Attachment ex parte comments

ex parte comments


ex parte comments


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010724-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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 &BeamReach                                    RECEIVED                Rraiche
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 Magalic Roman Salas, Secreury                                                       August21" 2001
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 Tweltth Szeet SW
 Washington, DC 20554
 Wrinen Ex Parte Comments
 XMRadio,Inc. request for STA, File No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063
 Sirius Satelite Radio,Inc. request for STA, File No. SAT—$TA—20010724—00064
 1B Docket No. 95—91 — Establishment of Rules and Policesfor the Digital Audio Radio Satelite
 Service in the 2310 — 2360 MB Frequency Band
 Dear Ms. Salas,
 Please acceptth attiched Ex Parte Commentsinto the Record under the above mentioned Proceeding.
 The Comments are riggered by therecenty fled requests of SDARS Licensees to commence
 commercial operation ofteestial repeaters under Special Temporary Asthoriy.
 Any questions can be addressed to the undersigned.

 Randall Schwartz
 Director, Regulatoryand Standards
 Tel: 408—860—8782

Before the
                        —FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS comMissION
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554
In the Mater of:

XM Radio, Inc. request for STA, File No. SAT—8TA—20010712—00063
Sirius Satelite Radio,Inc. request for STA, File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00084
Estabishment of Rules and Policies forthe Digital Audio Radio Satelite Service in the 2310—2350
MHz Frequency Band, 1B Docket No. 9—91

BeamReach Networks Inc. (‘BeamReach‘) hereby submits ExParte comments on the above—referenced

proceedingin ight of recent SDARS Licensees‘requestsfor Special Temporary Authorly to operate (high
power) terrestalrepeaters within ther frequency band and the potential impact on icensees in the WCS
and MMDSMTES bands.. in pertcular, BeamReach addresses the systemevel impact of terrestral
repeaters on WCS deployments.

1. Introduction
BeamBReach Networks Inc. is a privately held company based in Sunnywale, Calfomia, BeamReach
developed its spectraly—effcient Adaptive Multbeam OFDM wreless technology for the provision of
broadtend wreless access (BWA) services in frequencies below 6 GHz. For addiional information about
the company andlor is technology, please refer to the BeamReach Reply Comments and Ex Parte
presentation in the recent ECC 3650 MHz proceeding‘,the BeamReach comments previously fled in is
Docker‘, ovist
BeamReach Networks is designing a product specficaly to delver BWA services in the WCS band and
thus BeamReach has detaled knowedge ofthe technicaregulations and implcations for manutacturing a
product to delver services in tis band. The next generalion WCS equipment BeamReach Networks is
developing is designed to meet or exceed all of the Commission‘s rules governing transmissions in the
Wes bang.
Given the technical specfications provided in the STAs fied by the SDARS operators‘, BeamReach has

 1. Decket ET96—237 : Reply Comments of BeamReach Networks Inc, fled 18th December 2000 and Ex
    Parle Presentation on 3tst January 2001.
2.. Docket 1B05—91 : Comments of BeamReach Networks Inc., led 23rd May 2001.
3.. SAT—TA20010712—00063 fied 12" July 2001 by XM Radie, Inc. and SAT—$TA20010724—00084

enalyzed the proposed deployment of terrestrialrepeaters and assessed the impact on a WCS service
providers deployment of BeamReach‘s equipment in the greater Boston area.. This analysis concludes
that the proposed deployment of high power SDARS repeaters wil severely impair the use of the WCS
bend for emerging2—way broadband services
BeemReach has undertaken the folowing technica! analyses to evaluate the proposed deployments of
high and medium power trrestril repeaters:
a) Signal Strength Prediction Using Longley—Rice Model — Greater Boston
    Te proposed deployment of Siius and XM SDARS repeatersin the Boston Metro area was analyzed
    using a terein—based propagetion modaing tool. The transmiter locations, output powers (EIRP),
    antenna patterns and transmiter heights were inputs t his tool. This analysis determined the extent
    of the proposed coverage and produced a map ofthe signalstrength usingthe Longley—Rice
    propagation modet
b) Generalized Quantiative Analysis of Excluded Households
    A generalized modelof the intermodulation distortion caused by the proposed Sirus and XM
    repeaters was used to determine the percentage of households that would be prevented from
    sccessing BWA services in the WCS band.
2. BeamReach CPE Receiver Characteristics
Te performance characteristies ofthe BeamReach customer premises equipment (CPE), specitcall the
CPE noise foor, tird order intercapt point, and 1 48 desensiization level due to blocking signals w in
the RF passband are provided in Table 1 below.. These figures will be utlized in the intermoculation
enalysis provided in the nextsection
                        Table 1 BeamReach Residential CPE RF Parameters

