Attachment comment


COMMENT submitted by Entercom Communications Corp.



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010724-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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Ms. Magalie R. Slas
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Streex, SW
Washingron, DC 20554                                                 s
Dear Ms. Salas:
                On behalf of Entercom Communications Corf. there is ransmited herewith an
original and four copies of its Camments with respect to the separate requests for Special Temporary
Authority filed by XM Radio Inc. (ECC File No. SAT—STA—200010712—00063) and bySiius Sarelite
Radio Inc. (PCC File No. SAT—STA—200010724—00064) to operate digitl audio radio service
terrestril epeater stations.
               f any additional information is desired in connection with this maner, please contact
the undersigned counsel
                                              Verytly yours,

                                             /Jz We _
                                             ‘Birizn M. Madden

ces    Bruce Jacobs, Esq.
       Carl Frank, Esg,

                                         BEFORE THE                              CA
                                                                                 e 4B

         Federal Communications Comméfl‘EEENED
                                  WaSHINGTON, D.C. 20584

                                                                                  aus 2 1 2001
                                                                                   eommvon cxestt
In the Matter of                                     )                           emetoe ne mete
Request by XM Radio Inc                              ) 1B Docket No. 95—91
                                                                           T A — 2 0 0 1 0 7 12—00063
and Sirius Satellte Radio Inc.                          C C le
                                                     ) F Fi N So . A T — S
for Special Temporary Authorityto Operate            ) FCC File No. SAT—§TA—2
Digital Audio Radio Service Terrestrial Repeaters    )

To:   Chief, Allocations Branch
      Mass Media Bureau

                                       comments or
                         ENT            CcoMMUN                     ore.

               Entercom Communications Corp. ("Entercom"), licensee of 95 broadcast radio
stations in 18 markets, by ts attomeys, hereby submits comments in opposition to the above—
captioned requests of XM Redio Inc. (°XM®) and Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. (*Sirius") for special
temporaryauthority (*STA®) to operate digital audio radio service terrestrialrepeaters (the "STA
Requests"). The terrestrial repeater networks that XM and Sirius propose to construct pursuant
to their STA Requests are not "gap filers" for satellite—delivered service, as the Commission
proposed to authorize,‘ but rather, the systems proposed in the STA Requests —— and particularly
in XMs unsubstantiated request to operate no fewer than 778 high power terrestrial repeaters at

        ‘Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, /n the Matter ofEstablishment ofRules and Policiesfor
the Digital Audio Radio Satellte Service in the 2310—2360 MHZ Frequency Band, 11 FCC Red
1, 18 (1995) (the "NPRAMY).

powers from 2 kW to 40 kW in 61 markets nationwide —— would allow XM and Sirius to provide

essentially a terrestrial—based radio service, in contravention ofthe Commission‘s underlying

intentions as set forth in IB Docket No. 95—91; in contravention of XM‘s and Siius‘s purported

intentions of offering a satellite—delivered service in which the terrestrial repeaters will serve only

to "Aill gaps" in areas where it may be difficult to receive DARS signals transmitted by satellte:
and in contravention of the public interest, since such a newterrestrial system would directly

threaten the viability of currently—licensed terrestrial broadcasters, particularly in smaller markets

where traditional radio broadcasters already face difficult financial challenges to their continued

               The Commission has been unwavering in proposing that terrestral repeaters used
in connection with SDARS be implemented as "gap—fillers," in "urban canyons and other areas

where it may be difficult to receive DARS signals transmitted bya satellit."" The Commission

has proposed that the "terrestrial gap—fillers" be limited to retransmission ofthe information sent
bythe satellite to "overcome the effects of signal blockage and multipath interference."" In

addressing the concems expressed in IB Docket 95—91, the Commission offered its assurance that

it proposed to prohibit the use of terrestrial gap—filers "except in conjunction with an operating
satellite DARS system to ensure its complementary nature and so that there would e no

       °NPRM at 18, and Report and Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order, and Further
Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, In the Matter ofEstablishment ofRules and Policiesfor the
Digital Audio Radio Satellte Service in the 2310—2360 MHZ Frequency Band, 12 FCC Red
5754, 5810 (1997) (the "Report and Order®).
       "NPRM at 18. and Report and Order at 5811.

transformation ofsarellite DARS into an independent terrestrial DARS network" (emphasis
added)." The STA Requests fall tprovide any information that demonstrates the purported
necessity for deploying such extensive systems of high powered terrestril repeaters, and
nowhere does XM or Sirius show that these extensive proposed systems ofterrestrialrepeaters
will be used onlyas "gap—filles," in accordance with the manner in which the Commission has
consistentlyintended. The Commission should not permit further proliferation of repeater
stations, beyond those actually constructed as ofthis date under the existing experimental
authorizations, without adoption of formal service and technical rules for terrestrial repeaters
Those rules should not permit SDARS operators unfettered rights to establish repeaters without a
specific demonstration of need due to signal obstruction. Not onlywould unregulated
construction of an unlimited number ofhigh—powered repeater stations create interference to
other spectrum users, as,for example, alleged by wireless licensees operating on adjacent
spectrum, but such blanket authority would lead to a fundamental change in the nature of the
SDARS service, as discussed further herein.
               The Commission has tentatively concluded that it will prohibit the use of
terrestral repeaters totransmit locally originated programming." However, on April 25, 2001,
XM submitted draft rules for the operation of SDARS terrestrialrepeaters that would allow
SDARS operators to circumvent the Commission‘s intent and allowlocally—ori         mated


