveyed show litle interest in subscription satellte radio services, August 14, 2001, attached as
"* *Although opponents ofsatellite DARS have not shown that it will have a sudden and
dramatie adverse impact on terrestrial broadcasting, [the Commission] cannot entirely rule out
the possibility ofa major adverse impact. [The Commission] emphasize(s] tat [i] remain(s]
committed to supporting a vibrant and vital terrestrial radio service for the public." NPRA at
® Amendment ofPart 5 ofthe Commission‘s Rules to Revise the Experimental Radio Service
Regulations, 11 FCC Red 20130, 20136 (1996).


       Thus, it is clear that,in building—out a large terrestrial network, satellite radio licensees

have contravened Commission‘s intent and the Commission has the authority to order the

immediate shut down of terrestrial repeaters. Indeed, XM attempts to portray its atest Request

as "eritical" o its suecessful launch ofsatellite radio service operation." Tt is relying on a large
number of terrestrial repeaters, not satellite technology, t reach its subscription audience,

particularly those in urban markets. Both XM and Sitius have staked their financial future on the

expectation that the Commission would cither grant these Requests and/or transform the current

experimental authorizations and STAs into permanent lienses.

       But the Commission must first determine that the ultimate use of terrestrial repeaters is

legitimate before it authorizes any additional construction.. XM and Sitius‘ financial investment
is an irrelevant factor; the Court of Appeals has stated that in cases where a company not been
granted a permanent license, "the [lieensee] agreed and the Commission assents that no weight is
to be given to the investment involved in the remporary operation ofthe advantages which
inhere in satisfictory interim operation for 2 to 3 years." Community Broadcasting Co., v. FCC,
274 F. 2d 753, 759 (D.C. Cir. 1960) (emphasis added). Further, the Court of Appeals has held

that ultimately a licensee applicant "stll bears the risk that it willingly accepted [in commencing
operation with interim operating authority}, namely that it will not finally be awarded the
license." Orion Communications Lid. v. FCC, 131 F3d 176, 181 (D.C. Cir. 1997).. Thus, the
satellite radio licensees have no basis, or reasonable expectation that their experimental
authorizations, STAs and financial investments in terrestrial repeaters are to be given any weight.

*‘ XM Request a 1.


    VI.      SDARS Terrestrial Repeaters Must Be Probibited From Transmiting Locally
             Originated Programming.
          By now it is clear that the SDARS licensees are establishing a widespread terrestral
network, in stark contrast to the satellite networks they proposed. For, in addition to deploying a
large and high—powered terrestrial repeater network, the SDARS licensees have proposed service
ules which would allow local origination orinsertion of locally—targeted programming. As
originally proposed by the Commission, the rules governing SDARS use of errestrial repeaters
would require that the signals being transmitted by the repeater be received from the operating
DARS satellites."" In January 2000, Sirius proposed replacing this requirement with a
requirement that repeaters simply retransmit the "same programming" as the DARS satellite.""
One year later, XM and Sitius proposed that the rules being sought by both license holders be
erafted so that "[tJerrestrial repeaters shall not be used to originate programming not also
transmitted from authorized DARS satellites."""
          On its face this current proposal appears to echo the SDARS pledge not to transmit
locally—originated programming, a pledge which is restated in the just—filed STA Requests.""
But, upon closer examination, the SDARS proposed rule does not prelude locally originated

* Further Notice ut § 142.
"" See Supplemental Comments of Sitius Satellte Radio, January 18, 2000, at Exhibit 3; see also
Comments ofNAB, Feb. 22, 2000 at 3—4.
*‘ See Proposed Rule §25.144 (€)(1), XM‘s Ex Parre Submission, IB Docket No. 95—91, April
25, 2001 and Proposed Rule §25.144 (€)(1), Sirius‘ Ex Parte Submission, TB Docket No. 95—91,
April 23, 2001, Attached as Exhibit 1.
* XM Request at2, Sirius Request at 3.