    Radio Parameter

    Duplexing Method                                TOD, A pai, B pair, and C/D used for
    Noise Figure                                    508
    IF Bendwith                                     1.25 MHz

(Continued from previous page)
    fied 12" July 2001 by Sinus Satelte Radio.

    Frequency Range                                      WCGS Bands A, B, C, D
    Input IP3 for signals within RF BPF                  —7 dam

    RF     Preselection      Fitter,   Bandpass          55 MHz centered on WCS band
    Antenna Beamwidth                                    18° —3 dB points, 36° to sidelobe level

it should be noted that tfrequency spacing between the proposed XM and Siius repeaters is such that
3rd order ntermadulation products of thase two signals wil land directly n the WCS band — speciicaly the
A, B, C, and D blocks.. From the values in Table 1, Table 2 can be derived. The radiated susceptbilty
ue to blocking and due to intermadulation ditorion are shoun, as is the noise level causing a 1 0B
degradation in the sensitviy.
                                 Table 2. Impairment Onset Levels
    Coreceo                                                   [E

    Rediated Susceptibiity, Blocking                          —30 dm

    Rediated Susceptbiity, IMD, Two signals within            —50 dBm signal 1, —80 dBm signal 2
    the me Ressbans                                           —£0 dm signal 1,—60 dBm signal 2
                                                              —70 dBm signal 1, —40 dBm signal 2
    Broadband     IMD   noise.   allowable,     1.       08   —114 dbm

Radiated Suscepibily, IMD as listed above defines the minimum level of signal received from both
repeaters atthe WCS CPE that wil cause Broadband IMD at the level shown above._ Said another way,
IMD interference wil occur when both SDARS operators are operating terrestralrepeaters the same
market wih overiapping signalstrength in excess of those values shoun in the Table above.

3. Coverage and Propagation Analysis
Analysis ofthe proposed deplayment of Srivs and XM repeaters in the greater Boston area, as fied wih
the FCC, was undertaken by BeamReach Neworks using the Commtudy terrain based propagetion
modelng tool. The location, call signature, antenna height above ground level, antenna model and ERP

values were taken from Siius and XM Radio‘s requestsfor STA® as inputs int this tol.
This analysis determined the extent of the proposed coverage and the resuling signal srenghh from the
proposed Sirus and XM Radio repeaters in the Massechusetts area surrounding Boston using the
LongleyRice propagation model. The Longley:Rice propagation model was used to model the
attenvation effects caused by distance and terrai. The BeamReach CPE antenna was assumed to be at
the nominal antenna height, 20 feet above ground level (approximataly roottop level for a single story
4. Technical Analysis — Intermodulation
"The frequency spacing between XM and Siius repeaters ensures that 3rd order intermodlation products
between these two signals wil land cirecty i the WCS band — A, B, C, and D blocks. Any market where
both operators are deployed wilrestrctthe usabily of the WCS band.
Fipure 1 depicts the signal strength from the proposed Situs repeater in the area surrounding Boston
using the Longley Rice model. For reference, the three closest XM Radio repeaters are shoun on the
plot, but do not contribute tothe signalstrength shown for the Situs repeater.

