Attachment app for review

app for review

APPLICATION FOR REVIEW submitted by AT&T Wireless Services

app for review


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010724-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           Before the
                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS comssion                               OCT 1.7 2001
                                   Washington, DC 20554                             memonos comsse
                                                                                 orme o ne uesnt

Jn the Matter of                                )
Stwus SatEuume Rapio, Inc.                      )       File No. SAT—STA—20010724—00064
Request for Special Temporary Authority )
To Operate Terrestrial Repeaters in the )
Satelite Digital Audio Radio Service    )

                              APPLICATION FOR REVIEW, 5lo
        Pursuant to Section 1.115 ofthe Commission‘s rules, AT&T Wireless Services,
Inc. ("AWS®) respectfully requests that the Commission grant this application for review
and reverse the decision of the International Bureau granting Sitius Satellte Radio, Inc.
(‘Siris") Special Temporary Authority (°STA") to operate a nationwide terrestrial
repeater network in the 2320—2332.5 MHz band." Sitius has not demonstrated the
"extraordinary circumstances" necessary to justify grant ofthe STA. As a threshold
matter, Siius has made no showing ofneed because it does not plan to launch service in
the foresecable future..In addition, Sirius has provided no information concemning the
ow power repeaters that it admittedly intends to operate pursuant to the STA. Absent
both demonstrated need and a complete disclosure by Sirius of the location and technical
parameters of all epeaters to be operated pursuant to the STA, grant ofthe STA was in
clear violation of the Commission‘s rules. Accordingly, the Bureau‘s order must be
reversed and Sirius‘s request denied.

! Sire Satelite Radi,Inc, ApplcationforSpecalTemporary Authorit, Orderand duthoriation, ile
No. SAT—STA—20011072¢—00054 (rel. Sept 17, 2001).

         On July 24, 2001, Siriusfiled an STA request covering 151 high power repeaters
to operate at powers up to 40 kW nationwide. Curiously, in a footnote, and without

explanation, Sirius observed thatit "has not included this {location and operational)
information for the low power repeaters (&e., EIRP of 2 kW or less) it seeks to operate
pursuant to this STA.""
         In response o a Public Notice secking comment on the application,* AWS

detailed a number of substantive and procedural defects in Siius‘s request and argued
that those issues must be addressed prior to any grant of authority." Specifically, AWS
argued (1) that Sirius‘ request was premature because it had announced that service
would not begin prior fourth quarter 2001; (2) thatits application was facially defective
because it did not include complete information on all ofthe transmitters it sought to

operate pursuant to the STA; and (2) that a number of the high power repeaters disclosed
in the application could be shown conclusively to interfere with AWS‘s current and near—
term deployment ofis fixed wireless network."
        Section 25.120 of the Commission‘s rules govems the standards and requirements
relevant to a grant ofan STA for satellite communications services. The rule plainly
states that "[t}he request [for special temporary authority] must contain thefidl
particulars ofthe proposed operation including all facts sufficient to justify the

      us Stelite Radio Requestfor Special Temporary Authoriy to Operate Diital Audio Radio Service
Terestrl Repeaters July 24, 2001)
* +Satelite Policy Branch Information Applications Accepted for Filing," Pubiic Noic, Report No. SAT—
(0077 (re. July31, 2001).
* XM Radio Ic.and Sizis Satlite RadioIn. Request for Special Temporary Authority, Conment of
AT&T Wireess Services,Inc. File Nos.SAT—STA20010712—00063 and SAT—STA—20010724—00064
{August21, 2001)
   AWS cxrrenty perates afied wirelss network provcing liflin voiceand Intemet broodand services
to residential customersover Wirless Communications Servie ("WCS") spectrum. The SDARS specttum
is lcated in the mids ofthe WCS band and thercby poses substanil iskofblanketig inteence to the
WCS icensees

 temporary authority sought and the public interest therein."" Further, an applicant must
demonstrate "extraordinary circumstances" warranting such extraordinary relief. Despite
these explicit requirements,the Bureau on delegated authority decided to read them out
of the rule.. It did not even bother to address AWS‘s concem that grant ofan STA would
be premature. As widely reported yesterday, Sirius anticipated launch ofservice has
been delayed into 2002. It is difficult to see the need for extraordinary relief.
        Furthermore, at this point, no one except Sirius knows the locations ofhundreds —
perhaps thousands — of transmitters that it intends to operate nationwide. Such a
generous grant ofauthority —— one that is definitionally unlimited in scope — clearly
exeeeds that contemplated by the Commission or authorized by the rule.
        The contradictions in the Bureau‘s order belieits analysis. The Bureau‘s entire
discussion conceming whether it should actually require Sitius to disclose all of the
repeaters for which it sought operational authority is as follows: "because the focus ofthe
party‘s [sic] technical interference objections has been on repeaters operating above 2 KW
EIRP and because the particulars of those repeaters have been disclosed, Section 25.120‘s