material and, as such, contravenes the Commission‘s tentative conclusion to prohibit the use of
terrestril repeaters to transmit locally originated programming.""
          Specifically, the satellte radio licensees‘ proposed language is not a prohibition on
locally originated material (as it should be). Instead, t is merely a confirmation that material
transmitted from terrestril repeaters is also transmitted by the SDARS satellites. Because it is
technically feasible for XM and Sirius to transmit programming coded in such a way that it
would not be processed by the satellite signal portion of consumer receivers, but instead would
be received and stored in memory residing within the terrestrial repeater,"" programming could
‘be targeted to specific repeaters and have local content. This potentiallylocally—originated
material could then be transmitted to a consumer receiver. The following example illustrates this

*         Local advertisements could be sent overnight on the SDARS satellite for local storage on
          terrestralrepeaters. The capacity for effecting this transfer could be easily obtained
          simply by reducing the bit rate on some ofthe music audio channels during this time
          period when there are likely to be fewer listeners.
*         Throughout the following day,the locally stored ads could be sent out at specific times
          from the terrestrial repeaters to consumer receivers.
+         Receivers could be designed to favor the signal being received from the terrestrial
          repeaters over that being received by the satellites, again facilitated by the fact that
          SDARS receivers are actually two receivers in one, ensuring that the locally—originated
          materialreaches the listener.

Thus, the downloaded material would adhere to the "letter" of the proposed rule since it would

have (at some point earlier) been transmitted over the SDARS satellte (the only requirement

°* Further Notice at 99 140—142.
*‘ This capability stems from the fact that SDARS consumer receivers are in fact two receivers in
one — a satellite receiver (which processes the single—carrier TDM transmission from the
sutellite) and a terrestrial receiver (processing the multi—carrier OFDM terrestrally—transmitted


stipulated),but in fact it would be locally originated from the terrestral repeater (similar to

practice of an AM or FM station‘s insertion of a local advertisement over a nationally—syndicated
tadio feed).
       The Commission has well—established rules regarding the use ofrepeaters and radio
broadeast signals. 47 C.F.R. Part 74, Subpart L. These rules require that each radio broadcast
repeater be used onlto retransmit an incoming radio broadcast signal without altering any
characteristis of the incoming signal other than its amplitude and, in some cases, ts frequency.
See 47 C.F.R. § 74.1201(s)and (D. Broadeast repeaters are not permitted to change the
bandwidth of the incoming signal. Nor are they permitted to change the content ofthe incoming
signal."" 1 The purpose ofthese and other Part 74 rule provisions is t ensure that broadcast
repeaters are not used for any other purpose other than the retransmission of a complete signal

from the primary station.
       The Commission here should ensure that SDARS terrestrial repeaters, like those

employed in the terrestrial radio broadcast service, are used only to retransmit the complete

signalfrom the primary station, intendedfor the consumer satellte receivers, atthe time it is
transmitted. For these satellite systems, this means that their terrestril repeaters must be limited
to the retransmission ofthe complete satellite signals. NAB has always maintained that SDARS

* There are a few very limited exceptions to this rule. Specifically, 47 C.F.R. § 74.1231(1) and
(8) permit broadcast terrestrial repeaters to transmit locally originated announcements
concemning emergency waming of imminent danger and requests for, or acknowledgements of,
fnancial support. Also, 47 C.F.R. § 74.1283(c) permits a broadcast terestrialrepeater to either
frequency shif or amplitude modulate the incoming carrier signal in order to ransmitits call
sign in International Morse Code atleast once an hour. If the incoming signal contains a
supplemental subcarrier, such as those commonly used at 67 kHz and 92 kHz in the FM
baseband to provide services like foreign language programming, then this subcarrier must also
be retransmitted. Conversely, ifa subcarrier is not included in the incoming signal, one may not
‘be added at the repeater.


