Attachment opposition


OPPOSITION submitted by XM Radio



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010712-00063 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                             DUPRELCE    E
                                            Before the                                IV
                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                              NOV: ~ 1 2001
                                     Washington D.C. 20554
                                                                                mow cmmmonae asmmen
In the Matter of                                     )                               cmencrne acrent
XM Radio Inc.                                        )       File No.“.
Application for Speoial Temporary Authority          )
to Operate Satellite Digital Audio Radio             )
Service Complementary Terrestrial Repeaters          )
       XM Radio Inc. (*XM Radio®)hereby filesthis Opposition to the Application for Review
filed by AT&T Wireless Services Inc. ("AWS") ofthe International Bureau‘s Order in the
above—captioned proceeding granting XM special temporary authority ("STA") to operate
Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (‘DARS") terrestrial repeaters in is licensed frequency
band, 2332.5—2345 MHz." AWS does not object to the authorization ofrepeaters operating in
excess of 2 kW EIRP. Rather, AWS‘s sole objection is that the Bureau acted in violation ofthe
Section 25.120(s)ofthe Commission‘s rules by granting XM Radio its STA without requiring
XM Radio to disclose the location and technical parameters of repeaters operating at or below 2
kw EiRP
       The Bureau made the proper decision to grant XM Radio an STA without requiring the
prior disclosure ofthe repeaters it planned to operate at 2 kW EIRP or less ("low power
repeaters"). As the Bureau noted, during the course of the related rulemaking the WCS licensees
limited their concerns to terrestrialrepeaters operating in excess of 2 KW EIRP; thus, the
decision not to require disclosure of information regarding low power repeaters was appropriate.

       AT&T Wireless Services Inc., Application for Review, File No. SAT—STA—20010712—
       00063 (Oct. 17, 2001) ("Application for Review").

 In addition, contrary to AWS‘s claim, the STA does not give XM Radio unlimited authority to
 construct and operate low power repeaters, as the Commission specifically bounded the number
 of low power repeaters operating pursuant to the STA to a list provided by XM Radio. The
 Bureau addressed any potentialinterference concems of WCS and MDS/ITESlicensees from
 operation of low power repeaters by specifically requiring XM Radio to provide these licensees
 with information regarding the location and technical parameters of these low power repeaters.
The fact that AWS and other WCS Hicensees refuse to enter into a reasonable non—disclosure
agreement governing this information has no bearing on the appropriateness ofthe Burea‘s
action in this proceeding. For these reasons, AWS‘s Application for Review should be rejected.
        On July 12, 2001, XM Radio filed a request for temporary authority to operate DARS
terrestrial repeaters for commercial service on a non—interference basis pending the outcome of a
four—year—old rulemaking regarding terrestrial repeaters." XM Radio‘s request provided location
information for over 700 repeaters that XM Radio plans to operate in approximately 60 urban
areas at a power level greater than 2 kW EIRP. Consistent with its discussions with Commission
staff, XM Radio did not disclose the location ofthe repeaters that t planned to operate at a
power level of 2 kW or less." Throughout the ongoing repeater rulemaking, AWS has accepted
the operation an unlimited number of repeaters transmitting at no more than 2 KW EIRP

3.     XM Radio Inc., Request for STA, File No. SAT—$TA—20010712—00063 (July 12, 2001).
>      See Reply Comments of XM Radio Inc. File No. SAT—$TA—20010712—00063, pp. 10—11.
*      See Letter from William Wiltshire, Counsel for AWS, to Ms. Magalie Roman Salas,
       FCC, 1B Docket No. 95—91, at 7 (Feb. 20, 2001); Letter from William Wiltshire, Counsel
       for AWS, to Ms. Magalie Roman Salas, FCC, IB Docket No. 95—91, at 2, 8 (April 30,
       2001). To the extent that AWS also advocated prior coordination ofrepeaters, the
                                                               Footote continued on next page

        On September 17, 2001, the International Bureau ("Bureau") issued an Order granting
 XM Radio‘s STA request to operate terrestrial repeaters for commercial service on a non—
 interference basis.® In the STA Order, the Bureau required XM Radio to make available to WCS
 Hicensees, pursuant to appropriate confidentility agreements and reciprocal information sharing
concerning WCS facilities, the locations and technical parameters ofrepeaters operating pursuant
to the STA, including those operating at or below 2 kW EIRP. S7A Order at§ 14. The Bureau
later extended this information sharing condition to MDS/TTES licensees.® The Bureau also
required XM to provide WCS licensees and WCA with the name and telephone number of a
point of contact to receive reports of actual interference. STA Order at [ 14.
        Since XM Radio has begun operation, AWS has not indicated any problems with
interference from DARS repeaters. Recently, AWS indicated that it is terminating its current
WCS business, transitioning all of its fixed wireless customers to other technology in the next
few months."
        On October 17, 2001, AWS filed the instant Application for Review ofthe STA Order.
AWS‘sole objection is that the Bureau acted in violation ofthe Section 25.120(a) of the
Commission‘s rules by granting XM Radio ts STA without requiring XM Radio to disclose the

