Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010724-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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Ww           Mr. & William P Caton                                      FEB 22 2002
ho mm. | Acting Secretary                                          neme commmonos ceaszccn
Mn umm | Federal Communications Commission                            imadnecmer
             236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
      m      Washington, DC 20002                                     sar.s7a2oceseze.o000s
eortcsn                                                    Srivs Suaie Raco
                    Re:    Operation of Terrestrial Repeater in Jackson, Mississippi; Sirius
                           Satellte Radio, Inc. Applicationfor Special TemporaryAuthority to
                           Operate Satellite DigitalAudio Radio Service Complementary Terrestrial
                           Repeaters, File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064
                    Dear Mr. Caton

                           By its attomeys, Sirius Satellte Radio Inc. ("Sirius") herebynotifies the
                    Commission that it plans to instal and operate a terrestrial repeater pursuant toits
                    special temporary authority (*STA®) to operate a satellte DARS terrestrialrepeater
                    network. Specifically, Sirius informs the Commission that it plans to install and
                   operate a very low power terrestrial repeater in Jackson, Mississippi.
                           As you know, Sitius launched commercial service in Jackson, Mississippi
                   and three othercities on February14, 2002. Shortly thereafter, Sirius discovered a
                 | small gap in its satellite coverage in Jackson due to excessive and localized
                   shadowing. To fllthis coverage gap, Sirius needs to install and operate a repeater
                   in Jackson. Sitius has engineered this repeater such that it will operate with the
                   smallest Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (‘EIRP") possible—317 watts
                 |        On September 17, 2001, the Federal Communications Commission (*FCC"
                 | or "Commission®) granted Sirius special temporary authority ("STA") to "operate
                 | complementaryterrestrial repeaters with an [EIRP] ator below       2 kWnationwide
                   and repeaters with an EIRP above 2 kW as specified in Exhibit A ofthe STA
                   request."" The Commission also has proposed permanent rules governing satellte
                   DARS terrestrial repeater operations which would permit Sirius to operate "an
                   unlimited number of [terrestral repeaters with EIRPs below 2 kW] without prior

                   *       Sirus Stelite Radi,In: Applicaionfo Special TemporaryAuthorityto OperatSarellze
                 | Digteldudio RadioService Conplementry Terretral Repeater, Order and Autborizaion, File
                   No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064, DA O1—2171, 17 (Sep 172001) (SiniSA Order®)

WileyRein &Fielding us

 Mr. Wiltiom F, Caton
 February 22, 2002

coordination."" All parties participating in this rulemaking proceeding have
disclaimed any desireto restrict or regulate repeaters with power levels below2
        Sirius plans to commence operation ofthe Jackson repeater as soon as
possible. Thus, in order to comply with the conditions on its STA," Sirius has
contacted each entity holding a WCS, MDS or ITFS license covering Jackson (ce.,
WorldCom, Comeast, BellSouth, Kannew, various branches of the Government of
the State of Mississippi, and Mr. Ivan C. Nachman) to notify them o its plans to
install and operate a low power repeater in that city. BellSouth and WorldCom
have notified Sirius thatthey have no objections toits operation of the Jackson
repeater. Comeast has informed Sirius that it is not in a position to give consent ...
to the latest Sirius plans. To date, Sitius has received no replies from Kannew, the
Government ofthe State of Mississippi, or Mr. Nachman. By this letter,Sirius
notifies the FCC of its plans toinstall and operate a low power terrestrial repeater
and provides the attached chart containing technical and location information
regarding itsJackson repeater.