       ‘Report and Order at 5812.

programming to be broadcast on SDARS throughthe use ofthe terrestrial repeater network
Specifically, XM‘s proposed Section 25.144 ofthe Commission‘s rules provides that
"[tlerrestral repeaters shall not be used to originate programming not also fransmittedfom
authorized DARS satelltes" (emphasis added)® The artful phrasing of this rule as proposed by
XM conceivably allows SDARS operators to use a terrestrial repeater system to include
programming, including local commercials, targeted to local audiences and originated locallyas
Jong as such signal was first uploaded to its DARS satellite for retransmission. In the comments
being filed in this proceeding by the National Association of Broadcasters ("Comments ofNAB"),
which Entercom joins and supports, one possible method of such localized operation is
illustrated. See Comments ofNAB at 13—14. The use ofcurrently available technologyin this
manner would defeat the Commission‘s stated intention to authorize a nationally—based service to
complement, and not destroy, existing terrestrial local AM and FM radio services. SDARS was
established to offer new service particularly for niche audiences and geographically—isolated
audiences that are underserved by exiting broadcasters.". In essence, a grant ofthe STA Requests

in connection with XM‘s draft rules would allow SDARS licensees to operate virtually as
terrestrial broadcasters, inserting local advertising and other programming and competing directly
with established terrestrial broadcasters in their local markets for local lsteners. Entercom does
not ask that competition in the markets in which it operates be curtailed; however, the
Commission never intended to authorize an additional terrestrial broadeasting service that would

       *Ex Parte Submission ofXM Radio Inc. n TB Docket 95—91 (April 25, 2001) at Exhibit 1.

       "NPRM ar 2.

compete directly with individual local AM and FM stations on the local level when it established
the nationwide SDARS service
               Entercom has emphasized previously in filings with the Commission concerning
SDARS that all radio stations require an adequate revenue base to sustain the non—entertainment
programming and community—based activities for which they are licensed to serve the public
convenience and necessity.* It is inevitable that when more stations are allowed to enter a
market,the market shares available to a particular station in a market decrease, and potential
advertising revenues are reduced. The Commission carefully weighed the effect of any new
service on local broadcasters in determining that a "new radio service ... [with] national
distribution    . would serve the public interest."

               The use of a massive network ofhundreds of high—powered repeaters, located in a
manner to blanket urban areas without any demonstration of service deficiencies, changes the
equation as analyzed by the Commission. As observed bythe NAB, the proposal would now
ereate a terrestrial—based network concentrated in metropolitan areas which is fully capable of
operating independent of anysatellite delivery. In the Boston metropolitan area, where Entercom
operates five radio stations, XM proposes 66 repeaters with power greater than 2 kW, and more
than half of those with power greater than 12 kW.     Entercom believes that the Commission

would not have established SDARS had the intial proposal involved such an extensive terrestrial
operation, and it must not nowallow SDARS to be transformed by the STA Requests into an

       ‘See Comments of Entercom (Pk/a Entertainment Communications, Inc.) filed in IB
Docket 95—91 at 2.
       ‘Report and Order at 5758.

entirely different service than originally conceived. There will inevitablybe some need for
repeaters in cases of actual service impediments. However, anyrepeater authorized for use to
complement SDARS service must be stritly limited to demonstrated service deficiencies, and
restrited in use to preclude the transmission of locally—originated programming and to allow
only the retransmission of the unaltered SDARS signal simultancous with itstransmission to
consumer receivers nation—wide.
                Bythe STA Requests, XM and Sirius seek to further expand their repeater
networks beyond that appropriate for experimental analysis, even before the Commission has
adopted service rules for such facilities.   Entercom agrees with the NAB that XM and Sirius must

be deemed to have constructed the existing repeater stations at their own risk, with no entilement
to any favorable equitable claims when the Commission establishes appropriately strict service
limitations on the use of such repeaters. See Comments ofNAB at 10—11. There is no
substantiation in the STA Requests for the necessity of utilizing such a substantial number of

terrestral repeaters in connection with SDARS, and the clear inference is that XM and Siius
intend that the requested terrestrialrepeater systems serve as backup, or worse, as primary
broadcast systems, with the potential to offer terrestrial locally—originated programming, rather



than to serve as the "gap—fillers" that the Commission intended.. For these reasons, Entercom

epposes approval ofthe STA Requests.

                                             ENTERCOM COMMUNICATIONS CORP.

                                                       me hi MeRA—__
                                                      rian M. Madden
                                                    Christopher J. Sova
                                                    Leventhal, Senter & Lerman PLL.C.
                                                    2000 K Street, N.W.
                                                    Suite 600
                                                    Washington, D.C. 20006—1809

August 21, 2001                                     Iis Attorneys


                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       1 Tamara L. Mariner hereby certify that true and correct copies of the foregoing
"Comments of Entercom Communications Corp." was sent by U.S. Mail this 22nd day of

August 2001 to the following:
                            Carl R. Frank, Eso.
                            Wiley, Rein & Fielding
                            1776 K Streex, NW
                            Washington, DC 20006

                            Bruce D. Jacobs, Esq.
                            Shaw Pittman
                            2300 N Street, NW
                            Washington, DC 20037

                                                       Amai           PIRP——
                                                           Tamara L. Mariner

Document Created: 2005-09-28 14:11:10
Document Modified: 2005-09-28 14:11:10

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