4. SAT—STA20010712—00083 fled 12" July 2001 by XM Radio, Inc. and SAT—STA—20010724—00084
   fied 12" July 2001 by Sirus Satelte Radio.

   m        +        s       a        a           o     a       «        &        +

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                Figure 1. Contour of Sirs Coverage Causing IMD (> —60 dBm)
Fiqure 2 depicts the signal strengih from three of the propased XM Radio repeaters in the area
surrounding Boston usingthe Longley—Rice model. The Sits repeater is also shown on the plot but does
not contrbute to the signal strength forthe XM repeaters.

         as               1                an              an               an              snas

               Figure 2. Contour of XM Radio Coverage Causing IMD (> —80 dBm)
The shading indicates the regions in which signal stength from the SDARS terrestral repeaters is in
excess of—60 dBm. To determine the regionin which interference from intermodulation products causes
degradation in the WCS band at the BeamReach CPE, the intersection of regions above —60 dBm is
determined. Thus, regions which are shaded on both plots are regions in which CPE experience atter
performance degradation or outage due to XMSiius incuced IMD. When these two plots are overiaid on
each other, a signticant porton of the suburban and urban regions of greater Boston wil see a power
levelin excess of —60 dBm from both SDARS service providers
Adding further complexiy is the fact that other signal strength combinations from XM and Sirus repeaters
produce similer performance impacts.. For instance, two signals of —50 dBm and —80 dam respectvely
produce the same results as —60 dém and —60 dam

BeamReach has attempled to quantfy: the number of houscholds that would be affected by
intermoulation interference using a generalized model emulating the proposed XMSitus deployment
with our own equipment in the oof Boston. in anabzing the intermodulation products which resultfrom
miing the SDARS: transmissions at the WCS recaiver, ther is vitually an infite number of scenarios,
each with different geogrephic spacing between SDARS terrestral repeaters, WCS base stations and
CPE. The one scenari that can be analyzed is that where the BeamReach cals are located i the seme
service area as nterfering repeaters being operated by SDARS operators, such that the BeamReach CPE
"see‘with both SDARS repeaters
"The analysisis based on IMD limting and assumes that both XM and Sirus operate in the same market,
cover the same region, and operale atthe same powerleve. in this calculaion,the 3" order IMD product
produced in the GPE front.end is the limting factor. The unfortunate frequency spacing between XM and
Sirus repeaters ensures that 3" order intermodulation products produced by these two signals will land
directlyin e WCS banc.
The threshold crteria assumed the BWA sensitity was degraded beyond an allowance of 1 dB. The
melhodology assumed the BWA system covered the Boston region using a celluarzed leyout wih
BeemReach system peremeters,ink budgets, coverage margins and fade margins. The Hata COST 231
Suburban model was used to determine the BWA cell rdius. From the cell redius, the number of
subscribers in the addressed market was computed from the demographics of the area
Te number of households denied access was then determined by using the susceptbity ofthe GPE and
the EIRof trepeaters. An addiional 10 dB of repeater suppression was added due to CPE sideiobe
performance.. The height of trepeater was taken as the average antenna height used in the proposed
Baston deployment, approximately 60 meters, and each repeater EIRP was set at2,000 watls, then each
set to 20,000 wats.
Table 4 ilustrates the percentage of households excluded due to medium and high power repeater
operaton. The percentages represent the areas where the interference caused by the repeaters is tco
great to alow reflable operation of the BWA system in the adjacent WCS band.. Of partcular note, two
operetors utliing 20,000 wett ransmiters in the same market destroys the use of the WCS market for
broadband wireless access.. Even 2.000 wett operation in this scenario excludes 18% of the adcressed

            Table 4 Households Excluded Due to SDARS Repeater Operation (IMD)

    2,000 wats, IMD

    20,000 watts, IMD                                 72

"The direct result of the blocking iterference will bea signiicant increase i the cificuly of marketng and
deploying the WCS service. Specifcaly, it wil be more dificulfothe WCS service provider to determine
whether a partculr customer location can be served at the point the potental customer enguires about
service. The service providerwl not be able to ensure a potental customer tnat sevice can be provided
untia site survey has been completed, which increases the cost of service deployment.

