Attachment EchoStar response to

EchoStar response to

REPLY submitted by Echostar

response to supplemental filing


This document pretains to SAT-STA-19960904-00109 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                                                              APR 1 5 1998
                               Before the                                                                                             Faderal Communiqztions Cornmission
                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                           Office of Secrotary
                        Washington,                                                                              D.C.   20554

                                  S ue ns meur: Ses. neur Apu iess Thies ES ut We nee ut (meie NSX Inur Rue ue
In the Matter of:

EchoStar Satellite Corporation                                                                                   File No%DBS~88—01/68—SAT—ML—96
Directsat Corporation                                                                                            File No. DBS—88—02/6—SAT—ML—97
EchoStar DBS Corporation                                                                                         File No. DBS—74—SAT—P/L—96

Application for Authority to
Make  Minor Modifications to
Direct   Broadcast Satellite
Authorizations, Launch and
Operation Authority

EchoStar Satellite Corporation                                                                                   File No.   155—SAT—STA—96
Directsat Corporation                                                                                            File No.   156—SAT—STA—96

Application for Special
Temporary Authority


            EchoStar Satellite Corporation,                                                                                 Directsat Corporation

and EchoStar DBS Corporation     (collectively "EchoStar")                                                                                 hereby

respond to the Supplemental Filing of Tempo Satellite,                                                                                     Inc.

("Tempo")   in the above—captioned proceedings.‘

     * By separate Response dated April 6, 1998, EchoStar
responded to the accompanying Motion for Leave to File
Supplement of Tempo.   In its Response, EchoStar indicated that
it would be filing its factual response to Tempo‘s Supplemental
Filing no later than April 15, 1998.

             Initially,    it must be noted that the allegations

contained in Tempo‘s filing bear no direct relationship‘to

EchoStar‘s pending requests to modify its authorizations for

Direct Broadcast Satellite           ("DBS")   service at 119° W.L. and 148°

W.L.,   and its application to launch EchoStar 4 to the 119.2° W.L.

orbital location.         In fact,    if the Commission were to grant

these requests,    many of the purported concerns raised by Tempo

would become moot.        Thus,    EchoStar 1 would be moved promptly to

the 148° W.L.   orbital location far away from Tempo‘s satellite at

118 .8° W.L.    Directsat 1       (EchoStar 2)   then could be moved to

118.8° w.L.

      There should be no confusion as to the orbital position
requested by EchoStar for EchoStar 4.  EchoStar has applied for
authority from the Commission to launch EchoStar 4 into the
119.2° W.L. orbital slot.          See EchoStar Application for Minor
Modifications at i, ii, 2, 4, 6, 9, 13; EchoStar Reply at iii.
Of course, this does not preclude a later request to move this
satellite to another orbital location if circumstances so
warrant; but any such request should be considered on its own
merits if and when it is made.

        3 At the same time, EchoStar does not preclude the
possibility that it may request Special Temporary Authority to
locate EchoStar 4 and EchoStar 2 at 119.05° W.L. and 118 .95° wW.L.
respectively.  EchoStar expects that such a request would be
judged on its own merits by the Commission.   EchoStar also notes
that, in commenting on the above—captioned applications for
Special Temporary Authority ("STA"), Tempo indicated that it
prefers the relocation of EchoStar 2 to an orbital slot further
away from Tempo‘s 118.8° W.L. location in order to avoid the
continuous coordination of co—located satellites.   Specifically,
Tempo has stated on a number of occasions that it has "no
objection to EchoStar‘s request to relocate USABSS—4 [EchoStar

             Irrespective of the outcome of the above—captioned

proceedings,    EchoStar herein addresses the allegations raised by

Tempo in its Supplemental Filing.          At the outset,   EchoStar wants

to assure the Commission that it takes these allegations as to

the position of its satellites with the utmost seriousness.                In

order to get    to   the heart of the matter,     EchoStar‘s   Senior Vice

President and General Counsel,       Mr.   David Moskowitz,    has

personally supervised an investigation of these allegations.

While EchoStar continues to learn more information each day,

this Response sets forth the information that Mr.           Moskowitz has

accumulated to date.       One fact that has become apparent,

however,   is that the way in which one attempts to determine the

location of a satellite will have an impact upon where one

believes that satellite is located in space.

