Attachment REQUEST


REQUEST submitted by Sirius



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010724-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


      Satelite Radio

      Snsnsineraso     March 12, 2002
un memseotreanetcas
      newton tr woro
        m mustezce
        in austesice
       revsmmmsscn     VIA HAND DELIVERY
                       Mr. William F. Caton
                       Acting Secretary
                       Federal Communications Commission
                       236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
                       Washington, DC 20002
                       Re:    Request To Extend Special Temporary Authority To Operate Satellite
                              DARS Terrestrial Repeaters; File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064
                       Dear Mr. Caton:
                               Purstiant to Section 25.120 ofthe Federal Communications Commission‘s
                       (FCC"or "Commission") rules,‘ Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. ("Sirius"), one of the
                       two satellte digital audio radio service ("satellite DARS®) licensees in the United
                       States, hereby requests an extension of its special temporary authority("STA") to
                       operate itsterrestrial repeater network.". Sitius requests an extension ofits STA for
                       180 days or until such time as the Commission issues final rules governing the use
                       of satellite DARS terrestrial repeaters." Grant of Sirius® extension request would
                       serve the public interest by allowing Sirius to continue its roll—out of uniformly high
                       quality commercial satellite DARS programming nationwide.. Attached is a FCC
                       Form 159, with a check payable to the FCC in the amount of $145.00.
                              Attached as Exhibit A is a list ofsites, including three minor revisions noted
                       below, in which Sirius operates terrestrial repeaters pursuant to its STA and for
                       which Sirius seeks an extension of ts STA. Sitius has included the following
                       *      47 CFR. $25.120.
                       s      Sirius Satellte Radio Inc. Application for Special Temporary Authority to
                       Operate Satellte Digital Audio Radio Service ComplementaryTerrestrial
                       Repeaters, Order and Authorization, File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064, DA 01
                       2171 (Sept. 17, 2001) ("Sirius STA Order").
                       *      Establishment ofRules and Policiesfor the Digital Audio Radio Satellie
                       Service in the 2310—2360 MFHz Frequency Band, Report and Order Memorandum
                       Opinion and Order and Further Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, 12 FCC Red 5754,
                       5810—12 (1997) (*Terrestrial Repeater NPRM)

Mr. William E. Caton
March 12, 2002
Page 2

information for each of the repeaters it operates pursuant to its STA:* (1)
geographic coordinates; (2) anterna type; (3) anterna orientation; (4) anterna
radiation pattem vertical downtit; (5) total EIRP; and (6) height Above Ground
Level (AGL). This streflects certain changes to the technical parameters ofone of
Sirius‘ repeaters in Detroit, Michigan, and one of ts repeaters in Las Vepas,
Nevada," and the addition of a low power repeater in Jackson, Mississippi.®_
Otherwise, it is identical to the list attached to Sirius® original STA request.
Attached as Exhibit B are specifieation sheats for each of the antenna types
described in Exhibit A.
         For the same reasons that grant of Sirius® original STA request served the
public interest, grant of Sitius® request to extend its STA will serve the public
interest." The extension will allow Sirius to continue to offer "high quality radio
signals tolisteners in areas that have limited radio service,"and ensure that no
reduction in the quality ofthis service occurs." Further, grant of the extension
request would allow the public t continue to take advantage of long—awaited
satellite DARS service, which offers both an increase in listening choices and
greatly improved digital quality sound.

*       These include 151 high and medium power terrestrial repeaters and one low
power terrestrial repeater in 105 sites.
£       Sirius notified the FCC ofthese changes on February 11, 2002. Letter from
Carl R. Frank, Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP, to William F. Caton, Acting Secretary,
Federal Communications Commission (dated Feb. 11, 2002).

®       Sirius informed the Commission of is plans to install and operate a very low
power repeater in Jackson, Mississippi,on February 22, 2002. Letter from Carl R.
Frank, Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP, to William F. Caton, Acting Secretary, ederal
Communications Commission (dated Feb, 22, 2002).
*      Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Application for Special Temporary Authority to
Operate Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Complementary Terrestrial
Repeaters, File No. SAT—STA—20010724—0064 (filed July 24, 2001).
$      Sirius STA Order, § 9.
*      14.