5. Conclusions and Recommendations
in summary, BeamReach Networks has undertaken an analysis of the SDARS terrestil repeater
deployment proposed by XM Radio for the Boston market as part o ts STA applcation.          analsis
concurs with comments previously submited that SDARS repeaters wil cause blocking interference in the
WCS band and that SDARS transmissions mixing with WCS transmissions wil create 3" and 5" order
intermodutation products within the WCS band?. Te analysis also shows that when botn SDARS
fcensees utlizeterestral repeaters in the same market,the 3° order intermodulation products resuling
from miing of both SDARS frequencies at the WCS receiver have an even greater impact.. This
phonomenon wil occur within a WCS receiver (such as BeamReach‘s) when the interfering SDARS
signals exceed — 60 dBm, resuling in exclusion zones much larger than previously noted wihin this
Docket. The provimity of these bands is too close to allow for economicalfitering. As such, grantingthe
SDARS leensees‘ proposals to use high powered (greater than 2.000 W EIRP per 5 MHz) terestral
repeaters would render WCS specitum useless and eliminate the option of using the WCS band for
compettive broadband services.
BeamReach offers tfallowing conclusions from our anal
    1. The use of terrestrial repeaters signiicanty impacts the deployment of broadband wreiess
       access in the WCS band.. Interference effects ue to blocking and intermodiulaion are both

5.. Docket 19591 Comments of Wireless Communications Association Intemational, Inc. fled 15th
    December 2000.

        observed. This wilresultin exclusion zones for he WCS service of signiicant size.
        The propased SDARS repeaterfrequency spacing yelds 3" order intermodulation products in the
        WCS band. Te proximify of these bands is too close for economicalfitering. For 2.000 W EIRP
        repeaters, 18% of households wil be affected. For 20,000 W EIRP repeaters, the intermodulation
        wil block out 72% of houscholds
        it wil be extremely dificut, i not impossile, to effectvely plan the deployment of a WCS network
        (select base station sites and identfy exclusion zones) in the presence of 2000 Watt EIRP
        repeaters, uniess steps are taken to ensure adequale spacing between repeaters belonging to
        diferent SDARS operator.
BeamReach Networks urges the Commission to reject he STA applcations currenty under consideration
and repidy complete the proceeding under this Docket establishing rules for the deployment of SDARS
terrestra repeaters.. BeamReach makes the following recommendations related to the SDARS repeater
rules to enable WCS service providers to imthe addressable market lost due to SDARS operatin:
    1   Output power of he repeaters should be limited to 2,000 W EIR® per 5 MFiz (no more than 400
        W per MHz) and SDARS licenseesshould be required to pre—coordinate deployments win WCS
        service providers
        Moreover, pre—coordination between XM and Sirus should be requied to ensure that their
        repeater locations, power levels and antenna heights produce overlapping contours effecting no
        more that 2% of the households.. These contours should be —50 dBm80 dam, —60 dBm—40
        «@im, and 70 dam—40 dam.
        The proposed outotband suppression requrements of 75 + 10log(P) dB for SDARS
        transmissions mean that WCS lcensees would be held to a higher standard. SDARS licensees
        should be required to abide by the same WCS requirement of 80 + 101og(P) dB or reief should be
        granted to WCS lcensees.
BeamReach agrees wih the previous comments of AT&T Wireless Services, BellSouth, Verizon, WCA,
Meicom and WorldCom that the rules for SDARS terrestrial repeaters should be determined in
consideration ofthe rules applicable to the acjacent WCS band. In partculr, SDARS repeaters should
be limed to the same meximum power emissions as other WCS band transmiters (2.000 W per 5 Mz
equivalentto 400 W per MHz).

Respectfully Submited,


      BeamReach Networks Inc
     755 North Mathilda Avenue
          Tel: 408 869 8700
          Fax: 408 860 8701
Regulatory Contact : Randall Schwartz


Document Created: 2005-09-28 14:18:31
Document Modified: 2005-09-28 14:18:31

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