             EchoStar‘s Investigation of the Facts.          In an attempt

to determine the facts,      EchoStar has contacted its third party

Telemetry,    Tracking and Control     ("TT&C")   vendor,   Loral Skynet

2] to 118 .95° W.L. Relocating USABSS—4 alleviates some of the
problems that are inherent with the continuous coordination of
co—located satellites.       Thus,   the FCC should promptly authorize
EchoStar to relocate USABSS—4 at least as far west as 118 .95°
W.L. and preferably to 119.1° W.L." See Letter from Todd M.
Stansbury, counsel for Tempo, to Thomas S.          Tycz, Chief,
Satellite and Radiocommunication Division,          at 2, FCC File Nos.
155—SAT—STA—9%6 & 156—SAT—STA—96 (April 10,         1997) .

(formerly AT&T Skynet),‘ to determine whether Tempo‘s allegations

have any merit.      EchoStar has also separately obtained U.S.

Command Data regarding the location of the satellites.              As set

forth in the attached affidavit of Mr.          Moskowitz,   the data

supplied from these two sources as follows:

          e   That on March 20,    1998   at   18 :55:00 GMT,   EchoStar     1

              was located at 118 .91372002° W.L.       based upon actual

              ranging of the satellite, but that according to the

              U.S.   Space Command,   this satellite was located at

              118 .794621015° W.L.

          e   That on April 2,    1998 at 10:33:00 GMT,         EchoStar 2

              was located at 119.007791237° W.L.        based upon actual

              ranging of the satellite,        but that according to the

              U.S.   Space Command,   this     satellite was    located at

              119.099153408®° W.L.

See Moskowitz Affidavit at T 3.       Skynet has further informed

EchoStar that its ranging data should be more accurate than the

information generated from the U.S.       Space Command."        EchoStar has

requested that Skynet take additional ranging data and derive

     ‘ Hereinafter referred to as "Skynet."

     ° These U.S. Space Command numbers come from observations
made by ground—based radars and generally are not as accurate as
actual ranging information.       See Moskowitz Affidavit at T 3.

more exact orbital positions of its satellites.                EchoStar will

supply this information to the Commission as soon as it becomes


             It appears from this information that EchoStar‘s two

satellites at 119° W.L.        are not currently being maintained in

their correct      orbital   locations .     Upon receiving these data,         Mr.

Moskowitz conducted a teleconference on April 13,                1998,    with Mr.

Marty Speckhardt,      Manager of Spacecraft Operations at the Skynet

facility in Hawley,         Pennsylvania.    Also on this teleconference

were Mr.   Brent Gale,       EchoStar‘s Vice      President   for Satellite and

Broadcast Operations and Mr.         Karl Jessinghaus,        Senior Satcom

Engineer who works for Mr.         Gale and is responsible for managing

the engineering aspects of operations at the Cheyenne station.

During the course of this conversation,              Mr.   Speckhardt informed

EchoStar as      follows:

             e   That when EchoStar     1   was   launched into orbit      in

                 December 1995,    it was temporarily positioned by

     ° EchoStar 1 is authorized to operate on odd—numbered
channels 1—21 at 119.2° W.L. and EchoStar 2 is authorized to
operate on even numbered channels 2—20 at 118 .8° W.L.                   See
EchoStar Satellite Corporation, 11 F.C.C. Red. 3015                (1996); 11
F.C.C. Red. 3016 (1996); 7 P.C.C. Red. 1765 (1992);                Directsat
Corp., 11 F.C.C. Red. 10575 (1996); 8 F.C.C. Red. 7962 (1993) .
Both of these satellites are supposed to be maintained within a
satellite box of plus or minus 0.05 degrees in the east and west

                        Skynet at 119.0° W.L. This positioning was in

                        accordance with an STA granted by the Commission to

                        test this satellite;‘

                   e    That when EchoStar 2 was launched in September 1996,

                        Skynet let EchoStar 1 drift east to 118 .95° W.L.                and

                        placed EchoStar 2 into the 119.05 orbital location.®

                   e    That this positioning was done in order for both

                            satellites to be within the beamwidth of the two C—

                        band antennas being used to track the satellites at

                        Hawley and Three Peaks,           which allows only 0.2 degree

                            spacing.     Any spacing of the satellites wider than

        ?   See EchoStar Satellite Corporation,                  11   F.C.C.   Red.   5353
(rel.       Mar.       4,    1996)     (granting EchoStar an STA to operate
EchoStar 1 at 119.0° W.L.                      instead of 119.2° W.L.    for 180 days or
until the launch of EchoStar 2,                      which occurred in September
1996) .

