Attachment reply to opposition

reply to opposition

REPLY TO OPPOSITION submitted by AT&T Wireless

reply to opposition


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010724-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                Before the                                     NoV 13 2001
                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                  _
                                       Washington, DC 20554                                    Prevserectlosteomnanl

    In the Matter of                                  )
    Smws Sareturme Rapto, Inc.                        )       rie ndfRestazonromatorss
    Request for Special Temporary Authority )
    To Operate Satelite Digital Audio Radio )
    Service Complementary Terrestrial       )
    Repeaters                )

                       Repuy voOreostrioy to AppLication ror ReviEew

           AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. (*AWS®), pursuant to Section 1.115(d)ofthe
    Commission‘s rules,‘ hereby responds to the Opposition of Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc.

    ("Sirius") to AWS* Application for Review of the International Bureau‘s grant of special
temporary authority (°STA") to Sirius. . Sirlus first argues matters of procedure: AWS
lacks standing to seek review ofthe order,its arguments are moo, and it fails to present a
"clear question® for Commission review. Finally responding to the questions AWS does
raise, it simply follows the Bureau‘s lead, misapplying the requirements of Section
25.120(b) and turning a blind eye to the inescopable fact that without a planned
commercial launch date, it could neither establish "circumstances requiring immediate ..

1         # Cru insd
*         Sirius Satelite Radio Inc. Applicaion for Special Tenporary Authorization o Operate Satelze
          Digtl Audio Radiosrvice Conplementary TerresrialRepeaters, File No. SAT—STA—20010724—
          00064, DA O1—2171 (Sept 17,2001}GTA Order;Sris Saelite RadioIn: Applicaionfor
          SpecialTemporary Aubhorizaion to OperateStelite Diial Audio Radio Service
          Conplemenmary Terretral Repeeters, File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064, DA O1—2383 (Ost
          15, 2001) (STA Modification Orde)

    . use of facilities" nor demonstrate that "delay in the insttution ofthese temporary
operations would seriously prefudice the public interest.""

           A.      Procedural Issues

           Sirius‘s procedural challenges are easily dismissed. AWS‘ recently announced

decision to transition its existing WCS customers to alternate providers, Sitius asserts,
extinguishes any "legitimate interest" in Sirius‘ use of adjacent spectrum. Accordingly
Sirius would have the Commission find that AWS lacks administrative standing.

Certainly this would be a novel ruling, breaking new ground and reducing the
Commission‘s workload by significantly limiting those who may appear before i.
The simple truth is that AWS remains a lcensee. Because AWS retains the rights and

responsibilities attendant to itslicense, ts interest in preserving the integrity of its
spectrum is no less. Moreover, AWS will continue to use its WCS licenses to provide

service until it can complete the transition of thousands of customers to wireline

alternatives. Accordingly, it is "aggrieved" by the Bureau‘s action.
           Sirius next suggests that AWS‘ arguments are moot because final rules, yet to be
adopted in a separate rulemaking proceeding, will "obviate" AWS® concerns. While

AWS and Sirus are partiesto a rulemaking proceeding concerning blanketing
interference from SDARS terrestrial repeaters to WCS receivers, this proceeding
concerns the grant of special (‘extrordinary" or "out of the ordinary") temporary
authority authorizing commercial operations by an individual lcensee. AWS®

application for review does not argue policy concerning resolution of interference;it

&         #CBRYLNSOA®.

 argues that the grant of an STA did not comply with the requirements of Section 25.120.
The rulemaking has no bearing upon the requirements of Section 25.120.°
          Concluding its procedural attacks, Sirius clams that AWS has not presented a
"elear question" for review. In footnote 15 of ts Opposition, Sirius correetly recites the
"factors" listed in Section 1.115 supporting an application for review.. As it
acknowledges, among the possible factors a party may raise is that "the action taken
pursuant to delegated authority is in conflict with . .. regulation. "* Yet even as Sitius
alleges that the application failsthese "basic pleading requirements,"it actually cites the
application‘s charge that "the Bureau acted in derogation of the Commission‘s rule."
AWS can only presume that Sirius did not read the lengthy discussion in the Application
for Review of (1) the legal requirements to obtain STA that are set forth in Section
24.120, and (2) AWS® analysis of the Bureau‘s fuilure to apply those requirements to
Sirius‘s application for STA. To the extent that Sirius is alleging that Section 1.115
requires bullet points listing each "factor" and each "question," we disagree.
         D.       Substantive Issues
         Nonetheless, Sirius manages to respond to AWS® charge that the Bureau erred in
its finding of "extraordinary circumstances." Sirius merely recites the Bureau‘s
suggestion that Commission delay in the pending rulemaking "created the extraordinary
circummstances required by the statute and our rules to justify grant of an STA."* TF it is
true that the duration of a rulemaking alone creates "extraordinary circumstances," any