terrestrial repeaters must be explictly prohibited from transmiting any locally originated
programming, lest SDARS become, to any extent, a terrestrial—fed network. Therefore, the
Commission should carefully craft ts "no local origination rule" to specify that terestrial
repeaters be used and are restrieted to re—transmitting only what is currently being broadcast by
the SDARS satellite, and thatinput to these repeaters be restricted tothe SDARS satellte signal
itself. No other input, backup or otherwise, should be allowed, in order to insure the
complementary nature of the terrestrial component."
        NAB asks that the Commission adopt ts rules as now proposed in this regard and
reaffirm its original intention in this rulemaking — the establishment ofa satellte—only radio
service — using the only means now left forit to do so, namely, requiring that these terrestril
repeaters befed from the same satellte signal which is used by the receivers themselves and
expresslyprohibiting all other means of signal delivery to said repeaters. The Commission
should also set a reasonable cap as to the amount and type ofterrestrial repeaters the SDARS
Hicensees can deploy. Finally, the Commission should license each repeater,oaltematively,
require strict record keeping on each repeater installation. This is the only way the Commission
can prevent this technology from being what it was never intended to be, a terrestrial digital
tadio network."

" Therefore, if, in the future SDARS satellites were to fail, or, altematively the SDARS service
ceases operation, the terrestril repeaters could not be transformed into a terrestrialradio service.
* The Commission states, Further Notice, supra, at § 142, thatit "must determine how to ensure
any use of terrestrial repeaters is complementary to the DARS service and is only for
retransmission of signals received from the satellite." Given the highly problematic task ofthe
Commission‘s physically verifying that every repeater is being fed only from an authorized
satellite, the Commission‘s rules must explicitly require such operation, as the Commission here


VIL    Conclusion.

       For the reasons stated above, NAB XM and Sirius‘ request for STA to operate terestrial

repeaters be denied.
                                                          Respectfully Submitted,
                                                          NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF
                                                          1771 N Street, N.W.
                                                          Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                          (202) 429—5430

David H. Layer                                              emy Baumann
Director, Advanced Engineering                            Jack N. Goodman
NAB Science & Technology                                  Valerie Schulte
                                                          Ann W. Bobeck

August 21, 2001


(Excerpt from Part 25 rules changes proposed by XM and Sirius)
§25.144 Licensing provisions for the 2.3 GHe satellie digital audio radio service
(€)(1) Licensing of satellte DARS terrestrial repeaters. Satellte DARS licensecs may
construct and operate ground—based transmitters with a total EIRP of each transmitter not
exceeding 40 kW in the frequency assignment ofthe licensee ("terrestrial repeaters").
Terrestril repeaters shall not be used to originate programming not also transmitted from
authorized DARS satelltes. Any medium or high power repeater must be operated so
that the amplitude ofthe repeater‘s main signal within the spectrum assigned to the
licensee, measured anywhere between ground level and 30 above ground leve},shall not
exceed 25 dBm per 1 MHz, using a calibrated field measurement set to 1 MHz intervals.

                                         Exhibit 2

August 14, 2001
For Immediate Release
Contact: Mike Gould (877—886—3320)

(Wenatchee, WA)—Sate      radio‘s impact on commercial broadcasters may be
minimal according to new research released today by the media research firm,
Eastian Resources.

The Eastlan study was conducted during the period of March 22—May 16, 2001. A
sample of 4,851 Americans (12 years or older) were asked if they would be
interested in purchasing a new satelite delivered radio service that offered
dozens of commercialiree radio channels for a monthly fee of around $10.00.

Men expressed slightly more interest than women in satelite radio as 21.5% of
male sample and 19.1% of women indicated a propensity toward purchasing
satelite radio.
The actual market penetration of satelite radio may be much lower says Eastlan
Vice President/Research Bert Hambleton. "A four—fold differential between
propensity to purchase and actual likelinoodof tralis typical of new hi—tech
products. Additionally, our study did not suggest any cost of entry. The cost of a
new receiver may also negatively effect the penetration of satelite radio."
Hambleton adds, "at the bottom line, at this point. our study would suggest
satelite radio‘s market penetration potential to be around 5%."
Eastlan expects to release additional data from this study in the next 30 days.
Household incomeand specific demographic breakouts are currently being

Eastlan Resources is rivately held media—research fim headquartered in Wenatchee,
Washington with offces in Issaquah, Washington (Seatte) and Sisters, Oregon (Portand).
Eastlan provides rado audience measurement data t over 225 subscribing radio statins in
more than 60 markets across the Unied States:

Document Created: 2005-09-28 14:33:06
Document Modified: 2005-09-28 14:33:06

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