     ° Tempo asserts that Mr. Speckhardt had a conversation with
one of its payload system engineers on March 18, 1997, in which
he stated that EchoStar 1 was located at 119.05° W.L. and
EchoStar 2 was located at 118 .95° W.L.,                     and that each satellite
is contained within a +/— 0.05 degree box.                         See Tempo Supplement
at Attachment 1.  Mr. Speckhardt states that the satellites had
been switched from the outset and he did not give directions to
change, nor did he change, the location of the satellites
subsequent to March                    1997.    He also states   that,   while he has    no
recollection of that conversation, it is possible that he might
have had such a conversation where he mistakenly gave the
reverse locations for the two satellites.

                   is allowed ‘by this beamwidth would mean that

                   EchoStar would have inadequate TT&C redundancy;°

              e    That for safety and operational reasons it was

                   necessary to place the EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 2

                   satellites close enough together to allow for each

                   C—band antenna to view both satellitessat one‘"time;
                                                     —   5c      s@pfihMa c cn

              e    That no one at EchoStar evgffld§;5géggg Skynet to

                   move these satellites to those locations;

              e    That the two EchoStar satellites have remained

                   centered in those locations plus or minus 0.05

                   degrees    (east/west)     to the present day.

              Remedial Actions.         It is now apparent that EchoStar

had not fully instructed Skynet as to how to position its

satellites once EchoStar 2 was launched and its STA had expired.

EchoStar was on notice of the possibility that,                   in light of this

failure to instruct Skynet,            the satellites may have been

operating outside their authorized parameters,                  but failed to

take timely corrective measures.               EchoStar accepts

responsibility for this failure and is putting in place new

internal procedures to assure that there is no recurrence.                       See

below.   On       the   other hand,   until   the   recent    teleconference with

     ° such an operational situation would be extremely imprudent

Mr.    Speckhardt,    apparently no one at EchoStar had been aware

that    Skynet had switched its    satellites.     Again,    that action

appears to have been taken without anyone at EchoStar

instructing Skynet to do so.

                EchoStar has already undertaken to correct these

satellite—positioning anomalies and has put into place new

procedures to ensure that they do not happen again.              As

previously indicated,       EchoStar has   requested that     its TT&C

vendor promptly report,       to the best available degree of

accuracy,       the current positions   of its   satellites at the     119°

W.L.    slot.    This information should be forthcoming in a matter

of days .

                EchoStar has also requested that Skynet immediately

develop an orderly and fuel—efficient plan for the prompt

relocation of EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 2 to their licensed

positions.        Because of prudency considerations,       however,   the

movement of these satellites to a 0.4 degree separation may have

to await the operational readiness of two C—band antennas at

Cheyenne.        These antennas have been mostly constructed and are

expected to be operational in July 1998,           in conjunction with the

relocation of EchoStar 1 to 148° W.L.         and the placement of

EchoStar 4 at 119.2° W.L.       Until that time,     Skynet must control

and risky for the satellites.

both satellites from the same two antennas at Hawley and Three

Peaks,   each of which only has a beamwidth corresponding to 0.2

degrees spacing and can therefore safely accommodate a

separation between the two EchoStar satellites of at most 0 .2

degrees.10    In the mean time,    especially since Tempo apparently

has not taken delivery of its satellite at 118 .8° W.L.        from Loral

and therefore Loral     (EchoStar‘s TT&C vendor)     apparently still

controls   that   satellite,   the parties   can avoid any risk of

collision and/or interference with TT&C operations.