Footnote continued from previous page
       Bureau provided for that in the S7A Order by requiring XM Radio to disclose to WCS
       Hicensees upon request the location and technical parameters of ts low power repeaters.
       See STA Order at * 14; infra pages 5—6.
5.     XM Radio Inc., Order and Authorization, File No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063 (Sept. 17,
       2001) ("STA Order").
€      XM Radio Inc., Order, File No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063 (Oct. 15, 2001) (*S7A
       Modification Order").
&      See Letter from William Wiltshire, Counsel for AWS, to Ms. Magalic Roman Salas,
       FCC, IB Docket 95—91 (Oct. 29, 2001).

    location and technical parameters ofrepeaters operating at or below 2 kW EIRP. Application for
    Review at 1—3. AWS also contends that,although WCS licensees have advocated limiting
repeater EIRP to 2 kW, WCS licensees have never waived their objection to repeaters operating
below 2 kW. 14. at 3. AWS argues that the Bureau‘s grant gives XM Radio blanket authority to
construct repeaters below 2 kW without prior consent and that the Commission has no idea ofthe
number and location ofthese low power repeaters. 1d. AWS notes that XM Radio‘s STA was
granted on a non—interference basis and WCS licensees need to know the location and technical
parameters ofXM Radio‘s low power repeaters to determine the source of interference. 14. at 4.
Finally, AWS argues that is was inappropriate for the Bureau to suggest that XM Radio could
require WCS licensees to enter into a non—disclosure agreement prior to receiving information
regarding XM Radio‘s low power repeaters. 1d. at 4—5.

          The Bureau acted properly in granting temporary authority to XM Radio without
requiring prior disclosure of the location and technical parameters of the repeaters XM Radio
planned to operate at 2 kW EIRP or less. As the Bureau recognized in the STA Order, AWS and

other WCS licensees have conceded the operation of repeaters at up to 2 kW EIRP and have
stated that the such repeaters do not present an interference concemn." Hence, the only

*         $TA Order t 9 (‘We agree with XM that because the focus of the party‘s technical
          interference objections has been on repeaters operating above 2 KW EIRP and because
          the particulars of those stations have been disclosed, Section 25.120‘s requirements for
          specificity have been satisfied.."); see also Comments of AT&T Wireless Services, Inc.,
          File No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063 (August 21, 2001) at4 (noting that AT&T Wireless
          and other WCS licensees have proposed blanket licensing of 2 KW DARS repeaters);
          Comments of Metricom, File No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063 (August 21, 2001) at 8
                                                                     Footmote continued on next page

    "particulars of the proposed operation * that could have been relevant to WCS licensees were the
    locations and technical parameters of repeaters operating in excess of 2 KW . Indeed, t is ronic
    the any WCS licensee would be concerned about operation of 2 KW repeaters considering that
    WCS licensees themselves have unlimited authority to deploy 2 kW transmitters in their service
areas and have no knowledge of the locations and technical parameters of other WCSlicensee‘s

           AWS‘s claim that the S7A Order gives XM Radio unlimited authority to operate
repeaters at ess than 2 KW is just wrong. Application for Review at 2—3, 5. The STA Order
specificallystates that "{i}n order to imit the scope ofthe STA," XM Radio is required to make
available tothe Commission upon request a list of the locations and technical parameters ofthe
repeaters with an EIRP of 2 KW or less as ofthe grant date of the STA. STA Order at 17. The
Bureau stated that "XM Radio‘s authority with respect to these lower power repeaters extends
onlyto those repeaters on this list." 14. Commission staff has requested and XM Radio has
provided such a list, thereby assuaging AWS‘s concem that the STA grant was somehow
Himitless in scope with respect to low power repeaters.

Foomote continued from previous page
          ("Metricom‘s system can accommodate the operations of SDARS terrestrialrepeaters at
          power levels at or below 2 kW EIRP"}; Comments of Wireless Communications
          Association Intenational, Inc., File No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063 (August 21, 2001) at
          5—6; Opposition of Worldcom, Inc., File No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063 (August 21,
          2001) at 2)
*         47 C.RR.§25.1200).


       AWSnotes that XM Radio‘s operations pursuant to the STA are on a non—interference

basis to other services, but that without information regarding XM Radio‘s low power repeaters,
it eannot determine the source of any interference it may suffer. Application for Review at 4—5.
The Bureau specifically recognized this concem by requiring XM Radio to provide WCS and
MDS/ITES licensees with information regarding its low power repeaters upon request "in order
to facilitate coordination."" STA Order atԤ 14; STA Modification Order at [ 4. As required by
the STA Order, XM Radio has offered to provide thisinformation to AWS and other WCS

Hicensees in order to faciitate coordination pursuant to a commercially reasonable non—disclosure

agreement. AWS, however, has reffused to sign a non—disclosure agreement because it wants to
use the information XM Radio provides not for coordination and identifying the source of any
harmful interference, but for unspecified purposes in the on—going rulemaking proceeding
regarding terrestrial repeaters.‘" If AWS is truly concemed about interference from low power
repeaters, then it would have signed the non—disclosure agreement in order to assess those
       AWs also complains that the Bureau "invited"" XM Radio to require WCS licensees to

enter into a nondisclosure agreement. Application for Review at 4. XM Radio did not need an

invitation to require such an agreement. Itia standard commercial practice when exchanging