bureau will be able to grant STA based upon its prediction of the outcome of a

* Generallyan argument is considered moot when theissos it resentshave otherwisebeen resolved.
Blacks Law Dictionay,Fith Ediion, 1986. Supgesting that an issu "s" moot because ofa posible
resolution that may occur in thefoturerequires innovativeiterpreation of the movementoftime.
* Siries Oppostion at 9, citing STA Order at 17.

 rulemaking that has been pending for some time — a not uncommon occurrence. This

 would be an unprecedented extension of the Commission‘s STA precedent.

        Responding to AWS‘s argument that the Bureau‘s grant of STA is premature,
Sirius assertsthat "t faced the impminent prospect of sacrificing quality of service or
delaying initiation of high—qualty nationwide satellite DARS®" and that the STA
provides "the missing link needed to allow Sirius to begin to offer services to

subscribers."* This ignores the fact that when Sirius made its request for STA in July, it

had no planned date for a commercial launch other than an estimate of the fourth quarter

of 2001." Like the Bureau Order, Sirius simply does not respond to this point. In the
Application for Review, AWS noted that Sirius had subsequently announced further

delayinto 2002. Because this fact extinguishes any claim of exigeney, Sitius did not
respond, but rather chastised AWS for raising "new facts." Of course Section 1.115()

expressly allows such information where "evidence.. . has become available only since
the original taking of evidence."
       Finally, Sitius responds that the Buresu correetly concluded that Sirius had.
provided the "full particulars of[ts] proposed operation," despite the factthat it had
listed only high power repeaters. At the time of ts application, Sirus indicated that it
"has not included this information for the low power (Le., EIRP of 2 KW or less) it seeks
to operate pursuant to the STA." AWS alleged in the application for review that
information on all repeaters was required to satisfy the requirement that an applicantfor
STA disclose the "full particulars of[its] proposed operation" as required by Section
25.120(@). Afterit received its STA, Sitius revealed that "Sirius is investigating the

       14 9 emphasis addad)
       1 at 10 (emphasisadded)
       Application for Review, t 2

deployment of several repesters less than 2 KW,""° suggesting but not affirmatively

stating that it had not deployed any low power repeaters pursuant to the STA. This
uncertainty only underscores the fact that the Bureau approved an STA in violation of
Section 25.120, not knowing precisely what (if anything) it had authorized.
           For the reasons stated above, the Commission must grant the application for
review and reverse the Bureau‘s grant ofthe STA.                                        +
                                               Respectfully submited,
                                               AT&T Wireuess Services, Inc.

                                               By:    zfimfléfi,
                                                         ‘illiem M. Wiltshire
                                                       Karen L. Gulick

                                                       Hanus, Wirsure & Granuisur
                                                       1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.
                                                       Washington, DC 20036

DouglasL Brandon
AT&T Wireurss Services, Inc.
1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
4" Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Dated: November 13, 2001

*     Letter from CarlR. Frank, Counsei for Srius Satelite Radi, nc. o Wiliom M. Witshire(dted
      September 25, 2001)

                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       T hereby certify that on this 13® day of November, 2001, a copy ofthe foregoing
Reply to Opposition to Application for Review was served by first class mail, postage
prepaid, upon:

                 Carl R. Frank
                 Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
                 1776 K Street, NW.
                 Washington, DC 20006

Document Created: 2005-09-27 16:13:31
Document Modified: 2005-09-27 16:13:31

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