7       Requestfor Further Comment on Selected Issues Regarding the Authorizationof Setelite
Digtal dudio Radio Service Terestial Repeater Networks,Public Notice, TB Docket No. 9531,
RM No. 8610, DA O1—2570 at 4 (Nov.1, 2001)
*        Commentsof Mevicom, In, Debtorin—Possession at $ (Rled Aug 21, 2001) (‘Metricon‘s
aystem can accommodate operations fSDARS terestrl repeatersatpowerlevels at or below 2
kW EIRP."); Commentin Oppositon to Granof STA Requests ofthe Wirless Communications
Association International, In. at 5.6 (Rled Aug. 21, 2001) (requestig impositon ofa 2 KW EIRP
limid: Oppositon to STA Request of WorldCom Inc. t 2 (iled Aug. 21,2001) ("WorldCom would
notabject o repeaters that are limted toa maximum power of2 W");CommentsofBeliSouth
Wireless Cable, Ic. t 30 (Rled Aug. 21,2001);Comments of ATIT Wieless Servies, 7
(Bled Aug21, 2001) (*AWS and other WCS censees have advocated that SDARS erestal
repeaters be limited to no more thn 2 kW EIRP")
£        In the Srs ST4 Orde, the Commission reuired Sriusto*make availabl o the WCS
licenees and to the Commission, immediatly upon eques,thelocations ad technical prameters
ofall repeaters operating pursuant to this STA,including those operatig aor below 2 KW EIRP."
Sirus STA Order 414. Ina subsequent orde,the FCC modified th Sius 57A Orderto requie
Sirus to make this information valable to MDS and ITFS lcensees. Sin Sarelte Radio,Irc
Applicationfor SpecialTemporaryAuthorin to Operate Satelite Digtal Audio Radlo Service
Complementry Terrestial Repeaters, Order, File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064, DA 01—2383,1 6
(Or 15,2000

Wiley Rein &Fielding u

Mr. Wiltiem F. Caton
February 22, 2002

        If there are any questions about this submission, please contact the
undersigned at 202.719.7269

                                             i# bo>
                                   —Eart R; Frank
                                      Counselfor Sirius Sutellite Radio Inc.

ce(wene1): Donald Abelson
               Ron Repasi
               Chris Murphy
               Jennifer Gilsenan
               Rockie Patterson
               Rick Lamontagne, WorldComBroadband Solutions, Inc.
               Christina H. Burrow, Counselfor Comeast WCS
               Charles Featherstun, BellSouth Wireless Cable, Inc.
               A.G. Newmyer, Kannew Broadeast Technologies
               Martin Mangold, Government ofState ofMississippi
               Ivan C. Nachman

                                           Stin Saumaraso

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                   PUBLIC NOTICE
                  reori. commntcations connsston
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                  News media informatin 202—118—0500
                  FmOn—Demand 202418—2830; Intemec haps ww fec gov (or
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 Report No. SAT—00106                                                            Monday March 25,2002
                               sarevure rouicy BrancH inFormaTiON
                                 Satelite Space Applications Accepted for Fling
‘The aplicationslited below have been found. upon inital beacceptableforfling. The Commission
reserves the rightto return y ofh anplicationit upon further eaminationi i determined ie appliction is not in
conformance with the Commission‘s rles or ts poliis. Petians, oppoitions and othepleadings filed n response to
this noticshould conform to Section 25.154 of the Commissin‘s ules, unless otherise noted. 47 CF.R. § 25154
 me—rorrosscin—com                 Tom Cmas
 Peiton o Decoy Rutng
 C Mch2l, 2002 TeletCreadta Piten s Declrmens Rtgrrmestos h Comninien o use Ank 2 rtant t io
 the PeminedSpice ioPn cmmet h Commnin n ie PISCD i FanRecondernan Ond Iee Anontnencotte
 Conniouers ApamenPotsi Aon Naw5 Leened srce uaion i rovfe bonene ant nenatond uce Senice i te
 Vnd ues Orde h beck No S FCC 932 iewes O 29,190)(DISCO 1 Faw Recominton Ond
 sarsom—zoonczas—oo000              SinmSaciicRade
 Spcil Terpon Autoiy
 S SatleRadlIn has e lne repating h intalisioan oprnton oavelow ponertereic pen inJistion,
 Mantanna uo s slite DARS tarcaralepenc newor. Tha madltr e pooal enporny maboty maned o witieno
sar—smacscome0s3—00008               Sm Saciic Rado
Specal Terporny Audory
Sirm Sctie adlIn hnA equstomodit apeca tmporay auteriy ganict n File No SATSTA20010720006 m opernc
on o s eresnal um in Deva, Michign d on of ts epnen i n Vepm Nevada

saromy—secaesas—ccone         sn          Prvania LicnceCop
PanJnse ce Copenion h ied remes fr manrof Secio 221oths Cominins otetspomt te e of es
olaiatenfor ceran vampender on is pojre Cainy C suine(e i No SABLOA—P0E o0oe
NOTE: COMAMENTS y be ie nor beoe APRL 202. REPLIES may efi on orbefore APRL 18, 2002

For moreinformation concerning this Notie, contactthSatllte and Radiocommuniation Division at 202—418—0719;
Try amiiasss.

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Document Created: 2005-09-27 16:26:20
Document Modified: 2005-09-27 16:26:20

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