!°     Letter from William Wiltshire, Counsel for AWS, o Donald Abelson, Chief,
       Interational Bureau, FCC, File No. SAT—STA—20010712—00063 (Oct. 5, 2001).
!‘     XM Radio notes that AWS‘interference concems have grown even more remote given
       its ecent announcement that it will cease WCS operations shortly. See Letter from
                                                              Footnote continued on next page

confidentialinformation. In this instance, AWS has no valid reason to use this information for
anything other than coordinating and determining the source of any interference from XM
Radio‘s low power repeaters
       Based on the foregoing, the Commission should deny AWS‘s Application for Review.
                                               Respectfully submitted,
                                               xM RADIO INC.

Bruce D. Jacobs
                dLi&,                             Es £. triss us
                                               Lon C. Levin
David S. Konczal                               Senior VicePresident, Regulatory
Shaw Pittman LLP                               XM Radio Inc.
2300 N St, NW.                                 1500 Eckington Place, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20037                         Washington, D.C. 20002
(202) 663—8000                                 (202) 380—4000

November 1, 2001

Foomote continued from previous page
      William Wiltshie, Counsel for AWS, to Ms. Magalie Roman Salas, FCC, IB Docket 95—
      91 (Oct. 29, 2001)

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       1, Sylvia A. Davis, a secretary to the law form of Shaw Pittman LLP, hereby certify that
on this 1st of November 2001, caused copies ofthe foregoing "Opposition to Application for
Review" to be mailed via firs—class postage prepaid mail to the following:

 Donald Abelson®                               Thomes Sugruc*
 Interational Bureau                           Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
 Federal Communications Commission             Federal Communications Commission
 445 Twelth Street, S.W. Room 6—C750           445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 3—C252
 Washington, DC 20554                          Washington, DC 20554
Anna Gomez*                                    Ronald F, Netro*
International Bureau                           Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W. Room 6—C47            445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 3—C163
Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, DC 20554
Chris Murphy®                                  Rosalee Chiara®
Interational Bureau                            Interational Bureau
Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street,S.W., Room 6—C437           445 Twelfth Street,S.W., Room 6—A521
Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, DC 20554

Ron Repasi*                                    Keith Larson®
International Bureau                           Mass Media Bureau
Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 6—A505          445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 2—C420
Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, DC 20554
Mary Nordberg O‘Comnor                         Robert B. Jacobi
Director, Government Regulatory Affairs        Cohn and Marks
WorldCom Broadband Solutions, Inc.             1920 N Street, N.W., Suite 300
8521 Leesburg Pike                             Washington, DC 20036
Vienna, VA 22182                               Counsel to Mt. Wilson FM Broadcasters, Inc.

  Williem M. Wiltshire                      Dougles 1. Brandon
  Karen L. Gulick                           AT&T Wircless Services, Inc.
  Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP           1150 Connectiout Ave., N.W., 4 Floor
  1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.              Washington, DC 20036
  Washington, DC 20036
  Counsel to AT&T Wireless Services, Inc.
  James G. Harralson                        Brign M. Madden
  Charles P. Featherstrun                   Leventhal, Senter & Lerman PLL.C.
  BellSouth Corporation                     2000 K Street, N.W.
  BellSouth Wireless Cable, Inc.            Washington, DC 20006
  1155 Peachtree St. N.E., Suite 1800       Counsel to Entercom Communications Corp.
  Atlante, GA 30309

  Heary L. Baumann                          David H. Layer
  Jack N. Goodman                           Director, Advanced Enginecring
  Valerie Schulte                           NAB Science and Technology
  Ann W. Bobeck                             National Association of Broadcasters
  National Association of Broadcasters      1771 N Street, N.W.
  1771 N Street, NW.                        Washington, DC 20036
  Washington, DC 20036
  Paul J.Sinderbrand                        Brign Sutton
  Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP              Regulatory Engineer
  2300 N Street, N.W., Suite 700            Navini Networks,Inc.
  Washington, DC 20037                      2240 Campbell Creek Blvc., Ste. 110
  Counsel to Wireless Communications        Richardson, TX 75082
  Association International, Inc.
  Tom W. Davidson                           Michael K. Hamra
  Erin L. Dozier                            Director of Regulatory and Government
  Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP    Affais
  1333 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Ste. 400   Metricom, Inc.
  Washington, DC 20036                      1825 I Street, N.W.,Suite 400
  Counsel to Metricom, Inc.                 Washington, DC 20006
 Randall Schwarte                           John T. Scott, M
 Director, Regulatory and Standards         Donald C. Britingham
 BeamReach Networks Inc.                    Michael P. Samsock
 755 North Mathilda Avenue                  Verizon Wireless
 Sunnywale, CA 94085                        1300 I Street, N.W., Suite 400W
                                            Washington, DC 20005

Syivif A. Davis                             *Via Hand

Document Created: 2005-09-27 17:16:06
Document Modified: 2005-09-27 17:16:06

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