             EchoStar has also instituted new procedures to ensure

that its satellites remain within their authorized orbital

locations and are in full compliance with all applicable FCC

requirements.     _A compliance officer has been specifically

designated at EchoStar‘s uplink facilities in Cheyenne,          Wyoming

to monitor the locations of all of EchoStar‘s satellites and to

review all of the instructions provided to its TT&C vendor for

the repositioning of the satellites.          This officer will have on

file copies of all of EchoStar‘s FCC authorizations.           He must

     " If the Commission were to grant EchoStar‘s pending
requests to modify its authorizations at 119° W.L.,          including the
relocation of EchoStar 1 to 148° W.L.        and the launch of EchoStar
4 to 119.2° W.L., EchoStar would ask that the Commission allow it
to develop an orderly plan for the movement of EchoStar 1 from
its current position directly to 148° W.L. once EchoStar 4 is
moved into the 119.2° W.L.      location.    In any event,   EchoStar

approve any and all instructions to Skynet regarding satellite

position changes and must also obtain the concurrence of the

company‘s Senior Vice President and General Counsel before any

such instructions are sent.     Skynet will be notified that it

must obtain written authorization with the signatures of these

two individuals before it acts on any such request to move

EchoStar‘s satellites    (other than in situations of emergency) .

          In addition,   Skynet is to report monthly to EchoStar‘s

compliance officer on the location of all EchoStar satellites

using the best available ranging data.     In this way,   EchoStar

and the Commission can be assured that its satellites will stay

within their licensed orbital parameters.

would reposition EchoStar 2 to 118.8° W.L. as soon as the second
Hawley C—band antenna becomes operational.

                EchoStar again wishes to emphasize that it takes its

obligations as a Commission licensee seriously and regrets that

in this one instance it apparently did not have sufficient

procedures in place to ensure such compliance.                 EchoStar firmly

believes that with these new procedures in place,                its   satellites

will be maintained in the future in their authorized positions.

                                         Respectfully submitted,

David K. Moskowitz                             ‘Philip MaTet
Senior Vice President              and         Pantelis Michalopoulos
General Counsel                                Michael Nilsson
EchoStar Communications Corp.                  Steptoe & Johnson LLP
5701    South    Santa      Fe                 1330 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
Littleton,       CO     80120                  Washington, D.C.  20036
(303)    723—1000                              (202) 429—3000

                                               Counsel to EchoStar
                                               Satellite Corp., Directsat
                                               Corp.,   and EchoStar DBS Corp.

Dated:   April        15,   1998



               L, David K. Moskowitz, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing

is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

                                             21 TA
                                             David K. Moskotitz
                                             Senior Vice Presideft and General Counsel
                                             ECHOSTAR SATELLITE CORPORATION
                                             DIRECTSAT CORPORATION
                                             ECHOSTAR DBS CORPORATION
                                             5701 S. Santa Fe
                                             Littleton, CO 80120

Date: April 15 1998

                         CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I hereby certify that on this 15"°" day of April, 1998, I
caused the foregoing pleading to be served by hand delivery to
the following persons:

Regina Keeney                       Tom Tycz
International Bureau                International Bureau
Federal Communications              Federal Communications
  Commission                          Commission
Room 800                            Room 520
2000 M Street, N.W.                 2000 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20554             Washington, D.C.  20554

Rosalee Chiara                      James T. Taylor
International Bureau                International Bureau
Federal Communications              Federal Communications
  Commission                          Commission
Room 516                            Room 581
2000 M Street,    N.W.              2000 M Street,     N.W.
Washington,    D.C.   20554         Washington,    D.C.   20554

Steve Sharkey                       Kimberly Baum
International Bureau                International Bureau
Federal Communications              Federal Communications
  Commission                          Commission
Room 512                            Room 894
2000 M Street,    N.W.              2000 M Street, N.W.
Washington,    D.C.   20554         Washington,    D.C.   20554

