Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to SAT-STA-19960904-00109 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIbN                         Approved by OMB
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  EchoStar Satellite Corporation                                                 ]>S'JA"ST7Q"G’£>
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       ;                              4                                    -                                                  —a e                &
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          Federal Communications Commission
          International Bureau
          c/o Mellon Bank
          Three Mellon Bank Center
          525 William Penn Way
          27th Floor, Room 153—2713
          Pittsburgh, PA 15259—0001

                    Re:       Feeable Applications for Special Temporary Authority

          Dear Sirs:

                 Enclosed you will find an original and four copies of a Consolidated Request for Special
          Temporary Authority submitted by EchoStar Satellite Corporation and Directsat Corporation,
          along with the $115,00 fee for each application.

                 Also enclosed is an additional copy to be stamped as received and returned to me in the
          enclosed Federal Express package.


                                                               William M. Wiltshire


                                   Before the
                                Washington, D.C.

                                                          ww w w w ww w e w w Ne Ned Ni a2s
In the Matter of

ECHOSTAR SATELLITE CORPORATION                                                                File No.

Application for Special Temporary Authority
to Operate a DBS Satellite at 118.95° W.L.


DIRECTSAT CORPORATION                                                                         File No.   Tc.
Application for Special Temporary Authority
to Operate a DBS Satellite at 119.05° W.L.


          Pursuant to Section 309(f) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,! and Section

25.119 ofthe Commission‘s Rules,2 EchoStar Satellite Corporation ("EchoStar") and Directsat

Corporation ("Directsat") request special temporary authority ("STA") to operate the eastern

satellites of their respective Direct Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") systems at 118.95° W.L. and

119.05° W.L., respectively.3 Grant of the requested STAs will enable subscribers to optimize the

 1 47 U.8.C. §309(D.

 2 47 C.FR. §25.119.

 3 EchoStar has been assigned channels 1—21 (odd) at 119.2° W.L., while Directsat has been assigned channels
      2—20 (even) at 118.8° W.L.

tuning of their receiving dishes for reception of transmissions from both satellites and will allow

tracking and communications with both satellites from a single antenna. Operation from these

slightly closer locations —— using spectrum already assigned to the applicants —— will not cause any

additional interference compared to operation from their originally assigned locations, and will not

compromise operations by any authorized user of the spectrum.4 If and when EchoStar or

Directsat receives notice of any such interference as a result of operating at the new orbital

locations, they would move their satellites to their originally assigned orbital locations


        EchoStar and Directsat plan to offer a single coordinated DBS service using their

combined orbital/channel assignments. Earlier this year, the Commission granted EchoStar an

STA authorizing operation of its eastern satellite at 119°, in order to allow subscribers to tune

their receiving dishes to the ideal location to receive signals from both EchoStar and Directsat.>

For similar reasons, the applicants now seek to operate their satellites with only a .05° variance

from 119°. Signals from one satellite will not interfere with those from the other even using the

proposed .1° spacing. Locating the satellites closer together will, however, provide a more

unified target for consumers to use in orienting their receiving dishes to the optimal location. In

addition, while the satellites are operating from .1° apart, the quality of signal received by

 + EchoStar has been authorized to use C—band frequencies for purposes of telemetry, tracking, and control
   ("TT&C") operations, and Directsat has applied for a similar authorization. The Canadian satellite that has
   coordinated use of the C—band fromthe 118.7° W.L. location has not yet been launched.

 5 EchoStar Satellite Corp., 11 F.C.C.R. 5353 (1996).

consumers will be enhanced as compared to the signal that would be received from satellites

operating farther apart.

        In considering applications for STAs, "[i]f temporary operations do not adversely affect

other licensed satellites, the Commission readily authorizes their use."© The temporary operation

of satellites by EchoStar and Directsat at 118.95° and 119.05° will not cause harmful interference

to any other authorized satellite system. The remaining DBS channels at the 118.8° and 119.2°

orbital locations have been assigned to Tempo Satellite, Inc. ("Tempo"), which has not yet

launched a satellite to make use of those frequencies. Similarly, use of C—band frequencies for

TT&C at the proposed locations will not interfere with any authorized user of the spectrum.

While both EchoStar and Directsat have coordinated use of the C—band from their original

locations the Canadian satellite published for the 118.7° W.L. location has not yet been launched.

If and when that Canadian satellite is launched, EchoStar and Directsat will immediately move to

their originally assigned orbital locations.

        For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should grant the requested STAs because they

will serve the public interest without causing interference to any other satellite system. Since

Directsat intends to launch its satellite on or about September 10, 1996, the applicants request

expedited action on these applications.

 6 Mobile Datacom, 10 F.C.C.R. 4552, 4553 (1995).

        In accordance with Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47

U.S.C. § 304, EchoStar and Directsat haoreby waive any claim to the use of any particular

frequency or ofthe alectromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States

because of tha previous use of the same, whether by Bcense or otherwise.

                                     ti—Drug A                 ti

        Pursuant to Section 1.2002 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.FR § 1.2002, EchoStar

Satellite Corporation and Directsat Corporation certify that neither of the Applicants nor any of

their officers or directors, nor any person holding 5% or mofe af the outstanding stock or shares

(voting and/or non—voting) of either Applicant, nor any party to this Application is subject to

denial of Federal benefits pursuant to suthority granted in Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse

Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.
                                              KCHOSTAR SATELLITE CORPORATION
                                              DIRECTSAT CORPORATION

                                                David K. Moskowitz
                                                      Sr. Vice President and Gepnbfal Counsel

                                                      90 Inverness Circle East
                                                      Englewood, CO 80112
                                                      (303) 799—8222

Wiliam M. Wiltshire
1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW .
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 95 5—8 500

Counsel faor EchoStar Satellite Corporation and
Durectsat Corporation

                                ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE

        I hereby certify that T am the technically qualified person responsgible for preparation ofthe

engineering information contained in this Application, that I am familiar with Part 25 of the

Commission‘s Rules (to the extent applicable}, that I have either prepared or reviewed the

engincering information submitted in this Application, and that it is complete and accurate to the

best ofmy knowledge and belief.

                                                      Rohan Za
                                                      Program Manager
                                                      BEchoStar Sateilite Corporation

Dated: September 3. 1996

Document Created: 2016-11-16 17:14:34
Document Modified: 2016-11-16 17:14:34

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