Mr. William F. Caton
March 12, 2002

        In granting Sirius‘ original request, the Commission itself noted that "Sirius
has proceeded with satellite construction, has in fact launched both of ts satelltes,
and needs to employ terrestrialrepeaters to provide adequate service" and that it has
not yetisstied final rules governing the operation of satellite DARS terrestrial
repeaters." The FCC concluded that"this situation has created the extraordinary
circumstances required by the statute and our rules to justify grant of an STA" and
noted that "it would be unfair to penalize Sirius for complying with our required
milestone schedule on the one hand but on the other hand force it to seriously delay
initiation of service because there are no final repeater rules.""" These
considerations apply with equal forcehere as the PCC stll has not ssued final
repeater rules.
        Sirius has established that is terrestral repeaters will not cause harmful
interference to other radio services."" Nevertheless, Sirius will continue to comply
with the condition placed upon its STA that it rotect "all existing authorized
radiocommunication facilitiesthat are in operation during the period the STA is in
effect" from interference caused by itsterrestrial repeaters.""—Sirius notes that the
Commission had proposed to require satellite DARS licensees to bear the cost of
remedying interference to certain Multipoint Distribution Service ("MDS") and
Instructional Teleision Fixed Service ("ITFS®) faciliies if MDS or ITFS licensees
Jodged interference complaints prior to February 20, 2002."" In granting Sirius‘
STA request,the Commission required Sirius to provide MDS and ITFS licensees
with information regarding the locations and technical parameters of all repeaters
®      1457
*      14
w      Establishnent ofRules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio Service in
2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, Supplemental Comments of Sitius Satellite Radio
(Jan. 18, 2000).
.      Sirius STA Order, %§13, 18(b).
*      Request For Further Comment On Selected Issues Regarding The
Authorization OfSatellite Digital Audio Radio Service Terrestrial Repeater
Networks, Public Notice, IB Docket No. 95—91, RM No. 8610, DA 01—2570, at 7
(Nov. 1, 2001). The FCC proposal would apply with respect to MDS or ITFS
facilities installed prior to August 20, 1998, and located within a satellite DARS
repeater‘s free space power flux density contour of—34 dBW/m®. 14.

Mr. Wiltiam P. Caton
March 12, 2002
Page 4

operating pursuant to the STA in orderto faciltate coordination with these MDS
and ITFS operations."" Thus, in granting Sirius STA, the FCC extended the
procedural aspects of ts proposed rules requiring interference protection for certain
MDS and ITES facilities but did not extend the substantive aspects of those
proposed rules beyond the proposed February 20, 2002 expiration date. While
Sirius views further extension ofthe notification requirement as unnecessary, out of
an abundance of caution, it will continue to comply with these procedural
requirements with respect to MDS and ITFS facllitis.
        Sirius also will comply with the requirements that it not (1) originate any
original programming, (2) transmit signals other than those used by is satellites or
(3) extend satellite DARS coverage outside ofthe satellites‘ authorized service
area.‘° Sirius certifies that the out—of—band emissions ofthese terrestrialrepeaters
will be attenuated below the transmitted EIRP by no less than 75 + 10 log (P).""
        In accordance with Part 17 ofthe Commission‘s Rules, Sirius has or will
notify the Federal Aviation Administration (°FAA") of antenna structures for which
such notification is required. 47 C.F.R. § § 17.7—17.17. Sirius hereby certiies that
operation ofthese repeaters will not have a significant environmental effect, as
defined by 47 C.FR. § § 1.1301—1,1319, and that no party to this application is
subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 ofthe Anti—Drug
Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862(a).
         As Sitius® extension request is imely filed, Sirius understands that, pursuant
to Section 1.62 of the FCC‘s Rules, 47 C.FR. § 1.62, ts STA will continue in effect
without further action by the Commission untl such time as the Commission shall
make a final determination with respecttoits request. Sirius urges the PCto grant
its extension request in orderto provide Sirius with STA to make the proposed
changes to ts Detroit and Las Vegas repeaters and to operate its Jackson repeater.
!*       Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Application for Special Temporary Authorityto
Operate Satellte Digital Audio Radio Service ComplementaryTerrestrial
Repeaters, Order, File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064, DA 01—2383 (Oct. 15,
!      Sirius STA Order, § 18(c). See also Terrestrial Repeater NPRM, 12 FCC
Red at 5845—46 (Appendix C).
d        Sirius STA Order, 5 18@).

Mr. William F. Caton
March 12, 2002
Page S

Alternatively, the Commission should grant the modification request related to the
Detroit and Las Vegas repeaters filed on February 11, 2002 and let the notification
regarding the Jackson repeater filed on February 22, 2002 become effective.
        If there are any questions concering this request,please do not hesitate to
contact the undersigned.