Richard E. Wiley                    James A. Kirkland
Todd M. Stansbury                   Michael B. Bressman
Wiley, Rein & Fielding              Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky
1776 K Street,    N.W.                and Popeo, P.C.
Washington,    D.C.   20006—2304    Suite 900
                                    701   Pennsylvania Avenue,    N.W.
Philip L. Verveer                   Washington,    D.C.   20004
Angie Kronenberg
Willkie Farr & Gallagher            James U.   Troup
Three Lafayette Centre              Arter & Hadden
1155 21°° Street, N.W.              1801 K Street, N.W.,      Suite 400K
Washington,    D.C.   20036         Washington,    D.C.   20006—1301

Herbert E. Marks
James M. Fink                  .
Squire,   Sanders & Dempsey,
  L. L.P.
P.0. Box 407
1201 Pennsylvania Avenue,      N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20044

                                      ‘    Michael Nilsson

                       DECLARATION OF DAVID K. MOSKOWITZ

I,   David K.   Moskowitz,      declare under penalty of perjury this         15¢°"

day of April 1998,        as follows:

       1.    My name     is   David K.   Moskowitz,   and I   am the Senior

Vice President and General Counsel for EchoStar Communications

Corporation as well as all of its wholly owned subsidiaries.                   I

have held the title of General Counsel for EchoStar since 1990.

As the chief legal officer of the Company,              I am responsible for

all matters relating to overall compliance by EchoStar with the

regulations of the Federal Communications Commission,                including

that the operations of all space and earth stations are in

accordance with the Commission‘s authorizations.

       2.    I have read the Supplemental Filing of Tempo

Satellite,      Inc.   in FCC File Nos.     DBS—88—01/68—SAT—ML—96,     et.

al.,   filed on March 27,        1998.    I have also supervised the

investigation of the facts regarding the location of EchoStar‘s

satellites as well as the preparation of our Response which

accompanies this Declaration.             To the best of my information,

knowledge and belief,          the facts contained in EchoStar‘s Response

are true and correct.           I want to assure the Commission that

EchoStar takes the allegations contained in Tempo‘s filing very

seriously and has proceeded expeditiously to investigate the

facts relating to the location of its satellites at the 119° W.L.


        3.    At my direction,       Mr.   Scott Shane,       EchoStar‘s earth

station manager in Cheyenne,             contacted EchoStar‘s third party

Telemetry,     Tracking and Control         ("TT&C")      Vendor,'Lorgl:SKYnet

(fofmerly AT&T Skynet),         to determine wheté:ifi§ifiwgfisatellites at

119° W.L.     were located.     Skynet reported back to EchoStar that

based upon actual         ranging of the        satellites,    as   of March 20,

1998 at 18:55:00 GMT,         EchoStar 1 was located at 118 .91372002°

W.L.    and that    as   of April   2,   1998    at   10:33:00 GMT,     EchoStar     2

was    located at    119.007791237° W.L.          Separately,       EchoStar also

received U.S.       Command data regarding the location of the two

satellites.        According to these data,           EchoStar      1 was   located at

118 .794621015° W.L.       and EchoStar 2 was located at 119.099153408°

W.L.      Skynet believes that its ranging data should be more

accurate than the information generated from the U.S.                        Space

Command because latter data come from observations made by

ground—based radars.

        4 .   In light of the discrepancies between the two sets of

data, EchoStar has requested that Skynet take additional ranging

data and derive more exact orbital positions of its satellites.

I expect to receive this information soon.

       5.      Upon receiving these data,              I conducted a

teleconference on April 13,             1998,       with Mr. Marty Speckhérdt,

Manager of Spacecraft Operations at the Skynet facility in

Hawley,       Pennsylvania.     Also on this teleconference were Mr.

Brent Gale,       EchoStar‘s    Vice    President       for Satellite and

Broadcast Operations,          and Mr.    Karl Jessinghaus,          Senior Satcom

Engineer who works for Mr.             Gale and is responsible for managing

the engineering aspects of operations.

        6.      During the course of this             teleconference,    Mr.

Speckhardt informed us that Skynet has been maintaining EchoStar

1 and EchoStar 2 within a +/— 0.05 degree box centered on 118 .95°

W.L.    and 119.05° W.L.       ever since EchoStar 2 was launched in

September 1996.        Specifically,          Mr.    Speckhardt indicated that

EchoStar 1 was initially positioned by Skynet at 119.0° W.L.,                         and

that when EchoStar 2 was launched in September 1996,                       EchoStar 1

was    allowed to drift east       to    118 .95° W.L.     while EchoStar 2     was

placed into the 119.05° orbital location.