requirement for specificity have been satified."? Odly, then, not even the Bureau
knows what it has authorized.". Furthermore, because it looks like a blanket grant for all
repeaters at or below 2 kW, it appears that Sitius can continue to construct more repeaters
and bring them into operation anywhere in the country without receiving the prior
consent of the Commission.

47 CFR. § 25 120(0)Comphasisadded.
" Order and Authorizaton, n¥
* in meeting with 1B sAWS counsel confiemed that the Bureau does not intnd to askSirusto
provide it ny infomation on it repesters operating at or below 2 kW.

         The reference to the "parties‘ objections" as focused on high power repeaters,
operating at levels up to 40 KW, is inspposite in this proceeding. As the Bureau
recognized, the Commission is actively considering "complex issues" about SDARS
repeaters‘interference to WCS operations in rulemaking docket No. 95—91. And it is rue
that many ofthe WCSlicensees, including AWS, have indicated that authorization by
ule ofrepeaters below 2 kW may be appropriate because 2kW is the standard power
authorized in the band. However, no such rules have been adopted. Moreover, WCS
Hicensees have never indicated that a 2kW environment would leave them free from
interference from SDARS repeaters. Though the Bureau‘s analysis could be read to
suggest the WCS licensees have "waived" any objection to repeaters operating at or
below 2 kW, that is simply not the case. Nor, indeed,is it appropriate for the Bureau to
make a ruling in this adjudicatory proceeding based on conjecture about what the
Commission may decide in a pending rulemaking proceeding.
        Appropriately, the Bureau orderindicated that operations pursuant to the STA
must be on a noninterference basis to all other Kicensed services. The orderindicates that
"Sirius {must] immediately reduce the power level of or, ifnecessary, cease operation of
any repeater that causes interference to a WCS, MDS or ITFSauthorized station.""
Ironically, this requirement ieffective upon "receipt ofa written, descriptive notification
from a WCS... lcensce identifring the specific source ofinterference.""" How a WCS
Hicensee is to identify an interfering transmitter operating at 2 KW is not discussed.
        Perhaps recognizing this deficiency, the Bureau required Sirius to share
information on all repeaters it intends to operate pursuant to the STA. However, it

1, Order and Authorization, ¥14 (emphasis added)

invited Sirius to impose a non—disclosure agreement on any recipient of the information.
By taking this path, the Bureau has allowed Sitius to continue its consistent practice of
withholding information that could be useful in resolving interference concerns. To date,
despite a formal request made by AWS one month ago, no WCS licensee has received
this information. Even disclosure through an NDA, however, does not resolve the legal
deficiency in the Bureau‘s order. That order gives Sirius a blank check on terrestrial
repeaters. The requirement that an applicant for extrordinary reliefdisclose the "full
particulars" ofits request exists to protect operational liensees, such as AWS, from
unauthorized and potentally dangerous interference. If Sirius wishes to make the
showing necessary to receive confidential treatment of that information, let it do so. But
the burden of doing so should be on the applicant prior toits receipt ofextraordinary
relief— and not upon existing licensees who continue to be held in the dark long as Sitius
continues to build its network.
        By issuing the STA in the absence ofidentification of all ofthe repeaters to be
authorized, the Bureau acted in derogation ofthe Commission‘s rules.. For the reasons
stated above, the Commission must grant this application for review and reverse the
Bureau‘s grant ofthe STA.
                                             Respectfully submitted,
                                             AT&T Wircurss Services, Inc.

                                                    William M. Wiltshire
                                                    Karen L. Gulick
                                                    Eamus, Wicrsime & Gramus uP
                                                     1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.

                                Washington, DC 20036
Douglas L Brandon
AT&T Wirstess Services, Inc.
1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
4* Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Dated: October 17, 2001

Document Created: 2005-09-27 15:44:19
Document Modified: 2005-09-27 15:44:19

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