                                        fZA Em
                                        Robert D. Briskman
                                        Technical Exceutive
                                        Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      1 herebycertify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing "Request to Extend Special
Temporary Authority To Operate Satellte DARS Terrestrial Repeaters® was delivered via hand—
delivery, on this 12" day of March, 2002, to each of the following:

Donald Abelson                                      Ron Repasi
Intemational Bureau                                 International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW, Room 6—C750                 445 Twelh Street, SW, Room 6—A505
Washington, DC 20554                                Washington, DC 20554
Chris Muphy                                         Jennifer Gilscnan
International Bureau                                Intemational Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelth Street, SW, Room 6—C437                  445 Twelfth Street, SW, Room 6—A520
Washington, DC 20554                                Washington, DC 20554

Rosalee Chiara                                      Rockie Patterson
International Bureau                                International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW                              445 Twelfth Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                                Washington, DC 20554


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HMD Series Antennas for MMDS/TES and
Wireless Cable Applications

                                              + Mesurtant.radore ercosedfor org
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                                              + Eold VW partarmarce
                                                   1381 maxto Wdara
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                                                     05 "Baron tor# 22 ant 16 toy
                                                     978 Soraurt o 24 ae 32 toy
                                                     Gters naiuct on maust
                                              +   Mighpover arcing 300 saus ypeat
                                             +    We seeson of euncy barts ond petons
                                             *    Hertoralor wetes pounzuien
                                             +    Sovble for aniordgta vansmisin
                                             «    Aut A orcxceient comeqe

                                             Standard Mounting Confgurations
  uge \l_:l_:t“ Eo&=                                   i            \._._..\_
                                                  1                         —
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 HMD Series Antennas
 Elevation Patterns

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                   ue tnntoron im *
 ANDREW.                          uns en on Cat t e en UA Gona n c ce0

                                          HMD Series Antennas
                                            Azimuth Patterns

«on onsvintt > Amoiisenny— wetuecomencn

                       Listfor Andrew Antennas forSirius Radio Deployment

     Andrew                                  Power    Input    Nult     E—Plane    Tolal           Radome
  Corporation                                Gain    Power     K      Beamidib(3   Length Weight Diam.
    Products        Product Description      who      cw       (%)       «1)        (n)    (lbs)    ()
                                             «soccree antenno.
                T5 degronKsFatomn3 Gays.
                Verieat Polatzaton, Sandacd
                Beanat (0.deg., 2300 2500
                HiltFrq, Bend, 0 Oben, TE1A          1oco w
[svoavesROSH    Flange, 13621 Max.Vn        18494     ¢ms)     Home    70—75den     smt    some      _#

                                              se oeonee antemna
                60 degree Aumuth paters,8 Bays,
                Verica Poaraion Stundart
                Beamit (0 deg), 2300 —2500
                ite Freq, Band, 50 Om 7 E1A           1000 w
Iawosveonases   Flange, t.39:t Max vowit        17040 (ms)     tore    70—75eg      sn     im        _5

                                              ss oecnee avtena
                0 degee 23. Paton, & Gaya.
                VerialPolatzaion, Standard
                Beamt (0 deg.,2300 2500
                Wt Freq, Band, 50 Oben, TBE1A         tacow
|masveo—nast    Flange, C3B:t Max VsWn        1600 (ma) None           10—75deg     io     um        :

                           Listfor Andrew Antennasfor Sirius Radio Deployment

                                                   1zo0eanee anternia
                   T2 degresKirvals paian, &
                   Bays, VericalPolatzaton,
                   Standad Beanti(0.$ dog 1 2300 —
                   2500 NiFreq. Band, 0 Oben,
                   778" CA Flange,     t Max.             taco w
mosvizonos         vsur                            15040 (ma) None          10—75deg     sm    wome

                                                  tso cecnee anterna
                   T60 dages Rdals patemn, i
                   Bays, VericalPolatzaton,
                   Standard Deami (05 deg }, 2300 —
                   2500Mitc Frea. Band, 50 Oben,
                   T EK Rlange, 1.30 :t Max              raco w
hmweviconosn       vont                             1504 (ma)        None   10— TS deg   Sm    aois
                                                  1so oecnee Avtena

                   160 degree Arimats patom,
                   Bays, Voricat Polateadon,
                   Standard Beamil (0.5 dog ) 2300
                   2500 MFreq. Band, 50
                   T E1A Flange138 :1 Max.                tooo w
nnseviconoss vsun                                  140et% trma)      None   70—75deg     stt   sots
Nots: AllOrectlonal(Secio Antennan come wih Type © Mount
                                                     ome antemmas
                   Oud patem, 6 BaysSundere
                   Beamit (0. dep), Varkcal
                  Poarzalon, 2300 2800 ite
                  Freq Band, 80 Ohen,10° EA                 1o00w
snovseonos        Foge. 15 :1 Max.vourt           11500 (ma)         tooe   70—75deg     uo    ols
Note:AllOmnlaniernas come with Type ‘A‘ Mount for Top insialation}

Document Created: 2005-09-27 16:44:51
Document Modified: 2005-09-27 16:44:51

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