        7 .     While Mr.   Speckhardt did not have a recollection of a

telephone conversation with one of Tempo‘s payload system

engineers       on or about March       18,    1997,    when   I   asked him about

Tempo‘s assertions regarding such a conversation,                       he indicated

that he could have had such a conversation where he had

mistakenly given reverse positions                   for the two satellites,     and

that in all probability EchoStar 1 was east of EchoStar 2 at

that time.        Mr.   Speckhardt stated that the satellites had been

switched from the outset and he did not give directions to

change,    nor did he change,           the location of the satellites

subsequent to March 1997 .

     8 .     Mr.    Speckhardt further stated that the positioning of

EchoStar‘s two satellites was done in order for both spacecraft

to be within the 0.2 degree beamwidth of the two C—band antennas

being used to track the satellites at Hawley and Three Peaks.

He indicated that it was necessary to place the EchoStar 1 and

EchoStar 2 satellites sufficiently close together to allow for

each C—band antenna to view both satellites at one time.

According to Mr.         Speckhardt,      this was normal operating procedure

for two co—located satellites in order to have sufficiency

redundancy on the ground in case one antenna went our of service

or was otherwise subject to an outage.

     9.      Mr.    Speckhardt emphatically stated that no one at

EchoStar ever instructed Skynet to switch the location of

EchoStar‘s satellites or move them closer together.                   I was also

unable to uncover any indication that anyone at EchoStar ever

made such a request of Skynet.

     10.     In    light   of   these    events,   EchoStar has   requested that

Skynet immediately develop an orderly and fuel—efficient plan

for the prompt relocation of EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 2 to their

licensed positions.           Mr.   Speckhardt   has   already informed me,

however,      that    the movement of    these   satellites   to a   0.4       degree

orbital separation may have to await the operational readiness

of two C—band antennas at Cheyenne.               These antennas have been

mostly constructed and are expected to be in operation by July

1998,    in connection with the         relocation of EchoStar       1    to    148°

W.L.    and the placement of EchoStar 4 at 119.2° W.L.                   Due to the

narrow beamwidth of the two TT&C antennas which currently track

EchoStar‘s 119° W.L.          satellites,   the maximum distance between the

two satellites should not exceed 0.2 degrees in order for Skynet

to control both satellites from the same antennas at Hawley and

Three Peaks.          If these satellites were any further apart,                they

could not be safely controlled with the necessary redundancy by

the available antennas.

        11.    EchoStar has also instituted new procedures to ensure

that in the future its satellites remain within their authorized

orbital locations and are in full compliance with all applicable

FCC requirements.           _A compliance officer —— Mr.      Shane Scott ——

has been specifically designated at EchoStar‘s uplink facilities

in Cheyenne,         Wyoming to monitor the locations of all of

EchoStar‘s satellites and to review all of the instructions

provided to its TT&C vendor for the repositioning of the

satellites.          Mr.   Scott will have on file copies of all of

EchoStar‘s authorizations.          He must approve any and all

instructions to Skynet regarding satellite position changes and

must also obtain my concurrence before any such instructions are

sent.         Skynet will be notified that it must obtain written

authorization with the signatures of these two individuals

before it acts on any such request to move EchoStar‘s satellites

(except for emergency situations) .

        12.     In addition,   Skynet is to report monthly to EchoStar‘s

compliance officer on the location of all EchoStar satellites

using the best available ranging data.          In this way,   EchoStar

and the Commission can be assured that its satellites will stay

within their licensed orbital parameters.

               1, David K. Moskowitz, hereby declare under penalty of pequry that the foregoing

declaration is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

                                              David K. MoskotWitz
                                             Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                                             ECHOSTAR SATELLITE CORPORATION
                                             DIRECTSAT CORPORATION
                                             ECHOSTAR DBS CORPORATION
                                             5701 S. Santa Fe
                                             Littleton, CO 80120

Date: Alpril 15 , 1998

Document Created: 2016-11-16 17:12:31
Document Modified: 2016-11-16 17:12:31

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